How do you create a well done interaction? (Full Version)

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DaiTigris -> How do you create a well done interaction? (5/21/2014 18:26:54)

From a passing glance to saying hello, the simple truth is every little action and response we make towards others is a degree of an interaction. In Role playing this is one of the keys to making a role play fun and engaging for everyone. However what amount is just enough? Should every person you meet have to be pulled into your grand quest for glory or just talking have your characters talk about how things have been going for them? More importantly what are the kind of actions make good precursors for a possible interaction? What kinds of interactions require extensive planing for them to work out instead of just posting as you go?

In short, what do you think it takes to create a well done interaction?

I think it requires a certain amount of balance listening to those your working with and keeping an eye on what's going on. The most fun I had working with others for a collaborative interaction was when I could pretty much work from reaction to reaction and listen to what the characters where saying instead of bantering about what they could do.

TJByrum -> RE: How to create well done interaction. (5/21/2014 18:50:03)

I think character-interaction is necessary for practically any RP. There's no point in RPing if you don't interact with the other players, otherwise you may as well just write a stand-alone story. That said, I've always actively sought out as much character interaction as I can. My first roleplay was The Raven Tower (Cod Cod Lord of Mysteries) and in it I interacted with someone; he flew me up to a dragon and we worked together to take it down.

Not sure with who, maybe Black Knight, but one time we did these back-and-forth PM's to create a drawn-out conversation in a single cohesive post. It was successful and I was glad to do it.

In Felicity, I worked with Black Knight to include his character into my History and he then included my character into his History. It mentions how the two first met: my character botched a job his character was trying to accomplish. I'm hoping to pursue the relationship between the two characters since Jack (my character) doesn't like rich folks and Kailan (Black Knight) was born rich.

I am always open for any sort of character interaction, especially when it concerns drama (two characters arguing over morality or something), but I would like to do one where two characters are having a genuine friendly conversation.

Isis -> RE: How to create well done interaction. (5/21/2014 23:11:27)

Regarding your questions in the first para':

1. Enough of a response to fulfil its purpose; casual conversation only needs a few lines, deep and meaningful life-changing yarns would take a little more. The same can be said for the effort that goes into making it. You could ask a roleplayer beforehand how their character would react to something, or do it and find out. Either way works fine, so long as each party is respected.

2. Interaction isn't mandatory, so you wouldn't be expected to reach out to, or grab at every passing character for the fact that they're there and you're able to. It doesn't have to be reciprocated, either. You do have cases where characters are in the same room, interacting with the same people, and yet there is no acknowledgement of the other from either one. Likewise with one-way conversations. Sometimes it's the characters' natural behaviour, sometimes it's the author's. It's a hard truth to learn and get used to. However, we can explore or propose possibilities, which is one thing the OOC is for.

3. To initiate a good interaction in a direct way, find something about that character that might appeal to yours, and formulate an approach that will earn the type of responses you want. I usually find the common ground, like if both characters have a shared ancestry or profession, had witnessed an event, or happen to be doing something that evokes interest or pertains to what my character's doing. If it's a character with which you've already established a relationship, good or bad, the options are endless, and you'll need fewer explanations for your actions because your history together would/should explain it. Indirectly, your character can attract attention to themselves through their behaviour, a gesture, or something as simple as the manner of their entrance.

4. In my experience, you can carry out the most elaborately inclusive scene without having chewed over the details for weeks beforehand. "Extensive planning" applies to the story behind each interaction, if there is one. You wouldn't normally encounter a need for that in Roleplays run A to B, where whatever options given are explained, or along a linear plotline. The times I've had to really think beyond the next two steps, outside of being a GM, were when I needed to use other people character's to power through an event. Usually this happened in free-roam Rp's, and usually I'd be the person to make it up. Letting things develop naturally is something I actually prefer. I'd only caution against acting on a whim, or being spontaneous when it runs the risk of breaking code (bunny, godmod, overpower, etc.).

As for what it takes:

- A respect for preference

Whichever method you choose, whether it's the traditional response-per-play, or collaboration, it should always align with your preferences. Typically, roleplayers consider the IC situation and choose an interaction method that will best convey what they want to happen. What the 'event' is (dialogue, movement, battle, etc.) also comes into effect, for example: PvP scenes written as collaborations have better fluency than actions stretched out post-by-post. However, I believe the ends can be achieved through whatever means in this case, and that roleplay conventions can be viewed as guidelines.

