The Unlikely Quest OOC (Applications Currently Closed) (Full Version)

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Superemo -> The Unlikely Quest OOC (Applications Currently Closed) (11/26/2014 10:01:21)

First Post.
Most Recent Update.

Still in the process of writing up character classes. Character Classes are completed. Any suggestions are welcome.

Application format has yet to be created, but will be here when it has been created. And yes, there will be character stats, and more complicated stuff, but the complicated stuff will be on my end.

Application Format:

Forum Name:
Character Name:
Character Race:
Character Class:
-Magical Ability:
Bio (Optional):

Additional questions/comments/statements/expressions of interest/criticisms/other? Feel free to post them.

kkutwar -> RE: The Unlikely Quest OOC (Additional Descriptions/Updates Go Here) (11/26/2014 19:27:40)

Well, what's going on Race-wise? Pre-set, custom, human-only? In addition, can Custom Classes be made? Though how widespread/common/diverse is magic ultimately? I would also like to know what some of this "more complicated stuff" implies, and if morality is an accounted game element. More general world information would be nice, like some of the other fantastic creatures inhabiting this world (trolls? gyphons? fair folk?) or legal laws. In fact, knowing what is and is not legal (as well as their extents) would be important for Criminals.

More trivial things like the date, year, continent, etc would be nice to know but I wouldn't consider them too important to mention.

Superemo -> RE: The Unlikely Quest OOC (Additional Descriptions/Updates Go Here) (11/27/2014 6:48:17)

^: Races will be mostly for flavor, as well as providing a way to manipulate your stats beyond normal boundaries (Translation: I'll have a list of character races before the first post is finished).
Classes are set, but more may become available on a situational basis.
"More complicated stuff" means gameplay mechanics that I won't write down anywhere in the game due to them taking up more space than needed. Morality isn't something that has a running tally, but the NPCs will know about stuff it makes sense for them to know about (for example, some less-than-reputable NPCs may know characters with the class Criminal, while soldiers may know about Warriors).
As for "fantastic creatures", that falls under the category of spoilers. Various "humanoid" races exist (Goblins, Orcs, Elves, Dwarves, etc.), so feel free to extrapolate from there.
And finally, what passes for a "legal system" in most parts of most places in this game is essentially what's referred to as "Common Law". It's not written down anywhere, and it mostly runs on precedent and judicial decree, with local government officials stepping in if they deem it necessary. It can be summed up best as "Don't be a jerk" (Some places do have written laws, but those are the exception, not the rule. Also, some places have differing customs, based mostly on who's in charge).

kkutwar -> RE: The Unlikely Quest OOC (Additional Descriptions/Updates Go Here) (11/27/2014 11:35:29)

Would Weres/Undead/Vampires fall under the fantastic classification? If not, would they be a single concept (Werewolves, zombies, bloodsucking vampires) or do they work off a base concept (Weres are people that turn into something else against their will, undead is simply any kind of animate corpse, vampires consume any specific thing for benefits or psychological compulsion)?

Regarding humanoid races, is it all standard Fantasy races or will there be other created races (like amphibian lizardfolk or a magicless super tough race)? In addition, are there any kind of sub-races (like, a character being an Esper and thus naturally attuned to becoming a Psionic) or is that spoilers? Besides that, how do all the races interact? They do operate under the same rule, or are they opposed to being unified?

DA Holder67 -> RE: The Unlikely Quest OOC (Additional Descriptions/Updates Go Here) (11/28/2014 3:39:02)

Woah, I take a look at this place for the first time in at least a year and see this. Hope there are enough people around to get this off the ground.

liamliam1234liam -> RE: The Unlikely Quest OOC (Additional Descriptions/Updates Go Here) (11/28/2014 12:25:05)

There should be.

DA Holder67 -> RE: The Unlikely Quest OOC (Additional Descriptions/Updates Go Here) (11/28/2014 15:25:49)

Any more of us old school guys still around?

kkutwar -> RE: The Unlikely Quest OOC (Additional Descriptions/Updates Go Here) (11/28/2014 17:29:58)

I would also like to know how updating and players will be managed. Will players get kicked out due to inactivity? Is player killing allowed and will the PCs die if they make bad decisions? Or will the PCs manage to survive nonetheless unless stuck in a truly unavoidable situation? Though regarding Transmuters, can they transmute themselves successfully/at all or does Rule 3 apply even to themselves?

liamliam1234liam -> RE: The Unlikely Quest OOC (Additional Descriptions/Updates Go Here) (11/28/2014 20:59:19)

Necro is still around. I do not know about the others.

