What motivates/motivated you to graduate from the RPA? (Full Version)

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DaiTigris -> What motivates/motivated you to graduate from the RPA? (2/27/2014 22:52:40)

About a half a year ago I stumbled across Battleon Forms and I was motivated to join on when I saw the Role playing form. The rest from then is history for me. Since then I've thoroughly have come to enjoy role-playing, even though I feel that I'm quite a novice at it and I have yet to complete the Role Playing Academy. The Thing that keeps me going is this is the most fun I've have ever done writing wise. Personally I'm very visually inclined so sitting down and working on writing out a story alone can be quite a task for me. However I've met many fun people here in this section of the forms and I've found that working with others in collaboratively telling stories with characters is surprisingly very natural for me. I'm glad to had the chance to role play with others in the past and that's what motivates me to finish the RPA. I hope that one day I'll be able to just continue working with others, old and new, in creating a story post by post.

Now what is your motivation to complete the RPA, Or what was your motivation before graduating? What do you hope to accomplish once you graduate? We can make it if we keep calm and battleon!

Master K -> RE: What motivates/motivated you to graduate from the RPA? (2/27/2014 23:06:42)

When I originally joined, back before the RP boards were remade, I was so newbie that I nearly just jumped head long into a random RP. I cringe slightly when I remember that, heh. I remember distinctly that I didn't want to be just in the RPA forever. My original motivation to move up was the Elemental Championships, which, sadly, I only got to participate in partially once, because real life commitments took up my summer to the point where I was rendered unable to participate.

Besides, I'm a wide eyed dreamer. If there are ranks, I want to rise in them, plain and simple. To me, I also wanted to graduate just so I could be one rank higher in the RP Boards. It may sound conceited, but that's just how my brain works. I made the RP board my home board, so I wanted to be...well, the very best RP'er I could be.

Then the remake occurred and bumped me back down to square one. I re graduated because...well, I'm not sure any more. Everything slowed down, so after I graduated again, there wasn't much to do. Finally, though, the Isle of Dracos has taken my interest, and now I'll try and put that RP Graduate status to use.

TJByrum -> RE: What motivates/motivated you to graduate from the RPA? (2/28/2014 8:15:15)

I have been RPing here since around the end of 2009 (or was it 2008?). I really didn't know what I was doing, and it was in the RP Boards were open to anybody. After some horrible RPing on my behalf, I started to get better and I enjoyed RPing.

I've had a somewhat tumultuous history around here, but everything smoothed out sometime last year and since then I have tried to RP a lot more. With the change here recently, I tried my hardest to get back into the RP Boards and passed the RPA after one (or two) failures in the bio thread.

The fact that I've RPed here a lot, and it being the first place I RPed in, plus I love the community here, it all helped push me into passing the RPA. I only wish people like Afina, Cod Cod, and others were still around.

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