RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (Full Version)

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Arthur -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (12/25/2014 4:30:49)

Go for it. :)

Arthur -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (12/28/2014 13:21:37)

Where would you like to find him standing...? What would he say to...? What could be his story...?


For a bigger picture:

Just having some fun. :p

Azan -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (12/28/2014 20:13:55)

Oooh, nice! I really like his left hand... it looks... magical.

Arthur -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (12/29/2014 13:22:40)

@Azan, Thank you. It is Magical. :)

Ragsrun -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (12/31/2014 6:46:13)

I'll try to be brief and only give my thoughts on the overall piece. Adding extensive guesswork about his origins, speaking style, topics he's willing to talk about, and etc would become lengthy. ;

So first, good things. Congratulations! Y'have a fully Flashed character and he looks fairly dashing. A steadfast fellow. The (viewer's) left hand ain't bad, plus there're also clothing creases, details to the shoe soles, hair that doesn't seem too "chunky", and several other tidbits I could compliment you on—but let's not go there since that'd mostly serve to increase this post's word count. I'd rather not sugarcoat things too much and dart straight to CC for quicker reading purposes.

1. Let's start with clothing technicalities. Yes, I did say it's good you had creases. At the same time though, it looks like they're just...there. Wrinkles exist on his shirt, jacket, belt, pants, and shoes—however, the shading doesn't always follow up on them, in particular downwards from the belt and on the (viewer's) right thigh. There's also general stiffness about his garments that makes him look flat and/or without great physical fitness despite his abs showing through his shirt. To help remedy these problems, it might be best if you study a few fabric references or fashion models to get a better idea of how cloth ripples appear, or maybe glance at newer in-game art like Ash(endal)'s NPC since he's done in Flash too.

2. There are sometimes small bits of white such as on his left shoulder, right chest, and around the shoe soles. I'm guessing those aren't supposed to be there?

3. I also wanted to touch upon your usage of the Brush Tool. It's great you're adding extra swirls and stripes to his garments and claw, but simultaneously they look a little messy, especially on his shoes. Maybe they'll look nicer when you get better at shading clothing though. On a similar note, the decorations don't seem to follow the shading on their surroundings. Unless they're glowing or something, they should behave like everything else does.

4. Hair. It is intensely black and intensely shiny; if I didn't squint at it, I really wouldn't have noticed there was shading on the tuft ends. Either his hair's enchanted or that's a place where you might have to work on your color choices. : p

Gonna leave off here since this is quite a bit of text. Hopefully it doesn't seem too crude, and helps you a little.

Arthur -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (1/2/2015 11:18:01)


Woah...!! Thanks for the CnC Tybira.

1. This has always been one of my biggest problems while sketching/drawing anything. I have yet to develop that sense for understanding how fabric behaves on body and how I can draw it in a most organic way so as not to make the overall piece not seem too flat. I continue to work on this aspect of my artwork.

2. Yes, that's perhaps resulting from my exhaustion after working on this project. I have missed out on those white parts. I'll get to them.

3. Hmm... About the brush strokes, I've just started experimenting on them after getting inspired by Dracelix' work on the Paladin weapons but I have yet to perfect that without overdoing things too much.

4. I actually made the hair red but seeing how the whole thing was becoming too much of red-centric, I decided to dye it black. :p I get that the shine's too much. It's like he has a molten gob of black on his head. I'll work on that.

Once more, thanks a lot on your constructive criticism. It really helps a lot to have a friend's perspective. :)

Arthur -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (1/7/2015 5:01:05)

I decided to take a break by creating something fun.


A huge Thank You to Sathorn for the "Pink" idea.

What next...? Purple...?

Arthur -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (1/8/2015 6:07:47)

Presenting Issue #2.


Bigger Size

Please do let me know if I should change anything or the fonts. Anything you feel.

Btw, I do take suggestions on Twitter. If you want, you can follow me at @ADragonlord.^^

Arthur -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (5/27/2015 10:39:09)

*brushes dust off the thread.*


I hope you like it.

flashbang -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (6/19/2015 19:53:48)


I like this slime. I like those eyes.

salene -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (6/20/2015 3:35:13)

Once again, Flashbang gets right to the point. "A man of few words" XD

Im never gonna let you live this down now

As for your slime, I really like what you did with it. It seems like something I might floating around in either

A: The void

B: Cysero's soup

I hope you keep making awesome art, as you really do have quite a bit of talent. Also, just keep generally being awesome


Arthur -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (6/25/2015 3:26:11)

Thanks guys...! Much appreciated.

Here's another of my weapons. I call it Abaddon's Bane and well, the weapon tells its own story.


Rayen -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (6/25/2015 7:13:13)

I daresay a weapon as ferocious as this would not only be the bane of this Abaddon you mentioned D:

I really like the claw-marks, and the red dots arranged around the weapon really stand out against the soft greys and yellow/golds.

