RE: =EC 2015= Spike Arena (Full Version)

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Azan -> RE: =EC 2015= Spike Arena (8/21/2015 11:43:45)

The water mage had drenched the arena, giving the energy elementalist the perfect occasion to electrocute nearly everyone to death. He had then attacked both the sherriff and the energy mage. Obviously, this janitor loved causing chaos and, if he had other powers at his disposal, he could potentially prove to be a greater threat than the lightning caster.

For all these reasons, Arvensis was properly shocked when he saw the sherriff ally with him.

The good news: at least it was to defeat the energy mage. Should the paladin take care of the golem - if she was still alive - and the sherriff eliminate the energy mage, that'd be great for Arvensis. The bad news: he was confident he could take on the janitor by himself, but with Dell Wolf backing the water mage? He wasn't so sure. He certainly knew he did not have the skill to evade both the janitor's potential attacks and the sherriff's projectiles. He hoped Dell Wolf would focus on the energy mage and not turn against him.

Arvensis threw a quick glance at Tomarul and met his eyes for a split second. He hoped his temporary ally would go against the energy mage instead of following him. If he and Dell Wolf focused on the woman, he'd have time enough to take on the janitor and defeat him... hopefully.

When Arvensis glanced back at the janitor, he found out the man indeed had other means of defending himself: he was grabbing what seemed like a boomerang and aiming to throw it at him. "Interesting, he thought. I can block that."

When the water mage threw the boomerang at him, Arvensis threw himself on the ground and rolled in the mud before getting back - with some difficulty - on his feet, nearly slipping on the wet ground. The boomerang, on its way back, missed him by a millimeter. Arvensis paused to observe his foe. It seemed that the janitor both wanted to handle him and the energy mage at the same time.

"So you want multiple enemies, he muttered. Two are way not enough, really. How about five?"

He raised his head to the noonday sun. Ideal conditions. His tatoos started glowing and casted an aura of pure light around him.

When it dissipated, a total of four Arvensises grinned and resumed their charge.

Apocalypse -> RE: =EC 2015= Spike Arena (8/21/2015 21:40:58)

The spear's aim had been true, but the golem was not without its devices. A raised hand revealed an illuminated ruby just as a whirlwind kicked up about its form, splattering mud and water in all directions. Wind, the golem fights for wind, thought Lucia as the spray covered her in sludge and left a clump of it clinging to her hair. The sudden gust hindered the gait of her spear, causing it to leave only a small indent in the behemoth's armor. The Light Incarnation clattered to the ground and dissolved into motes of light that lingered for a moment before vanishing.

Lucia's own personal Goliath was proving as difficult to defeat as one would have surmised from its appearance. The sheer magnitude of its stature gave it an insurmountable strength for an offense. For defense, it had extensive metal plating and a gem to summon gales. The only clear advantage Lucia had was being a smaller, quicker target. Twice the paladin had struck the golem, but neither proved to be anything more than a glancing blow. Damaging the golem would require far more force than she had been supplying.

Keeping one eye on the golem, Lucia peeked at the duel between her ally and the fulgarmancer. Sheriff had been spouting fiery words, perhaps because he had drawn first blood. The magician's face dripped with red, but even from this distance Lucia could tell it was naught but a flesh wound. She fled, running a short ways before planting her staff at the edge of the soapy water. The paladin froze as lightning danced upon the metal hoops atop of the staff. She had been so preoccupied with the golem that she had not comprehended the danger the new field posed to her. Lucia was drenched head to toe and surrounded by water. The same was true for the golem before her, but the fulgarmancer did not appear to have any qualms with harming its one-time partner. There were many sins, but betrayal was the one that cut the deepest. Lucia grit her teeth at the shameless display of the energy combatant.

The spell being weaved needed time to reach its culmination, giving Lucia a few precious seconds to counter it. She clenched her hand and did a small hop. "Veneration!", she said in midair. Two links melted away and in turn, Lucia's feet and lower legs were encased in light. In the past two years, Lucia had utilized her Light Incarnations to create more pieces of armor than she had in all of the previous years of her life put together. Boots required the jump to ensure the light was able to craft the sole portion, a lesson she had been taught the hard way no less than thrice before learning. Another link dissolved as Lucia said, "Shining Star". The untrained eye would be slow to notice, but her right boot gave the faintest of white glows. Lucia's familiarity with energy was far from proficient, but she was well aware that solidified light did not serve as a good conductor. Coupled with a bit of magical resistance and the murky aspect of the water, and the paladin should avoid the peril of the fulgarmancer. Should.

"Chained...Lightning Bolt!"

As the fulgarmancer spoke the first word, Lucia raised her left foot. Electricity raced through the water, spreading itself out across the arena. It crackled towards the paladin, but the combined forces of solidified light and magical protection proved to be enough to thwart it. Goliath did not appear to have been so fortunate. Acrid smoke poured forth from the golem as it lowered its hand, dispelling the whirlwind. Lucia wiped the last speck of mud that had landed on her lip. In spite of the smoke, the golem persevered. It gripped its warhammer with both hands again, no doubt preparing an attack. The whirlwind had appeared when the golem raised its right hand and had subsided when that hand was lowered again. If Lucia was right, then Goliath would not be able to summon it while wielding the warhammer. Her plan was to strip it of that shield.

The paladin held out her hands before her. "Canonization." Three more links blinked out of existence as a great battle axe materialized in her hands, glinting of brightest gold. Lucia could hear shouts of recognition from the crowd, and for no small reason: Lucia had modeled this Light Incarnation after the battle axe of none other than Artix von Kriegar himself. She had only met the legendary paladin once, but it was not a memory she would ever forget. Artix had walked with her on patrol during his short stay at the Dawn Fort. They had encountered a horde of undead and in a blink of an eye Artix dispatched them. He had unleashed a fury upon them, but there had been a beauty to his movement. Righteous judgment rained down from his axe, but the man behind it had been eager and even a little playful. His puns had been insufferable, but that absolute dedication had struck a chord within her. If Lucia could live up to be a fraction of a paladin that Artix was, then she would be ecstatic beyond words. Her grip tightened as she imagined what the great Artix von Kriegar would make of her now. She wondered if he could sense what she was just by looking at her. Lucia clenched her teeth to fight off the thought. She would never have to worry about that if she was victorious today.

Goliath stepped forward and swung, its hammer carrying her death sentence. But the golem had made the same mistake as before, just in a different direction. Lucia dived to escape the warhammer’s path, twisting her body as she plunged towards the giant so she would face the sky rather than the ground. Due to the vast difference in height, the golem had to swing downward at an angle to strike the paladin. This left an opening between the hammer’s head and the golem itself. An opening that could prove advantageous if one took the risk and was low enough. The behemoth’s legs remained out of reach but her target was not. As the pole portion of the warhammer passed overhead, Lucia swung her battle axe. Her aim was for the right hand of Goliath.

Riprose123 -> RE: =EC 2015= Spike Arena (8/21/2015 21:47:17)

Tomarul moved in the opposite direction of Arvenis, watching his back as he made for the janitor. His feet slick in the water and his attention focused on his temporary ally, Tomarul wasn't watching as the energy mage launched her attack into the water. Turning now, he raced towards the sheriff, who's attention was now on the mage, who shouted something about lightning. Tomarul's ears twitched slightly, his feet carrying him ever forward, and as the words reverberated off his ear drums, his face turned to an exaggerated surprise. Forcing himself to stop, he slid into the water, his feet sliding over the slick ground, just as the electricity viciously lept into his body. His back slammed onto the ground, and he began to spasm in the shallow water as the electricity triggered his muscles beyond his control. A feral, pained growl erupted from deep in his throat, letting those around know he was in obvious, uncontrollable pain. The best he could hope for was that he wouldn't swallow his tongue as he shook and shaked, pain spotting his vision as the electrical current passed through his body, activating every pain emitter it passed over.

Seconds passed, and Tomarul growled in pain as it finally started to retreat, and his muscles began to calm. He was numb all over, and knew he would be for several seconds, but he was firmly aware his own magnetic field had fluctuated during his episode. He was aware of four buried in the dirt next to his side, and the ones attached to his waist had flung off into odd directions, a few having bounced off the Martyr close to his laying location. Four more had launched towards Raiu and Dell Wolf, who were facing off in the middle of the the arena, for two heading towards Dell's back, and two more heading straight over his shoulders. The rest of his blades were scattered around on the ground, where they couldn't do any harm, or pinned under his back, where they could not move. Tomarul would have to merely wait until the numbness resided, and he would be able to move again.

