=EC 2014= Factory Arena OOC (Full Version)

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Ryu Viranesh -> =EC 2014= Factory Arena OOC (8/15/2014 4:23:28)

This will serve as the OOC thread for the Factory Arena.

The contestants in this arena are listed below:

Prince Makelyth - Tdub – Fire
Raz'Fizo - salene – Wind
Zenz Nightwalker - Geddesmck - Earth
Kriege Marns Thalarctos - Kellehendros – Ice
Zorad - Siruiz - Water
Kai Kuragari - Starstruck – Darkness
Ayohin - Bastet - Fire
Project F.E.R.R.E.T. - Ronin Of Dreams - Light

As a special note for this arena: Considering that it is new, I expect to be bombarded with questions (especially since I might not have explained everything clearly enough). In a rare exception to the "no coloured text" rule, I would request that you bold those questions here, as I want to make sure that I catch and answer every single one of them. Thank you very much in advance.

Starstruck -> RE: =EC 2014= Factory Arena OOC (8/15/2014 5:50:53)

Oh, how FUN! *claps hands* Let's play!

Oh God I am just so very sorry about this, Ryu, but true to form:

About how high to the tangled pipes reach? Ankle height? Knee? Waist? Head? Taller?

Are the conveyer belts better for combat or transportation? Basically, would you feel comfortable standing on them or are they better for short rides to reposition yourself with minimal effort? While we're describing the speeds of various objects, the spinning cogs in the corner could use some clarification; are they Good or Bad to stand on? Assuming a normal human being's sense of balance?

Are there multiple levels to the Factory, or is it largely a two-dimensional arena?

How does the transition from the fast vertical belt to the slow horizontal belt feel? Choppy or smooth? I'm assuming it's designed in a large square, with each conveyer belt overlapping so that laying down would carry you in a wide, lazy circle/square.

Describe the spikes in a bit greater detail, please. Do they look like decorations or hazards? I think I understand their intended purpose, aka "not fun to land on these bad boys," but I'd like to check.

Where does the steam come from? Is it magical? How would one go about getting rid of it? (Because I need to stop them from doing it, of course! You can't go around changing and breaking arenas!)

If you accidentally end up in the acid (I dunno officer, he just broke the grate and jumped right in! Honest!), would it be possible to get out? Assuming you maintain control of your motor functions while your body burns away and have the presence of mind to grasp for handholds. Also, if you poked your finger or hand through the grate (if you even can), would you regret your decision or would your skin remain unscorched?

What kind of acid is it? If it's not similar to any kind of real-life acid, what does it do to things that fall in? Cmon man, you can't just invent an acid and refuse to divulge its pH!

These are all the questions I have for now. I'm gonna play it safe for a day or two while I consolidate my strategy, maybe let the bear charge in before I do or keep an eye on the creepy mermaid king guy. I've checked out all your bios and picked my targets, and I just KNOW that this is going to be a ton of fun!

jerenda -> RE: =EC 2014= Factory Arena OOC (8/15/2014 10:15:19)

This Arena looks fantastic! (Sure am glad *I'm* not here...) You guys have fun!

salene -> RE: =EC 2014= Factory Arena OOC (8/15/2014 15:53:40)

I think I might play it pretty safe in the beginning as well, considering I'm not really sure how all of this works. So, how exactly do we start this thing? does someone just make a post, and then everyone else responds?

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =EC 2014= Factory Arena OOC (8/15/2014 18:37:20)

@Star - There is an art in leaving some details intentionally vague for the greater ammunition by the contestants to RP, especially given the varying sizes, shapes, and functions that make certain styles of answer and description invalid or clumsy. In other cases, the information is already rather there, and easily extrapolated from the description. Allow me to attempt to spare Ryu some of the work in conducting this affair by addressing the majority of your questions.

"How high are the pipes?" Extrapolating from the intended arrangement and design to trip competitors, and taking account that the average competitor is roughly human-sized and formed, that probably means that to an average human it would be a careful mix of ankle to mid-shin heights. Notice, however, that such a classification reference means nothing to a ferret? Actual inch/meter height would be precise, but at that same time, such precision leads to dry presentation.

"Conveyor belts?" Two-fold aspect. For one, the concept of a conveyor belt should not feel or seem natural to the majority of competitors, as the industrialization present in Factory Arena more than likely is so far beyond the norm as to entirely feel strange. Drakel civilization probably would be the most familiar and least off-put about the concept of conveyor transportation. So it won't be naturally comfortable, regardless. Otherwise, you are asking tactics, which is a case-by-case question for each individual competitor to figure out given their natural capabilities and mental views, and certainly not a dedicated answerable.

