The Hallows Inn (OOC II), Closed (Full Version)

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TJByrum -> The Hallows Inn (OOC II), Closed (6/17/2015 18:37:24)

First OOC

The Hallows Inn


Welcome to The Hallows Inn, the spiritual successor to The Faintly Gallows. This is a dark fantasy role play set in a grim wooded area known as the Dakwald. In the middle of the Darkwald is a small town called Blackwater, and at its heart is the Hallows Inn. Your character is a patron at this inn, and you and your fellow adventurers will embark on limitless adventurers as you brave the dangers of the Darkwald, uncover its mysteries, and seek out its treasures. Follow my own stories, join in on others, or make your own! The Darkwald is yours to explore at your own leisure!


The Darkwald is a dark, heavily-forested region nestled between a network of kingdoms. It's dense forest is composed of old oaks, pines, mossy rocks, streams, creeks, small lakes, and twisting vines. The northwestern portion of the Darkwald is quite hilly, while the eastern region borders a mountain range; the southwest is nothing but a marshy lowland. It rains pretty often, almost every night, causing the rivers and creeks to swell up. Moderate snowfall occurs in the winter. The Main Road hugs the Stone River; they both enter the Darkwald from the north, run south until they reach the forest's center, and then bend southeast. There are many winding trails, pathways, and other roads branching off from the Main Road, but they're not considered safe. In the center of the forest, where the river and the road bends, is the small town of Blackwater, with a population of approximately 125. In the center of Blackwater is the Hallows Inn.

Blackwater is a small town sitting in the center of the Darkwald, right where the Main Road and the Stone River bend. The town's streets are dirt roads which get quite muddy during the constant rainstorms. The buildings are made of wood, stone, glass windows, and shingled roofs; many larger homes stand two stories high. Surrounding the town is a palisade wall, about ten feet high. Their are two gates: one at the northern entrance, and one at the southeastern entrance, both guarded by a squad of guardsmen. The gates are closed at all times, until the guards open them for travelers. Two iron grates are built into the palisade wall, one at the northern end and one at the southeastern end, allowing the Stone River to flow through without interference. These grates make it impossible to sail a boat through the city, but there are latches that allow the grates to open for certain situations.

The Stone River bends southeast when it reaches the center of the forest. Right on the top of this bend sits the Hallows Inn, built atop a stone arch-foundation which stretches over the river. The inn faces southeast, in the direction the river flows. A wooden porch-like bridge allows you to cross from one of the river to the other side, but it also serves as an entrance-way to the inn. The first floor of the inn contains a bar, an assortment of tables and chairs, and a lavatory. A fire-pit sits in the center of the room, where most of the food is cooked. The second-floor, accessible by a staircase in the back of the inn, contains a number of rooms for travelers. The third floor is a storage room for the inn's owner.

The Hallows Inn is the oldest structure in Blackwater, built long ago to serve as a place of respite for travelers who braved the Darkwald, and is currently owned by Sloan. Before long, many traders and merchants set their own homes and shops up. Soon enough hunters, lumberjacks, tailors, and other folks showed up and the town of Blackwater became an official establishment, but it is not owned by any single kingdom or nation; it serves as an independent establishment. The people of the town decide the laws of the town, but most are good, decent folk just looking to make a living.

