RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (Full Version)

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Gingkage -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (1/9/2016 14:25:01)

Locking this temporarily for cleaning purposes. ~Gingkage

The thread is unlocked now but the Moderators and I are not happy with what we've seen here.

Discussion is allowed and encouraged. Disagreeing in said discussions is also allowed and equally encouraged.

Insulting each other is not tolerated, and will never be so. Calling fellow forum members hypocrites, or any other names, is not only uncalled for, it is flaming.

Those of you who have received Official Warnings know what you did wrong. For anyone else, consider this notice of deletion.

Do not do this again. ~Gingkage

Anvos -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (1/9/2016 15:14:32)

I'm guessing this is also why the playable races discussion went poof?

Anywho, while my feedback so is mostly from an observer standpoint I'd say I don't really have anything negative to say since things seem rather par for the course when compared to how I remember older AE games as they were being developed and players were allowed to see it. Still think 1-2 more skills per class would be helpful though for diversity.

speedmeteor101 -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (1/9/2016 16:29:54)

Yeah, I think the skill set right now is a problem, to many players and something that we all hope they address after the kickstarter stuff is straightened out.

So there have been some really good ideas about having more skills and personally I think they can go a step up past their other games like @Cpeeper said about dodging. It'd Be nice if every class had some sort of dodging using arrow keys/D-pad and timing where you can run out of the way to reduce damage you take and give.

Warrior-based classes would have shields and a pop-up button/tap area (for all classes) to use for blocking, mages have a button to use some sort of a button quick spell to block, and rogues had an extreme dodge button that would allow you to completely dodge at the cost of something similar to SP from AQ classic or Bladehaven. (with like a meter to show you if you get the block (assuming you tap the button at the right time. and if u saw my parkour post this would be a similar meter for rolls to break fall damage. Where timing is eveything :P) I think this would make the game really fun. And maybe if a monster is a higher level than you you can make it where it's increasingly harder to dodge or hit that "sweet-spot" by making it smaller... you know like the perfect nitro in asphalt 8 (that red line which will give you the biggest boost) And maybe the skills with shields effects on them would make the dodge bar respectively bigger... that'd be great. I know this isn't likely at this stage of developmoent much less in the couple of months, but this would be a BIG move for the better in aq3d's combat/exploration system imo and make a humongous change.

And then like I said in my other post, if we could get basic fps parkour at least, or maybe even advanced parkour eventually that would make this game extra special and allow for more special and detailed exploration and maybe even better dungeons and boss battles depending on the environment.

Yeah and don't forget trinkets :P I think that pretty much would close out the more boring combat we have right now and exploration (aside from all the other great different ways that request adding skills)

Rezilia -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (1/9/2016 17:13:11)

I was mildly disturbed when I learned that General Gathmor was a Death Knight, due to his appearance as a Death Knight. It sickens me to see AE claim that the game is inspired by AQ, DF and other classics, then turn right around and make AQ3D's Death Knights look like WoW Death Knights instead of DF Death Knights.

DKR -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (1/9/2016 17:27:21)

I can't wait for this game to become playable by all! I never got to be at any of their games from the beginning. This will be different. I hope to become part of the top players and I can't wait. Long live Artix and AQ3D!

speedmeteor101 -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (1/9/2016 17:57:21)


I hope that in the future we will actually see more AE like (dark versions artix armor) undead paladins, aka death knights here, and this creature, for a lack of better terms, is only the boss. I would definitely like to see a return of the more iconic aq classic and df ideas/features, though...

And wow... WoW's aq3d's

You're definitely right about it looking more like WoW's than their own; Personally, I wouldn't care if it were something like a "trolluk deathnight" that's the guard before you go down to face a real deathnight [the real boss] (that looks more like DF's...)
I would much rather actually go into the tower and go down below and do something more like this: an actual dungeon for us to go through and quest for the armor with an AE signature deathnight. Or maybe he'll look like the full armor set for AQ3D's deathknight but taller and slightly buffer. I think this is something AE would address after this kickstarter stuff is all complete... i hope at least :/


Nice Spirit [:)]

Frosthowl -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (1/10/2016 1:14:15)

The big issue I'm having with AQ3D so far is the questing. I'm hoping the reason there are so many repetitive and grindy quests is because it's alpha and we're testing right now. If the questing the way it is now is a reflection of how it will be on release, then I am not at all impressed. I'd much rather have a smaller number of quests with individual and interesting goals then a bunch of boring quests with repeating goals. Having quests that send you off to grind only means there has been no thought put into the leveling process, and it will continue to be boring and shallow going forward. Hopefully, as I said, it's the way it is because the game is so new.

