Gauging Interest (Full Version)

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N3344 -> Gauging Interest (3/3/2014 17:44:39)

It has definitely been a VERY long time since I have had any sort of presence here on these boards. For some reason, I am continuously drawn back to these forums and I have realized it is due to lack of closure. So, because of this lack of closure, I figured I will give this one last and final try. Essentially, if this RP were to take off, this is both my hello and goodbye from these forums as I have always wanted to complete an RP here. I am hoping that both currently active members and lurkers will provide feedback for this idea and will even be willing to join if this story begins. Without further ado, here is the idea:

Name: Undecided. I have two titles floating around and am willing to bet I will be getting a lot of jokes about them. Anyways, so far I am either considering "Dont Fear the Reaper" or "Dark Horse". Yes I know these titles are music based, but they truly fit the story that I am attempting to tell.

Before I begin the plot synopsis, I do want to mention my influences for this RP so it might provide a better understanding and interest of the story. I have always been interested in Greek mythology and love all of the different tales and characters that were created. As such, a large portion of this story is influenced by some Greek mythology and the other portion being influenced by the Bible. Yes I know, quite a contrast. There is, however, a bit of overlap between the two and I feel as if I have created an interesting story based upon their influences.

Now for the good stuff.

This is the story of Death (personified as the Grim Reaper) and his brother Sleep (known as Somnus in the story). No, no one will be playing either of these two characters directly, however, they will have a huge part of the story. In fact, they ARE the cause of the story. Anyways, let me explain where the RPing begins and our characters enter. You will be creating a character who is a mighty and skilled warrior, known throughout for their legendary combat skills. However, no matter how great the warrior is, no one can escape Death. Your character, being the mighty and prideful warrior that they are, is not ready to die and pass on from the earthly realm. As such, you make a deal with the Reaper himself. Upon making the deal, your character becomes a servant of Death known as a Legion. Now I know the word Legion typically means more than one, so it seems rather contradictory to apply it to just one single character. However, there is reasoning as to why these servants are called Legion.

In the story, all of our characters will die at the same exact moment. When this moment of "group death" occurs and a deal is attempted to be made with Death, the characters will be grouped together into a squad (this occurs with every group death/deal with Death event, hence the term Legion). Yes this means that there are other groups of Legion out in the world, but at the moment, that is not important. Each squad of Legion are bound together by the Mark of the Reaper. When I mean bound, I truly mean bound. If a member of a particular squad dies, the rest of the group is "punished" with severe lack of power and life force. Each squad consists of five members and if four of the five members of the squad dies, the fifth automatically dies.

Now, no one in the squad is particularly stronger than the other members. In fact, each member contributes their own individual strengths and weaknesses to the squad which allows Death to have a powerful group of mercenaries at his disposal. Each member also has one particular, character defining power (Telekinesis is already taken... sorry). Legion also have the ability to be incorporeal and invisible within the human/earthly realm and can manipulate shadow(s) as well. Oh, and most importantly, they can easily travel to the Veil (this is the realm where Death and his brother Somnus live and where souls are transported for judgement). The Veil is primarily where the story will take place and contains entrances to the Light and Dark realms as well (i.e. Angelic and demonic beings, respectively). Fortunately and unfortunately, there will definitely be encounters with the Light and Dark realms so bear that in mind.

Ok, so youre probably wondering why in the world Death would need servants. Good question. The earthly realm is huge and so is the population of living beings within the earthly realm. As such, it is quite a task for Death to ferry all of the souls into the Veil so that they can be judged and moved to their final resting places. Normally the Legion's responsibility include ferrying souls into the Veil, triggering the events of a beings death, and maintaining the balance between Light and Dark. However, our lucky squad has a more specialized task. That task is to kill the original and first made Legion.

Now I am not going to go into why the characters are given this task just yet, nor am I going to give any specifics on Death or his twin brother Somnus. But just know, that this will be quite a fun story to tell. Oh! I forgot to mention, upon making the deal with Death and deciding to become a Legion, Death takes all memories aside from the characters name. The reasoning behind this will be revealed later on as well.