Draycos777 -> RE: =EC 2015= Spike Arena (8/21/2015 23:34:56)

Unfortunately reason did not prevail with this opponent. Which, in the situation Raiu found herself in, wasn't the best of things to have happen.

"First, ya'll interfere with ma shootout. Then, ya'll take potshots and what-ever that thar wood contraption was and toss it at me. Then, ya'll try ta kill me!"

Raiu blinked at Dell Wolf, trying to recall when she tried to "kill him".

"The Chained Bolt in the water may be powerful enough to put someone in respiratory shock, but outside of water? No way."

Dell Wolf then began to hold his shotgun tighter and showed Raiu his burnt hat.

"An as a result o yer dang blasted blastin, ya'll go and torch MA FAVORITE HAT ta boot!"

Raiu could only stare at him for a few moments.

"A-are you for real ri-"

Raiu was cut off as the sheriff started again.

"Now, ah tried to be all friendly like." Dell Wolf placed the hat back on his head; "Ah tried ta reason wit cha pardoner. But ya'll wasted, and tested and tried ma patience till the cows don came home."

"What? How does warning me in the middle of my attack then firing back count?"

"Well ma'am. ya'll done gone and dug yer grave up dar on Boot hill. An ma'am I'm da sheriff o these parts and ya'll done gone wrong by me."

No you're not!

"Ah reckon ya'll got a couple o options now. Ya either surrender ta me an i'll spare yer life and acknowledge ya'll as an honorable. Option two is ya'll get injured, and ah reckon when this is all over, Ah might come ta find ya. Ya'll er interesting ta say the least. But right now? Ah say ya'll in trouble."

Raiu chuckled at the sheriff. Mentioning surrender, honor and hitting on her all at the same time. This was almost like living out a comic act. However, as annoying as the sheriff was to her right now, his weird accent was a tad charming, but just that: a tad.

"Aright, fine." Raiu smiled coolly and began charging her staff; "If you can beat me, the date is yours."

In reply Dell sent Raiu a fake shot, to scare her it seemed like, and asked for her name while picking up the soap bar the Janitor had sent his way. The Janitor called out, saying his name was John and that he should throw the bar of soap at Raiu, which Dell did. As it made contact with Raiu's staff, which she was still leaning on, the soap bar caught her electrical charge and exploded into a large bubble cloud, that was now statically charged. The soap got into Raiu's eyes, causing her to close them in irritation. Raiu heard gunfire infront of her and tried moving left out of the way; or at least she thought she moved to her left. Thankfully nothing happened to her. No doubt in part of the bubble cloud saving her with it's static. Not seeing anything was a pain, thanks to the Janitor.

"He would have a name Like John. John the Janitor... he's just asking to get zapped. But that'll have to wait 'til I take down the cowboy."

Thankfully, with the arena the way it is now, Raiu didn't need to see in order to defeat her opponent. Shocking the arena again would get rid of her bubbly protection, but that was fine. Since she had the time, Raiu decided to call out from the cloud.

"Oi! Robot! You should get to the obelisk!"

If it was smart, which Raiu was sure it was, then it would know why it should move to the edge. Charging her attack once more, the bubble cloud became smaller and smaller as the energy she created popped the bubbles that made it up.

"See if this won't take your mind off that hat of yours!" Raiu, still with her eyes closed, sent another wave of energy through the arena. Though this time the attack was fairly weaker.

"Not sure if you were talking to me or not, but the name's Raiu anyways."

With that, she leveled her staff waist-high with two hands and prepared to attack Dell Wolf again.

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: =EC 2015= Spike Arena (8/22/2015 0:45:30)

Howdy readers, welcome back. Now the ol sheriff was in quite the fix here as we’re about ta see.

Dell holstered the shotgun onto his back again and heard his Paladin ally call out “Canonization”
“What in tarnation?” He took his eyes off the battle to check on her. His sight caught notice of Azan charging for the janitor and split into fours. “Well don’t dat beat all.”

The ol sheriff saw the paladin dodge below the golem and it had smoke coming off it’s body. The growls of pain caught his attention and he saw the wolf man. Tomarul had fallen and the electricity bounced through his body. Just at that time, the Janitor called out his name and Dell gave a quick nod to acknowledge he’d heard the man.

“All right, fine.” Dell turned his attention back towards the energy mage. “If you can beat me, the date’s yours.” Now this was very interesting. It wasn’t everyday that someone you fought was willing to go out with you. “Well than, I shan’t disappoint ya’ll.” He said back with a polite smile.

“Oi Robot!” He heard her say. She clearly had gotten some of John’s soap in her eyes and the shotgun blast had obviously missed. a pity. He turned his head looking over at the golem. “You should get to the obelisk!”

Now why would she go and warn her former ally unless…uh-oh.

It suddenly dawned on the ol sheriff just as sure as rain falls to the Earth. Naturally she was planning to attack. “Shall we dance?” he called with a smug smile. In the corner of his eye as he was turning his head back towards her there was a glint of metal incoming. Turning his head just enough he could see there were four blades incoming. “What in da hills o mah grandaddy’s boots?!”

Dell ran forward and she gave her name. “it’s Raiu.” Well isn’t that a nice name for someone who’s ah tryin ta kill ya.

The ol sheriff took off at a full run, reflexes taking hold as he dashed towards Raiu. If those reach her she’s a goner! He wasn’t as close to her as he’d have liked so that full run was what he needed. “See if this doesn’t take your mind off that hat of yours.” Oh no she wasn’t! Dells mind raced as he ran. He needed a quick solution or else she’d be a dead duck! He swung his right arm back and grasped the shotgun. The stupid muck made him slide forward, perfect! He swung his shotgun handle down into the muck and used it like one of those long sticks they used to play stickball with. Propelling himself forward, unfortunately, he hadn’t seen the rock and it struck just as he went flying. It made him fly faster. Uh-oh! This ain’t good!

Swinging the shotgun back in place by those quick reflexes, Dell swung his arms out and yelled a warning. “Raiu! LOOK OUT!” He aimed his head low and saw the chained lightning crash past him. Not only did it dance, but it HURT! He winced as the electricity flashed once more into his right arm but also into his lower legs. He hoped he could end this battle without killing her. His hat was a fixing to fly right off once he got to her though.

Draycos777 -> RE: =EC 2015= Spike Arena (8/22/2015 10:20:49)

Normally one would expect your foe to run away from a field of electricity, not towards it. However, that is what happened to Raiu; great luck, huh? Although she couldn't see, she could still hear just fine. First Raiu heard Dell Wolf accept her challenge. Then she heard the sound of footsteps catching water as they raced towards her. They, however, turned into the sound of sliding, then stopped in the middle of her attack.

"Did they stop? Or did they get hit by the attack. Maybe they slid into the wall. Arrrugh, not being able to see is a pain!"

It wasn't until after her attack, when she heard the sound of Dell Wolf's yelling, that Raiu realized what was about to happen.

“Raiu! LOOK OUT!”

"That sounds really close. What's he talking about?"

Raiu turned towards the source of the noise and leveled her staff for an attack. However, that attack came in a much different fashion than she had expected. With a whoomp the sheriff flew into Raiu, sending them both crashing into the ground; Raiu's staff sliding off towards her right.

"W-what are you doing?! You're a ranged fighter, use your damn guns instead of charging me!"

Try as she might, the impact took too much wind out of her lungs and left her unable to push Dell Wolf off of her. While not nearly as over-the-top, Raiu had still inherited some of her great-aunt's flare ups of anger. With each failed push, it rose to the surface more and more, until finally Raiu couldn't hold it in any more.


In her anger, Raiu tried opening her eyes, but was only able to get a blurry squint out. It was enough to make out blue cotton, however.

"That damn sheriff wears a blue shirt doesn't he?"

With Static Armor having worn off long ago, Raiu would have to get him off herself, but, that wasn't a problem for her. Grabbing what she believed was a shirt, sparks flew off her clothes as she got ready the shock the crap off of whatever she had a hold of.


