RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (Full Version)

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Enzeru -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (10/21/2017 23:37:01)

Ancient History stopping by to say hi. Seeing if anyone remembers me.

Xplayer -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (10/25/2017 8:40:04)

Hi Enzeru! I remember when you used to post news stories in the OOC all the time when this forum was still active. It's a shame we can't go back to those old discussions (on the other hand I'm glad no one can dredge up my embarrassing posts from 10 years ago).

Brasca123 -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (12/4/2017 21:34:20)

Hi everyone, it's been a long long time... Well, not that long for AE standarda I guess, but 1 year is a lot to me.

Yeah, 1 year, it's already been 1 whole year since I last posted... And this is porbably my last post with this account.

What to say...? This last year made me go through a lot of things, some incredible and some terrible, I had to rethink many things about my life and for myself... And in the end, I decided I needed a change... Lots of changes actually, and this includes my online image.

I have really missed the people on this forum, as well as my friends from chatango, many times I thought about returning, and juat as many times I decided to not do it, for feeling out of place, for feeling out of time, for feeling too busy... I had a vast amount of reasons to not come back, yet I still wanted to.

Well, I might return later, but not with this account, not with this name, this account is done for.

I regret leaving my poor Ultimate Mage Guide forever outdated, I even saw that James Lu locked it due to how much time I spent inactive... It really pained me to see no one take over that spot, and it pained me to see the guide outdated as well... I considered keeping this account alive solely for that guide, but... No, I won't do that, it's not something worth it for me.

I won't enter on any details on why I'm abandoning an acc I already spent 10 years and 700 bucks on, that's my business I guess, I just don't want it anymore.

It's been a long long long ride... I definitely didn't expect to ever part with this acc, but... Well, here I am I guess.

Goodbye everyone, those last 10 years have been a blast, hopefully it doesn't take me too long to come back anew... Well, you probably won't recognize me anyway though, I wouldn't be killing the acc off if I wanted people to recognize me.

Take care and have fun! I wish you all a happy wait for the archmage class!

GiddyPinata -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (12/6/2017 13:48:42)

just rediscovered the forums! I remember back when everyone used to be obsessed with Code Geass R2 on the forums (08, ish?). Got me pretty into it, not much of anything else. Some wacky topics here and there. I don't remember posting much, if so, I was probably wildly immature. PM me if you want to catch up!

Thalakos -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (12/24/2017 1:21:30)

Hello I am Shadows, started AQ in 2002. I'm back to AQ and getting lost. XD

Digital X -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (12/24/2017 12:09:54)

Welcome back Giddy :)

and welcome Thalakos, if we have to dig you out in the depths of the Forum so be it!

weatherseed -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (12/31/2017 15:54:29)

Made it through another year and get to add 1 to my age.

Rheannon -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (12/31/2017 21:14:58)

Acc: Made it through another year
Dis: Forum has declined :(
Acc: I'll keep playing the game on and off until it disappears from the interwebs

Onyx Darkmatter -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (1/8/2018 18:57:22)

Made the decision that I'll be permanently gone from the forum for various reasons: the inactivity of the forum, the lack of interest in the AE games while interested in other games, and my focus on University.

Courses in my University is already getting difficult as it is, and the inactivity discouraged me from posting given that there's not many interactions, but the lack of interest is what really drives me to be gone for good. Dragonfable, despite being my first AE game and only AE game that constantly finds its ways to drag me back, has lost a lot of quality over the years between certain practices done that really irritates me, mediocre writing, and a controversy regarding a certain member.

Nonetheless, it's great that I've met a lot of people whom I still have interaction with, as well as watch members come and go, but I guess this is as far as I'll go. Don't have any plans of logging back in.

It's been a blast knowing ya for the past 9 years.

Digital X -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (1/27/2018 8:44:48)

Gained another level in real ife :)

That Cadbury's Flake cake is taunting me..

Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (2/16/2018 18:15:10)

Gained a level as where are those blasted stat points!?!

Digital X -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (2/16/2018 20:31:08)

Happy Bday! Belated but still ;)

Draconiusultamius -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (3/13/2018 0:59:57)

Henlo! New here, but not to the game. I've been playing dragonfable for quite a while (as in for years but I can't remember when I started any more lol). This seems to be a forum with a lower activity, but whatever. [:)]

Solar Boy -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (4/23/2018 0:42:43)

I've aged again! D:

Digital X -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (4/23/2018 7:26:15)

Happy Bday Solar! You really ought to stop this aging lark. you might outgrow Vorpal mate.

DarkFireKiller -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (5/15/2018 23:09:06)

It has been some time

UnderSoul -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (10/23/2018 17:32:42)

I was discussing artix games and thought I'd make a return to the forums. Much has changed since I was last active.

kors -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (10/23/2018 18:27:49)

Welcome back Undersoul! Long time no see!

Deadly the Eternal -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (12/2/2018 21:09:59)

Hello again all,

I'm revising this forum after almost... 8 years, based on the date of my last post. I'm glad I still own my old email that I had set up here, and I updated everything with a new email address and passwords.

I guess this place somehow came back to my mind (and I've been playing Pokemon GO a lot lately), so I decided to see what has changed. I don't think I'll bother to start a new game, so I'll just be sticking to my old AQ character. I may still poke around a bit, but I'm so far behind there may not be a point in doing much. I don't think I'll be doing much on the forums, especially given the lack of activity, but I thought I'd say something here anyway.

Onyx Darkmatter -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (2/10/2019 11:41:12)

I know I said I didn't had any plans on coming back (and that was the idea), but I'm back just for about a day or so. Classes are still difficult, but nowhere near as problematic as I faced around the time I left.

Solar Boy -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (4/23/2019 10:00:49)


I've aged again! D:


Zero Hex -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (4/23/2019 16:04:14)

^ same, except on 25 march

m415mike -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (4/27/2019 5:46:22)

Man, it's been so long I can't tell if these names are familiar or not. Been a member here for almost exactly half my life, the nostalgia is real. Interesting that an ad would pop up on Facebook after 9 years and remind me. Part of me wishes the old threads weren't purged so much, I'd love to read through some of them. Part of me knows I'd probably implode due to how much of an edgy teenager I was.

Hope everyone is doing well. On the off chance anyone recognizes me, thanks for being a friend during formative years.

Xplayer -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (5/1/2019 9:15:51)

Nice to see you again mike! Be careful what you wish for with keeping the threads around though. I vigilantly check my Facebook "memories" (yes I still have a Facebook) and some of the stuff that I wrote in 2010-2012 I just end up deleting because it's so cringeworthy. I'm glad this forum spared me from it.

Although I'll never be saved from my MtAK. It'll haunt me to my grave -_-

m415mike -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (5/12/2019 6:22:00)

Hahahaha, that MtAK was such a product of its time! As painful as the old posts are to read, they’re equally delightful to read. They’re like photographs for our personalities instead of looks. How do you feel about this place being essentially dead? I’ve only been keeping track since my previous post, but I believe yours is the only reply in days since. I think it’s sad, but it’s also nice in a way reminiscent of historical sites being turned into museums. There’s a certain comfort knowing a place of personal significance is “preserved” rather than having moved on without us.

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