RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (Full Version)

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Riprose123 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/8/2014 17:10:12)

Always ready for an RP! :D

TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/8/2014 20:16:59)

Okay guys, I'm working 5 days a week now (instead of 7) and so I'll have time on weekends. Perhaps expect the IC then? Less I go c-mas shopping

Legendium -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/9/2014 15:57:12)

Bio Incoming.

Name: Heinrich van Hjaalreich
Age/Race/Gender: Male human, 45 years.
Physical Appearance: Tall, imposing man with a pointy face and icy blue eyes. His hair is black as a winter night flecked with hints of grey. He is clean shaven. His eyebrows are thick and bushy, and naturally set low so that it looks like he is perpetually frowning. His skin is a pale white, almost yellowish color, as if he were showing the first signs of frostbite. One of his hands was actually lost to it, revived by magic and fully functional, but still black, blue and misshapen.

Armor/Clothing: As a witch hunter hailing from the farthest reaches of the north, Heinrich knows that his armor must do four things: protect him from the cold, protect him from magic, help him to avoid detection and protect him from blows. As such, he dresses accordingly. His steel plate covers a thick quilt of brigandine armor, with plenty of fur between all of the plates to protect against the cold and silence any sounds caused by metal clinking together. His plain steel helmet is also padded with fur to help against the cold. He normally also wore a bandana and a strip of oak with a single slit to see for when in snowstorms in the north, but he quickly ditched it when he came down south, as there weren't any snowstorms.

Heinrich's plate is engraved with many symbols that supposedly protect against magical attacks. Most of them are just superstitious symbols for show, but his chest plate and gauntlets are enchanted to spread the damage of a direct magical attack more evenly, making curses specific to one part of the body useless and reducing the deadly potential of magic missiles aimed at the heart.

Weapons: A longsword and a crossbow. The longsword is his go-to weapon, steel with a silver hilt, and he never goes anywhere without it. It too has runes and symbols on it, like his armor, but they do not protect him from magic. Rather, his sword acts as a dowsing stick. When there is magic around, the hilt will grow hotter. This is an unreliable way to hunt down magical creatures though, as it reacts to any form magic, including magic weapons. So sometimes it can go completely haywire and detect itself, even though it was enchanted not to do so. It's a fairly standard sword from his order, but his had this particular defect in it. Heinrich never cared enough to get it fixed anyways, as it provided heat for his hands occasionally.

His crossbow is really very simple. It's a plain old crossbow. It can shoot bolts at high speed. Better yet, it can shoot silver bolts and stakes, which makes it perfect for ridding the world of werewolves and vampires. Unfortunately, it is very heavy, takes forever to reload and silver bolts are costly, so Heinrich often leaves it behind unless he knows exactly what he's hunting.

Other Items: Expelled from his order, Heinrich has become a wanderer now and usually keeps many essentials with him when travelling. Most of his spare clothing and food remain in his saddlebags along with books on sorcery, witch-hunting and wilderness survival, herbal medicines, his sleeping pelt and his dual icepick/hatchet.
In the pouches by his belt he keeps string and bait for traps and fishing, his skinning knife, a map or two with a compass, two days rations of dried meat and vegetables, a striker and a smaller selection of medicines than he has in his saddlebags.

His horse herself is a strong dapple named Mold. The name stems from the fact that in Heinrich's language, the word for dapple and mold are exactly the same: Schimmel.

