Draycos777 -> RE: Vanguard Academy OOC-Recruiting(Students&Tutors) (1/4/2015 14:18:43)
@Legendium I think your misunderstanding my point. I know that yes the buggy was on fire and the flames were moving upward, but I'm no talking about braking potential, I'm talking about after the cart stopped. That's were the angle matters. If it had hit from the front- which is what would have happened if Mal hadn't been on that buggy to begin with- the buggy would have hit the statue from the seat. The seat would have caught fire, but the herbs would still be somewhat ok; no instant blast. So there would have still been time for someone to save what was left before the flames reached the herbs as people where already coming to help. However, thanks to Mal's help, the buggy hit the fire statue from the side, right where the herbs were causing the instant explosion. That's what Kit was getting at. Not, Mal getting squished or not. Also, Kit couldn't really see what was going on at the front. All see could see was glass flying then Mal sticking his coat between the wheel. Kit is driven here to learn as much as she can. and she feels that because of Mal's actions, some of the herbs that she could have studied were reduced to ashes. Which is why she's a little madder at him then she normally would be for other things. I just telling it the way Kit sees it. No hard feeling about Mal getting yelled at right? [:)] Edit: Arthur, were there students in that other buggy or is that other empty one? I'd think it unlikely that 2 out of the 4 buggies Legendium mentioned would be empty, but better to make sure anyways.