On a scale of 1 to 10.... (Full Version)

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dethhollow -> On a scale of 1 to 10.... (5/24/2014 1:11:52)

If you had to rate it, how active would you perceive the IC RPing forums to be? 5 being just kind-of average activity, 10 being highly active, and 1 meaning activity is dead or close to it. Please, keep in mind that this is not measuring how often players visit the thread, how many RPA posts are made, or the activity of the OoC areas. This is specifically to gague honest player insight into actual RPing in order to better evaluate how successful the RPA process that was implamented has been. It is importaint to get player feedback on major decisions such as this that have large, lasting, effects on the section as a whole. Also, while I will remain objective myself and keep from taking part in discutions, any notes or comments about the condition of the section will be appreciated.

This thread has been created due to the section approaching the 18 month mark, meaning there should be more than enough time for the process to work or fail and for players to develoup a fair evaluation of the section as a whole. To finish, I would like to point out that there is nothing in the rules about gathering feedback on a topic in it's relevant section and I hope the staff approve of my efforts to gather honest player feedback in this way.

Arthur -> RE: On a scale of 1 to 10.... (5/24/2014 1:38:53)

I would like to give it a fair 6 because in my opinion, the members who've been approved, no matter how few are doing a pretty good job of keeping things running to the best of their efforts.

Despite being busy with real life commitments, Legendium is trying his level best to stay in the game, if I could give an example. I trust him to correct me if I am wrong.

There are, however, a greater number of graduates than are participating as I saw from the Step 3 Graduation List so I feel they could support the section by discussing and participating in the RPs as well.

It's currently exam month in the UK and so I believe most forumites, including the RP AKs are busy with their RL or studying hard. Let's see what happens in June.

As for the new System as a whole, I believe I've said everything that I could in the last 18 months with an emphasis on "it could be made quicker, shorter and more fun".

My thoughts on the topic. :)

Legendium -> RE: On a scale of 1 to 10.... (5/24/2014 3:45:04)

To be honest, I could be doing a bit more for RP right now, but yeah, otherwise you're correct.

Well then. In terms of activity, in all honesty I can't give it more than five. That doesn't mean I find the improvements bad, it just means that activity isn't as high as it could be, which wasn't really the purpose of the overhaul anyways. It's really more of a problem of the willpower of the participaters and all the unfortunate RL things getting in the way.

If we're gauging the effectiveness of the new boards, this isn't really the right criteria. But, if you actually think about, there has been more activity in the RP boards because nowadays than there was before. Mainly because before, the RPA was what was active, wheras the actual RP boards were for the most part dead.

black knight 1234567 -> RE: On a scale of 1 to 10.... (5/24/2014 4:02:32)

I'm actually a fan of the new system but we desperately need more activity. This isn't a problem with the new system by the way, anyone remember late into the old RPA, how dead that was? maybe there were like...2 roleplays going at a somewhat steady pace.

TJByrum -> RE: On a scale of 1 to 10.... (5/24/2014 9:53:43)

I think the New System could work, but I don't pay attention to it ever since I graduated from it.

We have two/three potentially active RP's at this moment, but everyone is busy what with finals and stuff.

Eukara Vox -> RE: On a scale of 1 to 10.... (5/24/2014 16:29:31)

This thread is being locked.


To finish, I would like to point out that there is nothing in the rules about gathering feedback on a topic in it's relevant section and I hope the staff approve of my efforts to gather honest player feedback in this way.
No, but there are rules against regular forum members parading around like they are staff. This thread was made, without the permission and blessing of the head mod. Threads like this, asking for the general public to RATE a forum's performance is NOT the job of a regular forumite. It is the sole job of the head moderator, who may choose when and how to garner such feedback.

As the first post is worded, the OP has put themselves in a position of authority, which is not the case. If Ryu Viranesh decides to ask for feedback about the way things are going, he will. That is HIS job, and no one else's.

And, to be honest, he has been for the people who join the IRC RP channel. I have witnessed such conversations.

In the future, leave such rating threads to the people who can actually use the information and to those who put them up when the time is right.

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