Dragonnightwolf -> RE: =EC 2015= Spike Arena (8/22/2015 12:59:39)

His hat sure enough flew right off his head the moment the two made contact. She still couldn’t see but her hearing was just fine. “Use your damned guns” He heard her say, the adrenaline still pounding in her ears. “Woah, woah, woah!” He said trying to calm her down he tried to roll off her but the damned electric shock was still battling his lower legs.

“This how ya’ll treat yer saver? Ya can’t see em, but thar was a heap o blades ah comin at us. Had ta get ya outta the way so’s you wouldn’t get skewered like last weeks cattle roast.”

He saw her grab his shirt and he swung his left fist down against his left leg to make the pain of the electricity go away. It still hurt like anything, but he was alive. He rolled off to her left placing a hand on hers gently, calmly. “Woah pardner! Just ya’ll calm down. Ah may be a fighter o ice. But ah reckon that mah sense o justice and honor dare not let ye battle whilst ya’ll can’t see a blame o blasted thang.”

He spies her staff and puts his free hand around it.

He moves his hand away from hers and gets back up, reaching down with his free hand the other one holding her staff, and offers his hand to her.

“Now just.” He says taking a deep breath. “Just ya’ll calm down an take mah hand.”

The ol sheriff gave her a gentle smile though he knew she couldn’t see it. “Ah reckon that even though ah turned ya’ll down. I’ve calmed enough to concern mahself with ya life rather than my ol hat anyhow.”

“Now whattya say pardner? Ready ta call it surrender? Ah reckon ya’ll know ah woulda won had ah drawn my gun just than.”

His hair was a mess from the electricity, his eyes held focus on her but were alert for whatever else may be incoming.

He kept the pro-offered hand held out. Honor was something he took seriously. Honor and justice were things he’d fought for his whole life. He wasn’t about to toss them aside even in the bloody heat of battle. The ice lord had known his values. That’s why he was here wasn’t it?

Bastet -> RE: =EC 2015= Spike Arena (8/23/2015 19:19:29)

The paladin proved to be quite adept at rolling, ducking and jumping. After all, that was the best course of action if she couldn’t muster enough strength to directly block S.O.N.A.R.’s blows, which few creatures could claim to. Though it would be impossible to determine no matter how much one looked at S.O.N.A.R.’s face, the golem was fairly annoyed by opponents that employed such tactics against it. It preferred direct clashes, though none of the people he had been forced to fight stood up to the challenge.

The lean, though muscular woman had learned from the first strike she had avoided but that didn’t make her moves any less careless in S.O.N.A.R.’s eyes. If her attack wouldn’t work, she would most likely be crushed either by hammer, by fist or by iron boot. She had materialized a different kind of weapon than last time, making it obvious that her powers encompassed generating any kind of weapon to suit the situation at hand. If anything, the battleaxe she was now wielding was a weapon the construct found easier to deal with than a spear made to thrust through its defenses.

The warrior of light landed on her back, facing upwards. S.O.N.A.R. was sure that this wasn’t an accident, using that information to determine where she would strike. Its legs were obviously out of reach, and the only reachable targets from that position were either its hands or the pole of the mighty warhammer S.O.N.A.R. had been to created to put to use. Reacting as quickly as it could, the golem lowered the ruby-engraved metallic hand to meet the luminous axe. When it struck, it left a deep mark in the palm of the construct, but he had the advantage from there. With force, S.O.N.A.R. pushed the axe downwards, back towards its owner, planning to force it back on her. While doing so, the golem was forced to bend forward to extend its reach towards the ground: from a standing position, he couldn’t push the axe down far enough to reach its intended target. It hoped that the damage it had caused itself would be offset by the fact that the girl would now be forced to move away or be crushed under the blade of her own weapon, as the hammer that remained in the construct’s left hand was in a position from which it could not be brought to bear on her again. If she moved even closer, S.O.N.A.R. would be forced to attempt crushing her underfoot once again, but this time the soapy waves would probably not come to save it from the champion of light’s strike. Whoever had caused them, they had saved S.O.N.A.R. a debilitating injury to its knee joints.

"Oi! Robot! You should get to the obelisk!"

A female voice interrupted S.O.N.A.R.’s focus on splitting its opponent in two with her own weapon, though it didn’t distract it from pushing as hard as it was before. It deduced that it was probably that of its lightning-attuned ally, at least giving the golem a hint of who it should avoiding striking once the paladin had been dealt with. What actually worried the construct is that it could, in no way, move from its current position without input from the one it was clashing with. When the weakened lightning eventually struck, S.O.N.A.R. could do naught but grit its non-existing teeth and hope the attack would damage the woman more than it damaged itself. Without the gales to protect it, the electricity could potentially cause significant damage to the metal the golem was made of.

Yells for someone to get off came from the same voice that had warned S.O.N.A.R., but it currently couldn’t answer them with active aid. One way or the other, the construct knew the only possible course of action was to neutralize the warrior beneath it.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =EC 2015= Spike Arena (8/24/2015 10:05:02)

John was aware that the chaos in the arena, and he relished in it. Most would wonder why a janitor, of all professionals, would want a scene of absolute chaos. It is true that the JJJJ in general was aligned with Order on the moral compass, but John had grown up in Paxia, so he naturally had aligned himself with the chaos that surrounded the Clan Wars, before the Unity Movement had settled in. John thrived in the chaos of battle, which was one of the reasons he was assigned to the SS at such a young age. Here in the arena were adventurers, all of them. Filthy litterbugs who would just slay foes haphazardly and leave the rotting carcasses on whatever path they happened to choose. No, in order for order to be restored, the adventurers would need to be punished for their sins, they would need further cleansing.

Sadly for John, he could not fully take in the majesty of the melee as one of the participants had decided to directly charge him. The Ragarang had narrowly missed on the return trip, but with the amount of ether the rang had in it, John hoped it would make his opponent at least a little woozy, if not completely incapacitate. Regardless, he could not continue his plans as long as someone was attempting to engage him in direct combat. Catching the Ragarang and pocketing it back into it's slot, John observed his foe make 4 more copies of himself and continued the charge. A dark grin emerged on his face, he had seen illusions like this before. At best, they may be solid enough to do damage to him, but such illusions of light were always fragile, one good blow should dissipate them.

He grabbed a capsule from his belt and threw it at the charging foe, knowing that the moment it hit the ground it would burst forth into a soap particle cloud that would obscure vision, enduce coughing (as any well made smoke/particle cloud would) and hoepfully get into his foe's eyes to cause maximum irritation. John's brand of soap was definately not "Tears No More".

Taking advantage of the upcoming distraction, John dispensed another bar of soap into his now full bucket, stirred it up with his MOP, and this time raised a soapy wave into the air. It wasn't a huge wave, one bucket of water could never produce that, but the wave WOULD be wide enough to hit all 5 of his foes unless they dispersed. Summoning all the energy he could muster, he sent the wave at maximum speed at his foe, with every intention of trying to impale him on the martyr that was behind him.

Azan -> RE: =EC 2015= Spike Arena (8/24/2015 22:37:13)

Arvensis's faith in his powers made him underestimate the Janitor's abilities. And that sealed his fate.

He would not have thought the water mage had any more tricks to throw at him, since he was so occupied with another enemy already.

He hesitated when he saw his opponent throw what looked like a capsule directly at him and his clones. Then the thing, whatever it was, hit the ground and Arvensis's vision was filled with... soap. A cloud of soap that irritated his eyes and made him stumble. He felt his clones doing the exact same thing as the soapy cloud hit them, too. The soap got everywhere and, soon, the half-elemental and his clones were coughing and stumbling upon each other.

And the wave hit.

There was a blinding flash of light as Arvensis and his clones were hurled onto the martyr. The magical illusions dispelled when they hit the obelisk - but Arvensis was too shocked from the surprise to even feel the pain coming from the giant hole in his chest. "Inner Light, he muttered. Inner Light." But his healing powers had their limits, and the gaping wound remained whole. The only thing Arvensis felt was the relief that came with the healing spell: peace, serenity. No longer wanting to fight. Acceptance of his fate. He was going to die, he knew it and accepted it. The Light Lord would tend to his peaceful soul in death.

