RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (Full Version)

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Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (7/19/2014 1:40:31)

I didn't mean literally trust the RNG. Just making a joke. By any rate, I am now back at full strength! Watch out Glacius!

I got your back Oliver! I his absence I declare this round open!

Starting Screenshot

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (7/19/2014 2:41:54)

Thanks Heroes of the Scape, I have been having internet trouble all morning. A lot of trouble. First it refuses to let me access the forums claiming it is subject to a child lock, one that I didn't even know existed on it, and that the forums were restricted to over 18s. Then it told me I could not de-activate it without bringing it to an EE store or calling customer service. Thankfully EE seem to have removed the forums from this restriction but I am still going to have to waste more time contacting them to remove this ridiculous child lock.

To make matters worse my connection is terrible, while doing the fujin quest I got 3 blue scrolls of doom as I kept losing connection!! This is really starting to get on my nerves. For some reason the service stabilsed a bit a few minutes ago. If the connection is this bad every morning I may have some trouble getting the ending screenshot on Monday, hopefully it won't be an issue but I am posting this just to make you aware it might be.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (7/19/2014 10:10:24)

As far as the connection goes, we think it is the work of a hacker. We were having the same problem around 9pm Server Time and someone on Twitter was taking credit for it. We all feel your pain.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (7/21/2014 1:08:21)

Alright then everyone, thats enough for a weekend, ending screenshot.
This week Glacius attack A11 and B7, Aerodu territory. Glacius lost 58 while Aerodu broke even. Glacius' attack failed.
Aerodu attacked A12 and B8, Glacius territory. Aerodu broke even while Glacius lost 58. Aerodu took A12 and B8.

Looks like its Aerodu has taken back some land, map update coming soon.

EDIT: Updated, sorry it took a little longer than usual I keep losing connection while posting.

tommy2468 -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (7/25/2014 14:08:23)

Unfortunately Hawkz hasn't responded yet, so I don't think he will be able to send in plans for Glacius.
Fortunately, I have WiFi in the place that I'm staying at for the next few weeks so I might be able to send in plans AND play the game!!! :)

How's everyone doing by the way?
Now that the other Clans have been knocked out, which Clan are you supporting, if any? (no hard feelings for who you support)

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (7/26/2014 1:04:18)

Personally I am staying out of the final confrontation, speaking of which, let the confrontation continue; starting screenshot.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (7/26/2014 14:14:11)

Had such a crazy week I forgot to send in plans. Oh well.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (7/28/2014 1:06:44)

Well lets see if that is a mistake Aerodu regret Heroes of the Scape, ending screenshot.

This week Glacius attacked A11 and A12, Aerodu territory. Glacius gained 2 while Aerodu gained 14, Glacius' attack failed.
Aerodu failed to send in plans.

So no change this weekend, Aerodu will likely be kicking themselves though for missing this opportunity.

tommy2468 -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (7/28/2014 2:19:52)

I think I'll be kicking myself for not participating more haha, but at least it's not going to change anything on the map :P

Someone must have been fighting for Glacius earlier on this weekend, because when I joined in Aerodu was down a good few points. Should have kept pushing that a bit more :P

A fun weekend at least, albeit an unchanging one

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (8/2/2014 1:06:25)

Ok guys time for another weekend, starting screenshot.

On a side note, you certainly don't mind waiting until the last moment to send in your plans, looking at Aerodu here, less than an hour before the round is due to start.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (8/2/2014 10:20:33)

Sorry. Another busy week. I will get better.

tommy2468 -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (8/2/2014 15:11:33)

Sorry too! I usually send them in on Friday, because that's when my work week finishes and I have time to worry about something other than food and sleep haha!

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (8/4/2014 1:08:12)

I don't mind when they come in as long as they come in, I was just pointing out that less than an hour before we are due to start is rather late and potentially risky.

But enough about that as this weekend's PUC is officially over, ending screenshot.

This week Glacius attacked A11 and A12, Aerodu territory. Glacius lost 46 while Aerodu lost 94, Glacius took A11 and A12.
Aerodu attacked A10 and A14, Glacius territory. Aerodu lost 94 while Glacius lost 46, Aerodu's attack failed.

Map update coming soon, congratulations to Glacius on such a landslide win.

EDIT: Map updated, quick thanks to Heroes of the Scape for pointing out a small error in the post, though in this case I had already begun correcting it I do appreciate it when it is pointed out quickly.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (8/4/2014 12:23:27)

When I saw your edit ninja me I realized you saw it.

Congrats this week Glacius! Just don't get too comfortable.

tommy2468 -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (8/4/2014 13:36:34)

Thanks for the celebrations :) Had to pull a good wee bit of fighting over the weekend to get that score up. Don't know if I'll be able to do the same next weekend (damn areas without WiFi haha)

Just wanted to make it known that Glacius is not out of the running while I'm out of country. Of the past 6 weekends we have stood up against the force of Aerodu's for 4 of those (and another where Aerodu didn't send in plans) and of those 4 we didn't send in plans for 2 weekends so we could have won several territories.

I think Aerodu shouldn't get too comfortable :P ("evil laugh")

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (8/9/2014 1:05:25)

Well, we will soon find out whose right as this weeks's PUC is now open, starting screenshot.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (8/10/2014 23:30:23)

Busy weekend finally over. Hopefully I am not to late to make an impact.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (8/11/2014 1:07:04)

Ok guys thats enough for this weekend, ending screenshot.

This week Aerodu attacked A12 and A14, Glacius territory. Aerodu gained 9 while Glacius lost 34, Aerodu took A12 and A14.
Glacius attacked B6 and B7, Aerodu territory. Glacius lost 34 while Aerodu gained 9, Glacius' attack failed.

Map update coming soon everyone.

EDIT: Map updated.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (8/16/2014 0:19:07)

Sorry for the lateness of my message. My week had almost no down time.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (8/16/2014 1:09:32)

No problem, time now for another weekend of the PUC, starting screenshot.

xXHaWkZXx -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (8/16/2014 6:59:26)

In answer to me not responding

Read This

Bye Guys!

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (8/17/2014 5:13:09)

Alright, its a shame to see you go xXHaWkZXx, hope you return at some point.

EDIT: Ok Guys thats enough for this weekend, ending screenshot.

This week Glacius attacked A12 and A14, Aerodu territory. Glacius gained 1 while Aerodu lost 138, Glacius took A12 and A14.
Aerodu attacked A11 and A10, Glacius territory. Aerodu lost 138 while Glacius gained 1, Aerodu's attack failed.

Looks like there has been another shift in power, map update coming soon.

tommy2468 -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (8/18/2014 12:30:52)

Spent most of Saturday travelling, but I'm back in the UK and was able to kick some butt yesterday :P

A fun weekend, albeit sad with Hawkz leaving.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (8/21/2014 2:11:27)

Well the hard work certainly paid off, the weekend is fast approaching though and it won't be long before the next round.

tommy2468 -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (8/21/2014 11:48:12)

Hopefully we can pull another Glacius win out of the bag.

I guess we'll just have to see :)

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