=MtAK= Pika electrifies AQW Suggestions (Full Version)

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Rickyb20 -> =MtAK= Pika electrifies AQW Suggestions (7/21/2015 15:34:11)

Hello there everyone!

Along with Pinwheel, I am the newest AK here in AQW Suggestions. For those of you who don't know who I am, I'm currently the lead of the AdventureQuest Worlds Wiki, a Game Tester and Bug Hunter, and I have helped do contributions to the Lorepedia.

I am very excited to answer all of your questions, but before I do, I need to set some ground rules:

1. Please abide by the =AE= Comprehensive Forum Rules and the =AQW= Suggestions Forum Rules when posting. This especially includes the "No Signatures" rule that is currently present in this forum.
2. Please only ask a maximum of 10 questions per post, per page.
3. Please don't ask personal questions.
4. I have the right to not answer any questions that I do not feel comfortable answering.

As for my editing color, I will be using this.

Alright guys, feel free to start asking away! [:D]

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: =MtAK= Pika electrifies AQW Suggestions (7/21/2015 15:45:23)

*A cloaked figure rises from the shadows.*


Greetings, Rickyb20.

Hello there!

Does thou play any AE games outside of AdventureQuestWorlds?

I used to play AQ, ED, and OS, although I couldn't stick to playing them because I only had enough money to focus on one game. I prefer to pay for something and enjoy the full experience rather than play as a free player.

If so, which one does thou like best?

From most liked to least liked, I would say OS > AQ > ED.

Congratulations on thy archknighthood, may thou always persevere in thy duties.

Thank you very much, Dwelling Dragonlord!

*Bows while succumbing into the shadows.*

*Goes back into Pokeball*

Laos -> RE: =MtAK= Pika electrifies AQW Suggestions (7/21/2015 19:24:11)

Hey Ricky! How are those chains?

They're very tight, thanks for asking!

Congratulations and welcome! I look forward to working with you.

I'm looking forward to working with you too, and thank you!

(P.S. Even though you didn't have to, thanks for putting the extra color coding there so that I didn't have to type it in. xD)

Ianthe -> RE: =MtAK= Pika electrifies AQW Suggestions (7/22/2015 12:23:02)

Hi! So, I had a bunch of questions, but I ran them through Bad Translator so that they're more fun. I need you to answer the questions, and then run your answers through the Bad Translator, so that we're speaking the same language. (For best results, run all your answers through at the same time!)

About the war!?

What war?... he.

Donald trump to break all the teeth?

They were to break all the teeth!

The fact that they are your friends? Or do you want flowers?

I want you, rose. we love flowers.

Retirement is your favorite?

Well, you will see all the moneh.

Is new deal to die?

The new website will be live.

What do you most in the literature?

I wrote most of the literature.

Shadowhunt -> RE: =MtAK= Pika electrifies AQW Suggestions (7/24/2015 13:13:45)

Rickyb! Like BrianD, mayhaps. I wonder if you'll get that reference.

I'm afraid I don't, sorry!

Why Pikachu? Not that there's anything wrong with Pikachu, he's the best.

Pikachu's one of my favorite Pokemon. [:D]

Favorite season/region of the show, if you watch it?

It's a tie between Hoenn/Battle Frontier and Sinnoh.

When you got the notification that you were being offered the spot, was your face like this?

Nope xD. I was shocked though.

How did you get into all the AE duties what with the Wiki, testing, and spelling your name with a little b?

It's all a long story, but it first all started with the wiki. When AE started to recognize the wiki mods and myself as official AE staff volunteers, the other positions came from there (first tester, then bug hunter). I'm grateful for the wiki, because if it didn't exist I wouldn't be here today

As for my name, the "Ricky" part is an iteration of my first name (Derek > rek > Rick > Ricky), the "b" is the first letter of my last name, and the "20" is my favorite number which so happens to coincide with the day of my b-day.

What is your opinion on the spork?

I've never tried using one, so I'm not sure. xD

What if I don't wanna b20?

Then you can banynumberyouwant.

If you're in a car traveling 60 miles per hour, how long will it take you to go 60 miles?

Oh lord, I've seen so many people mess this question up on the Internet, it's hilarious. The answer is an hour.

That's all from me for now, congratulations on your newest, shiniest position!

Thank you very much!

flashbang -> RE: =MtAK= Pika electrifies AQW Suggestions (7/24/2015 14:50:49)

Hello Rick.

Hi there!

I'd like to congratulate you on the AK-hood.

Thank you very much! ^^

As well as thanking you for the work you do on the wiki and on the game.

I'm glad to be helping out the AQW community in any way I can.

Have fun!

You too!

apus -> RE: =MtAK= Pika electrifies AQW Suggestions (7/24/2015 21:31:20)

It's Pikachu Overlord! :O

Hi there goober. [:D]

*bows down to Pika Overlord*

When did you first start watching Pokemon?

I can't remember exactly when, but I'd say around 9-10 years ago. The first episode I ever remember watching was Fear Factor Phony.

Of all the Pokemon you like, why do you like Pikachu, Emolga, and other mouse like Pokemon so much?

Because they're sooooooooo cute! You of all people should know this. [:D]

It's not just those Pokemon though. Wailord and Blaziken are also two of my most favorite Pokemon as well.

Every time I go look at a post in the wiki made by you, there's a picture of an animated Emolga waiting for me. When will you take it off? D: It's distracting since I <3 Emol so much :c

I'll take it down eventually. xD

Why must you torment me with your Pikachu obsession? D:

Because I like seeing you suffer. Muahahaha.

Would you ever consider taking up other AE games again?

I might possibly take up AQW3D, but other than that, probably not.

*dyes Pika purple*


Congratulations goober! Have fun with your new responsibility. Just please, not too much Pikachu around :c

There's always time for more Pikachu. [:D]

*leaves sour Pokeblocks while leaving*

*Eats Pokeblock happily*

Lord Coxy -> RE: =MtAK= Pika electrifies AQW Suggestions (8/4/2015 6:07:43)

Who's that pokemon?....its that yellow mouse Rickyb20!

Haha. xD

Sadly, I wont be able to do much questions, thus no Coxy Time D:....or maybe thats a good thing >:D?

Aww, I want to answer your questions. D:

Congratz from Coxy and hope you have fun here :)

Thank you very much!

Have an awesome day now

You too!

Zyrain -> RE: =MtAK= Pika electrifies AQW Suggestions (8/4/2015 6:44:50)

*walks in*

Hi Zyrain! :D

*paints Ricky's shackles cyan*

*sees that cyan is a shade of blue* HAHAHA FEAR THE POWER OF THE BLOOO

*tightens the shackles*

The shackles are too tight. D:


Nuuuuu pls come back and loosen my shackles. D:

Renn Shadowheart -> RE: =MtAK= Pika electrifies AQW Suggestions (8/4/2015 7:38:01)

*sneaks up on Zyrain and paints him purple*

*sneaks up on Renn and paints him blue*

A threat averted, if I do so say myself. And where are my manners?

Manners? Is that a new type of Pokemon?

Ello, Rickster!

Hello there Renn!

Congrats on yer chains!

Thank you very much!

So, what's your favourite Pokemon, and why?

Pikachu, of course, because he's sooooo cute. Although my other favorite Pokemon are Blaziken and Wailord.

And that's all for now, folks!

I had a lot of fun answering your questions. See you around! :D

Rickyb20 -> RE: =MtAK= Pika electrifies AQW Suggestions (8/30/2015 14:08:48)

Thanks everyone for the questions! Going to go ahead and lock this since this thread's been here long enough.

I'll keep the thread here for a couple more days before moving it to the MtAK archives.

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