I also hope the development time goes into making content, rather than micro transaction fluff (I'm looking at you AQWs >_> )

There are lots of things I'd like to see, like more skills and more involved combat, but I realize this game will be constantly limited due to it being released on mobile devices.

Other than the questing, I think the game is great! I love the art and seeing new versions of the monsters and characters from the games I grew up with :) I'm also really enjoying being part of the launch of another new AE game! Keep up the good work, I'm confident you guys will knock it outa the park!

speedmeteor101 -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (1/10/2016 1:53:35)

I agree with you 100% on this! Technically, it's not that the game is in alpha. They could've, hypothetically taken more time [<-- key word] to make this alpha more meaningful and possibly give a better, (though small-scale) idea of what the game really is. Instead, they decided to give us that same idea in july 2016 on a much larger scale and really showing their true potential and capabilities. So they are focused on getting this done as fast as possible whilst being effective with productivity and very time-efficient rather than taking a really long slow time trying to give us 'the best' experience in every step of the way. But if they were to do what they're not, the game would've quickly lost interest of the community, so the alpha is a 'keep'm busy' really while they work suuuper hard to get us something exponentially better than what we ask for now.

They did say that this game will not have a membership, and in most cases, the micro-transactions will be to make gameplay easier (like Exp. Boost, or Gold Boost), or will be only making things quicker; like you can play forever earning 200 merge items for a weapon without paying for micro-transactions, or just use the DraagonGems to get the weapon right away. They knew how much of a problem this was in aqw and I think Cysero gave me a great explanation on that. So no worries, I'm sure you be glad to read this [:D]


There are lots of things I'd like to see, like more skills and more involved combat, but I realize this game will be constantly limited due to it being released on mobile devices

I feel the exact same way. I think AE is really good at finding work-arounds that satisfy the community, though (like the paypal extension for kickstarter... they really went out of their way to set that up and got the profits they need to give us the perfect [mobile] game.) I think once they are done doing the work they are doing (getting the kickstarter rewards out and fulfilling stretch goal promises) they will be able to actually have time to read and apply our feedback, and hopefully we can see an improvement in everything; most-notably, combat.

Yeah, considering what happened in 2012 and where they are now from 2014, I say they are doing a great job at what they are doing and that we're all in for a big surprise. The last statement of yours sums up how I feel, too :P

Cpeepers -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (1/10/2016 5:37:51)

It seems my post was deleted so I'm going to sum up the critical points of it for reference from the design team.

1: A single player focus with optional multiplayer modes or the ability to invite players on a quest (and have the difficulty scale up relative to how many) would serve the game well. AQ kept my attention for so long because, for the most part, the NPCs are cool. NPCs are a lot more interesting and well thought out than a lot of player characters, hence why a lot of WoW players will like Sylvanas or Grommash a lot more than their friend's characters or even their own.
2: Keep productive with the alpha. Making games is a little like drawing a pretty picture; and think of the alpha as the sketching phase. You don't start with the details and the little stuff. You block out the important parts first and then add the details (open/closed beta) later. Do big, interesting things but do them roughly. Don't worry about making small things stable yet, you will learn a lot more and the players will have a lot more to respond to if you do something big, cool and new.
3: Frosthowl described it better than I did, but get creative with quests. Throw in some serious ones, throw in some silly ones, but make sure they're all distinct and don't feel like a chore to complete. Quests are the driving force of any RPG; giving players constant goals and constant gratification is one of the most important parts aside from the game being fun mechanically. When people in WoW run out of quests to do they will come back every day to do a randomized Daily Quest even though they have no need for EXP anymore. People LOVE doing quests.
4: Do your research and don't be afraid to ask more experienced people from other companies or who are freelancing. Research especially is very important and you should always be doing it and learning new things about what you're doing. There are a lot of resources floating around the internet, a lot of blogs and design documents to look through and a lot of really awesome people to learn from, not to mention countless books.

And a few extras.

