Warm Stone Goblet (Full Version)

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Koree -> Warm Stone Goblet (2/3/2014 3:10:36)

Warm Stone Goblet

Also see Stone Goblet.

Location: Barry Jotter!
Element: Fire
Type	G	G
Level	80	143
PowLvl	83	146

Price	3704	2649691
Sell	1852	1324845

Activation: 0 turns

Effect: If you are fighting against a Fire monster, at the end of your turn, the item attempts to make the monster Panicked*, causing it to deal 83% damage. The monster can resist this with a save**:
    Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLevel
    Major: VStat vs MonsterCHA
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
Level	80	143
PowLvl	83	146

VStat	190	200

SPCost	36	73
**If you are not fighting a Fire-element monster*** or the monster is already Panicked, then the item does nothing and you do not pay any SP that turn. Monsters immune to Panic are not affected by this.

*Your fiery opponent goes into a panic at the sight of the goblet!
**Your foe is nervous upon seeing the goblet, but shakes it off.
***The goblet only affects creatures of Fire!
Your opponent is immune to Panic.

This goblet once sealed a powerful Fire Djinni and was once owned by Akriloth! Warlic has removed the sealing abilities of the goblet, but Fire creatures will still be driven into a panic when they see it!


Basic stats thanks to Bu Kek Siansu. Numbers thanks to BlackAces.


August 27, 2013: The item was released.

Koree -> RE: Warm Stone Goblet (2/3/2014 3:10:56)

Warm Stone Goblet Z

Also see Stone Goblet.

Location: Barry Jotter!
Element: Fire
Type	Z	Z
Level	7	123
PowLvl	43	133

Price	320	4070
S <48h	288	3663
  >48h	80	1017
Activation: 0 turns
Cost: «SPCost» SP for activation and for every turn with the item equipped.

  • If you are fighting against a Fire monster, at the end of your turn, the item attempts to make the monster Panicked*, causing it to deal 83% damage. The monster can resist this with a save**:
      Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLevel
      Major: VStat vs MonsterCHA
      Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
    Level	7	123
    PowLvl	43	133
    VStat	105	200
    SPCost	14	62
    **If you are not fighting a Fire-element monster*** or the monster is already Panicked, then the item does nothing and you do not pay any SP that turn. Monsters immune to Panic are not affected by this.

    *Your fiery opponent goes into a panic at the sight of the goblet!
    **Your foe is nervous upon seeing the goblet, but shakes it off.
    ***The goblet only affects creatures of Fire!
    Your opponent is immune to Panic.

    This goblet once sealed a powerful Fire Djinni and was once owned by Akriloth! Warlic has removed the sealing abilities of the goblet, but Fire creatures will still be driven into a panic when they see it!


    Basic stats thanks to Bu Kek Siansu. Numbers thanks to BlackAces.


    August 27, 2013: The item was released.
    June 15, 2017: Price and sellback were swept. Old values were:
    Level	7	123
    Price	600	10300
    S <48h	540	9270
      >48h	300	5150

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