Give Legion more of a handicap (Full Version)

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The berserker killer -> Give Legion more of a handicap (4/3/2014 20:50:07)

I have heard that the losing alignment still gets war prizes, and I am against that. But if many of you feel so strongly with exile being overpowered then its about time that we stop complaining and start offering/requesting/discussing things that can be done. We are getting nowhere with complaining.

From what I hear, Legion has more players than Exile however Exile has more active players. What I want to discuss is whether or not we should just give Legion an extra handicap. Maybe Rabblefroth can put together some sort of coding where Turrets increase in damage with fewer legion members on and decreases in damage as more of them log on? That seems like a viable option.

For example: If 200 legion members are online then the turrets do something like 70 damage per shell. However if 350 Legion members are online then it does 35 damage.

Now those are rough numbers because its just an idea. As an Exile player I am all for that idea rather than giving the losing side (I'm not saying Legion will lose) access to the War Chest. What do you guys think? It is time for us to stop complaining and offer suggestions. This is only in general discussion to be discussed first between the Epicduel Community.
--Ghost God--

edwardvulture -> RE: Give Legion more of a handicap (4/3/2014 21:46:53)

The losing alignment has to pay for war prizes while the alignment that wins gets it for free. Having one side get completely nothing would just lead to more players leaving.

The berserker killer -> RE: Give Legion more of a handicap (4/3/2014 22:02:11)

I would rather get nothing if exile lost than pity. I have no more motivation to participate in this war since I can just buy the items. Several other players feel this way.

Mother1 -> RE: Give Legion more of a handicap (4/3/2014 22:08:34)

@ the berserker killer

While I feel the same way you do since in real war the losing side doesn't get rewards either. However in this poorly one sided war if the opponents not only know they are going to lose, but get nothing as well many people who are opposite than you will get demotivated and quit.

I know it is sad but in this game people want to be rewarded for their efforts win or lose.

As for the original post

there are already handicaps set up for the losing side.

Also there is a turrent that becomes more powerful with the more damage the enemy shield takes as well.

MirageD -> RE: Give Legion more of a handicap (4/3/2014 22:28:00)

IMO this war isn't the cause of players quitting or playing……i think the real cause is there is a general feeling amongst the players that the devs have given up on this game [:(]

Variation -> RE: Give Legion more of a handicap (4/3/2014 22:37:53)


Having one side get completely nothing would just lead to more players leaving.

Exactly. People need to open their eyes and see that this game is dying. We can't afford to lose anymore players. Only rewarding one alignment would severely harm the game. Sure there are some people who can alignment hop(for future wars), but what about the people who can't? I think that it is a great idea that the developers are at least giving the losing alignment access to the prizes, but if the price is steep it will do very little good. In my opinion, everyone with the required amount of influence should be able to claim the prize for free after all they're part of the minority that actually still play this game. Just think about it. Unless a better reinforcement system is programmed the chances of the losing alignment ever winning a future regional war is very low. It is also made lower due to the fact that you can change alignments at the click of a button (when the wars are on cooldown). Anyways, the issue is now members of the losing alignment are paying that price to claim the prize for possibly every future regional war, how is that fair? Of course that wouldn't be the case if a better reinforcement system was programmed; where the losing alignment would actually have somewhat of a chance. As I've said before even if I was a part of the winning alignment I would not be happy to see that some members of EpicDuel's gaming community that worked harder than me in the war have to pay to claim the prize. I still have faith in this game and I want to see it live on to its potential. These wars can have a significant impact on the game, lets just hope it's positive.

The berserker killer -> RE: Give Legion more of a handicap (4/3/2014 23:44:20)

I hate the idea of rewarding the losing side [:@][:@][:@] however you are correct. We have to try to get more players online.

dfo99 -> RE: Give Legion more of a handicap (4/12/2014 5:31:18)

exiles players play hard, then is fair they win. the berzerker ideia looks nice, but need work for exiles also.

EpicIsEpic -> RE: Give Legion more of a handicap (4/12/2014 7:53:49)

Ok.... So.... I must agree with dfo99 on this one....

You know how they removed the looses so other players can't see and noone would worry about their %?
If this idea would come true then the side with the highest win % would win the war. (well ofc. there is the bromb drops and few other things as the commander core & the package with which you get the bombs...)