Non-playable Characters

Toren - A mysterious, shaggy-haired, bearded warrior wielding a 'Runeblade'. Toren arrived in town with his young companion, Lily, and formed a volunteer force to defeat the Nazha. With the Nazha defeated, Toren and Lily are now safe to head back home, north to Asgeir.
Lily - A young girl, no older than eleven, traveling with the warrior known as Toren. After the defeat of the Nazha, the two are safe to head back home to Asgeir.
Sloan - Sloan is the short, bald, stocky man who owns the Hallows Inn. His ancestors built, maintained, and still own the inn to this day. Sloan is a simple man who only cares about the preservation of his inn. He tends to his customers as needed, and as such is one of the most well-known, well-respected figures within the Darkwald. Sloan seems to know everyone in town and like all innkeepers, Sloan is a source of valuable information.
The Red Lady - A mysterious fortune teller living at the Hallows Inn upon Sloan's allowance. Not much is known about her other than she sits idly in the corner, offering her services to any who has the coin. She wears a crimson robe that conceals her entire body save for her hands and the peak of her nose. Her facial features are hard to see beneath her hood. The Red Lady seems to know much, and may have ambitions of her own.
Jaque - A peculiar, tall, and skinny man wearing black-and-white stripped clothes and a top-hot. Jaque comes and goes throughout Blackwater, and every time he returns he brings with him an assortment of strange trinkets that he often sells to the townsfolk.
Yara - A young rogue who is often hired as a guide within Darkwald. She is highly proficient with her bow and leads a band of mercenaries in Darkwald. She's quite young, which is strange considering her rank within her gang. Yara teamed up with Luke and his gang of fellows, but soon learned they were not what she thought they were, and seeks help to deal with them.
Luke Grange - Persuasive and charismatic mercenary who teamed up with Yara, but quickly earned her ire. Luke is a swordsman and a bowman, but is more known for his guile rather than his prowess.
Vaelun - A monster slayer with a careless and easy-going personality. He's come to the Darkwald with two companions in an effort to reap the benefits of hunting monsters there.
Velen - A young, naive girl from the country of Vessex. Though a virgin to adventure, she's a capable warrior. Unfortunately, she's quiet dumbfounded when it comes to how the world really works. After meeting Vaelun, Velen eagerly joined him in a 'crusade' to fight evil.
Moran - An old sorcerer with arcane knowledge and power. He joined up with monster slayer Vaelun and Velen as they traveled to the Darkwald, where his intentions continue to remain unclear. He acts as a sort of walking encyclopedia for the trio.


Marietta Gellentara - Kellehendros - 1
Kitsondra Fon - Draycos777 - 1
Sera Blackwell - Gingkage - 1
Marcelline Wakefield - Master K - 1
Kenet the Wanderer - Zephyrial - 1
Lockwood - Tdub - 1
Sorlan Therin - black knight 1234567 - 1
Symphony - Bastet - 1
Franklin Fullrich - blankmascara - 1
Graye/Jackel - brotherinlaw - 1
Arey Daemonica - Afina - 1
Leviathan - Lichviathan 1
Gladius Shrike - Kooroo - 1
Gadrin the Lonely - Riprose123 - 1
Essex Giverny - Legendium - 1
Worms - Vanir - 1

Maria Melodrem - Riprose123 - 1
Heinrich van Hjaalreich - Legendium - 1


Remember, Darkwald is home to roguish individuals. You won't glorious and noble knights here. you guys should be subtle and common in nature. Commonfolk, hunters, lumberjacks, explorers, mages, criminals, bounty hunters, mercenaries, retired soldiers, etc are examples.

Name: Any names or aliases your character goes by.
Age/Race/Gender: How old you are, what race you are, and whether you're a man or woman (or neither, or both). Humans, elves, and dwarves are all completely fine. Custom races are also fine, but ask for permission first (give me a brief description as well, please).
Physical Appearance: How do you look? Facial features, skin color, hair style, hair color, eye color, scars, tattoos, etc.
Armor/Clothing: Any special armor, clothes, or robes you typically wear.
Weapons: Any weapons (including staves) you may own.
Other Items: Trinkets, odds and ends, books, jewelry, etc.
Skills: Any learned/natural skills. This includes parkour, tracking, agile, strong, swordsman, archer, etc. Personal traits that are not magic.
Abilities: Magical abilities. Most magic is subtle; you won't find a pure mage or wizard here, although magic is allowed. Most magic-users rely on mana reserves, spelltomes, grimoires, and runestones. They often wear robes, but that's not always the case. They may also use wands and staves, but they almost always carry daggers, swords, or whatever else they may need.
History: What you did up until this point, unless you want to keep it secret for now (or forever).