For instance, I have entered many collaborations only to post a novella's worth of independent paragraphs that could have been submitted separately, rather than a week later and all sardined together. As unpleasant as that may sound, I had a lot of fun with it, and that's the key thing. As writers, we need to take care of our muse, especially in a world that is near dependent on multi-tasking, and having everything done Immediately and not a second later.

- Finding or achieving good chemistry

This isn't how super seriously involved and 'made for each other' people are. To me, it is how well people can work or write together. In this case, work and write.

It's awesome when a player takes what my character has said or done, and interprets it through their character's PoV, so I try to give as much of that back as I can. It can be an outward reaction (hiding, laughing, gasping, facepalming, following suit, etc.), or ponderous introspect (inside commentary: endless options) that creates a tapestry of thoughts, marrying together all the dread, amusement and 'ohgodwhy' elicited by a character's deeds. In whatever form you choose, and however frequent or brief it is, acknowledgement can enhance an interaction. To make a good interaction, where there is an act or prompt and a relative response, players must be willing to cooperate. Talk about things if ever you're unsure. Remember that making a mistake is the best way to learn, and learning from them is the best way to recover. Receive criticism or advice with a graceful poker face and a willingness to see it their way.

The end.

(Amazingly on-topic! Therapy is working [:D])

Starstruck -> RE: How to create well done interaction. (5/23/2014 9:56:42)

Think of it as a dance.

There are 3 kinds of dances between two people.

You can dance casually, just having fun with it, free-rolling with whatever comes to mind. This is primarily an individual dance done socially - there is no physical contact, no dance "moves," and little interaction between dancers. I also count the old "slow-dance," among other common dances, as part of this category. The dance isn't special, it's just something everyone knows how to do that they end up doing with each other. Just because you both know The Electric Slide, a polka shuffle, or a waltz doesn't mean you're necessarily interacting or collaborating.

You can battle, showing off your flashiest and coolest dance moves one at a time. The focus here is slightly competitive, but it also is designed to keep attention flowing from one fighter to the next, though the actual dancing remains semi-coherent through the entire thing. Only one dancer is dancing at any particular time.

You can coordinate, and this is where the stops get pulled all the way out and tossed onto the floor. Prepare a routine. Organize and collaborate. Twist, twirl, spin, sashay - with your dance partner, you can prepare some tricks in advance to show off to your audience. Your bodies flow and blend together, and it becomes 1 dance with 2 people rather than 2 people with 1 dance.

The first was your average RPA RP. You got to do your own thing while other people did their own thing, and a lot of the time your own thing happened to involve other people (since you needed material to go off of and only had your character to control). Still, everything involved was done with a singular character in mind; I don't recall seeing any specific interaction where a player's backstory influenced another player's actions - the character reacted superficially to events as if there were some formula to the character that the player had to follow. Marcia is creeped out by Ratticus because she is deathly afraid of rats. IFnivoneifj is an elemental being from a superior dimension and acts arrogant to everyone else, which the stoic loner Michael doesn't appreciate.

The second is the Elemental Championships. (I'd like to point out here that the Finals of the Elemental Championships usually reach the 3rd type of dance. I merely speak for combat RPs in general.) Each character is primarily concerned with his or her own actions, but interaction with other, similarly motivated characters is necessary for victory. Therefore, collaboration occurs. Moves are shown off. There is no direct competition in the form of killing and death, because those killed may be resurrected for the Finals round. It is pointless therefore to have a strategy of "winning" by conclusively defeating enemies; the goal instead is to show off what your character can do and bounce her off of other characters to show off what they can do.

The third is the careful and good RP. Other characters are carefully considered. Actions and reactions are thoroughly planned. The goal is not to put on a show; the goal is to see how the character reacts in various situations, with various allies and enemies, testing characterization and setting both. Characters often do things at the same time, with the timeline of events being carefully considered and fully thought through. Each facet of the character finds a matching edge on another - there is no wasted space. You are writing a story with others, not a story involving others.

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