Ranloth -> RE: the truth (3/6/2014 16:42:42)
Passives will not be coming back, ever. Devs have vetoed it already. Also, blocks, crits, and deflections have been always broken. They weren't "balanced" in Delta, Gamma, or even Beta. They are more broken in Omega due to luck-enhancing cores, nothing else. In fact, they are weaker - the effects - compared to before. Why are they broken? Because ED uses a simple attack system, not on per-hit-basis. In fact, the only real problem is with blocks. Crits aren't really a threat anymore, after countless nerfs. Deflections are so-so, could use better scaling. And rage still remains broken. quote:
come back to fair battles, right damage given out, to many critz, to much luck,manna stealing, healing, blocking, the right weapon for the skill to work on skill tree Yeah, there weren't ever fair battles - well, they were if you paid. I don't get the "right damage given out" bit, crits are a lot weaker than in Beta/Gamma/Delta so I don't see why you want to buff them again, and... what does healing have to do with it all? It can't possibly be bad. :|