Skills: Heinrich is greatest talent is sword-play. Where others of his order were excellent shots with a crossbow, or masterful arcane blood-hounds, Heinrich was a swordsman before joining and still considers himself primarily as one.
After joining the guard at Rivenspire, (The Order of the Magus) he learned how to shoot with a crossbow as it was part of his mandatory training, and while it took him five years, he reached a point where he could shoot ten times and hit eight. He still can't hit a moving target and fumbles with reloading, so all he ever uses the crossbow for is when he is hunting a target which has no idea it's being hunted, so that still shots are likely. He can't hunt game with it though. He resorts to trapping for that.
He also knows the basics of survival as well. He can start a fire if it's not too wet out, build a lean-to with wood if it isn't too rotten, set up noose traps and crushing traps, and fish. He knows first aid well enough to use the medicines in his bag and a few herbs back home, but he could not cure a disease or stitch a wound if he had no medicine. He's fairly proficient with a hatchet, being able to cut fairly thin trees in a matter of ten to five minutes, and can pick out a chunk of ice for water in about the same time. Not that there'll be many frozen lakes this far down south. He's decent at orientation in unfamiliar lands, yet his language skills are not brilliant and his accent in English is thick and his grammar broken.

Abilities: His arcane talents are what made him become a witch-hunter in the first place. An anomaly, not having any magical reservoir himself, the gap inside his mind where the magic of others would normally be acts as a vacuum, taking magical force and storing it away. This doesn't mean he is immune to spells. A fireball will still burn him just as much as any other. But if you throw a fireball at him, you are giving him a weapon; you are giving him the chance to cast a spell of his own. Now, not having a magical reservoir himself, it was obviously difficult for him to learn spells in the first place. But he does know a few.

Heinrich's arcane affinity is lightning. While it took him several years, he learned to infuse his sword with electrical charge using magic he stole from another. If he strikes the right nerves, this can cause temporary paralysis. He can also simply channel electricity through his hand as a "magic missile" form. It works better with his frost-bitten hand, for whatever reason. Probably because it was cured with magic. Must make it more attuned to magic. Lastly, he found out how to manipulate electrical fields in the air to create shields against metal projectiles; it's fairly complicated, involving the use of an electrical field to create a magnet to push away metal. It's very useful against other warriors, or witches who resort to knifes, or metal-tipped arrows, but when dealing with creatures who use organic material such as claws to fight, it's useless.

Lastly, Heinrich is an excellent witch hunter. Well, what I mean by that is that he is very good at tracking down essences of magic left behind. It's an ability he gained from the lack of his own magical reservoir as well as the training he received from his order. It makes him better than most average spell-sniffers, being able to sense a spell cast a week ago, the presence of a magical being two days past, what kind of magical being it was and what spell they were casting. He isn't the best in his order; some of them can tell you exactly what the spell-caster looked like, who was with them and what they were doing in the 12 hours before and after the act. Heinrich cannot do that; but his abilities are already far beyond average as it is.

History: Heinrich hails from a tiny clan village in Friesland, on the southern border, where there are still trees, the land is flat and one can occasionally see mud beneath the thick blankets of snow during warmer seasons. It was here that he learned all his survival skills; the clans of South Friesland are largely hunter-gatherers when it comes to meat, and while Heinrich had no skill with a bow at the time, he could set up small game traps with ease. Heinrich's parents were hunters of little note; they played no significant role in his childhood. He was effectively an only child (He had a half-sister whom he met but once, but she lived far to the south in the forest of Darkwald) and his parents were busy and thus often left him in the hands of an old friend of theirs, the head of guard at the village. The head of guard, Jornharl, who used to serve in the army of the city-holds in the north, was Heinrich's true father figure. While his parents would stay away for weeks on hunting trips, Heinrich would stay with "Uncle" Jornharl, who would teach him the art of combat and taught him the virtues of loyalty, endurance and honor. These life lessons from his youth had a big impact on his current personality.

Heinrich served as a guard in his village for seven years, starting at the mere age of thirteen, until at age twenty clan law stated he could travel abroad as a journeyman. His first instinct was to go further north, to see the city-holds of which he had heard Jornharl speak of. He started by heading west to the clan roundhouse, which served as the clans' seat of power, from which he took a cart north to the city of Rivenspire, a sprawling coastal city composed of towers which make you dizzy looking up at them, never mind looking down from them.