I hope I have intrigued you at least slightly with the plot. There are goals that I wish to accomplish with this story as well. They are as follows:

-Explain the relationship between Death and his twin brother Sleep (Somnus); Sleep and Death are two separate and individual processes/concepts but are extremely intertwined with each other. Sleep is more for the physical body while Death is the spiritual part.
-Explain what Death's scythe is actually used for (aside from reaping, of course)
-Explain how Death comes into the possession of each beings "Sands of Time" hourglass
-And finally, explain how Death became powerful enough to become one of the Four Horsemen

I am really intending for this story to be about character development and creation and am giving some pretty significant amounts of freedom for character creation. Upon some of the things I would like extreme creativity for:

-Powers (I know I do not have too much room to talk here as I have chosen Telekinesis for my character, but I encourage some really cool powers to be created, developed, and used); remember, Legion only have ONE defining power
-Reason for not wanting to fully die and pass on to the next realm
-Means of death (sure your character can die in combat, but I dont want five characters all dying in combat)

Granted, I will have final say on the acceptance of the characters, but I trust most will create something that will truly blow me away (please do!). If there are any further questions/comments/critiques, please do not hesitate to post them as I will be enthused by any suggestions/questions for this story.


TJByrum -> RE: Gauging Interest (3/3/2014 18:01:09)

Usually when I see a wall of text I just skim through it. But I can honestly say I read each and every word. The concept is very intriguing and it seems to be very interesting. N3344, I support this idea and I guarantee I will participate in this roleplay unless something important comes up; color me interested.

A question:
So our character is a great warrior, and - for whatever reason - they have been killed. Now we've been ferried to the Veil, and here we make a deal with Death. So Death then removes our memories except out name? Or does our character still withhold a certain degree of their past self before becoming a Legion?

I had a character in mind as I was reading the RP and will post a simple idea of him if you want me to.

N3344 -> RE: Gauging Interest (3/3/2014 18:11:34)

@TJByrum I am really and truly flattered that you are intrigued by the idea. I also appreciate the quick reply as well! But pertaining to your question, your character will only know their name. Actually, upon typing this, I will extend what they remember to their death as well. So your character will remember their name and how they died but nothing else. People, places, and things will be long erased from their memory.

I should also explain that they also remember how to fight. The only reason I did not specify this earlier was its a relatively gray area between "muscle memory" and actual thoughts/memories/events. So to be completely and 100% clear, any type of event that occurred to your character before their death will be forgotten. They will, however, remember their names, cause of death (events of their death), and how to fight.

I would also love to see a sample of your character. Pretty excited to see interest in this already, especially for a character bio already!

TJByrum -> RE: Gauging Interest (3/3/2014 18:36:02)

Not a bio, just an idea. The original idea was:

My character was born a good man, and he rallied his people together to defend themselves against an invading force. Unfortunately, he had so much success that he became hungry for more. He became a ruthless warlord who gave no quarter, cruel to his enemies as well as his allies. In time his own men turned against him. They attacked his home and killed him within; during the altercation he witnessed the deaths of his wife and daughter, who were killed in the confusion. On that day he gave up fighting and his men jabbed their swords in him over and over.

Originally, he was going to make a pact with Death in an effort to resurrect his wife and daughter and ensure they'd live a fruitful life. But seeing as he would forget his past self, this road to redemption would not matter.

However I will come up with something else, no worries.

Vanir -> RE: Gauging Interest (3/3/2014 22:07:50)

This is a very exciting concept, and I'd love to see it executed. I don't know if I would be able to participate, but I'll probably make a character even if I can't. This looks awesome!

I also really want to play Darksiders now.

TJByrum -> RE: Gauging Interest (3/4/2014 9:01:44)

I got a pretty neat idea, similar to my first one. I'm going to call him Heklos for now.

So Heklos was once a great man, a fair and just man of highborn birth. When invaders came to ransack his homeland, Heklos rallied his people and led them into war to defend their homeland. Heklos was successful, a military genius, and his courage and bravery was known to his allies as well as his enemies. But Heklos changed. Something about the war made him change his ways. He saw the power and the riches one could obtain from such conquest, and so he set out to conquer his enemies. Some say it was retribution, revenge, or vengeance, but for Heklos it was pure greed, a lust for power, and an insatiable thirst for blood. He became twisted and corrupt, cruel to even his allies. He angered so many people that it caused the death of his wife and child. And then one day his battle-weary generals quietly entered into his tent at night and killed him. The great warrior and general Heklos was murdered in his sleep.

