RE: =EC 2015= Twilight OOC (Full Version)

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Starstruck -> RE: =EC 2015= Twilight OOC (8/21/2015 23:34:06)

So I suddenly (within the last 24 hours) got roped into a grand cross country expedition. It is very exciting. My flight home from Texas is Tuesday! The other exciting thing that happened is my laptop died and went to laptop heaven. Posting is...complicated at the moment.

The most likely outcome is that I will use hotel wi-fi to collaborate with Starflame over phone Google Docs in order to move the action along sometime within the next two days. I think I may need to pull a "collaboration post counts as me posting" reverse double superman maneuver if I can't scrape together a full post in the scattered moments of time I have between driving and sleeping; I could probably write a full post, but it's risky since I need to be fully rested to drive the big rig. Try not to think about the details of my impromptu vacation...truth is stranger than fiction.

Thank you all for your extreme patience, and rock on because you are all cool dudes!

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2015= Twilight OOC (8/22/2015 8:21:42)

Looks like we'll have something up by Sunday, hopefully a type of collab, assuming all works out!

Edit: And my half is posted! Starstruck should has his up fairly soon (at lunch by the latest), so I'd like to politely request people wait for his post so it can go directly after mine. The first section of mine is to get myself caught up to his post, the other bolded sections will follow along with Starstruck's.

Thanks to everyone for their patience in waiting for us to work this out! I think it's a bit different than most collabs, so should be fun!

Starstruck -> RE: =EC 2015= Twilight OOC (8/23/2015 8:17:01)

dont be afraid to cut me off if you would get disqualified, nield - as someone hravily constrained by timing, i fully understand not being available for specific stretches of time, such as "between [the nebulous time frame of 11:30 to 12:30] and 1:00

moriar will be firing the valse laser and trying to predict your dodges since he knows you're an acrobat

nield -> RE: =EC 2015= Twilight OOC (8/23/2015 8:20:20)

Time rarely proves an issue for me. So long as you can get your post in in good time before I need to craft mine, all is well. I'll start crafting one with what I have off 'Flame's post for if things come that I need to post before you have time, but hopefully that shouldn't be an issue.

Kellehendros -> RE: =EC 2015= Twilight OOC (8/23/2015 10:30:53)

Forgive me, Starflame, but I'm slightly confused by your post here. When you say:


...the other bolded sections will follow along with Starstruck's.

Do you mean that the bold headers in your post are going to be replaced with further action after Starstruck has post? Is Starstruck's part of the collaboration going to be edited into your post in place of the headers?

nield -> RE: =EC 2015= Twilight OOC (8/23/2015 11:54:07)

Kell, I believe it's merely a setup that will be shared between their posts to give a reference to how close by what actions are happening to each other.

On the note of posts, half an hour, then I stop waiting on 'Struck.

Edit: Hum hum. So Struck got his post in afore I was finished with mine, but he added nothing new I needed to make note of, so all is well. Speaking of notes, charging Garreth, who's race are speedy, agile little buggers was a mistake. Perhaps not one you are capable of repeating at all, hmm-hmm-hmm.

Kellehendros -> RE: =EC 2015= Twilight OOC (8/23/2015 15:00:15)

I have my post drafted out. I'm going to run it by my editor, and it should be up tonight.

Starstruck -> RE: =EC 2015= Twilight OOC (8/23/2015 18:48:28)



Dragonnightwolf -> RE: =EC 2015= Twilight OOC (8/23/2015 19:39:37)

Everyone seems to have it out for the horse.

Starstruck -> RE: =EC 2015= Twilight OOC (8/24/2015 0:55:50)

leave blossom alooooooone he didnt do anything to deserve thisssssss

In other news GREETINGS FROM TEXAS as i am now a mega-cool COW BOY for all 2 days I'm here YEE HAW

Normally about this time is when I'd create my annual Terrible Drawing but it turns out I can't draw horses. One edition involved Blossom getting his front legs and back legs switched somehow, and another was fine until each half met in the middle and I discovered that one was about an inch higher on the page than the other. Since it is supposed to be amusingly terrible rather than legitimately soul-piercingly awful, I'm gonna wait until I get home and can spend an hour or two carefully studying what the heck horses even are before I go about drawing the fun friendship pony ride. Also this pen sucks I miss my pen at home :(

Tdub -> RE: =EC 2015= Twilight OOC (8/24/2015 12:05:40)

Rayen and I were going to do a full collaboration. However, illness and time zones got in the way. All of Zane and Shud's actions are discussed and approved of by both parties, and my next post will be the same actions from Zane's perspective.

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2015= Twilight OOC (8/25/2015 7:53:14)

Quick question, as I'm still new to forum RP. Do I need to right my post assuming that Gareth and Micha both fully completed their moves and are standing in the final position of their post, or can I cast my shield spell when I first see Gareth dive, which would probably stop him from doing the later slashes, meaning the end of his post wouldn't be accurate? I'm not sure where that would fall in bunnying.

