RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (Full Version)

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Draycos777 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (5/7/2015 12:06:41)

Posted, thanks for the info TJ. I think I'm going to do a sub-arc soon for Kits. Also, I'm looking forward to the Arc with Raze. Sounds like it'll be fun:P

black knight 1234567 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (5/7/2015 12:59:52)

Yo TJ when is your monster slayer friend arriving at Blackwater? I may just kickstart a story there.

Draycos777 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (5/7/2015 17:36:03)

Not for another story arc.

TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (5/7/2015 20:15:37)

@Draycos: Yeah, I think it'll be interesting too, cause you'll be forced to make a hard decision (or one I hope will be hard). When that comes, I don't know, but it might be sometime during or after the Monster Hunter arc.

@BK: Right now I'm working on the Luke Grange arc, which won't last to much longer, and I might consider bring in Vaelun. I like the idea I have for him. He has the exterior of my preferred characters, but I want to make him real arrogant and cocky, while also being clever and resourceful. He'll be one of my gems I guess, sort of like Yara.

PS: The list of arcs on the original post are not in order by the way. That's just a list. The black ones, however, are ones which have started/ended or have been mentioned.

Master K -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (5/7/2015 22:26:22)


I hope I used the Red Lady properly.

TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (5/9/2015 17:04:41)

Once I read through these posts I might try to get a post in sometime today. If not today then tomorrow, hopefully).

EDIT: Once I get a few things addressed via PM.

EDIT: And yes Master K, you used The Red Lady rather well. You really set a nice tone for her, nice job.

Draycos777 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (5/12/2015 17:52:40)

I guess if Bastet or Gingkage don't have anything else to add (or anyone else for that matter), I'll put up another post.

Kellehendros -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (5/12/2015 18:39:14)

I'm going to try and get a post up tomorrow night. I can't promise anything I'm afraid, but I'll get something up this weekend at the latest.

Master K -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (5/12/2015 21:11:10)

So, TJ.

I'd like to ask. What regions are outside of Darkwald? For backstory purposes.

Draycos777 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (5/13/2015 11:52:21)

Well the know regions that have been mentioned inside the IC are Asgeir, the Northeast region just outside of Darkwald and then the Central Plains. Since the world outside of the Darkwald(and even parts of the Darkwald itself) hasn't been completely flushed out, it wouldn't be to outlandish to PM TJ and ask if you can make-up your own region in the RP for plot-purposes.

TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (5/13/2015 17:57:51)

@Master K: Directly north of the Darkwald is Asgeir. There's probably some sort of no-mans-land in between the two regions that don't really belong to anyone, but if you travel directly north from Blackwater, you'd arrive in southeastern Asgeir. Northwest of Asgeir is a region known as Skoggsland, home to the Skogg, which are primal Varan simply known as 'the Skogg'. To the northeast of the Darkwald (which would be east of Asgeir) is another kingdom known as Eastmarch. Farther east from there is a nation known as Vessex. Eastmarch and Vessex are, more or less, European-Medieval in nature. West of Darkwald is a nation known as Vyleria, and south of the Darkwald and Vyleria is a region known as the Remes Region, of 'the Heartland', seat of the former Reman Empire (think Roman Empire, I just replaced the O's with E's). Very far south of all these regions is a place I'm calling the Sultanate, which is Turkish/Persian/Egyptian/Arabian type stuff. There are several more kingdoms around the Darkwald, I just haven't named them yet. If you want to produce your own names, I may consider using them with your permission.

And like Dray said, the Central Plains exist somewhere and I accept that addition. There's no official map, so some things could be moved and added.

Master K -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (5/13/2015 18:24:06)

Ok, thank you. Trying to figure out where all my characters for the next arc are going to be coming from.
So, from the looks of this, Marcelline came from the edge of Darkwald-Eastmarch.

One character shall come from Eastmarch.
One shall come from Vessex.
Two shall come from Vyleria.
One shall arrive from Remes Region.

TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (5/13/2015 18:44:58)

Now remember Master K, if you wanted to concoct your own names/locations I would be more than happy to let you.

Far north, across the White Sea, there's the Icelands, a domain belonging to the Icelord. Or at least, it use to belong to him. Toric Valgard ventured there and slew the Icelord ('Varyx') a few months prior to this RP. The Icelord was sort of like a demi-god, just like Wraith and Sidonis (the Nazha work for Wraith, Sidonis is his rival). Eons ago, the Icelord and Wraith worked together to imprison Sidonis. With the Icelord dead, there's going to be repercussions. Anyway, Toric's also traveled to an Orcish continent (think Australia in size), which is currently being maintained by his ally Ghor Warforged. Somewhere there's a land of elves, and there's a massive city of dark elves.