Upon arriving in the Veil, the bloodthirsty Heklos was eager to continue fighting. He made a pact with Death himself and became a Legion. But Death removed his memories of his past life, and upon opening his eyes, Heklos was no longer the bloodthirsty, war-mongering monster he had turned into. He was simply a good man again, as if he had never changed. But something within him... something dark and cold... it called out to him. He felt grief and sorrow, treachery and lust, greed and corruption. He was confused why he would even make a pact with Death, confused why his own men would kill him in the middle of the night, and realized that his actions had caused tremendous consequences in his past life. Heklos has no other choice, and fears his questions will never be answered, but he must serve with the rest of the Legion if he hopes to obtain any sort of remembrance.

If you're confused: no, Heklos does not remember anything. He was a good person at heart, but years of bloodshed corrupted him. His 'corrupted' self made a pact with Death, but when he lost his memories... all those years of bloodshed just went away, so his corrupted self went away with it. He reverted back to his 'good' side, and now he's confused about why he's a Legion (his good side would have never made a deal with Death), and he's confused about why his men would kill him (he doesn't remember being corrupted and evil). And his good side has a lot of emotions that built up over time, so even though he doesn't remember anything, those emotions are exploding within him because his corrupted side is no longer there to suppress them; as such, he's feeling grief-stricken, heartbroken, and regret. He doesn't know why he feels these emotions, but now he's determined to serve Death in an effort to understand what he did that was so wrong.

EDIT: And oh yeah, even though he's a 'good man' now, he's got a certain... 'flaw'. It's called 'Bloodlust', and it basically means that the more he fights, the more he kills, and the more he is injured he will progressively become more aggressive and deadly, and eventually come to the point where he goes berserk and, once again, he will become corrupted and twisted. And I might be getting ahead of myself, but I'm liking Heklos so much I think I might write something about him.

Legendium -> RE: Gauging Interest (3/4/2014 12:46:04)

I think I like this idea, and I completely support it.

But there's only one problem....

There are only a few people privileged to host RPs in the new system. You'll probably have to find someone willing to co-host the RP with you.

TJByrum -> RE: Gauging Interest (3/4/2014 13:00:44)

I don't know how those privileges work, but I haven't really done anything in the past to deserve the ability to host a RP, yet I am able to. I think if N3344 garners enough attention for his RP and asks the mods he will be given the allowance to create the RP himself. Or not; like I said, I don't know how the privileges work. But N3344 has been a RPer here before, so he knows how this stuff works.

Legendium -> RE: Gauging Interest (3/4/2014 13:07:05)

If you go to your profile page and click on group membership (next to your name), you can see that you're in the RP Hosts group, as well as a few others. Those ones have the ability to make a new thread in the main RP section, but the others can only reply.
I already checked N3344. He's not in the group yet. But hey, maybe Ryu will elevate him to that status when he shows up again.

TJByrum -> RE: Gauging Interest (3/4/2014 13:30:53)

Thanks for explaining Legendium. Yeah, I hope N3344 gets to host, cause I like this RP.

@N3344: You say you was inspired by Greek mythology, so that's what I'm aiming towards for my character. He's not a Leonidas-type of character. I decided to name his Hector, after the Trojan prince, and he had a friend named Pherocles, a wife named Naomi, and a son named Alexander. Pherocles tried to save Naomi and Alexander while Hector took the opportunity to move his army to a more advantageous spot; Pherocles was unable to save them. At the end of his life, Hector was murdered while sleeping when Pherocles organized a group of other generals to kill Hector.

N3344 -> RE: Gauging Interest (3/5/2014 16:46:43)

@Vanir I would definitely love to see a character, even if you cant join. However, I would definitely like to see you in the RP as well!

@TJByrum I like the sample of your character! The ability is pretty interesting, especially as its not a standard and cookie cutter ability. Would definitely love to see a fully fleshed out bio at some point in the near future as Im intrigued by the character. Also, adding the friend character will be beneficial to later on in the story. I have plans for those who have close relationships with our characters.

@Legendium I would be glad to see you join this RP as well! Also, thank you for pointing out my inability to host a RP. I have been away longer than I have realized and things have definitely changed since Ive last been here. If this RP obtains enough interest and enough dedicated characters and bios, I will make a case towards the RP mods regarding permission to host a RP.