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =EC 2015= Twilight OOC (8/25/2015 11:57:36)

This delves into some very tricky territory given the tournament rules, much more so than general forum RP would normally dictate. Attacks are couched as attempts for good reason, as collaboration is not always possible to "vet" certain actions as viable or get the proper responses. This goes beyond that. For one, a logical defense on your part is assumed to not be done to make the movement viable. This goes against both sides here, as it is something that should have been worth considering but the collaborative effort wasn't made for Reasons - which vary from good to bad to the simple aspect of overlooking. Collaboration with nield could possibly resolve that, by working with him to determine IF things would change and how that change would result. He'd probably have to write those bits, but then again, movement should often be attempts and intentions once attacks come into play in any case.

However, I have a counter thought here. Namely...what shield? The sphere of energy ability isn't exactly a "hard" barrier, and Garreth is one of the lighter competitors present when it comes to metal gear. The fact is it might not, in fact, invalidate anything. However, since the sphere is also something damaging, there's also that consideration to make.

There are conflicts all around as a result. Conflict resolution, dealing with unfortunate circumstances due to the nature of posts, and the creation of a flowing narrative are all aspects I consider in my evaluations however. Work it out with your competitors to find a viable understanding that solves the issues.

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2015= Twilight OOC (8/25/2015 22:55:57)

Thank you for the response, Ronin! I was indeed referring to the energy shield, as I figured that as Garreth was wearing the metal guantlets, he might think twice before charging straight through it (as well as sending energy up along Micha's chain). I decided that doing so would probably invalidate the majority of his post, so a no go for that. Were it a smaller section, I may have tried to work something out, but it does conflict a bit too much.

I will be finding a different solution to "save the pony" :p .

Edit: And posted!

Neild, just to let you know, I am planning that Blossom got caught by one of your gauntlets, just below the hock on his right hind leg, whether or not you take the blow by the hooves. It's the type of wound that should be bandaged ASAP, because it could cause blood loss really quickly, but as long as there are no fancy jumps it means a muscle probably wasn't torn. The reason I don't have that in the post is because I haven't heard back from Starstuck. Since I can't look behind without seeing his character, and I want to give him the option of staying on/falling off/jumping off, I can't in-post acknowledge the injury just yet. But you scored the hit! Feel free to PM me if you have questions.

Starstruck, I'm sorry if I'm moving your character unneccesairly. I did send you a PM the other day asking, but never got a response. As of now, if you want to jump off where it left off and not move, fall off at some point in the ride, or somehow hang on and still be behind me, any will work with my character. Again, if I need to work with you (and Ronin) at all to change it to fit you, I'd be happy to!

Edit #2: Just to make it clear, Elysia ran between the Rayen's and Tdub's characters, but did not stop. So if one happens to throw something at that exact moment, it might catch her, but if they're just standing there Blossom isn't halting until he's out of immediate range, though those two also aren't Elysia's immediate worry.

Starstruck -> RE: =EC 2015= Twilight OOC (8/27/2015 11:13:35)

Fun fact: The most difficult part of posting was selecting an appropriate Latin poem for the incantation. The source of the quote for the spell (Wilfred Owens' (in)famous poem, Dulce Et Decorum Est) seemed somewhat out of place for an incantation due to its close ties to the atrocities of the Great War. In addition, the incantation really ought to be fully in Latin anyway.

So I picked a nice poem by Horace. I was planning to use this one for Omnia Mors Aequat, but...pressed for time, and all that. The blood will need to dry a little bit longer, but it is functionally primed and ready due to the fact that nobody is currently standing on it.

Alright, now for the parts y'all have REALLY been waiting for. Blossom contributed rather heavily to the creation of the central sigil, and as such it is the largest and most dangerous. Be careful about stepping on it. Or just generally being near it. It is approximately four feet in diameter and comprises about a liter of that red stuff flowing in the horse's veins. Blossom should find himself a little bit slower to react, but...cmon guys, it's a damn horse, there's 50 liters of blood in him*, he'll be fine. I was tempted to completely exsanguinate the poor beast, since Moriar is not exactly a fan of him, but I vetoed that rather heavily and decided to further torment the dear Professor with some more pony rides. (I want to get off MR BLOSSOMS WILD RIDE)

There is a smaller sigil, bout half the size of the one in the center, in front of Moriar, and another one between him and that big tall guy (By the way, as a 6'8" behemoth who is expected to hit 6'10" by 25, I truly appreciate the fact that there's a tall guy in this EC. I'm still gonna blow him up, but I really appreciate him). I'm not precisely clear on the precise positions of these sigils, but be wary of those zones whenever your character is going to go near them and try to stay conscious of the threat of detonation. Contact me when your character gets close and we'll work out the ideal outcome of the situation. :)

Due to the difficulty of usage, these mines are strong, but Memento Mori is actually the only spell I am willing to call "lethal." I have no doubt that, barring idle-kill shenanigans, those hit by the explosion will survive it, albeit with some degree of injury and a sense of wounded pride. In addition, Moriar will need something approaching two seconds to call out "DULCE ET DECORUM EST PRO PATRIA MORI" so it'll be difficult to be forced to stand in the center to eat the entire explosion. Well. Fun, but difficult.

