RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (Full Version)

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Arthur -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (7/13/2014 15:25:21)

@salene, that's a classic helm. What color do you want the hair to be...?

@The Odor, yeah, it's the goatee that had me too. Plus, it's a tribute to Tomix on his finale.

@hidan, Ah. I see you've requested a DF classic. This needs to be made.

So I'll be working in the sequence:

Tomix the Chibi :3

salene -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (7/13/2014 15:28:32)

Purpley Glowy [:)]

Looking forward to what you come up with. Also, have you considered making a chibi for yourself yet? That would be super cool :D

Arthur -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (7/13/2014 15:33:32)

Purple, of course. Dumb of me... :P

Chibi for myself...?? Well there wouldn't be much point since I won't be able to wear it here. Also, it's a bit tough, conceptualising your own character. I am sure everyone feels that way.

flashbang -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (7/13/2014 15:47:25)

King Arthur, did Seahawk tell you if we could have chibi avatars?

Arthur -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (7/13/2014 15:56:49)

I PMed him two weeks back but for some reason, he hasn't read it and replied.

Well, he IS busy so I guess he'll come online when he's free and reply. I hope Chibis are approved so everyone can go around looking cute. :3

flashbang -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (7/13/2014 16:12:34)

If it's approved than I shall be the FIRST Aegis Chibi. Your argument does not count

salene -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (7/13/2014 16:19:10)

Chibis are just so wonderfully adorable. Its hard not to love them :D

@Arthur I get it. Creating your own character can be extremely difficult unless you have a clear vision of what you want

Arthur -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (7/13/2014 16:40:11)

I intend to start a Chibivolution with my top secret Chibinator machine.
Oops... did I reveal my plan to take over the world using the power of cuteness...? :P

flashbang -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (7/13/2014 16:46:16)


Arthur -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (7/14/2014 9:03:17)

@Salene, Your request is ready,


Also in Avvy Form,


I hope you like it. :)

Arthur -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (7/14/2014 10:21:44)

@hidan_orochimaru, Your Request is ready,


Also in Avvy size,


I hope it's okay.:)

Chazero -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (7/14/2014 10:36:03)

I only have one thing to say for Salene's request:


That one you made for Hidan is good too but the one for Salene... so KAWAII!!!

Arthur -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (7/14/2014 10:38:32)

Arigato-Gozaimasu, Chazu-San...!!! [8D]

That was indeed a different attempt at Chibifying a DF Helm. Plus, it's a female so it's new to me as well.

Arthur -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (7/14/2014 14:01:10)

I was wondering if you guys would like to see short and funny conversations being carried out by Chibis. Like 4-5 lines each followed by a punchline. Just as a War event.

Do PM me your funny convos so I may Chibitize them in image form. Just 2 NPCs please. Even your own DF characters interacting will work. :)

hidan_orochimaru -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (7/14/2014 14:05:59)

Man it looks wonderful! Now we must have a class in DF called CuteKnight that use this as a helm!

Also,Salene has joined the Purple side,excellent.....

Arthur -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (7/14/2014 14:08:04)

A class...? We must request Artix to create ChibiFable... :P

Glad you like it. :)

flashbang -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (7/14/2014 15:51:52)

ChibiFable. Oh my god it has to happen. Someone PM the Devs!

Arthur -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (7/14/2014 15:56:22)

ChibiFable: Otherwise known as Cuteness Overload...!

Tomix Chibi tomorrow guys. Then I'll continue taking requests.

I hope you guys are liking my work so far. ^^

salene -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (7/14/2014 21:07:27)

@Hidan I'll never join purple. NEVER!!!!

@Arthur 0o0

Ermagherd it's so wonderfully perfect, I love it. And as Chaz said... So Kawaii!!!

Looking forward to more of your work Artie. SO far I love it all >U<

Arthur -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (7/15/2014 13:50:05)

Anybody want to take a guess at what this might be...?


LigerBeard -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (7/15/2014 14:01:52)

Above: Hmmm.... Your personal character, by any chance?

Arthur -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (7/15/2014 14:25:06)

That's Arthur's Weapon, yes. It's also the last weapon I'll be making before I leave.

flashbang -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (7/15/2014 15:40:17)

Don't forget to do your tomix chibi. And the request I sent you, if you can.

Arthur -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (7/16/2014 0:56:33)

I am still on them. Just taking a break here.

Anyways, I give you guys this...

Arthur's Lich-Eater Blade


Do comment what you think about it. I'll start work on the Tomix Chibi.

Arthur -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (7/16/2014 3:52:56)

At last. The Chibi you've all been waiting for. He of the Legendary Goatee.....!!

I give you...



Also in Avvy Size,


Tell me, what do you think of the cute and cuddly Soulweaver Tomix...?

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