He started his life there working as hired muscle, or as a farm-hand in the cold, icy fields outside the city where there was hardly enough dirt under the permafrost to grow things, yet somehow, farmers found a way. It took quite a while before he found the group of warriors he would devote his life to.

It happened completely by coincidence.

The Order of Magus is a well-known witch-hunter order which was comprised of high-ranking military officials, higher ranking guardsmen, skilled individuals and talented magicians. It started out as a simple mages' guild in a small yet growing town. Yet as Rivenspire grew larger, so did the ambitions of men inside the guild. The third leader of the original guild made the first reform which led to the current state of the order. It was to "Guard the good people of Rivenspire from any arcane threats existing within the city." From that, it escalated into an Order with multiple outposts in the north, dedicated to hunting down any arcane threats in the whole of the Northern Regions. Yet at its core, it's a group of guards protecting the city from magical threats, and it was still commonplace to see members of the Order within groups of ordinary guards.

Heinrich had been hired to protect a very paranoid noble who had recently come into possession of some old relic. Standing guard at this man's house was boring, but it paid well enough to merit doing. Unfortunately for Heinrich, the man he was protecting had every right to be paranoid. The man had "acquired" the relic from a hag, who wanted it back. Heinrich, not knowing this, had no idea what the old hooded hunchback wanted from him until she had placed her bony hand on his arm and let a curse loose to incapacitate him. It didn't work. Not entirely at least. The hag fainted as the magical void in Heinrich sucked in every last bit of energy she cursed him with. She had been too open with her spell casting, leaving her reserves open for anyone to steal them. She hadn't reckoned with them being sucked out of her. Heinrich, hit by the delayed curse and growing dizzy from the amount of magic filling his brain, fainted a few moments after her.

Those few moments were enough for the guard (Who coincidentally happened to be a prominent member of the Order's guard) who had recently crossed into the street to see what had happened and draw the necessary conclusion.

The very next day, after coming to, Heinrich received a private invitation to join the Order. And by none other than the Grand Master himself.

The next 23 years of his life was spent under the roof of the great hall of the Order of Magus. He started out as a simple guardsman, undergoing routine training for swordplay and magic tracking. He was supplied with a very standard, plain sword and leather armor which could protect him from some of the smaller-scale magic, like illusion, as illusionists are the most typical sorcerers found in cities.

He spent the first ten years rising from guard to the rank of Witch-Hunter, at which point he was trained in the use of a crossbow and sent out to hunt terrors which plagued the land: be they werewolves, malevolent sorcerers, vampires or other magical creatures of stranger origins. He was given the gear he has now; the enchanted steel armor, the faultily enchanted sword which he never repaired because it never really bothered him and his crossbow. It took him five years to get shooting under his belt, but he managed.

In his journeys hunting werewolves and the like, he almost never encountered serious injury. The frostbitten hand he gained from an ice wraith was nothing compared to what others went through. One of Heinrich's best friends at the Order was stuck in a comma for fourteen years, and awoke to find his entire family murdered several fourteen years ago by the witch he had been hunting. He killed himself shortly afterwards. Yet another ha been driven mad, thinking himself a bird and jumping off one of Rivenspire's largest towers. Another one, perhaps one of the best wizards among the order at the time, had been trapped within the body of a pig, losing all magical potential and the ability to make himself understood. All in all, a black and blue hand which can still function thanks to magic is the least of anyone's worries.

Heinrich excelled in the order, and even came as far within the Order to be nominated for a potential Grand Master. Unfortunately, due to a grave mistake, that never happened.

Heinrich wasn't the kind of man to devote all of his life to solely his career. He had a family as well, a wife and three children. And the tenants of the Order forbid any kind of relationship with werewolves, vampires, etc. Sadly, when Heinrich was 43, his wife was bitten by a werewolf. And unfortunately, she survived to be infected. A year after her first transformation, she finally lost control of the bloodlust and devoured all but one of her children in one night, publicly in the middle of the town square. The guard quickly put her down, and almost saved the youngest from infection, but he too became a werewolf, and was put down.
When Heinrich returned from his hunt, he was notified of his expulsion from the order. Sickened by grief and fueled by anger, he hunted down the man who had killed his last remaining daughter for being infected and murdered him.
He left the city in shame as an outlaw.