Without even wanting it, Arvensis let loose a last blast of magic. Wings of pure light formed in his back, not touching either his bleeding skin or the martyr, hanging ethereal into the air, and waves of luminous magic spread to the entire arena. His Wings of Mercy shattered and dissolved. The other competitors who relied on their five senses would be completely cut from them, their thoughts turning towards the happy and peaceful moments of their lives rather than towards the fight, until they could muster the necessary mental strength to bring themselves back to their senses. It was the half-elemental's "farewell gift" for the fighters of the Spike Arena.

Arvensis closed his eyes and ceased breathing. His elemental self went back to its normal form and dissolved into the ambient light. A deformed mass of bloody flesh fell to the ground: the remains of the light mage's humanity, now gone forever. These body remains would be the only things buried in Arvensis's tomb later, when the Elemental Championships of the year would be no more than a mere memory, below a tombstone that read:

"Here lies Arvensis Elekar, Half-Elemental, Faithful Servant of the Light Lord, who forgot soapy water could be a lethal weapon."

Apocalypse -> RE: =EC 2015= Spike Arena (8/24/2015 23:56:35)

Goliath may have been the pinnacle of brute force, but its reflexes were nothing less than extraordinary. In mid-swing the golem relinquished hold of its warhammer with one hand and intercepted the oncoming battle axe. The light blade sank into its palm, but the tables had turned against Lucia. With a grasp on her axe, the behemoth forced its arm downward so as to slay the paladin with her own weapon. Goliath possessed such strength that even with a single hand it was overwhelming Lucia's. From its grand height, Goliath was unable to press the axe back into Lucia. It bent forwards so as to finish the job and put an end to the paladin.

"Oi! Robot! You should get to the obelisk!"

It had been the fulgarmancer who had called out, no doubt about to unleash another wave of energy across the arena floor. It had been a warning, but the golem did not seem too intent on escaping to the obelisk. Instead, Goliath was unwavering in its resolve to kill its foe. A competition of pure might was one that Lucia was destined to lose, so she undertook a different course of action. She rolled to the right, surrendering control of the battle axe. As predicted, the abrupt lack of opposition induced the giant to drive the weapon into the ground. With a normal battle axe, the golem would only have had to worry about the blade slicing further into the palm before it broke. But this was no normal battle axe. A Light Incarnation of this caliber, upon breaking, would unleash an explosion of light. At such a close range, much of Goliath's body would be subjugated to the outburst. Lucia herself would also be caught in the light's flare, but she counted on her resilience to light to pull her through this encounter.

It was as Lucia was tucking away from the impending explosion that the fulgarmancer struck.

Burning pain swept through Lucia. It raced along her veins to reach every fiber of her being. Her teeth clenched so tight that the paladin swore she could even have bit through the golem's metal. Her muscles twinged with pain, and her right ear erupted in agony at the second assault of the day. Her body contracted into a ball just in time for the destruction of the Light Incarnation. Lucia was facing away from the burst, but light passed over her in brilliant rays and shone through her eyelids. She could feel the caked-on mud crumble away as its water evaporated. She could hear hissing as her leather tunic seared away in patches on her back. She could smell the horrid odor of burnt flesh, her burnt flesh. It had been limited to modest spots on her back and would have been far worse without her resistance, but they stung all the same.

Both energy and light had lasted only a moment, but a moment spent in pain could stretch on and on. Something stirred inside of the paladin as she scrambled to her feet, sullied and aching. Something that begged her to give in to anger and fury. Something that craved blood. The golem's blood, the fulgarmancer's blood, any blood! ALL blood! Lucia wrestled with the beast inside. Only the pain, she thought as she summoned a beatified arming sword in her hand. It's only rising because of the pain. Her stomach clenched in knots as she struggled to keep herself in check. Her body lost neither time nor movement as her mind caged the horror residing inside her. Hands tightened their grip as Lucia struck with her latest blade. The paladin would remain in control for now, but there was only so much punishment she could take before being lost in those dark throes. The sooner she finished the golem the better.

She was within close proximity to the giant, giving herself a generous target while making herself a troublesome one. A regular warhammer would have had some trouble at this distance; Lucia could only imagine the challenge intensified as its size increased. Perhaps the piercing blow aimed at its right elbow would render the arm useless and force the giant to abandon its unwieldy weapon.

Before Lucia saw the results of her attack, a luminous wave washed over her. And then her sight was taken by darkness.

Draycos777 -> RE: =EC 2015= Spike Arena (8/26/2015 1:47:19)

The damn oaf had finally gotten off and was talking about having saved her from blades. Even if that was the case, Raiu couldn't see them at all. Taking an enemy's word on the matter wasn't really the best action, but, Raiu didn't think Dell Wolf would make up a story like that just to crash into her. His constant bids at trying to calm her down was also wearing on her nerves too.

“Now just. Just ya’ll calm down an take mah hand."

Dell Wolf probably had one of his hands stretched out for Raiu, though it wasn't as if she could fully see it, since everything still stung.

“Ah reckon that even though ah turned ya’ll down. I’ve calmed enough to concern mahself with ya life rather than my ol hat anyhow.”

"Well that's great for me, huh?"

“Now whattya say pardner? Ready ta call it surrender? Ah reckon ya’ll know ah woulda won had ah drawn my gun just than.”

Sighing, Raiu got up on her own and faced the blurry image of Dell Wolf. She was done with him constantly telling her to surrender. She could handle herself just fine.

"Look, 'pardner' we both know that if I had shocked you just now, you'd be pushing daisies as well. So that line of reason doesn't really fly now does it?"

Raiu smiled and pointed her left index finger at Dell's chest.

"Also that looks like my staff, you're holding. If you think that without it I'm defenseless, You've made a grave mistake."

Raiu was about to let loose another spell, as sparks gathered around her finger, when she felt a blinding light pass over her.

Next thing she knew, Raiu was thinking of the times she had spent fighting a training with her great-aunt. Although she always tried to surpass her, Raiu couldn't help but to look up to Minus. She maybe an short, grumpy woman, but, she had a kind heart and always watched over Raiu and her family. So when Raiu left to follow after Minus, apart of her did it so that she could stay with Minus. Raiu's travels, soon became her passion. Meeting new faces and seeing new worlds, on this tiny planet that everyone calls home.

"It's a small world after all."

This was a saying that many people say. Raiu found this saying to hold much truth, however, she also found that if one looked hard enough, you could find secrets that you never knew existed.Some even close to home. Indeed, her reasons, compared to others, for being here might be selfish, but for Raiu, it meant a lot. It was almost like a rite of passage for her. A way for her to prove to Minus that she no longer had to watch over them. That she could take care of everyone in her great-aunt's place. It was then that Raiu saw the image of Minus very clearly. She was giving Raiu one of her classic withering smiles.

"Oh? Is that so? And exactly how do you plan on doing that if you get taken out so easily by that elemental's spell? You won't be going to the finals like this. Give up, before you get yourself killed."


Raiu shook herself out of her daze and looked around. She was still in the arena, and it seems that the light was caused by the death of the temple boy. His last attack causing everyone to go into a daze as well.

Well even with out her staff she could still fight, and there were two spells she hadn't shown anyone let.

"Let's fix that shall we?"

Raiu headed over to where Tomarul lay on the ground.

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: =EC 2015= Spike Arena (8/26/2015 5:04:53)

Raiu's response was less than kind and Dell had to admit she did have a point with the whole pushing up daisies thing.

"Ah reckon dat if energy is all ya'll can do than I got this thing licked, sweetness. Ya see. I use more then ma guns to battle."

Just at that moment the ol sheriff heard a commotion behind him. Turning to look he saw his ally struggling with the mechanical marvel. The crazy contraption was looking to kill her.

As he was about to aid her. Something else happened in quick succession. John had managed to slay the guy that was with Tomarul earlier. "What in tarnation?!" Dell exclaimed as a piercing, white, hot light engulfed him. His senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch became incredibly disoriented.

Waves of peace enraptured the man. Tormenting his mind. The flashback ranged to his childhood. "That's it son. Now ya'll take careful aim like so an squeeze the trigger." The echoed gunshot resounded in his mind. "Dammit. No. Not this! Not now!"