[b]Physical Appearance:[/b]
[b]Other Items:[/b]

Official Plots

The Nazha
The Ballad of Luke Grange - A thief? A gambler? A lustful man? Perhaps. But also a man of opportunity. What sort of opportunities can Luke offer the people of the Darkwald?
Dewmarsh Witches - Mysterious, treacherous, and seclusive, the witches of Dewmarsh have been employed by the Nazha leader, known only as 'The Master'. But what could they possibly be after. and what sort of vile plans will they concoct?
The Hunter, Vaelun - Employed by the ever-mysterious Toric, Vaelun - the slayer-for-hire - makes his way to Blackwater to recruit a team of monster hunts to dive into the deepest and darkest legends the Darkwald has to offer.
Raze's Offer - Though a notable member of the Nazha, Raze has always had his own ambitions outside of the group. He has his eyes set on a particular individual, but his plans for her remains unclear.
The Vampire's Keep - Whose to say what became of the Count who once lived within the abandoned Keep?
The Werewolf's Lair - Werewolves are just superstition. Legends. Myths. Right?
A King's Greed - The Darkwald belongs to no one, not even a king.\
Children of the Grave
The Hanging Tree
The Wolf of Asgeir

Afina -> RE: The Hallows Inn (OOC II) (6/17/2015 18:44:34)

I am curious, so please bear with me. Seeing you starting a second ooc... Does this mean you are starting another section for this to, closing applications or just tired of the other one being so long? I admit I am intrigued and interested.

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: The Hallows Inn (OOC II) (6/17/2015 19:53:50)

The other thread hit the forum-wide length limit, and I've been lax in enforcing such a minor thing. Its a technicality more than a sign of anything significant, Afina. There is no need to worry.

Afina -> RE: The Hallows Inn (OOC II) (6/17/2015 20:17:07)

Well in that case, color me interested. Would it be okay if I were to get a bio together and post here for approval and acceptance if you are not full TJ?

Master K -> RE: The Hallows Inn (OOC II) (6/17/2015 21:36:56)

Posted. Moving things along...

TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn (OOC II) (6/17/2015 22:17:27)

I really need to clean up the OOC. Make it more accessible, organized, and coherent.

@Afina: I'll still accept bios. Remember the Yulgar's Inn role plays? This is pretty much that, but set in a darker setting, with grim, horror-like, mysterious undertones. You're free to make up your own story line(s) and pursue them, or jump in on other peoples storylines. I run short story arcs you can join too, but these are mainly to keep me in touch with the characters, and to make sure things don't get stale. I urge you to visit the local tavern, the Hallows Inn. Find a chair, stool, or booth to sit at, drink ale, eat some chicken, potatoes, and pork, converse with Blackwaters shady inhabitants, seek your fortune from the Red Lady, and plan adventures. You can seek respite in the empty rooms on the second floor. Sloans the local innkeep, and he'll make sure you're well fed.

Kooroo -> RE: The Hallows Inn (OOC II) (6/18/2015 15:26:09)

Righto. So you had me from Yulgar's Inn, except not really since I've been looking around since the Approval Change thing.

Anyhow, slightly interested, but a few things to check first.
Firstly, character types. From what I read, you're aiming towards darker characters, right?
And secondly, origin. Does that matter a huge amount besides just having a plausible way to exist? Do they have to be from a specific area or time? I'm assuming not, but just checking.

TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn (OOC II) (6/18/2015 16:35:42)

@Kooroo: Kooroo! Haven't seen your name in a while. Yeah, basically darker types. Or rather, not your typical fantasy type. I wanted to aim for lowlives, mercenaries, thugs, outlaws, assassins, sellswords, that type of thing. Just generally shady people. But I'll take any type of character, regardless. However, there are no high and mighty paladins, no heroic dragonslayers, no majestic knights, or anything like that. Those people exist, but not in the Darkwald. It's really hard to differentiate good from bad, or at least that's what my aim was; no black and white - just grey; grey all over.

You don't necessarily have to go in detail of where you're from, but it's to know past feats and actions. You can keep it short so people have to figure out who you are in the IC rather than read your bio. I like mystery! Just nothing over the top. You can't be from the future, nor can you have traveled from the past, or anything like that.

Afina -> RE: The Hallows Inn (OOC II) (6/19/2015 8:05:42)

I have been going through the rp itself and am wondering if there is any particular type of character you would like to see thrown in the mix. I have several in mind that I have ready to go but am honestly having an issue with choosing which one to pick. If you had anything you would like to see thrown in I'd be open to seeing if any of mine would work. I don't mind playing anything from Lawful Good to Chaotic Evil, lol.

black knight 1234567 -> RE: The Hallows Inn (OOC II) (6/19/2015 13:21:49)

Wait Torin is crossed off the list? O_o

I need to catch up haha.

TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn (OOC II) (6/19/2015 15:52:18)

No particular character Afina. Besides, I'd like to see what you can cook up without restrictions. A few monster hunters, a vampire, a magical being, huntresses, and bounty hunters exist though. So the current players filled a broad spectrum. I'd suggest a character who has incentive to stay in the Darkwald and surrounding areas.

And yeah BK, Toric Valgard murdered Toren once Toren gave him Lily back. And he's done forever, no reviving for him. Should never have cast him anyway. He became exactly what Toric was meant to be, and I could not have that, so I ended him. In future versions, Torens character will be replaced by Toric himself.

Afina -> RE: The Hallows Inn (OOC II) (6/19/2015 18:11:24)

Ooooo, no restrictions? ~rubs her hands together~ This could get interesting, promise nothing too outlandish, lol ~Darts off cackling~

TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn (OOC II) (6/19/2015 20:49:18)

*sits patiently, waiting*

By the way guys, I'm going to try and tidy up the place. Needs a good cleaning. Set, sort, shine, standardize, and sustain!

Afina -> RE: The Hallows Inn (OOC II) (6/19/2015 21:36:25)

Name:Arey Daemonica

Age/Race/Gender: 26/Human(dormant Daemon)/Female

Physical Appearance:Arey stands at 5 foot 10 inches in height, lean and rather thin in build. She posses fiery auburn hair, long and thin, that falls in layers down to the small of her back, roughly chopped bangs cover her face. From beneath her bangs, her crimson eyes radiate, a trait she picked up from her father. Her skin is pale by general standards but holds a slightly orange twinge to it. She is slightly daunting in appearance and due to the flaming hues carried throughout her body she always seems to look slightly angered, even when in repose.

Armor/Clothing: She wears basic leather to cover her body, in classic Daemon form, less is more but fails to cover where her heart lays. To her it doesn't matter. Leather boots trail up her legs to end just above her knees. Her body is sporadically dotted in armor pieces to cover the most basic of locations. She refuses to be hindered by a full set, relying on speed over strength. A reinforced hilt sheath is strapped to her back though it is rarely used unless she is running or climbing.

Weapons:On her person she carries a single sword, that from hilt to tip is as tall as she is. The blade is made from a blood steel specially created by her grandmother before she left home, the only piece of her heritage she possesses.

Other Items:She travels with a small pack that contains the basics, some rope, a utilitarian dagger, some bandages and first aide herbs, some dried meats, a flask of water, a few coins to pay her way and a simple cloth she uses to clean up with.

Skills:Arey is able to heal at a greater rate than most humans due to her dormant side bit nothing that makes it seem like she is anything more than just a tough woman. Her dormant side has many abilities it is known for - No aging, natural armor, alter form, healing via life force drain, teleportation, and summoning. But she has no access to these abilities currently and is glad of it.

Abilities:Arey is a skilled fighter. Don't let her small build fool you, though she tends to drag her blade on the ground as she walks she is more than capable of wielding with precision. A skilled acrobat, she is able to move quickly and strike with deadly force if need be though she prefers to use more diplomatic tactics. Though she carries an outward cruel and short fused demeanor, she is truly as kind in heart as her parents were known to be. Though when pushed she has all the fire and vulgarity her family was famous for.

History:Arey was born far away in the lands of The Twisted Dimensions, a princess and sole heir to the throne. Born to Afina and Krey, the last Queen and King to rule the lands. Her childhood was plagued with unrest and questions. A damaged mother and an absent father. Several times she had tried to save one and find the other, only to return with more problems than she left with. She had been far too young to try such quests and finally made her way back to homelands with her tail tucked between her legs. Her grandmother, Serafina, tried her nest to raise her but she had never been the maternal type, leaving her own daughter Afina with her aunt for most of her life to raise. Being that once Arey hit puberty, their tempers clashed and Arey ended up on her backside more than she will ever admit to.