It's such an unique weapon that I'd be very interested to see what sort of person would wield it...any chance of a picture of it being used to slay Abaddon at some point in the future? Or would you rather leave that up to the imagination?

A question about the weapon: were the semi-circles in the cutting-edge an original design feature of the weapon, or were they broken off in battle?

Great work as usual and I look forward to whatever you have planned next. Going from Slime to axe, I'm sure you'll catch us all by surprise :D

Arthur -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (6/25/2015 7:25:09)



any chance of a picture of it being used to slay Abaddon at some point in the future? Or would you rather leave that up to the imagination?

Umm... well, if I do draw a depiction of this weapon being used to take Abaddon down, I'll have to sketch it out on paper. My skill with Flash is still inadequate to be able to carry out a task of such complexity as depicting a battle scene properly. So, I believe revving your imagination is the best I can ask you to do while I ponder over whether I should draw it or not. Now that you mention it, I do feel like drawing it. Hang around, who knows...? :)


A question about the weapon: were the semi-circles in the cutting-edge an original design feature of the weapon, or were they broken off in battle?

Those are an original design feature and something that I like to use in almost all of my weapons. If you check out my previous weapons, you'll find that they have those semi-circular cave-ins at some area or another.

Glad you like my work and I do hope I can catch you by surprise with whatever I cook up next. ^.^ Cheers...!

Azan -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (6/25/2015 10:55:55)

Well that's a very well-drawn, fearsome axe! Great work!

Arthur -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (6/25/2015 12:35:44)

@Azan, thank you...!

flashbang -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (6/25/2015 20:38:51)

Arthur's axe= awesome.

Arthur -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (6/26/2015 0:24:59)

@flashbang, Thank ye.^.^

Chazero -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (6/26/2015 4:24:36)

Ooh me likey.

Arthur -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (6/26/2015 14:53:57)

Thanks Chaz...!

After Abaddon, we come to Gehenna.

The weapon, Hunter of Gehenna was used to stop this demon who, unlike Abaddon relies more on her magical skill. A part of her got attached to this blade and cursed it.


Once unleashed, the Blade courses with Gehenna's ancient energy,

Unleashed Hunter of Gehenna

That makes 2 demons. The last one is Inferno.

flashbang -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (6/27/2015 1:08:50)

Ooh. Glow-y sword special. I like.

Mandatory few words comment aside, I really like the design of this one. The purple outline, the gem in the center of the cross guard that looks like an eye, and how the blade being cursed makes it seem like the blade changed colors because I doubt the creator of the blade liked the contrast of the handle and blade.

Arthur -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (6/27/2015 1:24:43)

That hilt keeps the user from getting cursed... to some extent.
It's meant to be made of a blessed metal. Now I just need to learn how to animate things.

Arthur -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (6/27/2015 15:42:01)

Okay, so I wanted to give you guys a surprise since we talked about that a while ago. What I made today was not art so much as it was a part of Designing, what I am doing as a student.

I present to you, the AdventureBag.

The Front Side

The Back Side

The bag you see is handmade, much like the little string bags you are given when you buy new watches from a watch store or jewelry, without the string, that is. It doesn't take much time creating a bag as much as it does creating the content on it. I got inspired by AdventureCouch#8(Artix' Video DNs) that I saw yesterday and decided to put Artix and Cysero on it. I painted the outlines using black poster color instead of markers or gel pen.

So this was the surprise. I'll try and put up more of such stuff that I learn just for a change once in a while.

By the way, if someone wants to learn how you make this bag, like with dimensions and all, feel free to PM me. :)

Azan -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (6/27/2015 17:27:02)

Oooh, a bag! Well that's very original AE fanart, Arthur!

I like how it's done. You've done a great job with Artix and Cysero, and I actually love that Cysero is upside down. That seems... very much like him! A great thumbs-up for that one! Do you plan on making other AE-related bags? If so, I'd love to see them!

I somehow missed the Hunter of Gehenna when you posted it, but I think it's great, too! I like how you explain the lore behind the fact that it starts glowing when unleashed, and the handle being white versus the blade being very obviously cursed... it's great to have a bit of lore with weapons, and I'm hoping for more! A very small detail though, the white, yellow and red parts of the blade itself somehow look like cheese with cherries for me. Just a detail, of course!

And if you ever learn how to animate (which would be awesome), seeing an animated version of that blade that switches behind non-activated and unleashed would be glorious!

Arthur -> RE: FableVerse and Other Creations (6/28/2015 0:49:10)


I do intend to make more bags with AE art on them, and put in some strings too if I can get my hands on them so that they look like complete bags. I might even think of shipping them to you guys. XD

For the Hunter of Gehenna, I agree that the yellow parts look weird, a bit. I guess I need a better color scheme for those.

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