RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (Full Version)

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flashbang -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (9/8/2014 19:12:06)

The Chibination machine is getting updates, it may take a while to finish. After all it's pretty outdated.
And a new weapon! Frack yeah!

Arthur -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (9/11/2014 13:53:17)

My Comeback Weapon is here.
The Blessed Revenant.


Let me know what you think. I am making a weapon after long.

Ragsrun -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (9/11/2014 14:24:59)

...I actually don't know what to think of the Blessed Revenant. I like it, a lot—it appears very mystical in nature and it has some very interesting details. 'Cept I have little clue as to what it's made of. ; Thinking about making a set of similar weapons to it, Arthur, or is this a one-shot?

Arthur -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (9/11/2014 14:33:17)

Hello Tybira...!! It's great to see such a talented artist commenting in my thread.^^

Firstly, thank you for commenting.

Okay then, for the material, you can say that this blade is made of the same material as the Paladin Armor. Going through this whole thread, you'll find another Weapon which is made of a similar material. That one is in fact, a mace.

I think I'll try and make a set for a change. So yeah, this'll be a set. :)

Chaosweaver Amon -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (9/11/2014 14:38:38)

Well, I think the weapon looks great, you really captured the whole 'holy light' type of look.

However, if it is the same material as paladin armor (which seems to be some sort of metal), it doesn't look very useable. The way the blade is shaped, and the small size of the handle seems like it would just be...inefficient.

I know, bringing logic into fantasy is just stupid, and I'm sorry if I came off as blunt, but that was really the only flaw I saw in it. Nonetheless, it looks incredible, and I think a set similar to this would be EPIC.

Arthur -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (9/11/2014 15:04:13)

I really need to work on my hilt making skills. I'll keep that in mind. Thanks Amon.^^

Glad you like it. :)

flashbang -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (9/11/2014 22:23:32)

It looks amazing, as I've said on twitter (follow me @flashyhero). It just looks amazing.

Chazero -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (9/12/2014 4:39:44)

That is awesome. Nothing more to say about it.

Arthur -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (9/12/2014 15:52:55)

Thanks for all your encouragement guys. It really helps me and keeps me going. Now for a surprise.

Ragsrun -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (9/12/2014 22:31:53)

"Talented." You flatterer. : p

You're welcome. Your gallery's been on my must-see list for a while, admittedly. So I finally got around to picking through all the links in your first post today while searching for that paladin mace y'mentioned. (Hafta say, parts of that mace are rather elegant. And I like the hand-drawn versions of Einherjar and Gae Bolg.)

Now that I know roughly what you're trying to go for, I have a better critique to say: If the Blessed Revenant is supposed to be made of the same material as the Bastion of Purity, you might want to make it clearer that it's made of metal by creating more of a difference between the white/grey hues you use to shade it. (Same goes for the mace's white shading.) They're very faint the way they are now—almost unnoticeable, and the colors easily passed off as being one hue rather than many. It's part of the reason why I thought the Blessed Revenant looked "mystical" as opposed to "worldly." Amon's comment about the hilt is good too, even if these weapons are meant for a fantasy setting.

A set would be nice though. Now what's the surprise?

Arthur -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (9/13/2014 1:21:49)

Actually when I was trying to go for the Paladin shade, I had no Idea what the actual shade used for the armor was. So, assuming it was 249 on R,B and G, I continued. I think that that shade being so close to white was the reason that any shade lighter than that was barely visible on the weapon. I still need to work on my shading and getting the proper tones for the shades.

Here's the surprise,


My OC. It's a work in progress and is my very first venture into Photoshop lineart. Notice the messup where I am using two different styles of brush.

salene -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (10/27/2014 1:01:25)

Will you still take chibi requests???

Arthur -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (10/27/2014 8:35:13)

I'll try. Although my college work leaves me with lesser amounts of time nowadays, I'll try nonetheless.

So, what can I make for you...?

Arthur -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (12/20/2014 13:37:01)

Phew, it's been quite long eh...?

I give you my newest creation, The Decimus of the Pharaohs.


I do hope you like it.

Click for larger version...!

Ragsrun -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (12/21/2014 18:54:30)

Welcome back from the clutches of college. : p

Y'know. I like this weapon. I'm not sure what to make of its name, but design-wise, it's an interesting piece of work. Its shape is good and all the little detailed additions, like the black parts on the blade or the minuscule bits on the handle, make it even more fascinating to pick apart. Violet highlights on the black portion of the pommel is a nice touch too.

The main bone I'm going to pick at its shading. I know your shading is there mostly because I've sat down and squinted at your art; it's not very obvious to a passing eye. So as mentioned a while back, I suggest you continue working on your color choices.

Arthur -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (12/22/2014 14:47:09)

Hey Tybira.^^

Glad you like the Weapon. I need to get creative with names, I guess.

I'll work on my shading, as you said.

Thank you.

Arthur -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (12/23/2014 14:25:04)

Inspired by a fellow artist, I now move to Monsters.

I give you, the Armored Orokk.


High-Res version: Clicky here...!

flashbang -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (12/23/2014 18:24:44)

He looks like a cousin of one of the monsters in Robina's quests. The one where you have to put gold on the animals? In the cave, those monsters.

Arthur -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (12/24/2014 1:34:20)

Now that you mention it, yeah. The Orokk does look like those same monsters from Surewould forest.

Okay, anyone have any monster type suggestions that they'd like me to do next...?

Arthur -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (12/24/2014 7:50:30)

A Preview of what's to come. Who might this be...? :)


flashbang -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (12/24/2014 12:31:05)

Is it your personal character?

Arthur -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (12/24/2014 12:57:40)

@flashbang, It is. And I've already spent a considerable amount of time on it. :p

flashbang -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (12/24/2014 14:59:36)

I thought it was. Your Twitter profile pic (who was your OC if I remember correctly) has a similar head to the silhouette.

Arthur -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (12/24/2014 15:01:42)

Hehe. Yep, the avvy is my OC.^^

Ragsrun -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (12/25/2014 3:44:35)

The critter does rather remind me of a Basilisk, since you two mentioned it. Still—not quite the same, which is pretty interesting.

And mmmm~...sneak peek silhouette. Makes me want to make one myself. x)

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