Tired of life on the TD's, she contacted one of the elders of the realm and begged for a favor. To be made human. The elder was confused by such a request, because even if she returned to Lore, having the skills and abilities of a Daemon could prove to be invaluable. Carey explained that her father has begun life as a human and it had done him no harm. She wanted to live in lush green lands, see a sky that wasn't death, she wanted to live a life that was her own. She couldn't do that, no matter where she went, as the daughter of Daemons. She needed a fresh start. The elder refused to change who Arey was but agreed to lock her Daemon side away, inaccessible to her, for now. Arey concluded that was better than nothing and agreed.

She came back to Lore and since has been freely roaming the lands. When she began she thought she would try her failed quests again but quickly pushed that out of her mind. She decided to let fate decide and just live. She has been doing that the last several years and she has, for the most part, enjoyed her travels. Though now, thongs are changing. The lush greenery was wonderful to a time, but no matter how dormant one side of her may be she cannot fight off the desire for a darker setting forever. She needs more and she believes she knows exactly where to find it, because locking up a monster only creates a more dangerous beast.


TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn (OOC II) (6/19/2015 22:21:49)



Only problem I think I'd have, even though she can't use it yet. What are the specifications of this talent? Also, 'natural armor', how effective is that? A blade only does a little damage, bounces off entirely, or...?


Born to Afina and Krey

Haha, love it!


Tired of life on the TD's

I know this is Twisted Dimensions, but I can't help but wonder if its a gander at TormentedDragon.

Just explain the teleporation and natural armor to me a bit more so I can get a good feel for the character's powers. But everything else looks pretty good!

PS: Also, I like the picture.

Afina -> RE: The Hallows Inn (OOC II) (6/19/2015 22:49:46)

Natural armor is basically flesh that acts like armor. Hard to pierce or damage if struck. Usually takes a magical blade of flint to get through it.

Teleportation is line of sight, look and blink, you're there.

These won't come into play since her Daemonic side is dormant though, having her Daemon side locked away is where I want to keep it for this, it is going to start causing her issues. Daemons are dark creatures, even if they can be kind hearted. Having all these powers locked away is going to make her more volatile over time and prone to looking for a fight, becoming more cruel. Daemons that lock down their true side can end up being driven mad.

TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn (OOC II) (6/20/2015 7:34:57)

So long as her daemon side stays dormant for now, I'll accept her. When and if her powers come into play, we can discuss it then, eh?

Afina -> RE: The Hallows Inn (OOC II) (6/20/2015 8:03:57)

Of course but honestly I doubt they will arise here. I am wanting to mess with her instead of making her an all out combatant right now. If it did start coming into play, other than to make her more mentally and emotionally unstable, for one reason or another I will make sure to run it by you well before it came to fruition.

TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn (OOC II) (6/20/2015 8:11:22)

Okay Afina, you can post whenever you'd like!

And I gotta say guys, writing with Vaelun, Velen, and Moran is pretty fun for me to do. I don't know how interesting/great they are as characters to you, but for me I can tell they're going to be fun to write.

Afina -> RE: The Hallows Inn (OOC II) (6/20/2015 8:26:00)

Sounds good, anything you want me to take particular note with when I enter the RP proper or just your A-typical ~kick the door in~ Boom baby! lol

TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn (OOC II) (6/20/2015 9:48:19)

Not particularly, just be yourself I reckon (or rather, be your character)!

Afina -> RE: The Hallows Inn (OOC II) (6/20/2015 9:59:17)

Teehee, funny I always thought of my characters as an extension of myself. You know one of those twisted forms we find of ourselves in dreams. Well, okies, time to get the ball rolling. Will have a post up asap once I finish getting my head out of my other self, or character in this case. Just finished typing up a bio for Corsair for another group. I need to get the pirate side buried.

TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn (OOC II) (6/20/2015 10:02:56)

Many of my own characters have extreme traits or characteristics based off of my own in a way. And a lot of times, my characters assume personalities of their own; they write themselves, if that makes sense.

Afina -> RE: The Hallows Inn (OOC II) (6/20/2015 10:27:18)

Actually makes perfect sense. Some do that. And post is up, nothing grand but it gets her there at least.

Kellehendros -> RE: The Hallows Inn (OOC II) (6/20/2015 16:15:17)

Okay, post is up. I rather like it, as a bit of introspection on Marietta's character.

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