Heinrich had nowhere left to go. His parents were long dead by now, as was uncle Jornharl. His family was dead and purpose in life left with the note of expulsion.
He aimlessly wandered the countryside for half a year, dazed with how the world had deserted him and slowly sinking into despair.
It took him half a year to realize that his half-sister in the south had written to him two years ago, having heard of his deeds in the north and kindly asking if he could help with problems of an arcane nature in Darkwald as a family favor. She said she owned the apothecary in Blackwater, and that they could use some help with beasts in the woods.

Heinrich saw this as his last refuge in a world that was abandoning him. And so, he headed south for Darkwald.

(At the beginning of the RP, he will be just before the entrance to the forest.)

Phew! That took a while, but I feel satisfied with this character. Hope ya like him!

Eukara Vox -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/9/2014 17:48:54)

Question: Would you accept a half-vampire? As in... mysteriously half vampire by birth? I specialise in these types...

Gingkage -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/9/2014 18:16:38)

Posting interest if you still have room and don't mind my "Bounty Merc" (she's a bounty hunter who does non-bounty related merc work on the side, so she mashed the two terms together).

Tdub -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/10/2014 12:38:16)

A recent addition of time to my schedule means I can at last join an RP here, so expect a bio in a day or so if you are still accepting.

Legendium -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/10/2014 12:55:46)

Wow, already eight applicants, four of which are accepted? This RP ought to start going very fast.

TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/10/2014 20:17:00)

I will reply and check back on this later. Too late today.

Tdub -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/11/2014 13:03:27)

Name: Lockwood ("Lock" for short)

Age/Race/Gender: Mid-20s, Human, Male, in that order.

Physical Appearance: Lock is a somewhat pale white man with long, jagged-cut brown hair that extends to his shoulders, and a short, rough beard of the same color. His green eyes are always watching, flitting around from object to object, as if seeking a threat. His mouth and nose are nothing unusual, and no scars mark his face.

He stands at about 5'9", and his thin frame masks hidden strength. With a closer look, however, one can see the toned muscles of his body that came from years of surviving in the forest. While not particularly "ripped", it's easy to see how agile he can be.

Armor/Clothing: Black, slightly tight-fitting clothing that allows for maximum speed and motion, but no protection of any sort.

Weapons: Lock carries two knives with him at all times, given to him by his father and named after legends by generations past. Castor is larger of the two, about six inches long by the blade with a five-inch hilt. The metal is high-quality and made to last. While most knives will dent and break easier, Castor's metal can block the strike of a small-to-medium-sized sword without a scratch, and may leave a mark on the sword as well. This knife is Lock's main weapon for combat, should the need ever arise.

Pollux is a throwing knife, but not an average, disposable weapon. This throwing knife has been designed to deliver a perfectly-weighted, accurate throw of several meters, beyond the average knife distance.

Lock does not know if either or both of the blades are enchanted in any way, or are simply well-made. He doesn't particularly care either way, as they get the job done.

Other Items: None to speak of at the moment. He really isn't a man of sentiments.

Skills: Lock is incredibly agile and fast, and his clothing allows for maximum range of motion. He can climb trees quickly and while he isn't the hardest hitter, he certainly isn't the weakest. He spent the first seventeen years of his life training with his knives under his father, who was one of the best knife-fighters there was. After his father's death, he continued training by himself in order to perfect his abilities. He's incredibly skilled at both close-range fighting with Castor and long-range throwing with Pollux. His main diet consists of squirrels and birds he's hit with the throwing knife, showing how deadly accurate he can be. He's not much good with other weapons, but in his opinion the knives are all he needs.

Abilities: No magic of any kind, unfortunately. Neither of his parents had magical gifts and he's never tried to learn.

