Story Sharing (Full Version)

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N3344 -> Story Sharing (9/9/2014 21:34:21)

I do not have as much time as I would like to Role Play, however, I am constantly thinking of new stories and things that I would like to see played out. As such, what if there was a thread where people do who have more time, could take over someone else's idea. I have no idea if this has been suggested before, but I think if executed correctly, could help generate a lot of ideas for new stories. If anyone is still a little confused, my idea would go something like this:

1. Someone with a Role Play idea "submits" it to a designated thread.
2. Someone else will then follow behind and then "bid" for the idea. Bidding would simply just mean that someone will note interest in the idea and want to act as the eventual host for the RP idea.
3. The original author of the RP idea would then agree to someone else using their idea and then collaborate outside of the Idea thread. Collaboration would include the "Original Author" and "Bidder" discussing the "Original Author's" total scope and idea for the RP idea. The "Bidder" could then suggest and add their own ideas for the RP as well.
4. The "Original Author" can now sit back and watch their idea play out and the "Bidder" now has the pleasure of hosting a new story.

One comparison I would like to make would be to consider this as a Director and Producer for a movie (I hope this helps to explain the concept a little further and clearer).

If any further explanation is needed, please dont hesitate to ask. Otherwise, Im definitely interested to hear what you all think.


Starstruck -> RE: Story Sharing (9/9/2014 22:31:56)

If you have a bunch of good story ideas, I'd recommend posting them here. I think that's the most relevant subforum. I don't know much about L&L organization, so I shouldn't be recommending subforums :/

Also, my personal appeal is that I'd like to finish my RP before I see any great new ideas. Shiny ideas can be very distracting, and I would like to maybe not abandon Frozen Heart before it even begins.

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: Story Sharing (9/10/2014 1:14:23)

The problem with such a concept that I see,

is that what if something majorly changes in the character, history, or the storyline? Then the original creation has lost the merit it once had.

Collaboration of ideas is one thing. Someone taking over your story without first getting even your perception of where you think the story might lead, or branching off in 12 directions that perhaps never were meant to be, can for the most part hurt the story.

A roleplay, is exactly like telling a story. It has a formulation of characters and structures and such, and than there's the plot development.

I encourage collaboration. But from what i understand, this isn't per-say sharing.

TJByrum -> RE: Story Sharing (9/11/2014 5:47:31)

I think the best course would be to find a suitable co-host for such a RP, unless you're absolutely out of RPing altogether... which case we ought to discuss popular subjects in roleplaying. As an example: Pirates! The idea of a pirate roleplay has been popular in the past, but we've never had anyone attempt one (that I am aware of). If enough people encourage the idea of a Pirate-related roleplay we should work together to find out what we want in such a roleplay and then continue working together until we can actually put it together.

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