World-Building Project OOC (Full Version)

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TJByrum -> World-Building Project OOC (1/4/2015 16:49:59)

The Official OOC of the

This is the official discussion thread for the World-Building Project. Feel free to discuss anything and everything about the project in this thread. I will later provide a link for the official World-Building Project thread that will include the actual entries.

Some initial things to consider:
  • An official name for the thread other than 'World-Building Project'.
  • A name we can use to refer to the world.
  • A name for the Main Continent.
  • Names for other continents.

    I'd like to go ahead a claim a portion of the Main Continent, specifically a region in the north: Asgeir. Asgeir is surrounded by land on the east, south, and west, and a sea to the north.

  • Draycos777 -> RE: World-Building Project OOC (1/4/2015 17:21:07)

    World name suggestion: Fabulae Nexilibus (Intertwining Legends in Latin, I'm using Google though so don't quote me on that:P)

    The Central Plains- Like it's name suggests, it is located in the center of the continent. More of a giant valley than a plain, the Central Plains are surrounded on all sides by mountainous ranges; which has allowed it to keep it's old traditions. Because the only ways in and out of the Plains are by two tunnels through the mountains which have checkpoint guards on either side, they don't see many travelers unless they're there for a reason or plan on living for awhile. The Central Plains doesn't receive much rainfall since the mountains block off most potential rain clouds, so the Plains have a nice warm climate all year round. The rain they do get, comes from the many rivers and streams from water that flows down from the snowcaps. As the water in the Plains evaporates, the mountains have the reverse effect on these clouds, trapping them inside.

    Culture- While the people of the Plains can seem imposing with their old traditions, they are actually a kind and welcoming people. Their due to the influence of the other side world, their culture is starting to take on traits of others. While their food, manners, weapons and business/trade practices are common to old Asia( Think Sengoku period), their buildings and clothing are slowly changing to that of old English.

    Due to the large number of monsters, the most prominent being the giant spider-like monster or Kēbu seisoku kaibutsu,( cave-inhabiting monster; hope that's right.) many of the Plains folk are trained in monster-slaying. Sixty years ago, the most well know monster-slaying organization in the Plains was called the Hunting Order of the Central Plains. It's headquarters was destroyed forty years ago however and it's leaders found dead inside. Some say that they were conducting human experimentations behind the scenes, which lead to it's demise.

    Wind magic is ample in the Plains, which leads many of it's magically in-tuned residents to become wind mages or illusionists. Because wind magic works well with the stealth arts, ninjutsu is the most learned means of defense and warfare in the area. Boosting one of the large school for the stealth arts available.

    I'll probably end up adding something else that I've forgotten, but for know that's it.

    TJByrum -> RE: World-Building Project OOC (1/4/2015 17:53:07)

    You can go more in-depth in the official thread, for now we'll just discuss things.

    I'm thinking we should designate another continent devoted to Asian themes: Ninja, Samurai, Chinese History, Japanese History, etc.

    Bastet -> RE: World-Building Project OOC (1/4/2015 17:59:27)

    Draycos, I don't study Latin to the degree that I'd be able to translate interwining, but I can tell you the correct form of Intertwined Legends instead (which would be Fabulae Nexiles).
    I'd be able to know for certain that that one would be correct.
    I'll probably add my own bit to this world, once Kell grants permission to use the Rise of Domrius material (if he does).

    Draycos777 -> RE: World-Building Project OOC (1/4/2015 19:04:47)


    I'm thinking we should designate another continent devoted to Asian themes: Ninja, Samurai, Chinese History, Japanese History, etc.

    The only problem with that is the Central Plains is apart of the Hallows Inn story and therefore would make it seem old if Kit came from a whole new land as it would throw off current ongoing side stories as well as her backstory. We could make it so that the people of the Central Plains are descendants of those from another land, but to remove them all together would require me to do some rewriting.

    Edit: @Baster Cool, either way works for me :)

    TJByrum -> RE: World-Building Project OOC (1/4/2015 19:29:16)

    I'm not suggesting we move the Central Plains to the new continent, I'm just suggesting we create a new continent with some Asian themes. I'd very much like to do a RP inspired by the BioWare game Jade Empire, which itself is inspired by Ancient China.

    Draycos777 -> RE: World-Building Project OOC (1/4/2015 19:45:42)

    Alright, sorry for the confusion.

    And speaking of Jade in my room for the xBox actually:P I wouldn't mind doing a RP inspired by it:) I might actually play as a villain in that RP tho, because tempest style is to awesome to pass up.

    TJByrum -> RE: World-Building Project OOC (1/4/2015 20:26:17)

    That's fine Draycos.

    I downloaded the On Demand version of Jade Empire on my Xbox 360 and thoroughly enjoyed it.

    Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: World-Building Project OOC (1/4/2015 22:28:02)

    So, I'm afraid I am having to step in and lock this thread down. Not to mention potentially disappoint several individuals who may have been really looking forward to a good, old-fashioned World Building project. First and foremost, this is in completely the wrong location. Any WB Project is, in and of itself, a variant of Roleplay from a Creationist standpoint of design. So, even if it were going to happen, it needs to be treated as an RP properly rather than a General Discussion style topic.

    As for the real bad news? It isn't going to be happening.

    World building projects are incredibly tricky things, and moderation of one really does require AK levels of work and dedication. Yes, that is a step above and well beyond that of any normal DM work, and I am neither endorsing a World Building Project nor taking it under my wing at this point in time. Even if I would allow it to normal DMing, TJ already is DMing one very active thread and participating in two other RPs, leaving me feeling ill-at-ease to his availability of time to properly moderate and run such a project. The fact of the matter is, these days, such projects not only contain far too much potential for in-fighting, disagreements, poor manners, and power-plays; but project such as these also lie far more appropriately as an L&L Collaborative Work rather than as an RP.

    I've seen and participated in Archipelago attempts in the past, as they were colloquially known. Nor am I letting my own experiences as spectator and participant colouring my perception of this. I have also conversed with Eukara about this World Building Project, and our line of thought on this is very similar. World Building Projects, on the whole, will be shelved within RP for the near future, and in the event the opinion of myself and L&L staff change, will absolutely require advanced approval by RP Staff to be listed.

    Petitions can be made to me via PM, as this thread is now locked.

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