5: 'Pay to save time' is okay. 'Pay to not be weak' is bad. This goes without saying, hopefully.
6: Make sure each team constantly has direction and is working together. If you look at a game like League of Legends, their game has no real management and direction and their recent champions and reworks have been very messy, each team having different ideas of where the character should go.
7: [IMPORTANT] Show, don't tell. This is one more for the future but does somewhat apply now. Any decent MMORPG has a degree of storytelling and worldbuilding, and will show you what makes the world special. This doesn't have to apply on a grand scale either. A character telling you their backstory the moment you meet them isn't very eye-catching. If I only just met Yulgar and he starts telling me his deepest darkest secrets like we're best friends I do not suddenly care about him. I want to know what he's about AFTER I care about him, not before.

My favorite NPC in AQ was Esselgee (I hope he makes a return as the Berserker class trainer. Easily my favorite class in that game even if it gets weak later on. I also know I probably mispelled his name). The reason for this was because he was such a mystery as a character; the game showed you what he was and the descriptions of the monsters he sent you to fight gave you snippets of his personality and showed the quirkier sides of him, while seeing what he was in Dragon Fable and then what he became showed you that he was the victim of some sort of tragedy and made you connect with him, even if you had no clue what that tragedy was. This is all without him directly telling you anything about him.

Again, I will repeat; Make a big sticky note that says 'Show don't tell' on it and put it somewhere that people will see. I am not asking that you put in some sort of 'Relationship Scale' with the NPCs where if you talk to them a bunch and give them gifts and then they tell you what their tragic backstory is once the relationship meter reaches 75.
Think of it like this; Yulgar being chubby and sitting behind the counter but having big muscular arms tells us everything we need to know about him. He had a history of rough manual labour but has cooled down since then and is now chilling. In this visual medium that is video games, being able to tell a story with a still image of something or someone is a very important skill. Players that are told everything about a situation or a character will feel babied. A few times, characters in AQ would talk about something that they knew about but that we didn't, sometimes as if they were picking up on a conversation from before that we weren't present for. That is good. Let the player know that there are a lot of things about this world and the people in it that they don't know, make them WANT to know. Show the history and chemistry between characters when possible. Have their appearance paint out their story.
That said, you don't need to leave players in the dark about everything. Sometimes some exposition is fine. As long as what they're saying is of substance (properly explains something that's going on or something that has happened) and/or plays on the light-hearted parts of the world then it'll be fine, but don't go too crazy with words.

This is all stuff that can come later when more thought and resource is put into it, but it's just so important that it's kept in mind always.

speedmeteor101 -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (1/10/2016 10:00:03)


Yeah, I'll say I agree with you all the way when it's put this way. Let's just say that this isn't the alpha they will draw a pretty picture in. This is still like tech demo... a representation of how far they are and not where they can go. The summer is when we will get the actual alpha where all your suggestions really fall into place... this will probably the closed and open beta, that function as an alpha showing their true potential. But great feedback, here.

I think 7 is a great point. I guess this is also something that we may see in july. Anyways, I get your point about learning about an NPC as we get to no them over longer periods of time and work with and get closer to them. I'm gonna add some more; It's not that I don't like reading text, but I like to see what's going on in a quest. So maybe in the future, just as a bonus and if the game can handle that, I'd like to see when "the wolf took my [as in Reed's] shovel" in a small cutscene when you start the quest. That explains itself, I hope. Then maybe upon intering some areas we can get some interactive cutscenes like this where we can have to save or get saved by an NPC before we get to know him and then get a backstory and whatever.

Rezilia -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (1/10/2016 17:19:03)

Understanding how quests worked in the earlier games:

AQ: You would have a series of battles, each of them randomly picked according to the theme of the quest, thus giving a sense of diversity that still tied into the quest's goal. You had no paths, so the overabundance of monsters you faced made sense.

DF: You would have a series of battles, each of them restricted to a few monsters tied directly to the area - not simply the theme, that made sense as you went along. You had paths but they were quest-only paths so you didn't have to worry about the number of mobs.

MQ: You would have a series of battles, many of them based on the quest's theme or area but many that were from a random pool for the whole game, which seemed tedious. Many quests were featured in areas you could walk through without mob encounters, so this made no sense.

AQW: You would have an end goal that you had to get to by going through multiple screens, but often you could not complete this goal without killing X mobs. While some quests forced you to defeat each mob in a screen before continuing, most didn't. Fighting mobs became meaningless.