"Atta boy. Ah reckon one day yer gonna be a fine sheriff. Like yer ol man is. Yes sir. Ah reckon yer gonna have em running for da hills boy. I'm a mighty proud of ya." "Dad. Mom. No. This isn't real. These are memories. They're dead. They're both dead!"

He dropped to a knee. His temper building. He relived the first time they sat down at a supper talking about what he'd learned. A storm raging outside the walls. "No. NO! Let me out!" Dell's body trembled and shook violently from the building rage. The anguish. The pain. The emotional scars that he had locked away. This wasn't peace. This was torture.

His eyes suddenly opened. Sense of honor and Justice were still there, but the torture. The pain. It had done it's deed. Gone was the talkative, friendly, sheriff. There was a rage in his heart. A combination of grief and abstract horror from a mind that had long ago accepted loss.

Forced to relive it here, and now, in this blood soaked, Cess pool of an arena. A place where it stank of death and disease and decay.

Dell was through playing around. He grasped his hat, still holding her staff in one hand. Shoving it back onto his head one could feel the change in the man.

Turning around the sheriff walked towards the construct. The ache caused by removal of senses had only agonized and enraged Dell.

Hell. was about to come to town.

As he approached, he steadied the staff and took a careful look at the behemoth. The legs were the likeliest place to go.

He gave a sharp, shrill, high pitched whistle at the contraption. "Why don't ya'll pick on someone yer own size?" He spit into the wet mud and threw the staff as hard as he could, aiming the weapon at the right knee joint. His ally had gone down. He wasn't sure if she were dead.

But he was a force to reckon with now. As soon as the staff left his hand, he didn't bother to grab his guns. He was preparing to show that he could battle, without relying solely on his guns. Guts, intellect. Those could be weapons too.

The rest of him had recovered from the sense deprivation and was sharper then ever now due to the built up rage.

Draycos777 -> RE: =EC 2015= Spike Arena (8/26/2015 19:13:43)

While everyone else was busy, Raiu positioned herself so that Tomarul was in direct line of sight to Dell wolf and Lucia. Raiu saw Dell Wolf ignore everything else after coming out of his daze and headed straight for the golem. Yelling at it to 'pick on someone it's own size' then threw her staff at it. Slightly annoyed by the fact she'd have to go get that back later, Raiu looked down at Tomarul. He was beginning to recover, so if she was going to use this spell it had to be now.

Cupping her hands together, sparks coursed through her arms and hands as energy flowed. Slowly opening her hands, a small ball of lighting grew in the center as the energy gathered. The sphere grew continuously as Raiu kept expanding the gap between her arms. Tomarul had recovered and gotten up, but it was too late. Raiu released the sphere, which by now was the size of a rhino's head(give or take a few inches), and attracted to Tomarul's fields, rammed into him dead-on. lightning poured through the poor soul's body, a horrid way to go. Raiu's spell and Tomarul's fields battled each other for dominance, and eventually the sphere won. Tomarul was rocketed towards Dell Wolf, flashing with brilliant blue and white light, as the mighty ball of lightning continued down is path.

There was very little chance of Tomarul having survived the battle between the force of his own magnetic fields and Jupiter Thunder. However, if such a misfortune were to have occurred, certain death still loomed over him. Still charged with lightning, once Tomarul hits the ground, the electrical bomb that was Tomarul will explode, covering Dell Wolf's side of the arena, in wonderful fireworks of thunder and lightning, looking to shock others and hopefully have them share Tomarul's fate. As for the sphere, seeing as how the arena is less then thirty meters it will continue down it's path, warding off direct ranged attacks and idiots charging unless they want to end up like Tomarul, before hitting the arena wall and discharging in an almost equally grand fashion as Tomarul.

Jupiter Thunder, it was Raiu's end-all spell. However, using such magic is not with out it's consequences. Exhausted, Raiu bend down, with her hands on to her knees, and tried moving away from the fight. She needed a minute or two before jumping back into the fight.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =EC 2015= Spike Arena (8/27/2015 10:31:08)

"HA HA, JIBBERISH!" John exclaimed, holding a book in front of him thta had completely nonsensical words, phrases, sentence structure and more. It looked like a 1st grader had tried to write a novel on a blank piece of paper. Some of the other janitors near him in the great archives jumped halfway to the ceiling by his exclimation, while others further away looked at him with a sense of flabberghast.

John was back at the JJJJ main base in <redacted>, code namd <redacted>. This was a happier time, a time of cleanliness, amognst fellow janitors. It was a time of peace, serenity, and most importantly, a time after combat where he had unloaded all his chaotic tendencies on the nasty nasty adventurers of Lore for littering. However, having gone to read up on the latest drakel marvel in cleaning mechs, he had discoverd the truth of his current situation.

"Reading is a function of the right side of the brain! Dreams come from the Left Side! The fact that I can't read this manual on Drakel Steam-Mech Cleaner Mk VII is all the proof I need that this is a dream! That damn half-elemental must have used some sort heavy illusion spel on everyone here in the arena! Whelp, there's only one thing to do!" John announced, and whacked himself in the face wih the MOP.

It took a minute for John to get his senses back from being thwacked by his own MOP, but when he came to he quickly evaluated his surrondings. He saw the crazy sherrif heading towards the golem, the gorey mess the light elemental's body had made (a sacrifice needed, sadly) and most importantly, he saw the energy mage deep-6 Tomarul.

Damn, that mage is going to be such a fraggin nuiscance if I can't.... wait the body's moving? Tow...

John didn't finish the thought, he quickly ran to the NW territory of the arena, away from the sherrif and the rest of the crew. Thinking fast, John grabbed a slightly larger capsule, the sticky gel capsule, and tossed it at the energy mage. With luck it'd get all over her (and in her hair), impeding momvent (or outright trapping her), allowing John to sloosh her into the spiked arena. He really was glad he was sent here, it was just perfect for him!

Bastet -> RE: =EC 2015= Spike Arena (8/28/2015 17:56:29)

S.O.N.A.R had no protection to ward off the light explosion that hit the small orbs that served as its eyes. They were hidden under a decent amount of metallic protection, as were the rest of its weak points, but it didn't help much against the barrage that had been unleashed upon it both by the luminous light and the lightning conjured by its ally. Being hit for a second time made it question the loyalty of its ally, but it was true that she had at least attempted to warn it. S.O.N.A.R. quickly came to the conclusion that it was mostly the water mage's fault that the attack had accidentally hit it.

Seeing nothing but white, yet feeling the horrid sensation of the protection of its lower body take a battering as per the effects of the lightning that had struck it, the golem attempted to at least face in the direction it had seen the paladin rolled towards. These were the first opponents that had managed to actually have a decent fight against S.O.N.A.R, and by far those that had lasted the longest against blows from the warhammer. The attack the woman mounted on its right elbow was unavoidable, something the construct realized as soon as sight was partially returned to it. Thankfully, some kind of wave of light distracted the paladin from continuing to direct the strike, making her simply mark the metal with another glancing blow.

Before S.O.N.A.R could even think about retaliating, however, it was hit by the same spell that had caused the lithe girl to miss her sword's mark. The golem's mind drifted to memories long gone, belonging to its first months of life. It was standing in front of Astrid, unintelligibly and curiously staring at her, but..


S.O.N.A.R's mind, as a golem, was bound to be made of the same material its body was made of: metal. The illusion was quickly broken as the construct realized that it couldn't possibly have been yanked back in time to a place that was so far from where it currently was it had taken many days of travel to make it in time for the Elemental Championship. Sworn to duty, S.O.N.A.R's very mind refused to yield to the illusive assault, returning to the emotional void it mostly stayed in. If the golem's destiny was to fall that very day, so be it, but it would refuse to fall because of a mere illusion. That, and the very thought of leaving Aster alone and defenseless made S.O.N.A.R utterly devoted to the mission it had been given.

Full control of its body returned to S.O.N.A.R just in time to deflect the staff that had been thrown to it from the sheriff. It then returned to a stance ready for battle,answering the call the man had directed towards it to pick an opponent of its own size. This briefly amused the golem, as he had attacked it in the first place, alongside the paladin, and he was merely another average sized human. What distracted the construct from actually trying to mount an offensive against the man was the ball of electricity and fireworks making its way towards the side of the arena it was currently fighting in. S.O.N.A.R quickly tried to step around the path the sphere was taking to avoid collision, as it couldn't possibly be an example of beneficial magic.