Asgeir's capital is Stormhold. In the center of Stormhold is the Black Tower, Storm Tower, Cloud Tower - what have you. Only the bottom levels are open, and no one is quite sure what is farther up - and no one is quite sure who lives there. The Icelord lived in a similar tower, known as the Crystal Spire, which now lies in rubble after Toric caused its destruction when he slew the Icelord.

Somewhere in the Remes Region is the White Tower, Tower of Heaven, Pearl Tower, what have you (different cultures and languages have different names). Like the Storm Tower and the Crystal Spire, it too is a mystery. Who built these towers and there functions remain a mystery. There's a location beneath the White Tower known as Under Deep, but you can't access it directly from the Tower itself; it is accessed from beneath an abandoned (and haunted) fortress a good distance from the Tower.

Master K -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (5/13/2015 19:35:22)

That's an interesting preposition. I'm just trying to think of what'll make sense for the characters I have coming.
I have the "Stone Faced Saint" on the way, as well as some witches/warlocks migrating to Darkwald by utter compulsion.

I've got a wizard's apprentice, bright eyed optimist, and a wandering musician and her insane brother. I don't quite have the fifth one worked out yet...
I'm not sure how they're all going to arrive in the IC or when, but I do have a basic plot worked out.


The Saint comes to Darkwald, meets Marcelline. Marcelline feigns her Nun act, and works together with the saint. The first of the witches arrive, and is found by the Saint, where she resists arrest for accusation of witchcraft and is murdered by the Saint. Marcelline realizes the Saint is out to kill anyone of witchcraft descent, and has to work with her enemy to protect the others who are like her.

TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (5/13/2015 19:49:42)

The Darkwald is your playground Master K. ;)

Draycos777 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (5/13/2015 19:59:31)

Huh, that should be fun:P Also, I think I've figured out what I want Kitsondra's sub-arc to be about. Like I said before, Kitsondra drove away most of the vampires out of the Darkwald. However, the is one that Kitsondra didn't kill out of respect. Time to learn a little bit about the vampire house that took Kit in.

Anyone that wants to can join in on this one; and I'm hoping to have an npc join the Hallows after this arc is done:)

Master K -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (5/13/2015 22:43:43)

Oh, and Drac, since Kitsondra can smell magic, what are some things that can cover the scent of magic?

TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (5/14/2015 18:30:49)

I'm going to message you here soon Dray, about some Vampire related things.

Draycos777 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (5/14/2015 19:45:01)

@Master K Hmm, you're best bet would be to cover the area the magic was used in with an even stronger smell. Like alcohol, cooking, decaying matter, ect. So for with Kit, covering a room with blood would cover most scents(blood from magical creatures work the best for this). You could also try using odor removing magic, which due to it's nature, is... well, odorless:P

@TJ Alright.

black knight 1234567 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (5/15/2015 1:55:20)

Kits@ will it humanize your character? if so, I might have Sorlan jump in on that one then deal with the monster slaying enterprise I have in my mind haha.

Bastet -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (5/15/2015 3:36:36)

I'll beg everyone's pardon for my inactivity. I'm going through some relatively hard times, and I rarely have a chance to sit down and post. This will change in a few weeks.

Draycos777 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (5/15/2015 6:23:18)

@BK That's just wishful thinking:P

@Bastet It's ok we all know that real life can get us from time to time. No need to rush and I hope things get better for you:)

black knight 1234567 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (5/15/2015 11:34:06)

Alright then, count me in. Tell me when you start your story arc so I can write up my return post.

What I love about this RP is how insanely accessible it is. You can completely drop out of entire story arcs then do something that shakes up the city.

Also TJ aren't werewolves existence common knowledge? or is it just common knowledge to people with an expertise in this sort of thing like monster slayers?

Master K -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (5/15/2015 13:48:50)


What I love about this RP is how insanely accessible it is. You can completely drop out of entire story arcs then do something that shakes up the city.

I like the whole free reign. That I can join plot arcs, or create my own, and involve other people. I can pull NPC's and stories out of nowhere and see how other characters react to them, and characterize my own person. It's quite fun.

TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (5/15/2015 18:25:03)

@Bastet: That's absolutely fine, Bastet, we all run into hard times.

@BK and Master K: I'm glad to hear you say that guys. My original idea was just to let this be a basic inn roleplay. I provide the setting and some basic rules, and then you guys mold your own stories around it. But I was afraid it wouldn't catch on, so that's why I put in the Nazha story - to kickstart things. But before you know it you guys were already interacting and trying to kill each other, and it surprised me. That's why, after the Luke Grange scenario, I'm going to let you guys free for a while and let you do what you want to do. I'm very glad you guys are exploring backstories and personal story arcs for one, but I'm very excited that you guys are volunteering to participate in other people's story arcs as well!

EDIT: BK, in the Darkwald, Werewolves are like an urban legend. People may have claimed to see one, or heard one, but whether or not those rumors are true... no one is sure. However, it is possible that werewolves are found other places outside the Darkwald. Monster Slayers would probably know more about them than anyone else.

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