RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 7 (Full Version)

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Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 7 (8/18/2015 22:59:50)

Long live the weird looking map!

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 7 (8/22/2015 1:10:55)

Not if I have anything to say about it!, Lets go everyone it is time for war, PUC style. starting screenshot.

Carandor -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 7 (8/22/2015 1:52:22)

Naga Day...perfect! *evil grin*

If only there was a way of erasing these Windshifters from existance. I seem to run into more Windshifters than all the other monsters combined (and always in packs as well).

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 7 (8/22/2015 13:18:05)

One of my favorite things about the SP sweep that happened is the fact I can actually use the Shield Generator MISC item now. It really comes in handy sometimes. Like against those pesky Chimera. Also great against Trigoras. Who is just as annoying as any Shifter. Multi attacks AND damage reduction.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 7 (8/24/2015 1:06:13)

Ok guys thats it for this weekend, ending screenshot. Now time to see if Geoto could step up and take back some more of our land.

This week Geoto attacked A7 and A14, Aerodu territory. Geoto lost 132 while Aerodu lost 176, Geoto took A7 and A14.
Aerodu attacked A8 and A6, Geoto territory. Aerodu lost 176 while Geoto lost 132, Aerodu's attack failed.

A convincing win for Geoto this week, lets see if next week sees Geoto push Aerodu back to their borders. Map and screenshot coming soon.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 7 (8/24/2015 1:08:05)

I tried to make a final push and got in over 100 wins in about an hour, (using 3 characters).

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 7 (8/24/2015 1:16:27)

Wow, in that case Geoto's effort this weekend was far more crushing than I thought, good work everyone. Nice to see you fight on to the very end though Heroes of the Scape. Map updated and screenshot added.

Now to prepare for next week, a victory would mean pushing Aerodu right out of Geoto's lands.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 7 (8/24/2015 1:18:28)

I had taken I slight break from the game, (which is why I wasn't really present much and just would send in the plans..... sometimes), but I am back now!

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 7 (8/29/2015 1:06:05)

Then this should be an enjoyable round, starting screenshot. Good luck to all participants.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 7 (8/31/2015 0:49:56)


Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 7 (8/31/2015 1:06:13)

Hmm when I saw the above I was worried, but when I took the screenshot I was less so. Out of curiousity, could you tell me what numbers you are getting on your end Heroes of the Scape. But for now here is the official ending screenshot.

This week Geoto attacked A13 and C5, Aerodu territory. Geoto gained 16 while Aerodu lost 111, Geoto took A13 and C5.
Aerodu attacked A8 and A9, Geoto territory. Aerodu lost 11 while Geoto gained 16, Aerodu's attack failed.

An interesting week, I will post the new map and screenshot but I would like those numbers Heroes of the Scape to see just how different they are from the ones I am getting.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 7 (8/31/2015 1:17:58)

Don't take my comment as saying we were winning.

I have:

Aerodu: -102714
Geoto: -3860

I was out of the house all day this weekend so had no time to fight.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 7 (8/31/2015 1:20:54)

Slightly different from the ones I got, but it has been 20 mins now. Good to know that old issue hasn't resurfaced and a big congratulations to Geoto on such a massive win. Screenshot and map update added.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 7 (8/31/2015 1:24:42)

Yup. nothing too drastic. Congrats on taking out our outpost.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 7 (9/5/2015 1:04:04)

Now time to see if we can deal some more damage or whether Aerodu's defence will hold, starting screenshot.

Carandor -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 7 (9/6/2015 13:57:53)

Raising Geoto's score by 100 points, lowering Aerodu's by over 200, taking a break for a couple of hours, only to come back and find the scores have reset to the exact scores they were before I started is really demotivating. It usually fixes itself after a while, but still...