"Cogs?" They are massive and in the corners. The spikes are long, slender, and in opposite corners. This would suggest that they are probably not a good thing to be standing on and much more in line with being a hazardous feature of the arena. I wouldn't want to have any portion of my body crushed by a cog-wheel, nor the entire thing given I am playing a ferret. If you can stand on them, it is much more likely to be an "at your own risk" factor, and being on a turntable is likely to one's detriment even at a slow speed given how it will manipulate one's stance.

"Multiple levels?" This would be a major New Factor for any arena to have. I think it is safe to state that there is not an intended set of multiple levels to this arena, but there leaves some question for vertical assent. Is it possible depending on if pipes climb the walls or if one can reach the vents for a handhold on the roof? The viability of such a maneuver would require Ryu, and depend on each character's own capabilities and nature.

"Transition?" Given relative speeds? Logical assumption is probably: Sudden. Maybe jarring too, but that also depends on familiarity and ease with a moving floor. See above comment on base conveyor nature, because it applies doubly here.

"Spikes?" All things are relative, danger-wise, but see my comment on the cogs for why the logical answer winds up being an intended hazard.

"Steam?" Potentially good question! An assumption based on positional relationship would mean the steam could be a cloud that has risen from the acid, possibly during its preparation. But a misty vapor of acid would be rather dangerous, too, and the cloud is not described as such. So...where DOES it come from? Leaky pipes? A slow buildup of industrial fugue in an obviously humid and warm area?

"End up in the acid?" Here I would give Ryu credit on being intentionally vague, which means this question could undercut the creativity of any RPer who has the poor fortune of winding up describing the hazards of first contact with the acid. It is Obviously Highly Dangerous. Isn't that enough for an immense wealth of possibilities that a writer can choose from, to make the most of a worst-case scenario?

Kellehendros -> RE: =EC 2014= Factory Arena OOC (8/15/2014 20:07:49)

The rough for the post is done, just need to run editing, and then get it vetted. At this point, I'm aiming to post Saturday evening, pending revisions for someone pipping me to the post.

salene -> RE: =EC 2014= Factory Arena OOC (8/15/2014 21:39:53)

This is so exciting! I can't wait to see who enters the arena first!
So, for our post do we need to have it checked by someone (i.e Ryu or Ronin) or can we just post it as soon as it has been edited and re-read? Basically what I am asking is if there are any special steps required before you post?

Kellehendros -> RE: =EC 2014= Factory Arena OOC (8/15/2014 23:25:26)

You don't need to have your post reviewed by anyone, you can simply post when you like. I prefer to rough a post out, let it mature for a bit, then go back and edit it. Before I post, I generally have a friend read through it to help pick up on anything I may have missed or offer suggestions.

This method works for me, but you are by no means bound or required to have your posts reviewed before you put them up. Just be aware that you can't edit your posts after they are up without permission from Ryu.

salene -> RE: =EC 2014= Factory Arena OOC (8/15/2014 23:54:37)

Thanks Kelle. I will probably put up my post tomorrow. Right now I'm too sad, because of what just went down in DF.

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =EC 2014= Factory Arena OOC (8/15/2014 23:54:45)

Also of note, I'm a competitor, not any form of power or functionary for the running of the EC at this point. I just served as a resource when Ryu needed a soundboard or a second opinion on certain bios during the application phase. From here on out, I'm just like any other competitor.

Ryu Viranesh -> RE: =EC 2014= Factory Arena OOC (8/16/2014 2:38:39)

@Star: Though Ronin did hit many of the points about why I'm intending to keep certain things vague about this arena, there are a couple of your questions that I'm going to expand on because they do have certain implications on the make-up of the battlefield itself.

To address your question about the source of the steam, there's a set of four pipes that climb up the back wall to the ceiling, where they curve down ever so slightly (still well out of reach) and release the (very hot) streams of steam through which the magically enhanced sunshine is creating the cloud of light. This also, in turn, answers the question of if there's any verticality in the arena. Technically, as Ronin supposed was possible, you could scale the pipes on the back wall to give you something of a height advantage, though of how much use it would be would depend largely on which character sought to do so.