Superemo -> RE: The Unlikely Quest OOC (Additional Descriptions/Updates Go Here) (11/29/2014 12:31:57)

@kkut: The undead are a thing, due in part to Necromancers being a thing. As for werewolves/vampires/etc., I'll get to them if the players get to them. I'm currently working on a map that I won't be able to upload due to not having a scanner.
Humanoid races are mostly going to be limited to the PC races. There won't be any sub-races, because those are more of a pain than anything else. Racial relations depend on the races interacting. Goblins and Orcs are on decent-ish terms, Dwarves don't trust Goblins, Elves and Dwarves get along for the most part, Elves look down on Humans... I'd keep going, but I'd get tired, and that's just me listing generalizations. As for the whole government thing, it's basically a whole bunch of different nobles who all rule mostly independently, but they all answer to the King. Think feudal Europe.
Updates will be posted on a "When they're done" schedule, though I'll try to aim for one a week. Players will have two updates before they are marked inactive. If they miss three updates in a row, their character will have a bag placed over their head before they are dragged off to an undisclosed location where they will be detained indefinitely.
Technically, PKing is allowed, but it's not a good idea, what with the people who can find you anywhere and drag you off to an undisclosed location where they can detain you indefinitely.
Transmuters can't transmute themselves due to their form being an integral part of their magical essence. Changing any physical aspect of themselves would disrupt the flow of their magic, causing the spell to fail instantly. That's also why living beings will most likely resist any attempt at transmutation: a living being's form is a part of what it is. A cat could not possibly comprehend what it is to be a dog, much as you couldn't possibly comprehend what it would be like to be a rock. Living things, therefore, are almost certain to resist any attempts at transmutation.

megakyle777 -> RE: The Unlikely Quest OOC (Additional Descriptions/Updates Go Here) (11/29/2014 12:46:38)

I probably won't play, but I'm curious: What if you made the cat think it was a dog first? In Discworld anyway that seemed to make it easier.[:D]

Disc Lorde -> RE: The Unlikely Quest OOC (Additional Descriptions/Updates Go Here) (11/29/2014 21:03:26)

This sounds interesting, and I might apply, but for one thing.

I have applied for 3 of Superemo's games in the past (a fantasy one that I can't remember the name of, Fall of Dawn (the pony one), and Heroes), and every single one of them was abandoned. Two before they started, and one partway through. Given that track record, I consider it very likely that this one will be abandoned too, and therefore that making an app would be a waste of time. The same goes for any new game made by Superemo until his record changes. Though Supes, if you want to restart one of your old games I'd be in for that. I'd like that.

Superemo -> RE: The Unlikely Quest OOC (Additional Descriptions/Updates Go Here) (11/30/2014 1:22:13)

^This is a restart of my first game (one of the four games I've made that ever got off the ground). It wasn't my most thought-out idea, and the original wasn't anywhere near as complex on my end as this one is going to be, but it wasn't meant to be anything super-serious. I'm going to keep it that way, but make it more organized than most of my other games have been.
All of my games have fallen flat in the past, mostly due to stuff happening on my end that was out of my control. A few games never even made it to their first update, due to there only being two or three players interested. I'm in a stable place in my life right now, though, and I think the forums are ready for a resurgence of A&Rs, so I think it's time for me to try this.

Superemo -> RE: The Unlikely Quest OOC (Additional Descriptions/Updates Go Here) (12/7/2014 11:04:45)

Just so everyone's aware, apps are open. As stated in the application format, bios are optional.

DA Holder67 -> RE: The Unlikely Quest OOC (Additional Descriptions/Updates Go Here) (12/8/2014 1:05:13)

Forum Name: DA Holder67
Character Name: Lon Yurdathol
Character Race: Dwarf
Character Class: Ranger
-Power: 8(-1)
-Craftiness: 7(+1)
-Magical Ability: 2
-Wisdom: 10
-Spirituality: 1
-Charisma: 8(+1)
-Luck: 7(-1)
Bio: A drifter with a wealth of knowledge and experience beyond his young age. His family lived in a slum and he was forced to find ways to make money for his family at a young age. He did this by scavenging animal corpses and selling charms he made with their bones. As a teenager, he decided to make himself one less mouth to feed and left. After a few years of doing odd jobs and petty criminal work in major cities, he spent a stint alone in the woods living off the land. During this time, he stumbled upon a string of ruins and scavenged them for valuables, which he sold to make a living. Somewhere done the line he discovered a thriving market for ancient magical artifacts and hunting for them became his new profession. Although treasure hunting is a great way to become exorbitantly wealthy, it is also a great way to accidentally steal a irreplaceable religious artifact revered by many.