EDIT: Meh... I'm done for the day. The scores just reset for me again. I can't keep motivated when it doesn't look like I'm actually doing anything. [:(]

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 7 (9/7/2015 1:04:48)

I know what you mean, Aerodu have certainly fought hard this weekend, now to see if it paid off for them; ending screenshot.

This week Geoto attacked C3 and C4, Aerodu territory. Geoto gained 91 while Aerodu lost 46, Geoto took C3 and C4.
Aerodu attacked B11 and C5, Geoto territory. Aerodu lost 46 while Geoto gained 91, Aerodu's attack failed.

Looks like Geoto's hard work paid off with another win. Screenshot and map update coming soon.

EDIT: Screenshot added and map updated.

EDIT2: Its that time of the week again, starting screenshot.

EDIT3: Looks like Aerodu really redoubled their efforts, no need to do much math to see who won. Still ending screenshot.

This week Geoto attacked C6 and C7, Aerodu territory. Geoto lost 24 while Aerodu gained 481, Geoto's attack failed.
Aerodu attacked B11 and C5, Geoto territory. Aerodu gained 481 while Geoto lost 24, Aerodu took B11 and C5. Or at least they would but B11 is outside their attack range, so they only get C5.

Massive effort by Aerodu, guess when their backs are against the wall they can produce some seriously large results. Updates coming soon.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 7 (9/16/2015 20:26:17)

Oops, misread the map.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 7 (9/19/2015 1:05:17)

Well then lets see if Aerodu can repeat that success this week or whether Geoto will be back to form, starting screenshot.

EDIT: Thats it for this week everyone, ending screenshot.

This week Geoto attacked C5 and C7, Aerodu territory. Geoto lost 40 while Aerodu lost 21, Geoto's attack failed.
Aerodu attacked C4 and C3, Geoto territory. Aerodu lost 21 while Geoto lost 40, Aerodu took C4 and C3.

Another win for Aerodu, seems to happen everytime Geoto closes in on them; just as the reverse happens when Aerodu close in on Geoto. Guess the old rivalry is still going strong, though thankfully it is a lot more friendly these days. Screenshot and map update coming soon.

EDIT2: Screenshot and map updated.

EDIT3: Time to start the fight again, good luck all, starting screenshot.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 7 (9/26/2015 19:33:21)

Sigh, to fight for Clan or for Lore.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 7 (9/28/2015 1:03:56)

Ok thats it for this week, ending screenshot.

This week Geoto attacked C3 and C5, Aerodu territory. Geoto lost 17 while Aerodu lost 22, Geoto took C3 and C5.
Aerodu attacked B8 and B11, Geoto territory. Aerodu lost 22 while Geoto lost 17, Aerodu's attack failed.

Looks like a rather close weekend, screenshot and map update coming soon.

EDIT: map updated and screenshot added.

Carandor -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 7 (9/28/2015 4:55:11)

I haven't been able to participate for the last few weeks, but managed to put in a bit of effort this weekend. Not much, I was distracted by the war and playing my MQ character for the 1st time since the 12th anniversary (and that new idle game rhubarb put out, which is strangely addictive [:D]).

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 7 (10/3/2015 1:02:08)

Sorry for my late plan sending. I have been traveling for the past 24 hours and just had time to send them.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 7 (10/3/2015 1:07:21)

No problem, it was in before the deadline Heroes of the Scape and that is what counts. Now time to start this weekend's PUC, starting screenshot.

EDIT: Thats all everyone, ending screenshot.
This week Geoto attacked C4 and C6, Aerodu territory. Geoto gained 2 while Aerodu lost 9, Geoto took C4 and C6.
Aerodu attacked C3 and C5, Geoto territory. Aerodu lost 9 while Geoto gained 2, Aerodu's attack failed.

Another win for Geoto, if this keeps up then even with a few setbacks the war may be over in time for Frostval. Map update and screenshot coming soon.

EDIT2: Link and screenshot added.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 7 (10/9/2015 23:09:46)

We will not go quietly into the night!

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