RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (Full Version)

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Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (8/23/2014 1:03:36)

Well it won't be long now until we find out, this round of the PUC has officially begun, starting screenshot.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (8/23/2014 23:06:37)

Sigh, finally a weekend that I could do some fighting and my internet is on the fritz.

tommy2468 -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (8/24/2014 5:35:49)

I've come back home to ridiculously bad internet as well Heroes, so I understand the struggle :(

You know it's bad when you can't load a 10 minute YouTube video after an hour! Haha

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (8/25/2014 1:08:45)

Ok guys thats it for a weekend, ending screenshot.
This week Aerodu attacked A12 and A14, Glacius territory. Aerodu lost 178 while Glacius lost 66, Aerodu's attack failed.
Glacius attacked B6 and B7, Aerodu territory. Glacius lost 66 while Aerodu lost 178, Glacius took B6 and B7.

Interesting weekend, congratulations to Glacius, map update coming soon.

EDT: Map updated.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (8/30/2014 0:37:46)

Good luck this weekend guys!

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (8/30/2014 1:04:51)

Good luck this weekend everyone, fight well, starting screenshot.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (8/31/2014 23:51:08)

Nobody knows.....

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (9/1/2014 1:07:15)

Ok guys here is the ending screenshot for this week.

This week Aerodu attacked B7 and A14, Glacius territory. Aerodu lost 43 while Glacius lost 55, Aerodu took B7 and A14.
Glacius attacked B8 and B9, Aerodu territory. Glacius lost 55 while Aerodu lost 43, Glacius' attack failed.

Congratulations Aerodu, map update coming soon.

EDIT: map updated.

tommy2468 -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (9/4/2014 12:54:42)

Thought we had that win in the bag last weekend, didn't expect such a rush at the end from Aerodu :P

Not sure how much I'll be able to participate this weekend as I'm visiting family. But good luck anyway everyone! :)

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (9/6/2014 1:20:28)

Well enjoy your weekend with relatives, if you get to play thats good if not just focus on doing more next weekend. Now for the starting screenshot.

Sorry its a little late, I overslept and had to rush into AQ just to take it on time.

EDIT: Ok guys thats enough for this week, ending screenshot.

This week Glacius attacked A14 and B7, Aerodu territory. Glacius lost 164 while Aerodu gained 1, Glacius' attack failed.
Aerodu attacked A7 and A13, Glacius territory. Aerodu gained 1 while Glacius lost 164, Aerodu took A7 and A13.

Congratulations Aerodu, map update coming soon.

EDIT2: Map Updated and ending screenshot added.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (9/13/2014 0:56:49)

Let the beat down continue!

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (9/13/2014 1:08:07)

Well we will soon see if it will as this weekend's round has now begun, starting screenshot.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (9/15/2014 0:36:20)

Back to the gold cap because of this weekend.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (9/15/2014 1:05:32)

Ok guys thats enough for this week, ending screenshot.

This week Glacius attacked A7 and A13, Aerodu territory. Glacius lost 123 while Aerodu broke even, Glacius' attack failed.
Aerodu attacked A6 and A8, Glacius territory. Aerodu broke even while Glacius lost 123, Aerodu took A6 and A8.

Map update coming soon.

EDIT: Map updated.

tommy2468 -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (9/15/2014 8:25:57)

Aerodu is pushing us back big time here! I'm just back to uni and it's difficult to get on to play.

Hopefully I'l have some free time next weekend. But I feel like this is the beginning of the end.

I will say I'm happy to have at least gotten Glacius to the last two :P

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (9/18/2014 9:30:48)

I would like to point out that by the time this game ends it will have been more than a year that it was going on. Not trying to sound over confident but even if Aerodu wins out the rest of the way it will take 8 weeks making it take up at least 53 weeks.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (9/18/2014 15:12:41)

Thats not surprising the last game definately took at least a year to complete, probably quite a bit longer. Its just this time I recorded the round numbers, it used to be done but it stopped before I took over.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (9/20/2014 1:01:42)

Game time!

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (9/20/2014 1:07:32)

Yes indeed, good luck this weekend everyone, starting screenshot. Remember Glacius, if you want to turn the tide now would be a very good time to start.

EDIT: Thats enough for this week, ending screenshot.

This week Glacius attacked A8 and A13, Aerodu territory. Glacius lost 124 while Aerodu lost 39, Glacius' attack failed.
Aerodu attacked A1 and A9, Glacius territory. Aerodu lost 39 while Glacius lost 124, Aerodu took A1 and A9.

Screenshots will be uploaded soon.

EDIT Map updated and ending screenshot added.

EDIT2: OK it has now been a week since anyone posted, I hope this trend reverses itself quickly. None the less plans have been sent in and it is time for this weekend's round of the PUC, starting screenshot.

EDIT3: Another weekend without posts, this is not a good sign still this round is now over, ending screenshot.

This week Aerodu attacked A2 and A10, Glacius territory. Aerodu gained 4 while Glacius lost 53, Aerodu took A2 and A10.
Glacius attacked A9 and A13, Aerodu territory. Glacius lost 53 while Aerodu gained 4, Glacius' attack failed.

Another good weekend for Aerodu, at this rate it won't be long before we start a new game. Screensot and map update coming soon.

tommy2468 -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (10/2/2014 7:15:23)

Just wanted to make an official announcement that we, the Glacius Clan, would like to submit to Aerodu surrendering all of our remaining territories.

At present there has been very little fight from Glacius and this has been partly due to my inability to play (university and several broken fingers haha).

As a result, I believe that it would be best to call it quits for this present game and allow every clan to return in a new game, rather than waiting for this game to slowly end with a Glacius defeat.

I am very proud that Glacius was able to make it to the two remaining clans in the game, so it does not feel like a defeat :)

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (10/3/2014 14:51:53)

With Glacius' surrender this game is now officially over with Aerodu as the winners, as such there will be no round this weekend and next weekend we will start a fresh game. Please can each clan have their game master report in.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (10/3/2014 16:23:12)

Thank you Glacius for being such a worthy opponent! I am a little saddened that we could not see this through to the end. However so goes life. I hope the next round goes into similar situations with just the two of us again!

For the next round: Aerodu reporting in!

tommy2468 -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (10/4/2014 6:36:51)

We may have needed to call it quits for the last game, but hopefully this game will go even better for us.

Glacius reporting in!

P.s. congratulations to Aerodu! A very tough battle

Lord Markov -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (10/4/2014 14:30:43)

*Yawns* Well I'm here, as long as school permits. Guess its time to see if we can take down Dynami again [8D]

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 6 (10/4/2014 16:08:21)

Ok I am here for Geoto of course. By the way I have updated the first post to give an updated map, since I know Aerodu are desperate to see Paxia in their colour. Heroes of the Scape your clan can now display the trophy you made, though make sure to update it with your win.

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