RE: =AQ= User interface update (Full Version)

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=AQ= User interface update

  70% (294)
  30% (126)

Total Votes : 420
(last vote on : 3/6/2014 11:44:24)
(Poll ended: 3/7/2014 14:41:00)


rephay -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/21/2014 15:23:52)

But if I had to choose one, I would actually choose for the wooden one. It fits nicely with my wooden attack menu and I also think the golden one is a bit too flashy for me.

Lord Inioch -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/21/2014 15:28:45)

I like gold the best, so my vote is for that =)

Edgemaster Scion -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/21/2014 15:37:19)

The gold looks a little gaudy to me, so wooden. But to each their own.

phycocat18 -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/21/2014 15:39:33)

Gold beacsue SHINY!

Tumulus -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/21/2014 15:39:38)

-__- The golden one is way too SHINY for me, so I prefer the wooden one.

kors -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/21/2014 15:43:32)

It would be awesome to get both, but if I had to choose I would go with gold.

DarkLore -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/21/2014 15:43:57)


Wooden. I use the wood one for my battle interface so it goes nicely :D

With that in mind, we should get a gold battle interface too![:)] Anyone who picked gold agree?

Mark Chung -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/21/2014 15:48:36)

Exactly. We need a gold menu / battle interface badly.

Daimyo Daimyo -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/21/2014 15:49:01)

Wood for me. Gold is kind of offensive to my eyes. I would've have preferred a space theme though. Darkish-blue void with a few specks of starlight. Yeah...

I use the black menu and I'm voting for wood not because I necessarily like it.

pRopaaNS1337 -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/21/2014 15:59:18)

I picked wood, because I'd prefer for background/secondary elements to remain neutral.

Lord Markov -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/21/2014 15:59:40)

I'm going for gold. It appeals to my Paladin side[:D]

Yozai -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/21/2014 16:08:52)

I take wood, more simple and still elegant [:)]

Inferno369 -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/21/2014 16:27:08)

Wooden. It suits me better as a lover of nature.

Too bad we couldn't have them both.. it'd please more people if it was switchable.

Lord Athor -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/21/2014 16:35:13)

I have a hard time deciding, would love to see both in game, but since I rather abhor "bling" I have to go with the wooden one if I must make a choise.

Neon_hyodra -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/21/2014 16:43:10)

Ofc SHINY! It changes everything. Please make the attack menu SHINY too.

Johs -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/21/2014 16:45:05)

Wooden has my vote. The golden one is too glossy and overwhelming for my liking. Wooden also matches the battle menu, which I like.

Just a question though; considering both seem to already have been designed, why not simply add an option to choose?

DragonUltraMaster -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/21/2014 16:45:21)

So..shiny... Must have beautiful!!

Uh, yeah. I voted for Golden xD
Wooden was nice too, but The golden one was a bit ... shiny;er :p


LambO -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/21/2014 16:53:38)

Both look great but, my vote goes to gold version.

Human Psychology -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/21/2014 17:31:50)

Sigh... I voted wooden.

Groundonrage -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/21/2014 17:33:23)

I like wooden ;x
Seems like it would blend into the background better.

Aura Knight -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/21/2014 17:40:22)

I like golden, but why can't it be changed by clicking it like the attack menu is?

Vellup -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/21/2014 17:46:13)

This is actually a pretty cool update that I can't say anything bad about. If I had to choose between the two, I'd pick gold most definitely.

I will say that considering how you already went through the trouble of designing two styles in the first place, it'd be a shame to just throw one of them away if putting the option to switch them is a possibility.

Uskius -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/21/2014 17:53:11)

I'm one of the people who uses the wooden one for my battle menu, so that one gets my vote. But I think they're both pretty neat- maybe if the coding allows it, would there be some way to pick which one you want? Like in the options tab or something.

Mordred -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/21/2014 17:59:10)

I like the Golden one more because you can see the symbol behind the bars far more clearly.

Kalle29 -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/21/2014 18:33:34)

Golden for me. (Making the attack menu golden as well would be even better[8D])

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