RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (Full Version)

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Solar Boy -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (9/1/2015 20:09:56)

I have a theory that Puppy never actually leaves this thread.

Hay. :v

Circe -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (9/7/2015 12:06:16)

I wouldn't say I've returned as much as I've been reminded that I haven't been around at all in ages so I thought I'd pop by to see what's happening. Hooray!

Josh -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (9/7/2015 17:15:23)

Circe! You never actually gave me my soul back, y'know. Rude.

Hiiii everyone else. This place seems to be...slightly less active?

master -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (9/7/2015 17:27:51)

Circe! I remember you! Welcome sorta!

^A lot less active from what i remember. shame, i really missed these forums :(

popinloopy -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (9/17/2015 15:53:36)

Back from a couple month hiatus, and glad to be back! Let's hope it stays this way.

UnderSoul -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (9/17/2015 17:44:59)

Welcome back Sushi Guy!

Also, I have more free time to actually post now.

flashbang -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (9/18/2015 20:12:21)

Welcome back, Sushi Guy, and Mr. Honourable! Hopefully you guys can stay for longer.
I also have some information from an anonymous source *coughSushiGuycough* that kors is back as well.
So welcome back to all three of you!

Lord Noonien Soong -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (9/18/2015 23:41:02)

Wow popinloopy, it's almost been a year! Glad to have you back in the AQ Classic forums, it's been rather empty without your presence! (And you're a sushi guy?! [:D])

flashbang -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (9/19/2015 0:05:34)

He is, can't you tell from the profile pic?

Lord Noonien Soong -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (9/19/2015 0:11:02)

Of course, I just find it more comical than his merry sniffmas profile pic, haha.

master -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (9/20/2015 15:46:05)

After returning back in May, its my first time in years being around the forums on my birthday. Be nice to get some birthday wishes :)

flashbang -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (9/22/2015 20:58:35)

Happy belated birthday master! Sorry for being late.

Seth Hydra -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (9/23/2015 5:50:10)

Belated Happy B'day master! Have a great year ahead ^__^

100Rob123 -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (9/23/2015 17:08:08)

I'm sorta back after a couple of years away from the forums. Happy very belated birthday master!

Puppy -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (10/7/2015 3:31:14)

Makes me sad. I went back and looked at my oldest posts to date. I really miss what it used to be like here.

nosey123 -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (10/26/2015 22:49:03)

Still popping by but sadly I think my interest has waned. [&:]

In the end I still continue to stay with AQ and DF, the others...not so much.

Lord Noonien Soong -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (10/26/2015 23:56:05)

long time no see, nosey, good to see one of the legacy players floating around...

Forest Kitten -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (11/2/2015 22:30:03)

Hello everyone, I'm new!
I hope this is the right place to have my first post.

popinloopy -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (11/3/2015 9:43:01)

@Forest Kitten
Welcome aboard! I hope you have a fun time here!

Let's also give a nice goodbye to Ashendal, one of the most dedicated staff members to have worked on DF and MQ.

Dev -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (11/17/2015 1:50:20)

I think Circe said it best.

kors -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (12/4/2015 12:08:23)

And I level up today! Yay![:D]

Razen -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (12/13/2015 1:18:24)

It's rather late to state by months that count about to eight, but my presence has for longer began to abate. My time here has made many people irate, others to relate, and has caused for some to berate. Allow me to, thus, set this line straight on this date: Expect not to see me anymore short of perhaps for yet more chapters of The Dishonored Veldrin that I have yet to create. Let that resonate.

Or, in other words, I'm more just noting for all of you that I'm not going to be around except possibly to write more bits to The Dishonored Veldrin, but I quite doubt that I'll really get around to ever working on it again, let alone finishing it. My leave has really been a rather long time coming if truth is to be told. I'll leave my piece at that as I've probably ragged on too much as is.

FC -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (12/24/2015 22:39:30)

Hello everyone. I popped back in here after a couple of years. I miss these forums. There is a part of my childhood in here, and because of that it makes me really sad to see what state the OOC room is in.

afb728 -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (1/11/2016 3:41:22)

I'm going to be abroad for a while; the soonest I'll be back in here is probably in March.
Be safe while I'm gone!

tflo -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (1/28/2016 8:31:22)

The last time I left, I didn't say goodbye. Does that mean I'm allowed to return again, or did I never technically leave?

Anyways, hello again people!

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