HS: You would have an end goal that you had to get to by going through multiple screens, just like in AQW, but the screens were visually represented in a way that the kill X mobs requirements made sense. Fighting mobs had meaning, despite using a similar quest structure.

AQ3D: You have to kill specific mobs a certain number of times, a number that is overwhelmingly more than the number of mobs actually in each area, in a way that's pointless and repetitive. The fact that you can't get quest drops until you have a certain quest is ridiculous since you've been fighting the required mobs dozens of times before that quest, and the idea that only certain mobs in an area drop certain items destroys any sense of realism.

I do not remember what it was called, but there was a game I played once where you had to pick up items on the ground quickly or else other mobs around you would pick them up. This means that quest items would be dropped outside of the quests and they could drop from mobs not listed in the quest.

If you combine that with mobs fighting each other and the "defeat the enemies on the screen before progressing" mechanic, as well as restricting quest accept/complete to only be done through the NPCs instead of the top-right of the screen, you'd make battles seem more meaningful.

Decreasing the number of mobs required to the number in each area and replacing a killed mob with a different mob or variants of each mob would make the game seem like AQ, while keeping enemies thematic to each area and making each area look like their nest would make the game seem like DF.

If you get mobs to move around the entire area in patterns that make sense for them (like sneevils staying with their boxes, and cave sneevils trying to fight the cave trolluks to get into their boxes, perhaps with sneevils jumping out of the boxes you try to look into), you'll make the battles seem even more realistic or meaningful and it'll eliminate the feeling of repetition.

But really, just think about it. What makes more sense: Skeletons appearing out of thin air, or them appearing out of the ground and running toward you? Sneevils just standing around everywhere, or trying to get boxes / coming out of their box fort? Frogzards just biting people, or aggroing players by shooting fireballs at them from their mouths?

If you want AQ3D to be like the earlier games, these things are important. 0.0

speedmeteor101 -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (1/10/2016 19:56:48)

^ I agree here. I think the quests would be best if they made a series of dungeon-like zones, so we wouldn't be spending for ever killing the same monster over and over. It'd be best if the zones were where the quests and types of monsters that spawn would lead you from one end of the zone to the other and the NPC would run/ teleport to the next group of monsters that you'll need for the next quest. Or maybe the area were figuratively circular, the NPC is in the middle and the path of monsters you would need for each quest logically leads you around to the zone exit.

But if they are going to keep it the way it is, I'd assume they'd have many more areas and we'd spend a very small amount of time in each area (5-10 mins). That's like the only way this game would really be playable. Then the dungeons (considering they are made correctly, with a linear/branching path that ultimately leads to a boss) might also make up for this along with smaller amounts of time spent in each area.

And I love your suggestion about skeletons coming from the ground, frogzards from a cave nest or something, and sneevils coming from a fort and moving over towards an area. At least a coming out of a box would be good enough for me as far as sneevils go.

There are also all the other points I didn't mention that I agreed with, but I guess there's no need to repeat all of them. I think this is actually some of the the best feedback I've seen. It's got the problems and good solutions. Really like your ideas @ck

OnuaNuva -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (1/10/2016 21:49:21)

@ckdragonck, you hit the nail right on the head. That's EXACTLY the sort of thing that I'm looking for (and I'd be perfectly alright with either the AQ-esque or DF-esque ideas you have, heck, different areas can act differently too).

Since my beginning with Artix games in '04, AQ has always been a lunch-break type game for me (Hence why my almost 12-year-old character is not level capped yet).
For players like me, a 10-40 minute experience released every week or so is all the more I usually have time to play, which keeps me coming back to AE games. Granted, that doesn't work for everyone, but it would for me.

speedmeteor101 -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (1/10/2016 22:37:03)

Yeah. I think if they start out with around 45 mins to 2 hours worth of gameplay already made for the full release (hopefully done during closed beta) they could hopefully release 20 minutes to an hours worth of 5-15 minute zones or a good dungeon (or good dungeons) periodically and I think players would be satisfied. But we're supposed to get daily dungeons anyways (however that will work) so I think there is still plenty that we will be able to enjoy even if they don't do the quests right. (though that will defeat the purpose of the story)

I'm convinced they could do the dungeons right, especially with environmental effects, as the 2012 aq3d's dungeons where done great, other than the fact that it was super easy to get to the boss. Maybe if they sort of "locked" certain parts of the dungeon until you reach the checkpoints they could actually force you to battle the monsters and reach the next part of the dungeon (with it being divided into many smaller segments). So you can't run all the way through, but if you die you can pick up where you left off.