Apocalypse -> RE: =EC 2015= Spike Arena (8/28/2015 21:55:06)

In your light we stand.”

The chorus of voices rang out from the abyss. “Heavenly mother, thou hast given not more than beseeched of thee but more than deserved.” Paved stone appeared under Lucia’s feet and stretched forward into nothingness. The paladin turned around to find the chapel of the Dawn Fort before her. Kneeling in rows were the brothers and sisters of the order, some dressed in plain brown robes while other wore the ashen armor of Saint Augustine. All had their heads bowed in prayer as they faced the altar.

The paladin stepped forward and was taken back by the clinking sound accompanying her footsteps. She looked down. Her old armor rested upon her form. A sword sat at her hip, her winged helmet was tucked under her right arm, and on her left hung a shield engraved with a charcoal owl in flight. Below the owl were the words Sciens a Dea. Lucia flexed her fingers in the metal gauntlet, feeling the comfort of her second skin. It had been years since she had last donned them but it felt as if it had only been a night’s passing.

Lucia approached the altar. Atop its steps stood a solitary figure clad in white with his back turned to her. Her heavy footsteps should have disturbed the chant but the voices progressed unabated. No ol’ nan turned to give her a scowl, no Brother Luthwik smiled in response to the distraction whilst pretending to ignore her, no Sir Ezekiel shook his head in disapproval as he prayed. No one gave her as much as a glance as she walked by. There was a peace to it; a peace so absolute that Lucia could not imagine it being broken. It was only when she was up close that Lucia realized she saw no faces but only shadowy voids beneath hoods and helms. Lucia resisted the urge to bend down and peak beneath cowls as she passed.

Pale moonlight crept in through windows and passed over her as she climbed the steps. The words that had been so clear in the beginning were now so jarbled that Lucia could not tell if they were in the old tongue or the new. A shaking hand reached forward and grasped the white figure’s shoulder only for the cloak to fall as if no one had ever been standing there. The chanting stopped. There was absolute peace, yes, but this paladin could take no part in absolute peace. She did not belong here, not anymore. It was Lucia’s voice that finished the prayer.

…let mercy follow us.

The chapel dissipated and was replaced by the arena of Malice. In the stead of ashen armor was leather tarnished by mud and burns. No longer was there chanting in her ears but a pounding in her right one, along with pain burning up and down her back. The white cloak in her grasp transformed into a blade of dull gold. All at once the reality of the situation came crashing down upon her.

Before Lucia could strike again she heard rather than saw the arrival of her fiery-worded partner. He issued a challenge to the behemoth before hurling the fulgarmancer’s staff at its leg. Goliath was swift as it knocked the metal staff aside. The golem steadied itself in response to the presence of another enemy. Whatever magic had befallen the giant had not been successful in robbing it of its wits for long.

Lucia backed away until she was side-by-side with Sheriff. He had been a stranger, but he had proven his mettle on the battlefield. Now they were comrades-in-arms, forged in the heat of battle. She had forgotten how good this comradery could feel. A small smile appeared on her lips even though her eyes remained alert. “Sheriff Dell Wolf,” she said. “You have my upmost grati-”

Her thanks were cut short by the bright display set off by the fulgarmancer. On one side the female magician was generating a large sphere of energy against the wolvinier hunter. On the other lay what must have been the remains of the beaming warrior. His slayer, the innocuous cleaner, remained unharmed. The field was thinning fast.

Anticipating the lightning ball to come roaring towards them, Lucia stretched out her hand even as Sheriff called up a shield of ice. She had been beaten to the punch by her wily ally, but now she could fortify instead of create anew. “Searing Sun”. The ice glowed with a pristine light, refracting and bending it in breathtaking ways within its crystallized structure. The beauty had been an unexpected yet pleasant surprise in this battlefield. But this was not the time to gape at small wonders. She lowered a hand near Sheriff’s feet and whispered, “Veneration”. A small ring of light, little wider than Sheriff himself, materialized. It was a circlet only a couple inches in height, but it was enough to cut Sheriff off from the rest of the arena’s water. Something harder and heavier than Lucia had expected collided with the shield, but the union of ice and light stood strong. Lightning poured out in all directions, traveling in winding arc all through the air around them. It ran rampant across the water on the ground but found no purchase on either her boots or the makeshift protection for Sheriff. Three more links had been lost in the process, but the two comrades had made it through the assault unscathed. Lucia did not think the metal golem had been as fortunate in this miniature thunderstorm.

Lucia rose to her full height and was surprised to see the orb of lightning still sitting before the fulgarmancer. It was with disgust that she noticed the bits of fur scattered about the arena. The wolvinier hunter had come for an honorable fight. Perhaps it had been his pride that had driven him to this grisly end. Lucia pursed her lips as she realized that she and a man with the surname “Wolf” had warded off an assault that had originated from a body with a wolfish appearance. She never had a knack for divination, but this was the brand of omen that would have been too conspicuous in a simpleton’s fable. Let this not be you attempting to be…humorous, Lucia prayed in silence to the Lady of Light.

“Take the golem,” said Lucia. “The fulgarmancer is mine.” She dashed towards the magician before her, noting the sluggish pace of the energy sphere. As she neared it, Lucia dived forward. During the winter, children of the Dawn Fort would often ride down white hills on their makeshift sleds. Should they have the fancy in warmer months they would bring their sleds to hills during rainstorms and slide down on mud. It was this memory that Lucia used as inspiration. She called upon another chain link and crafted a Veneration mimicking the sled’s smooth yet simple design. Lucia landed on her stomach and skidded across the marshy ground. Hair stood on end as she passed beneath the orb of lightning, but the paladin cleared it without incident.

The fulgarmancer was backing away from the fray, not doubt tired by her expenditure of energy. ““Face me, craven!” Lucia shouted as she lept to her feet and bolted. “Veneration.” A flowing whip formed in her left hand, and the paladin struck. The gleaming whip raced through the air and towards the neck of the fulgarmancer. At most it would leave a welt and peel off the skin from where it made contact, but it would keep the enemy off-kilter as the paladin closed the gap.

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: =EC 2015= Spike Arena (8/28/2015 23:42:37)

Gratitude. There was something at least someone here understood. Taking on the golem would require a team effort of her, John and himself working together against the construct.

But Raiu's latest stunt was the breaking point.

Without uttering a word as soon as the lightning had left them unscathed, He threw his hat onto the ground. This having been the final chance he would give the energy mage.

He spit into the mud, and walked after the Paladin. The left hand still carried the ice shield. Two containers of water had been used leaving him with 8 now.

There was an anger in the eyes. A feeling of betrayal from a woman who he'd rescued. He didn't feel that same from the paladin. She'd not only stood for justice and honor, but she proved she was trustworthy by saving his skin just now.

It didn't take much for Raiu to see there was no longer any sympathy from her hero. And with his hat off, the wild effects of her previous storm on his hair showed and he was mighty ticked off.

He didn't run. He didn't yell or speak. The shotgun flew off his back and aimed at the sphere. The shot rang out and the recoil shoved the shotgun sideways a little when the sphere was only slowed, Dell threw the shield in front of him to take the force of the blow. Even that wasn't enough and sent the sheriff flying off to the right. Dell glanced trying to see where the landing was gonna happen, but couldn't quite figure out the trajectory.

The sheriff came to a stop banging his right arm up against an obelisk as he did so, from his position he could see the golem very far away and grimaced at the ebbing pain in the arm. That's gonna leave a mark.

As Dell stood back up coughing, his arm throbbed and ebbed. He felt disoriented for the moment. Luck had taken a corner road for the other side o the hills apparently.

Draycos777 -> RE: =EC 2015= Spike Arena (8/30/2015 13:05:11)

As Raiu tried to find a place to lay low, she saw the janitor recover from the daze and move away from the Tom-bomb's danger. No, he wasn't the only one. Having made a shield, Dell wolf and the paladin seemed to have survived the attack, unscathed and where both headed in her direction.

"Well, this can't be good. I need to think of something and quick, but it'll still be awhile before I can use magic without hurting myself."