History: Don't stray from the Main Road. This lesson is thought to everyone planning to travel through the Darkwald forests, and very well should be taken to heart. However, Lockwood's father, a free-spirited man fed up with the monotony of everyday life, decided his family was better off away from the taxes and oppression of the nearby city. He took his wife into the Darkwald forests, where they surely would have perished, were it not for his survivalist nature and combat skills.

Lock's mother passed away during childbirth, and his father raised him with the sole purpose of survival. He was taught to distrust anything organized or established, and to disregard any kind of authority. This isn't the most logical way to look at life, but it was the only one Lock ever knew. His father died when Lock was seventeen years old, but by that time he had learned everything he needed to survive in the forests. He doesn't have a set shelter, but tends to sleep near Blackwater. What he can't hunt, he steals from locals and is gone before they know what's missing.

The Darkwald forests have proved fatal for many before him. But Lock is a survivor, and no danger in the entire wood can change that.

Well, that's it. Expect Lock to enter the party upon getting captured while stealing from Blackwater, if that's acceptable. I hope I'm not too late to enter!

Gingkage -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/11/2014 13:59:39)

Name: Sera Blackwell.
Age/Race/Gender: 26/Human/Female.
Physical Appearance: Just shy of 5'6", she's neither short nor tall. Brown hair cut unevenly by her own hand that's short by necessity, and green eyes. She does have a multitude of scars, most of which are hidden by her clothing. Her hands are scarred both from the risk of her job, and many of them from when she was younger and not as adept at cleaning and sharpening her knives; resulting in many slips of the whetstone. She's also very wiry in build.
Armor/Clothing: She wears brown hide armor almost constantly, finding that it allowed for the best protection she could get while still remaining mobile. When she isn't in her armor, her clothing is plain, almost boring in appearance.
Weapons: She has a short bow and a quiver of fifteen arrows, but both go largely unused as she can only hit her target just over half the time, though she does spend time practicing her archery in the hopes that her aim will improve. Her primary defense is the short sword at her left hip, and the half dozen throwing knives that, strangely enough, she is far more accurate in, hitting her target four in six times. She suspects that having the weight of the knives in her hands allows her to better judge how to throw it and where it will land, feeling largely disconnected from her arrows.
Other Items: She has a few spare bowstrings on hand for the few times she finds herself needing to use her bow. She also contains a whetstone, a cleaning rag, oil for maintaining her blades, and a different oil and rag for armor maintenance. These items, along with spare clothing, food, money, and a few medicinal supplies are carried in a bag that she has on her at all times when she's not working.
Skills: By trade she's a bounty hunter, a job her father taught her to do, much to the disapproval of her mother. Her unassuming appearance and small build meant that most of her bounties underestimated her initially, a fact that she was generally able to use to her advantage and has led her to moderate success in that line of work. There are only so many bounties, however, and the money she gains from them only go so far. To that end, she does other odd mercenary jobs in between bounties, her philosophy being "If it pays, I'll do it." Relative success in the mercenary work led to her calling herself a "bounty mercenary" though she will always prefer bounty hunting to the odd jobs that merc work brings her. These professions also gave her a tendency to be a loner, not seeing the point in forming connections with people that she might have to turn around and kill. When she does work with others, though, she will move mountains to make sure that those people come out alive, disliking needless deaths as she feels they reflect poorly on her skills.
Abilities: None. She tried, once, to learn magic and attempting a simple spell nearly killed her. That experience turned her off of ever considering magic again.
History: Her father was a very successful bounty hunter (success she hopes to one day reach and surpass), and her mother a trader. This led to Sera living almost entirely on the road, never staying in one place for too long. When she turned five, her father started teaching his daughter, who was fascinated with his weapons and armor, how to use them, claiming that she had to know how to defend herself every time her mother raised objections to this. As a sixteenth birthday present, her father gave her a very easy bounty, having heard her pleas for years by this time that "I know how to do it, and I just know I'd be good at it!" and finally conceding, largely due to fear that if he didn't, she would find a bounty to do that she might not have such an easy time with. That first job led to another job, which led to still another and within four years, she had started to make a name for herself. Two years after her first bounty, she struck out on her own, deciding that she could never be successful as a bounty hunter while living in her father's shadow. To that end, she went to places that, to her knowledge, her parents had never been.