Oh, and some amusing facts for those curious: the arena's spectators are going to be watching the events in the Factory unfold through the pair of "one-way" walls on the left and right of the entrance. The remnants of the cloud of steam that drift too close to these walls will be filtered through and re-purposed into a type of air conditioning for the audience. Simply put, Marcos aims to please. :P

In addition, please take a look at this post if you haven't already: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/fb.asp?m=21786873

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =EC 2014= Factory Arena OOC (8/16/2014 2:52:31)

Sleepy Ferret's post is ready, needs a Kell to confirm validation of one factor. Hopefully sleepy ferret catches the Kellhound early in the morning before work claims ferret's day.

Yes, I am just that tired.

Early morning-ish edit: Thanks in part to my back causing me to split a shift into two days, and therefore not rush as hardcore into work, as well as a very early morning Kellhound sighting elsewhere...the post is live! And somehow I continue a trend of initiative first posts in arenas! Despite well knowing Kellhound has had a post sitting and ruminating, so for darn sure it wasn't the first post written and worked on in full! Irony!

...yeah, I'm still bloody tired. </3 Insomnia.

Kellehendros -> RE: =EC 2014= Factory Arena OOC (8/16/2014 13:47:12)

To riff off the Ferret, the post is currently edited, and is awaiting final vetting by third parties.

I expect to post tonight.

Ryu, would it be remiss to assume that the Arena itself is very loud? It seems to me it would be, given the activities of conveyor belts, cogs, gears, and other assorted mechanical devices that make up the space. Just want to confirm.

Edit: On reflection, I'm confident enough, given the description of the Arena, to move forward with the post as is. The post is up.

Tdub -> RE: =EC 2014= Factory Arena OOC (8/16/2014 17:24:24)

Crumpets and beasties and ferrets, oh my.

Starstruck, which wall do you happen to be on? Left, right, or somewhere on the front wall? Or have you somehow reached the back wall already?

Starstruck -> RE: =EC 2014= Factory Arena OOC (8/16/2014 18:23:06)

Oops. I'm on the right side of the arena, close to the entrance but kind of in the wings rather than in full view of everyone. Bother, I completely forgot to specify.

Siruiz -> RE: =EC 2014= Factory Arena OOC (8/16/2014 18:36:06)

First post is up for me.
I'm quite pleased with the arena we got, this will definitely be interesting.

Tdub -> RE: =EC 2014= Factory Arena OOC (8/16/2014 19:56:59)

Oh no during my last-minute revisions Gedd snuck up behind me and posted! Fortunately, our actions don't affect each other, so let's assume they happened at the same time and Makelyth was so intent on throwing his knife he failed to notice Zenz's attack. Why oh why did it take me so long to decide between "towards" and "toward".

So yeah. Knife air-mailed to Kai. Have fun with that. Hope everything's alright with my perplexing description of the crumpet queen.

Edit: Also, the majority of my post was written before Siriuz posted. That's why my description of your character was so short. I also totally thought the rat at the beginning of your post was Mr. Ferret at first, and I was confused for the briefest of moments.

salene -> RE: =EC 2014= Factory Arena OOC (8/16/2014 20:16:31)

I have entered the fray!

Also, when do we edit in our first post into our bios?

Starstruck -> RE: =EC 2014= Factory Arena OOC (8/16/2014 20:22:20)

Please don't hesitate to hop on IRC! We don't bite...much. If caelestia.net isn't working (as seems to be the usual), you can just connect to darkstar.caelestia.net from any free IRC client you can find. Channel #RPBoards.

Ryu Viranesh -> RE: =EC 2014= Factory Arena OOC (8/16/2014 20:22:28)

@salene: You have freedom to do that once you've made your entry post.

salene -> RE: =EC 2014= Factory Arena OOC (8/16/2014 20:31:17)

@Star is there anyway you could provide a link? My browser is being really funky, and not letting me find the site. I'll hop on though if I can get a link :D

So, are we just waiting for one more person now?

Starstruck -> RE: =EC 2014= Factory Arena OOC (8/16/2014 23:08:42)

I use kiwiIRC, but mibbit is good too, and there are a few clients available for download too numerous to name.

EDIT: Splat.

salene -> RE: =EC 2014= Factory Arena OOC (8/18/2014 13:55:06)

@Bastet how fast is the blade coming at me? And how much power did you put behind throwing it?

Bastet -> RE: =EC 2014= Factory Arena OOC (8/18/2014 17:10:07)

Sorry if I didn't answer in time Salene, I wasn't at my pc.
By the way, which way did my flaming dagger bounce? Towards me?

salene -> RE: =EC 2014= Factory Arena OOC (8/18/2014 18:36:13)

A little ways off to the right. You could easily pick it up if you chose to. Also, my daggers are possible to dodge, just duck and then go left. Was my post fine for you?

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