Rezilia -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (1/10/2016 22:47:56)

That being said, I feel that the game should be somewhat open-world. Even if you lock access to an area until you've completed the previous area, maybe making it so that many areas having multiple areas you can choose to go to, each path being of the same level progression?

For example:

Right now we have Battleon.

Battleon goes to Greenguard North and will also go to the Guardian tower, which will have paths near it if it's similar to AQW's Battleon Tower. Each of these exits would be intro level.

Greenguard North currently goes into Heartwood, which goes into Cave, and into Doomwood Forest. The same level scheme could be applied to the other exits from Greenguard North.

Doomwood Forest leads to the Graveyard and the Thorn Cave. These could have the same level scheme.

The Graveyard leads into two caves and 3 underground areas, as well as the Bridge (which leads into a tower). The latter's path ends in the Tower but the caves could lead to further level'd areas, each the same level scheme as the Bridge.

And all the other places we don't have access to, having equal level scheme, could lead to more areas.

So you'd have the area-locks and the proper level progression, but you'd get to choose to either go one way linearly or play multiple ways in the game, thus allowing for open world.

speedmeteor101 -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (1/10/2016 22:52:48)

Yes! Just as I had on my suggestion in that thread, but much more clear and decisive! I really hope a dev sees this. I also wish there were a like button on these forums.

On FB, this was Cysero's Response:


There are reasons for all of these things and reasons for why we won't be doing the things that are suggested here.

First, adressing returning to the NPC to hand in quests: We chose not to do that because we've found the constant back and forth in other MMOs unnecessary. Also, considering hat we're trying to deliver content quickly (in one respect) in mobile-attention-span-sized chunks is to be considered. We acknowledge that iot

I interpreted that as "the system is pretty solid and to make a lot of those changes, it would take a lot of time and effort for pretty small additions to the game." [And I admit, I feel that these are smaller things that, only when used together, would add the real effect if they're not already limited by the mobile devices] So it seems like they are planning on producing many zones and more quickly than not, and allowing us to spend a smaller time in each one, maybe. And the real weight here, is the fact that this is technically meant for mobile devices, so they are taking mobile devices into consideration a lot, so as to not rip those players off (if that makes sense... that's just how I interpret it). So in a sense, they are taking a lot more into consideration than us PC players, and the fact that this is cross platform [so there will be exponentially more bugs] seems to mean this stuff will take even longer. Not exactly what I was hoping to hear, but it makes enough sense to me. This is more like a mobile game that you can play on PC. So we should blame mobile devices and time!! :P JK sorta, but yeah.

ernitis -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (1/11/2016 15:50:12)


I wholeheartedly agree to your ideas. I hope AE listens to the ideas, atleast the second one if the first is too difficult to accomplish.

LyRein -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (1/11/2016 16:31:22)


that release system didn't work for triple AAA game Destiny (it only had 2-4 hours worth of starting story content too, weekly raids and Xur exotics).

i don't think it'll work with AE, taking in to consideration they're an indie company too.

they need to have a full, days worth release at launch otherwise people will get bored too quickly.
(AE prefer the make-the-game-with-us type releases but it won't work for 3D gaming because of the process and time to make them).

this is why i'm complaining so much about them not treating Alpha and Beta stages as Alpha and Beta stages..


of course you need to consider newer players who've never played any AE games and how they would respond to such short releases


can you simplify that for me, it got really confusing lol

Rezilia -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (1/11/2016 16:54:05)

What part do you want simplified?

LyRein -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (1/11/2016 16:57:40)


this one


Even if you lock access to an area until you've completed the previous area, maybe making it so that many areas having multiple areas you can choose to go to, each path being of the same level progression?

Rezilia -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (1/11/2016 17:22:13)

The biggest level progression problem AE has had in all of its games is balancing levels with new forms of difficulty. Most AE games give higher level equipment options that can defeat the new monster difficulties, while they leave lower level equipment weak despite monsters at those levels also being changed to fit the new difficulty. This is why you have games like DF where it's nearly impossible to finish Book 2 unless you're atleast level 30 despite level scaling all the way down to 1, and why the majority of original low level equips in MQ were useless once new difficulties and new noob equips came out (that were expensive).