Out of sheer luck or skill, for Raiu couldn't decide which, the paladin took a running dive and slide under Jupiter Thunder and raced towards Raiu. Dell Wolf on the other hand wasn't as lucky. After failing to stop the sphere with a shotgun blast, Dell tried to stop it with his shield. The result was no doubt not what was expected, unless being tossed toward an obelisk was his goal from the start.

"Damn, I'm not a frontal fighter! I'll be in serious trouble if I can't get her off my back!"

It was then that she saw bucket boy sent some thing flying towards her. Soap again? This wasn't the time to loss her sight right now. The paladin said something that sounded like a taunt, but Raiu wasn't paying to her words. She was more interested in the whip coming towards her. Raiu had always thought that stories of your mind slowing everything down due to adrenaline rushes where just humble skilled people making things up so that they wouldn't have to have a spotlight on them. However, now that she was experiencing one herself, she realized that she was dead wrong. In an second, that seemed to her to last a minute, Raiu thought of a way out. Holding out her hands, Raiu grasped the whip as it wrapped around them, blocking her neck from being caught in what would have been a deadly combo. The whip seared the leather of her gloves and she winced from the heat she felt on her hands, but Raiu refused to let go and held on firmly and jumped as hard backwards as she could, then pulled.

"With any luck, the paladin will get hit by the soap bar and not me. There's still one more thing left."

Landing on the ground, Raiu immediately called out to the golem.

"Hey! You can use that sphere to you advantage too! Knock them into it or throw another shockwave into the ground to stun'em!"

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =EC 2015= Spike Arena (8/30/2015 21:11:18)

John smirked as he observed the chaos of the arena, amused at the antics that had befallen the arena. Apparantly the sherrif and the paladin were nearly BBQed by the crazy mage's attack. They were most certainly not happy with this, and redirected their attention, to the poin that the paladin would most likely get caught up in the sticky goo capsule that was going to explode soon on both females.

This left John with an interesting situation: should he continue attacking the energy mage or deal with the golem? A connundrum to be sure, considering that if the golem was left to his own devices, he's probably do another annoying shockwave...

Oh? The energy mage WANTS him to do another shockwave? he thought as he heard the soon to be stickied mage. Guess that means I'll have to do something about it.

John dropped another bar of soap into his bucket that had finished refilling, and mixed up another frothy batch of soap water. This time however, when John raised the water out and shot it as a torrent, it was aimed not for the energy mage, but for the legs of the golem. John had fought golems in the past, and the bulky ones usually tended to be top heavy. In General, any suit of armor is weak at the joints, so an attack aimed at the knees seemed logical here. If it didn't topple the golem it should at least move it... hopefully. John actually had no idea WHAT the thing was made of, metal wise.

John did break off a slight stream of water from the main torrent and aimed it at the energy mage. A narrow attack, but if nothing else it should get her wet, and of course, the sticky stuff didn't dissolve in water (as that'd be counterproductive)

Apocalypse -> RE: =EC 2015= Spike Arena (8/31/2015 0:29:35)

A shot rang out as the whip of light wrapped around leather-clad hands rather than striking the fulgarmancer's neck. In truth this turnout was better than the intended outcome as now the magician's hands were bound, limiting her ability to wield the arcane. The paladin's foe leapt back, a rather futile gesture as the two were now entwined by the Light Incarnation. Furthermore, the fulgarmancer had the strange notion to try to pull her closer. Besides the fact that Lucia's intention was to enclose in on the fulgarmancer, the whip was no longer taught. Did the mage mean to overcome the paladin in strength? Bring her in to engage in close-quarters combat? Magicians such as her were most dangerous from afar. Up close? Lucia would be the one to fear.

She was just about to enter striking distance when Lucia noticed the small inbound object. It was too late to counter it, too late to avoid it. As it fell to the ground between the two women, Lucia made her decision: the fulgarmancer would not be getting away. The paladin sprung forward just as the object burst. Liquid sprayed forth in all directions, coating the floor of the arena and splattering both women with its odd substance. Lucia discovered that the liquid was either not a true liquid or changed its state upon contact. It plastered to the paladin's form and hung there much like the clumps of mud before. But unlike the mud, it had a specific adhesive nature to it. Her chains stuck to her forearms where the substance had landed. Her left hand, which had been reeling in the whip's slack, were now unable to let go of the Light Incarnation. No matter - these troubles were worth the fulgarmancer bleeding for her sins.

Her feet stuck fast to the floor upon landing, a stark contrast to the slippery nature of the arena. A complication to be sure, but one that the fulgarmancer would have to contend with as well. Lucia thrust with her sword, aiming to skewer the magician upon her blade. Her second movement would be to throw the thong of the whip over the fulgarmancer's head, which would enable the paladin to pull her forward. Ensnare the enemy so she could only flit about death, not escape its grim clutches.

It was only when a stream of water came hurtling in that Lucia became aware of the cleaner's new position. A vital, and rather obvious, detail such as that had gone unobserved. Lucia was too focused on the fulgarmancer, too intent on the kill. The mistake of an amateur? No. Pain spread forth from the burns on her back as the blade of light plunged forward. A roar filled the arena, and for a moment Lucia did not realize it was her own.


She was well aware of what was happening.

She was losing control.

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: =EC 2015= Spike Arena (8/31/2015 1:33:13)

The disorientation was gone. Shaking the cobwebs out one final time, Dell closed both fists tightly, the shotgun having flown right out of his hand during the force sending em backwards. He coughed loudly, groaned and looked at the state his shirt was in.

His nice vest and shirt were almost completely ruined. He took the time to drop the vest off and grabbed the shirt with both hands.

Grunting with effort and pain, Dell Wolf tore the shirt’s buttoned front free, yanked it from around his body and threw it on the ground. The sheriff spit onto the ground again and saw both ladies get struck by some kind of odd gluey substance.

His ally, the paladin Lucia, seemed intent on the kill. Something about her demeanor had changed. Something Dell couldn’t quite put his finger on. It seemed almost as if her rage became animalistic.

At that moment where Lucia started her press on the attack, the sheriff saw John go after the golem. One less problem to worry about.

Dell’s eyes focused on Raiu, His right hand throbbed but the adrenaline was already pumping into him. The pain in his legs was now gone, having been replaced by the pain in his right arm.
Both hands twitched slightly as he stood stock still, fingers gently touching the edges of the peacemaker handles.

The man reflected back to the last round up of Jimmy James and the Hedgegrow Gang.

They’d been a murderous bunch of men with bloodshed everywhere they’d gone.

That was until the day they crossed Sheriff Dell Wolf. He single handedly took each member of the posse out one by one. Returning from the memory was simple.
The sheriff’s tongue came out and slowly slid across the lips as if the man was about to bite into a big, juicy, Texas rack of smoking hot ribs. Both eyes narrowed slowly.

It was only after the eyes narrowed that the sheriff intent on Raiu’s final death ran forward.
He had plenty of time to calculate it. He slid across the muddy exterior turning to look and see as the Sphere, that cursed ball of death, finally crash landed against a wall near the golem. Though from where he looked, the man could tell the weakened state probably wasn’t enough to damage the contraption.

He slid on up to a stop and calmly positioned himself to her back. Raiu was already engaged with one combatant. Dell reached down with his left hand bowing at the waist, covering his movement with a cough that would tell Raiu he was extremely near. But he acted like he was trying to recover from a coughing fit. In that same movement he slid the dagger free from his boot and threw it at an angle aimed for her lower left knee. As the knife flew, Wolf straightened up, despite the pain and yanked free both peacemakers in one clear, clean motion. The pain hurt like hell, but the adrenaline and anger he felt blocked out the agony.

The sheriff didn’t waste a single moment, he pulled the trigger on both weapons once. twice. three times at point blank range from behind. There was no way in hell Raiu could escape this attack. He was putting her out to pasture for good.

As soon as the clips were empty, Dell grabbed two containers from his shoulder. He’d been smart enough to take the ammo with him. He slid the contents into the chambers of the pistols and waited. Fifteen seconds was all he needed.