And i wouldn't mind not having the prices (because i am legion) as long as they only change the looks and don't affect balance nor economy of ED

kosmo -> RE: Give Legion more of a handicap (4/12/2014 14:37:46)

Devs decided the outcoming of wars in most of the cases...It s disappointing to know there will be another no contnent war, disappointing to know they re working for a bounch of players only, the majority of us isn t interested in what the game is offering with these wars.They can try as much they want, at this point the 2 alligments can t be balanced, remoove them totally.

dfo99 -> RE: Give Legion more of a handicap (4/12/2014 17:37:26)

i back in my opnion. a problem in this suggest is afk and troll players, also is unfair with hardcore players.

JariTheMighty -> RE: Give Legion more of a handicap (4/13/2014 8:17:00)

One thing I haven't understood is that why do Exile bombs deal more damage than the Legion ones. Dread Bombs (Exile) deal 38-46 if I'm right, while Dread Shells (Legion) deal around 25-34. Seems a bit odd. [>:]

Ranloth -> RE: Give Legion more of a handicap (4/13/2014 8:37:04)

And people have said the "War Secrets" DNs were pointless. - read through the descriptions of each turret, and check it in-game too. They work differently, all of them.

JariTheMighty -> RE: Give Legion more of a handicap (4/13/2014 8:45:52)

Yes, helpful in a way. No numbers though. I've never seen the Legion bombs deal the same damage as the Exile bombs (38-46).

The berserker killer -> RE: Give Legion more of a handicap (4/13/2014 9:59:29)

@ Trans you're right. The Legion SHells shouldnt have a damage ratio on it. It should just depend on the turret you are firing at. Then the supershells should multiply that damage by two

Ranloth -> RE: Give Legion more of a handicap (4/13/2014 10:13:31)

I didn't say that, so please don't put words in my mouth, since I was merely explaining how the turrets work - by linking to the DNs covering the topic.

ambien -> RE: Give Legion more of a handicap (4/14/2014 23:18:41)

and now you know why ed is dying, like said in one of the post here the devs do not care about the game play. the war was dumb, all it did was cause problems . legion which l am got a handy cap they said lol for real, get real. exile players out numb 4--1. even if legion players which at the most that play are around 50 are no where near the exile players on any given day.

and after this dread war another war for real it will be worst then this one for legion players. l hope the deves sit down an look what they done to ed, with omega damage in the game.

the war, all it is, is a delay to try to keep ed going but the war has no meaning never will since omega really messed up the game play. just fix the game damage, balance, critz,blocks, and then worry about wars games. hey why not have exile and legion fight side by side vs a evil force ever thing of that devs. just fix it

Mother1 -> RE: Give Legion more of a handicap (4/15/2014 0:16:20)

@ Ambien

What would be the difference between having exile and legion fight an evil force and exile vs legion war which we have now? Both are delay tactics, and making your suggestion would also take time as well.

Cyber Dream -> RE: Give Legion more of a handicap (4/15/2014 10:50:55)

My idea would be to scrap the whole legion and exile system, start over, and make us choose by answering a series of questions. Though there will have to be a ton of different questions.

Mysterion. -> RE: Give Legion more of a handicap (4/15/2014 18:37:45)


People need to open their eyes and see that this game is dying.

Not even a little..


I still have faith in this game and I want to see it live on to its potential.

Won't happen unless the devs change things back how people liked them, the game is going to hit rockbottom in no-time at this speed.

The berserker killer -> RE: Give Legion more of a handicap (4/15/2014 18:47:35)

Whats wrong with the shells damage increasing with the amount of Legion Players active on that day and the War Bombs increasing with the amount of Exile Players on that day? Then winning the war can just be determined through activity.

P.S. Sorry Trans. I think it'd be a good idea not to give the shells a damage ratio. Just let t depend on which turret its firing at.

Mother1 -> RE: Give Legion more of a handicap (4/15/2014 19:19:55)

@ The berseker killer

Then all people would have to do is spam legion alts in game to get high damage from shells. As long as they are online they could do nothing while the other players could just fire shells while they are present thus earning an unfair advantage.

Variation -> RE: Give Legion more of a handicap (4/15/2014 19:34:03)

^That flaw would apply to both alignments.

Mother1 -> RE: Give Legion more of a handicap (4/15/2014 19:41:11)

@ Variation

the person was talking about the shells which only legion can use since they are on offense. Said person mentioned nothing about the bombs for exile.

The berserker killer -> RE: Give Legion more of a handicap (4/15/2014 19:41:48)

I say if they want to alt then let them. If the mods don't catch them then they get away with it. But right now there are more legion players than exiles, just not al legon players are active.

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