These very travels are what led her to Darkwell. While she never stays for very long - her childhood of travel keeping her from being comfortable staying still - she always finds herself returning to the Hallows Inn, generally as a place to sleep between jobs.

And that's my bounty merc. I hope that she's all right and that you're still accepting people. If there's any confusions in the bio, just ask.

black knight 1234567 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/11/2014 16:42:36)


Sera Blackwell.

I see what you did there.
Might fix up something for this RP soon, myself, provided its accepting.

Gingkage -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/11/2014 17:55:33)

You do? Interesting, because I don't. Maybe you can tell me?

black knight 1234567 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/12/2014 12:51:29)
If its a total coincidence then my bad haha

Gingkage -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/12/2014 13:47:32)

It's a coincidence. In two of my WIPs, I have a character named Ava Blackwell, and another one named Sera Haff. I just combined their names in a form that I thought was nice. I've never played DragonAge, so I can guarantee you I didn't get the name from there.

Master K -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/12/2014 22:23:24)

Name: Marcelline Wakefield

Age/Race/Gender: 18/Human/Female

Physical Appearance: Marcelline is on the shorter side, being 5'4''. She has her smooth, charcoal black hair cut short, barely reaching her shoulders. Her eyes are a rather stunning color of blue, although there will be slim opportunity to directly see them. Her frame is very slender, as she bears little muscle, but she is otherwise healthy. Her skin is very pale in color, and doesn't bear any notable scars or flaws, save for her hands. Her hands appear to have ashen marks on them, as if she has slight burns on them. As for her general demeanor, she appears rather sullen and withdrawn.

Armor/Clothing: Marcelline dresses rather...uniquely. Her clothing is a cross between that of a school girl, and a nun. She wears a black and white nun's hood over her head that extends down to her shoulders, but leaves some of her hair exposed. The hood bears a small, golden, four point star on the forehead portion. She wears a black top which design resembles a school girls, but uses fabric and style of a nuns robe. Her skirt also matches her top in design, and comes down to just above her knees. Her shoes and socks are also unremarkable, being simply black and white. She wears a rather rugged white leather belt on her waist. She wears a relatively small golden four point star amulet on her neck. She wears white fur gloves, which cover the scars on her hands.

Dagger: A simple, steel dagger. It bears a brown leather handle, and comes with a brown leather sheath. Marcelline keeps the sheath attached to her belt. Small, but a fair enough weapon.

Witchtree Branch: Her conduit for magic. The "Witchtree Branch", as she calls it, is made from a willow tree, cursed by an ancient hex. The branch is a foot in length, and is coated in silver, to try and suppress it's innate power. The silver of the branch appears varnished. Clustered towards the top of the branch are silver bells. They appear to be dulled, and faintly ring when the branch is shook. She keeps it in it's own special sheath on her belt, next to her dagger. The sheath itself is made from faded leather.

Other Items:
Umbrella: Due to Darkwald's tendency to rain, she carries an umbrella at her side at all times to stave of the elements. The umbrella is unremarkable, being simply black in color.

Backpack: Marcelline carries a back pack on her filled with supplies. The back pack itself is made of leather which has long since faded, but is still fairly durable. Inside her pack are two potions in glass vials, one that heals wounds and another that cures a variety of ailments. She has assorted herbs, which she uses for creating extra potions if she were to expend hers. She also carries a coat, if it were to ever get too cold for her liking. She also carries a map of Darkwald. It's not overly detailed, but it contains a few notable landmarks and the geography of the area. She carries gold within her back pack as well. Finally, she also carries reading glasses.

