Horde's Temper (Full Version)

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Ward_Point -> Horde's Temper (6/14/2014 8:55:33)

Horde's Temper

«Fully Offensive Wind armor. Can deal more damage against Truphma enemies. Mastercraft; pays for the lack of downtrigger»

Also see other Horde's: Temper, Reckoning G, Reckoning, Fury, Outrage, Indignation Z, Indignation, Retribution, Wrath Z, Wrath, Ire

Location: Xov's Fire I
Element: Wind

Level	10
PowLvl	10 MC
Price	79
Sell	39

Melee	29
Ranged	29
Magic	29

Fire	98	
Water	98	
Wind	94	
Ice	100
Earth	96
Energy	98
Light	98
Dark	100

Hits: 1
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
BR%	162.5
Stat%	207.5
+BTH	1

  • Armor Lean x1.25.

  • Every turn, there is a 20% chance of dealing 150% damage against Truphma enemies.

    This garb is similar to the one worn by Eukara Vox, beloved schoolteacher and Guardian of Creativity. It provides great Wind resistance, as well as good Earth resistance and a chance of dealing greater damage to Truphma and those corrupted by them!


    Numbers and image thanks to Ash. Image, description and additional info thanks to Dragoon23. Format and additional help thanks to Koree. Write up thanks to Bu Kek Siansu.

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