Bastet -> RE: =EC 2015= Spike Arena (9/1/2015 17:08:32)

S.O.N.A.R. withstood the latest electrical attack that landed upon it by placing it's arms to shield its main body from the brunt of the attack, damaging it's limbs further but limiting the damage to its central body. The construct wasn't sure if it should have felt annoyance, satisfaction, amusement or a combination of the three that the sheriff abandoned the challenge it had issued to it as soon as he had sustained an attack from a different source. A small look at its surroundings was all the robot needed to understand that most of its opponents had left it alone to pile up on its supposed ally, but it recognized that it would take a while before it could do anything about that. Helping Raiu was certainly something S.O.N.A.R. was determined to do, as being left alone when everybody else had shown hostility to it would not leave it in a good position.

"Hey! You can use that sphere to you advantage too! Knock them into it or throw another shockwave into the ground to stun'em!"

S.O.N.A.R. used the time it had been generously given to move closer to the other contestants as they all bunched up on the lightning mage, planning on utilising its warhammer's prowess at causing deafening amounts of noise to its fullest, but it couldn't move unopposed for long. The water mage that had caused the golem so much trouble had decided to stop it from improving the odds Raiu had in her fight, but S.O.N.A.R. was fairly quick to react. It could tell the torrent coming its way was aimed at its legs, and so the golem simply let itself be hit by it in a crouching position. Even though the blast of water wouldn't have directly caused it any damage, it was safe to assume that absorbing the water while simply standing would be enough to topple S.O.N.A.R. in the damaged state it found itself in. After making sure that the torrent had ran out, the golem briefly stared at the janitor before rising again, resuming its almost regal posture. That appearance was helped by the fact that it had been previously generously washed by the water mage's aquatic cantrips, polishing the metal thoroughly.

S.O.N.A.R was confident that it now found itself in a position central enough that a strong shockwave caused by the warhammer's head directly impacting the ground would've been strong enough to at least briefly incapacitate any who were vulnerable to it, and so it prepared to do precisely that. What was different from last time was that, as the construct lifted its weapon high above its head, it let out a growling, low metallic roar that not even Aster had heard before. It sounded almost primal, as if S.O.N.A.R.'s real nature had emerged while it was fighting in the arena. Anybody who could lay their eyes upon it would notice that the golem was done playing around, doubly so for the very girl that had put the machinery together. She stared from above, hoping to see her construct could really dispatch all of its adversaries.

Draycos777 -> RE: =EC 2015= Spike Arena (9/1/2015 23:26:23)

Although Raiu had jumped away from whatever John had throw at her, and pulled the paladin closer to get caught in it, she had mistaken exactly what it was. It wasn't soap at all, but instead a capsule of gel. The gel exploded upon impact with the ground and covered the two within it. The paladin's hand was trapped forever holding on to her whip. Raiu, because she was prepared for something to happen, was a bit more lucky. Her boots and patches of her clothes where covered, but this time she protected her face, therefore none of the gel on in her eyes or hair. The janitor then deiced to go after the robot and splashed Raiu with a stream of water while shooting a much larger river at her ally. Raiu also noticed Dell coming from around and decided to keep an eye on him. After all she wasn't stupid. Raiu wasn't giving much time to react to all of this however, as is had a zealot nutcase on her hands.


Raiu gave her a half grin.

"Heh, hypocrite. Take a good loo-"

The paladin roared, however, trying to stab Raiu with her sword; cutting off what Raiu was saying. Quickly, Raiu fell to her right to dodge the sword. Raiu desperately bent her knees and used her upper body strength to pull herself back up, to keep form falling face-first into the gel. Getting up she maneuvered her left hand from out of the whip and was about to get one of her wooden balls to throw. It was then that the paladin tried to toss the whip around her, but Raiu quickly threw away the idea of the ball. Instead using her end of the whip to sent it back at Lucia in a wave by snapping it down hard.

Dell wolf stuck just after this. When she heard coughing from behind, Raiu turned. Dell had thrown a knife at her knees...from basically and arms length away.

"Whhhyy, throw it that close?"

The knife, meant to go for her knee, ended up getting stuck in her skirt, stitching three folds into it, as her body turned to face Dell.

"Whatever, his foolishness helped me."

Seeing him reach for the guns to he's side, Raiu went down again, however, not nearly fast enough this time. As Raiu dropped to the left, she felt two of the bullets hit her. There was pain at first, then nothing as the areas hit felt numbness from the cold. Thankfully that had missed vital organs. One hitting her right shoulder-blade, the other hitting a rib just below it. The other bullets passed by her. Knowing it was do-or-die at this point, because these two justice-stained hypocrites wouldn't wait to kill her, Raiu tossed the whip still in her hand at the paladins face, than took the knife stuck in her skirt and cut the laces to her boots. Trying to free the boots themselves would take up time Raiu didn't have. Ignoring the pain and numbness, Raiu stood on the top of her boots and threw the knife once again, at the paladin's face while hopping backwards, towards Mr.Cowboy. Tossing it so that it spun, making the blade and handle propel the blade. She didn't need it to hit the paladin in the face with the blade, she just needed it to hurt. With Dell Refueling his guns, Raiu took off towards her staff, making sure her feet were flat and hard when she stepped. The last thing she needed was to slip and fall while running away.

Reaching into her pouch, she pulled out another wooden ball and tossed it towards Dell. A bolt, the little bit of magic that she had recovered during that less-than-pleasant encounter, following close behind it. Raiu than heard her robot friend roar as well. Things seemed to be going from bad to crazy very quickly.

"Eight left huh? Well, if they're gonna try and kill me, I'll make them work for it."

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: =EC 2015= Spike Arena (9/2/2015 1:44:29)

Now, one thing I can tell ya'll about ol Sheriff Wolf is this. He was a mighty fine man, an ah reckon between that hulking construct an that thar lass called Raiu. They don gone and got that boy mad n than some.

Dell's finger's twitched as he waited and counted. 1. 2. Raiu watched as the Janitor had gone for the Golem. 3. 4. 5. The sheriff's eyebrow raised slightly as he saw the construct defend against John's attack. 6. 7. 8. As the mechanical behemoth moved towards them, Dell's other eyebrow went up when Raiu tore herself free of the gel. 9. 10. 11. The eyes naturally were the gateway to the soul and Dell Wolfs soul was howling mad at the damned energy mages luck.

12. 13. 14. He turned his head to the mechanical creation as it lifted the hammer high and Raiu started her desperate run.

15. The magical number. Dell shoved both pistols into their holsters and snatched up his right handed dagger from his other boot putting it into his left hand.

He started to give chase after the energy mage. He saw the wooden ball rise up out of her pouch. "Oh no you don't. Not again!" he thought. As soon as the ball left her fingertips his response was to keep running after her and toss his last dagger at the ball. His reflexes were a little faster then hers, and he cried out in pain as he pulled free both guns, the pain in his right arm an agony, a catastrophe of pain. He aimed and he fired every single last ice bullet in both guns aimed at her and the wooden ball.

As the dagger met the ball, the ball went flying back towards her. So when the electricity left her fingertips, the ball was within her striking range. The bullets flying after it, only made things worse for her. Dell cried out as he slipped and fell rolling across his naked back. The pain soaring into his back now as well. He let out a cry of agony as he rolled onwards. Now far enough away that should the golem do anything, the attack would be at a lesser range.

Groaning, tears coming out of his eyes, Dell refilled the pistols again and counted. Tears poured down his face, his right arm was swollen from the pain. His face grimaced. It took an awful lot to make a man cry and Dell was in right agony.

He wasn't going to make it if this kept up. His eyes were bloodshot. He was starting to feel the effects of the battle. He was feeling a little tired. He was feeling pain. He was feeling pissed off.

"Luc" He called out counting off the seconds in his head. "Ah reckon ah canna take too much more a this lass." He turned his head to look at the paladin. The pain and sorrow and hurt on his face. "Ah'm heading fer the last sunset."

He wasn't actually dead yet, but he was getting really close. His right arm hurt beyond words. His face was distraught. He had taken an awful lot of damage from the get go and he was not afraid to share his feelings.

15. The magical number. He stayed sitting for the moment. But his guns were ready again. he was down to 4 containers.

"Oh, Lord o the ice!" He called out in a voice filled with agony. "What'all do it take o lord?" He cried and tears continued to spill out of his eyes. "What all do it take? How much can ah give ya'll?"

He started to feel faintly cold. just, very, faintly cold. But he couldn't explain why.

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