Edit: Bio point added

Heroic Necro -> RE: The Unlikely Quest OOC (Applications Now Open) (12/8/2014 19:45:38)

So what happens if I chose a warrior with max Magic Ability and minimum power? Or a wizard with the reverse?

deathlord45 -> RE: The Unlikely Quest OOC (Applications Now Open) (12/8/2014 21:04:34)

Forum Name: deathlord45
Character Name: Xander
Character Race: Human
Character Class: Warrior
-Power: 10
-Craftiness: 6
-Magical Ability: 1
-Wisdom: 8
-Spirituality: 6
-Charisma: 6
-Luck: 5
Xander was a traveler turned mercenary. Having been kicked out his home when he was a young teen by his step-mother, who disliked or even hated Xander. Having come from a slightly wealthy family and thus having no real skills, Xander became a vagrant and a beggar. During this time he met a beggar girl with whom he feel in-love with, though at that time he was also a petty thief swiping a piece of food here and there, but when he met her he turned his life around. Having begged one of the local blacksmiths to take him on as a worker, Xander began to work hard and saving as much of his earning as possible. Having spent 3 years of hard work and saving, Xander had made enough money to get himself and the girl a home. Though a few days later she had gotten mugged and killed. This shattered Xander's heart. The blacksmith having become Xander's mentor/father figure had found out what had happened. He gave Xander a sword, taught him the basics and given him a well worn cloak. He also told Xander to leave the town and find his place in true place in the world. Xander listened to his advice and bought good traveling clothes and giving his house to another beggar. With that he set out, head held high, sword at his waist for many years. He learned the way of the sword from many masters over the year as well as from taking random odd jobs here and there. Eventually ending up working for some noble and helping the local guards capturing some criminals. Only the job was a trap for one of the guards, Xander being the only surviving member of the team was taken into custody.

Superemo -> RE: The Unlikely Quest OOC (Applications Now Open) (12/9/2014 2:58:48)

@DA: Approved. Add your point for the bio.
@deathlord: Approved. Add your point for the bio.

@HN: Things would happen. The Warrior would be utterly useless with standard melee weapons, but magical weapons would be ridiculously good for him. The Mage would be spent after casting a few spells, but spells that enhance his physical traits would be far more useful for him.

megakyle777 -> RE: The Unlikely Quest OOC (Applications Now Open) (12/9/2014 3:29:10)

Forum Name: Megakyle777
Character Name: "Ace", real name unknown
Character Race: Human
Character Class: Gambler
-Power: 5
-Craftiness: 10
-Magical Ability: 2
-Wisdom: 5
-Spirituality: 1
-Charisma: 10
-Luck: 10
Bio (Optional): "So, you want to know my story? Alright then.

I grew up in this little town you won't have heard of. Boring place, not much happens there. Well, except for one thing, but I'll get to that. Had a decent enough childhood. My gambler father took risks, but he always seemed to come out on top. Well, until one day. Some hooded man came into town, stabbed him right in front of me, and looted his pockets. He didn't find what he was looking for, and burnt my house down in a rage. Everything in it destroyed. Or so I thought.

A year later, a old friend of my father's gave me this letter, telling me to look under the 78th rock I see in our old garden. I did, and found this. (Flips a coin in the air and catches it) Beautiful isn't it? I'd later find out it has a magic spell on it. If it landed on heads, something good would happen. Tails, something bad. And what would happen depended on the situation. Got me out of a lot of scrapes that coin did. Mind, it also got me INTO a lot too. But that's the life of a Gambler for you. I use it for a lot: As a weapon or to gamble with for example.

Letter also came with a message. "Don't look for revenge son, not worth it in the end. I should know. There IS something you need to see, but just drift about for a bit and you will know it when you see it." And I've been drifting ever since. Some fun adventures and some... not so fun ones came about, but I still don't know what is is I'm looking for. Maybe I never will. Now If you will excuse me those guards don't look so hap-"

kkutwar -> RE: The Unlikely Quest OOC (Applications Now Open) (12/9/2014 15:35:07)

Forum Name: Kkutwar
Character Name: Samson Cresting
Character Race: Human
Character Class: Bard
-Power: 3
-Craftiness: 9
-Magical Ability: 5
-Wisdom: 10
-Spirituality: 1
-Charisma: 10
-Luck: 5
Bio (Optional): "Once there was an a lad, lone on the streets. His parents, an unfortunate end they met, weren't able to help their beggar son. With him ignored by those that could, he turned to looting pockets and soon much more. He decided a traveling bard would be perfect to steal from. Tis a foolish thought in hindsight he realized, as the bard easily subdued the scrawny boy. The Bard asked 'Who sent you here', to which the boy replied 'Myself ya stupid bard!' Recieving a sound smack for his insolence, the boy's wrists were bound as the bard escorted him around to find where the boy belonged. The only information that could provided was that the boy is a mere thief without home of his own. Through a stroke of luck, the bard had a change of heart. 'You who are without home or purpose, allow me to show and teach you of this marvelous world. Of gods and men, of metal and magic, the natural and bizarre. When I am done, you'll be a fully-fledged bard' Of course the boy thought that was stupid and informed by a slap his life was never his to decide."