Skills: Marcelline's physical skills are rather unremarkable. She knows some apothecary knowledge, which she picked up from her father. She knows of plants and herbs she can use, and can also craft potions, and some poisons if she so desired.

Abilities: Marcelline is fairly capable of magic. She can use said magic on her own, but it's rather weak. The Witchtree Branch serves as a conduit, amplifying her magic so that it's practical. Her magic is mostly support, however.

Light: She can create light from the branch, or her own hands. This action is rather effortless and does not expend much energy, although the light is much dimmer coming from her own hands.

Healing:She can heal others, but not to a great extent. Barehanded, she can stop bleeding on wounds that are not major. With the branch, she can stop bleeding on a wide variety of wounds, and on smaller ones, can accelerate the healing. Her healing takes a short amount of time to work, but drains energy from her the longer she does it.

Fire:She can cast fire as well. From her branch, she can shoot out a small ball of fire. The fireball explodes upon impact, but only inflicts only minor burns, however. The explosion emits a fair amount of light, possible blinding whoever it struck. This spell cannot be cast from her hands. This spell takes a slight amount of energy from her, but this drain accumulates fairly quickly if used successively.

Pain: A true witches hex. This spell is neither flashy, nor as innocent as her other spells. By focusing on a target, she can inflict them with pain. This pain begins minor, like slight joint pain, and intensifies the longer Marcelline focuses. As she focuses, her eyes increasingly turn a deep shade of violet. The joint pain intensifies, to the point where it gets increasingly difficult for the target to fight or move, to the point where it becomes agonizing. The drawback, however, is that is renders Marcelline relatively immobile, and if overused, Marcelline may pass out for a few moments. This spell can only be cast with the Witchtree Branch in hand.

Raised in a small village, Marcelline held a dark secret, brought on by her family's lineage. Her father, Gallant, was a mundane man, who worked as the villages apothecary. From him, Marcelline learned her apothecary skills. Her mother, Ellie, was the problem. Her mother's bloodline descended from witches. The power of witchcraft varied between the women of her bloodline, and Marcelline had inherited it. Marcelline's mother also had the power of witchcraft, and opted to teach Marcelline this magic. Said magic also left various scars on Marcelline's hands, which she decided to simply cover. This witch lineage was unknown to the villagers, however, and witches were abhorred, and burned at the stake for their crimes against the natural order.

Marcelline, fearing for her own safety, opted the guise of a nun, to pass off her dishonest trade as being more saintly. Her branch was crafted from the Witchtree, which was a willow tree on the outskirt of her village. The tree was the site of many wicked rituals in the past, and was also the site of witch executions. When the locals found out the tree had been associated with unholy arts, the attempted to burn down the tree. They all fled in horror when the tree still stood, unharmed, covered in a fine layer of ash. Many have tried to cut it down, but the tree was resilient and grew back the damage they had done. Ellie knew how to charm the tree into giving them a branch, which could be fashioned into a catalyst. The branch, however, still remained covered in ash, and had an ominous presence, so Ellie coated it in silver and decorated it. Even then, the silver and bells remain ever so slightly tarnished, alluding to it's wicked nature.

Other than her witchcraft, Marcelline lead a normal life besides. At age eighteen, she decided to go out and travel. Darkwald was a grim and dangerous place, as she grew up hearing it's stories. With her strange, school girl saint appearance, and her witchcraft miracles at her side, she is certainly a sight to see travelling Darkwald. Her personality is rather reserved, intellectual, and is soft spoken. She comes off as cold, timid, and rather grim in appearance. If you can get past the frozen exterior, she is actually rather nice. Her travels have taken her to Blackwater, and the Hallows Inn, where her story begins...

It's been quite a while since I've written, and I'm kind of rusty. I hope this bio will be acceptable. I tried to not go overboard with the magic...
I'd like to stick around for this RP.

Marcelline is designed moreso for support over anything, so I hope she works out in-universe wise.