What I suggest is a "choose your own adventure" path system, where you can start the game in an area that leads to multiple paths, and each of those paths branch out into more paths. When this is done, the idea is for each path to have the same level range.

For example, right now we have a path from Greenguard North to Doomwood Tower. That is one path. If we make another path from Greenguard North to other areas with the SAME level range, we can introduce more content without forcing that content to be attached to the highest maximum level at that time.

The way AE currently does things, all new content is attached to the highest current level. AQ3D doesn't need to do that. When new difficulties are added in AQ3D, you can attach those difficulties to their own paths, making it so that older-made paths in the game won't require equipment that fits newer difficulties.

This would be great for casual and busy players, especially down the line with years of content, since they won't feel that they have to catch up on literally everything. It would also give PvP-oriented players the ability to choose a path that lets them get the best equips for PvP without them having to do the majority of PvE content.

So you get to choose where you go in the game, which path you take, even being able to take all paths if you want but not required to take all of them. This slows down level progression and lets the devs focus more time on making sure that there's proper level balance.

In fact, I'd support allowing us to gain exp once we've hit the cap, like in DF, for those that want to play multiple paths.

If you make the game like this, you can make it so that the game doesn't have to have one single main storyline, thus allowing a storyline for each path and short stories for small branches. Artix favored this version of storytelling in DF, and I feel that it would work well in AQ3D. :)

LyRein -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (1/11/2016 17:42:21)

so when a new story release (might be the only type of release because 3D work is hard work) comes out, how do they connect it to these paths and allow you to walk to the next area? :S

also if these paths just keep on going won't it give the devs even more work, to add in all these paths and separate storylines?

speedmeteor101 -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (1/11/2016 18:02:24)

So guys about @ckDragonck's post

Cysero just sent me a massive reply (an edit really with paragraphs more)!!! It thoroughly explains everything! He's got a more detailed reply to a lot of the feedback near the top of this page.

He sent me this on FB

There are reasons for all of these things and reasons for why we won't be doing the things that are suggested here.

First, addressing returning to the NPC to hand in quests: We chose not to do that because we've found the constant back and forth in other MMOs unnecessary. Also, considering that we're trying to deliver content quickly (in one respect: See paragraph 3 for more on when and why we're trying to make things take longer) in mobile-attention-span-sized chunks is to be considered. We acknowledge that it's weird having a walkie talkie to the area NPC and breaks immersion for some people but it makes for a faster, more fun and more satisfying playing experience in our opinion.

The monsters are generally grouped for the sake of questing. We know that we're going to be asking you, more often than not, to go kill X of a certain thing and we want them to be grouped to make that faster too. Also we are planning a quest arrow that directs you to the area of the map you need to complete the quest so if we had monsters pathing all over the map or random respawns it would kill that, slowing everything down and make hunting for monsters painful.

We are still working on some things. It takes us a very long time to produce a single area in AQ3D compared to our other games so we want people to spend a lot of time there. That means either a ton of quests, quests with a ton of objectives, or quests with few but difficult to obtain objectives. If you blew through an area in AQ3D as fast as people do AQW releases, (average 15 mins) then AQ3D would run out of content FAR too quickly and we could never produce it fast enough to give people something to do and keep them interested. On the other hand, we don't want you to get sick of an area (as they are necessarily pretty small) so we have added some easy quests to collect clickies or find a single NPC or deliver items to an area as a relief from grinding. We think that exploration achievements and side quests and cutscenes and content that we plan on eventually adding as we refine the areas will also help keep things lively. We hope. Open to suggestion on how to make people WANT to spend more time in smaller areas.

I LOVE the idea of having the monsters interact a lot with their environments but that's technically beyond us at the moment. It just won't be something we can do until much later phases of the game or, more likely, not at all which is a shame.

I think it's really nice to hear from a dev. Especially 2nd to game lead, Cysero.

OnuaNuva -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (1/11/2016 18:20:48)

I think AE would be wise to take a cue from The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword.
The individual outdoor areas of Skyward Sword are rather small, but they are packed INCREDIBLY densely with stuff to do, and take a fair amount of time to fully explore.

LyRein -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (1/11/2016 18:26:08)


yeah, so far everything is so empty and basic...

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