TJByrum -> RE: Gauging Interest (3/5/2014 18:15:06)

@N3344: Glad to see you like Hector. I'm glad you like the idea of Pherocles; they were both good men, but Hector changed and Pherocles remained good, so I'm going to try and capture that contrast of how much Hector has changed. Also, Bloodlust was more or less a flaw of the character, not the actual ability, unless Bloodlust doesn't allow me to do that.


Name: Hector
Age/Race/Gender: 39 year old human male.

Weapon(s): Hector wields a short-sword made of a dark gray metal material; it is very light and durable.
Other: Hector carries a round shield to block ranged attacks and deflect melee attacks. The shield is made from a dark gray metal material, just like his sword, and is very light, durable, and easy to carry. It is the length of his torso, so if he crouches he can shield his entire body.

Swordsman - Hector is an expert with the short-sword and uses it almost flawlessly with his shield.
Shield Expert - Hector has been trained to use a shield and has used one for as long as he's been fighting. He is creative with it, able to utilize it as a weapon and throws it like a disc if need be.
Tactician - Years of battlefield experience makes Hector an experienced and talented tactician.
Lightning - Hector's power allows him control over lightning. He can only channel from the tip of his sword, however, and without his sword he cannot use his power. He can energize his short-sword, shocking and usually killing his opponents. He can also use chain lightning, and fire bolts of lightning from the tip of his blade.
Bloodlust - Hector suffers from a severe case of Bloodlust. The more he fights, the more he is injured, and the more he kills, he will eventually build up an insatiable thirst for blood. The flaw does not make him stronger or faster, but it does make him more aggressive and oblivious to everything around him. Bloodlust slowly corrupts Hector's mind and twists it until he's an entirely different person. He can be very ruthless like this, making him very dangerous to go up against.
Melee Fighter - Hector is not equipped with a bow and never properly trained with one. As such, he must rely on support from his allies when his lightning and shield cannot deal with ranged opponents.
Tactician - Hector is a great warrior within his own right, but he was trained to be a soldier, not a lone warrior, and so he tends to rely heavily on allies, especially since they can help control his Bloodlust and suppress it.

Personality: Hector, in a normal state, is an honest, noble, respectable, and overall good man. He is friendly and will happily lend a hand, and will sacrifice himself to protect his friends and allies. It's a pretty broad step from his alter ego, which only surfaces when his Bloodlust finally consumes his mind. When Hector is affected by Bloodlust, he is cruel, angry, unforgiving, harsh, and will not hesitate to kill anyone, including his own allies; this side of him can be suppressed if he controls it. If the Bloodlust consumes his mind like it once did, Hector's personality will be forever changed.
History: Hector was born and raised in the city of Armesia. His father was a blacksmith, and so Hector would be raised up to take on his father's trade. As a child he met and befriended Naomi and Pherocles, also Armesian natives. Hector was known to be a genuinely good blacksmith in his young adult years, and spent a lot of his time in the smithy or with Pherocles and Naomi.

Around age 22, Hector and Naomi developed a passionate relationship which led to Naomi's pregnancy. Nine months later, Alexander was born. At age 25, Armesia entered into negotiations with the rest of the region in an effort to build an army and defend from the encroaching Galians. The negotiations failed and the Galians began to build up their forces. A year later, when Hector was 26, Galia invaded and easily defeated the other city-states. Armesia was the furthest from the border and so would be attacked last. The Galians blockaded the port and surrounded the city The city was afraid and decided to flee the city, but Pherocles suggested to Hector they stay and fight. Hector and Pherocles gathered the city's men and decided to fight back. They equipped themselves with armor and weapons and marched behind Hector as he fought off the would-be conquerors.

With Hector determined to stop there, Pherocles had to persuade Hector to liberate the land. His first course of action was to send out envoys to find refugees and add to his army, making it substantially larger. Hector led his force and liberated several cities through sheer tactics and strategy, until the Galians eventually retreated to ensure their army would not be decimated in a war of attrition.

Hector changed... (not finished)

TJByrum -> RE: Gauging Interest (3/25/2014 12:41:59)

I picked up God of War recently and have realized Hector is pretty close to Kratos, and so I will probably not be using Hector.

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