LATE EDIT: I edited a couple of minor things. Most notably, I made it so Marcelline isn't as knowledgeable about Darkwald.

TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/14/2014 13:40:30)

Sorry for my absence. Expect an IC soon though. I'll force myself to write it today since I am off.

Bastet -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/14/2014 14:14:43)

I might be a bit late, but am I still on time? I have been busy lately, and an idea for a character I like hasn't popped up in my mind until now.

Tdub -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/18/2014 13:01:03)

So, who's in? Was I too late to submit a bio?

Master K -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/18/2014 16:01:29)

I'm just wondering if my character is acceptable, with her magic and all. There isn't a whole lot of spellcasters to go by at the moment...

TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/18/2014 19:57:07)

*pops knuckles*

Let me look over this stuff, sorry it took me so long. I will update the OOC with names later, but feel free to post now.

@Legendium: First off, I like Heinrich van Hjaalreich's name. Second off I like calling him Heinrich the Blackhand. He's unique and interesting to me, and his witch-hunting background and entire persona kind of fits in well with the roleplay. He's a great background, if a bit sad, and he seems really thought-out. Great job, Legendium, you're in! I have abnormal ways of finding characters I like, but Heinrich is definitely one of the better characters I've run across in roleplaying.

@Tdub: I like Lock, kind of puts me in mind of the Legend of Gin Alley. His ties within the Darkwald are also something I like, and his rogue-like agenda is exactly what I was looking for in the characters. Great job, you're in!

@Gingkage: You had me at Sera. Really though, she's got that down-to-earth rogue-like agenda to it, like Tdub's character, and it's exactly the type of character I was looking for. Plus, I got a thing for bounty hunters. You're in.

@Master K: I like Marcelline's 'strange' approach; kind of puts me in mind of that movie Dark Shadows (Johnny Depp). I'd like to see her work alongside Heinrich though! Her support magic will come in handy within the party as well and I plan on putting that kind of stuff to use (forcing you guys to work together). You're in!

Feel free to post, any of you. I'll be checking back on the site every now and again and will try to post once everyone gets an introduction in place. But I know it's the holidays, so have some quality time with your family, and enjoy it. I'll admit the IC isn't as perfect as I wanted it, but it got the point across; hopefully things will smoothen out once I get done with all this overtime.

Zephyrial -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/18/2014 20:16:16)

Whoops! I didn't even see that the RP was up. My bad!

It'll probably be in my best interest to let a few others post first, but I'll start writing summat up.

Master K -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/18/2014 20:51:55)


I'd like to see her work alongside Heinrich though!

The incognito witch and the witch hunter, together...that'd be pretty ironic.

EDIT: Posted. Marcelline's now at the inn.

Tdub -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/18/2014 23:53:37)

I'll have my first post up tomorrow or the day after, but hopefully the former. Before that, however, I need to know if it is safe to assume Darkwald has no prison or jail? It's not a huge issue if there is one, but I do need to know.

Legendium -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/19/2014 11:32:15)

@Master K

Marcelline wouldn't really be incognito to Heinrich. He can sense magic, so he would know there was a witch in town the moment he stepped into Blackwater, and would single her out the moment he stepped foot through the door of the inn.

Not that it would pose a problem to him. From what I read in your bio, she seems to be a respectable person. A "witch" according to Heinrich (and his order, for that matter) is anyone using magic for malicious intent. They do not merely hunt down any magic user because magic is evil or anything of that sort. To the contrary, most of Heinrich's order are adept wizards as it is, so it would be hypocritical to want to destroy all magic when you use it yourself. They're not like the Rose, from DF.

That said, if your magic is of a type which is commonly used for malicious intent, (i.e. hexes, necromancy, illusion magic) then he will at the very least recoil from the smell. He senses magic through his olfactory senses the most, although also through feel and taste a bit.

And, posted.

Gingkage -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/19/2014 15:08:14)

Intro posted. I hope it's acceptable.

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