RE: =AQ= User interface update (Full Version)

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=AQ= User interface update

  70% (294)
  30% (126)

Total Votes : 420
(last vote on : 3/6/2014 11:44:24)
(Poll ended: 3/7/2014 14:41:00)


dragun -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/22/2014 2:31:38)

shi-ny gold, shi-ny gold. it means so much more when I seeeeee.... shi-ny gooooold portraits, on ev-ry player's PC.

sol1tud3 -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/22/2014 3:28:18)

Hard to decide, me wants both, wish there was a neutral option :/

CH4OT1C! -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/22/2014 3:30:49)

I'm like uncle sham, I just couldn't resist the gooooold

Being serious, it does look better gold than wooden IMO

Lord JTM -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/22/2014 3:31:06)

If you can't decide just go with the SHINY option you won't regret it.

I Overlord I -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/22/2014 3:57:09)

The golden interface is far too distracting, imo.

Instead of combining the two, as some have suggested, it'd probably be best to make it toggle-able.

Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/22/2014 5:00:32)

Gold because SHINY !

Rafiq von den Vielen -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/22/2014 5:11:59)

That golden one looks seriously neat.
Makes me feel like Sham just by looking at it.

Therefor, voted for GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLD! [:D]

Frost Moglin -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/22/2014 5:37:39)

Possibly an option of toggling between?

GRDN -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/22/2014 5:48:14) gold...much bling...such sparkles...gud wooden frame pls

(*Doge face deactivated*) Yep...not much competition here!

Memory of a Nightmare -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/22/2014 6:18:53)

FIIINAAALYYY! Much needed update. [:)] I vote gold because more versatility.

saiyen -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/22/2014 8:24:51)

I voted for gold but i agree with Dreiko Shadrack, would it be possible to have an option to switch between both of them? If it isn't then that's alright but if it is then i think it would be the best option to do.

Darius -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/22/2014 8:35:18)

Or an option to switch between the current and the two new ones. I kinda like the silver interface the way it is, not that the gold one isn't awesome, but I'd like the option to not have to change it, if I don't want to. I voted gold because it looks best out of the only two options provided, but I like the idea of swapping between both of them and the original better.

Abaraa -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/22/2014 9:12:10)

Gold obviously as its waay too cool looking and shiny and glittery, must be a obvious choice fa both, but I'd like it if it was toggle-able.

csarzeli20 -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/22/2014 11:31:09)

i like both and hopefully in the future they can make it so that you can switch it through the settings just like the how we can switch the battle menu but for now i voted gold

SIGMUND -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/22/2014 11:40:15)

How about Gold for Guardians and Wood for Adventurers ???

Airenal -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/22/2014 11:54:55)

Or Wood for Guardians and no interface at all for Adventurers?

dragons are emo -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/22/2014 11:59:14)

really want the wooden one but doesn't look like im gonna get it

DarkLore -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/22/2014 12:26:57)

They should make a way to switch the UI to any battle interface color. I don't know why they never did that in the first place. Like make all the UI's change automatically with the respective color that's picked. That would be great! Anyone agree?

Avalonmerlin -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/22/2014 12:30:30)

NONE. Don't change what doesn't need changing.

Deception -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/22/2014 13:23:53)

If, then wooden, the golden is too annoyingly sparkly.

The Jop -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/22/2014 13:30:13)

I don't understand why so many people want shiny when it's in the way of the numbers you're trying to read on the interface.

Lieutenant Necrowolf -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/22/2014 14:34:14)

I really love the idea of updating it, but why not make it so that we can choose which one we like best (original, golden, or wood)? We are able to pick the look of the attack menu, so why not be able to pick both?

Some people might actually like the gold better, but you could also pick the wooden player interface with the wooden attack menu.

Neon_hyodra -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/22/2014 14:36:13)

Dont need to read numbers when there is SHINY! Seriously though, I just look at the bar rather than the numbers.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/22/2014 14:42:27)

I voted for Golden. I find that it brightens things up and gives more pop to the HP/MP/SP bars.

dragonmasterz -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/22/2014 16:09:27)

Finally we're getting rid of that nasty gray color.

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