"Thus years passed on that wagon, and at the dear age of ten and three the boy was showed a sanctuary. 'I have good friends here, priests they be, who'll help teach you of gods' Though much more accepting of the bard those last four years, he couldn't bring himself to accept gods. 'They sit and watch our lives like their personal drama, they hardly merit true worship. Even then, I refuse to fear such failures for foolishly believing they have true power. Without us mortals they would have nothing.' So used to slaps by now, the boy merely winced at the pain. 'You will not say such words in that holy place, for disrespect is the least of your worries.' With that-"

"What are you doing?" One guard asked as he peered into the cell. The blonde and blue eyed man inside, likely no older than twenty-two sighed annoyed. "Well I was working out how to present my backstory to the court, but honestly that's just me getting past the boredom of this cell. Prior to that I was counting the number of different materials I could find. You guys could really go for some enchanted lamps, very nice aura ya know?" Looking slightly curious at the prisoner the guard spoke "So you're in here for blasphemy then?" Breaking out into laughter at the question, the prisoner spoke suddenly serious "I was asking around for my father and before I knew it found myself here." Curious, the guard asks "What did your father do?" Looking at the guard's eyes with serious determination, the prisoner slumps lazily and speaks casually "I dunno, just know his magic quill was gone so I assumed he was working. Had a new song I wanted to present, so I went looking for him. Call it "Silver Seraph', tis a song of praise I made for a Luxomancer. Think his name was Neil... Something, kind of forgot." Disappointed, the guard walks and the prisoner watches.

"Pfft, that was boring. Hearing bogus claims of monsters is more fun than that. Still, wonder what Ivy would of done here... Welp, one Samson Cresting has songs and epic tales to compose. Oh, I could call the Luxomancer Cornelius... Hawking, like that. So let's see..." Thus he spent the following time working out a tale for his Luxomancer creation.

Before I write the bio, I would like to know what Samson's Stat Layout ends up meaning for him. In fact, could you explain what each point for a stat means? Like, is 10 Power "Peak Species Condition" or Superspecies Strength for example.

Superemo -> RE: The Unlikely Quest OOC (Applications Now Open) (12/9/2014 21:15:13)

@Megakyle: Declined. Check the main thread for the reason.
@kkut: "10" is peak Human for most stats, while the logical limit for others (for example, Magical Ability and Wisdom theoretically have no upward limit, but for the sake of gameplay, they're capped at 10 for most races). Luck is the only exception for those rules, as "Peak Human" for Luck would make the game unplayable due to always winning everything ever, and the logical limit for luck is still insanely good.

kkutwar -> RE: The Unlikely Quest OOC (Applications Now Open) (12/9/2014 21:57:18)

Hmm... What exactly does 0 and 1 stand for then? 0 is possible through Race Adjustments, so that can't mean Existential Failure. Knowing the specifics for the 1-to-10 scale would be helpful. By the way, just me saying words, but High Craftiness/Wisdom/Charisma makes sense to me for a good Bard (I see Craftiness as having a part in their ability to improvise stuff on the spot).

I'll work out the bio later, and some questions: Could you provide us some more information on the Gods that are worshiped? Just some names like "Tespin the Singer" sounds good enough to work with. In addition, what do we get for starter items if any?

Superemo -> RE: The Unlikely Quest OOC (Applications Now Open) (12/9/2014 22:49:10)

^0 means the stat is practically unusable by the character. For example, if someone made an Orc with a 0 in Magical Ability, they would have no ability to use or understand magic, and magical items would be nearly useless for them. A Dwarf with 0 luck would have it so their luck is completely unreliable. A Goblin could have -1 in Wisdom, which would cause them to constantly be surprised when things follow what everyone else regards as a sensible pattern.

megakyle777 -> RE: The Unlikely Quest OOC (Applications Now Open) (12/10/2014 7:33:53)

Whoops, read that as can't go below 0, My mistake. Altered.

Superemo -> RE: The Unlikely Quest OOC (Applications Now Open) (12/10/2014 8:41:16)

@megakyle: Approved. Add your point for the bio.

@kkut: The way the Gods work is different than anything I've read about before, so I'll sum it up rather than comparing it to something else. Essentially, there are a whole bunch of Gods in the various Domains of power (War, Peace, Life, Death, Wealth... essentially, if it's an overarching concept that is relatively easy to personify, it's a Domain). Priests are capable of communicating with Gods, and can get them to intervene on their behalf. The average person, though, has no need or ability to know the name of any individual God.
Essentially, if a Priest needs divine intervention, they can call on a God from a specific realm, and they'll get a God. If they need insight, they can call upon the Gods of Knowledge. If they're planning an assault, they can call on the Gods of War.
The Gods, however, have their own motives. Additionally, they are not infallible, and they tend to remember (and tell others) how they were treated. They also do not like to work more than they want to, and asking for a genuine miracle is generally regarded as, at the very least, a huge favor.

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