I am slightly frazzled due to the end of my travels so if there's anything you feel I left out or need to clarify please feel free to ask me. There's probably loads of things I forgot to say.

*Sometimes my Google history is amazing. This is one of those times.

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2015= Twilight OOC (8/27/2015 23:08:26)

Taking blood from one of your ally's strongest assets is quite the interesting strategy. I will note that while I had no control of what you did with the already-present wound, I would have preferred if you had checked with me before drawing a liter of blood another, separate source, as the wound from Garreth is no joke.

Since a liter of blood shouldn't slow Blossom much (and he hasn't lost THAT much otherwise, I'll try to bandage him before you're done with your long chant), I'm not too bothered by it, but please try to check with me first next time!

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =EC 2015= Twilight OOC (8/28/2015 18:22:32)

As a notice, since I'm unsure how many of you are following the main thread atm anyway: I will be out of town tomorrow and Sunday, so I may not be quite as prompt in replying to questions tossed my way. Nor will I be quite as hawkish in posting precisely at idle timer elapsing. This is not an excuse to get lazy, but I will give consideration if an extremely necessary detail is hinging on a reply from my quarter. Your regularly scheduled tyrancy will resume on Monday, just in time for the final stretch of the Paragon Phase activities.

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2015= Twilight OOC (8/29/2015 10:02:44)

And posted! Looks like everyone's taking a breather from the action.

Starstruck, I'm having Elysia be looking away when you cut her horse, because otherwise she'd throw you from the saddle then and there :p Since the edge of your cloak is already ragged, tearing out a strip should only make it even more fashionable.

Also, here are what I can tell are the current positions after having reread through the thread (as my galloping back and forth across the arena probably isn't the most helpful for continuity):

Uriel's corpse is still somewhat around due North, with Zane and Shud still relatively close to their entrances/the wall, fighting somewhere between North-East and true East. Elysia started at her entrance (South-East), galloped across the arena to North-West, came around a picked up Moriar and charged Garreth, the turned to the left of him, taking her between Shud and Zane and close to due North, slightly North-West so as not to be in the middle of Shud/Zane's fight. Moriar is still on his pony-ride-of-doom, so he is in the same position. Micah and Gareth started South-West and due West respectively, both initially moved towards Elysia while she was at her entrance, so I think they're between South and South-East now, though not sure with all of Garreth's flanking.

Feel free to correct me if you think I got something wrong!

Also, Tdub, I just have to say I find it funny your darkness character is named Zane. Which often translates to "Godly Light" or something similar.

Rayen -> RE: =EC 2015= Twilight OOC (8/29/2015 11:04:30)

Those positions sound close to what I have, but that I think Zane and Shud are closer to between North and North-East, since I don't think they've moved far from Uriel's corpse. Currently I have Shud at the NNE point of the wall, and Zane is a dozen or so feet SE from Shud, toward the centre of the arena.

I'm not sure if Tdub would agree with that, but I personally think the both of us are within the NE segment of the arena. Nice work though, Starflame. It's probably a good idea to post general positions here so that we don't get each other more confused than necessary.

Tdub -> RE: =EC 2015= Twilight OOC (8/29/2015 19:34:21)

@Starflame - I hadn't really done research into the name, but I sort of wish I had. I found out just after I entered what the #1 Google search result for "Zane" is.

My post is coming in the next hour or so when I can get to a decent computer to proofread. I'm not going to be late, I promise!

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =EC 2015= Twilight OOC (8/31/2015 17:25:41)

Addressing this firstly, and I think we all understand my current mood has been discolored given what has occurred elsewhere.

Starstruck! Your last post was on 8/27/2015 at 11:10:59 server time. This meant your deadline was a touch over six hours ago, and effectively you could have posted up until about now and I wouldn't have bothered to enforce this. Beyond the fact that you absolutely no better. You have been disqualified by Rule #3: Idle Out.

The character of Moriar is now up for the slaughter, as per the idle kill scenario allowances. You may now resume your regularly scheduled in-character bloodsport.

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2015= Twilight OOC (8/31/2015 18:02:10)

If people are ok with it, I'd like to do the post dealing with Moriar (given how he's still sitting on Blossom and I need to control the horse :p ) I will have a post up sometime this evening server time, not sure how late.

Starstruck -> RE: =EC 2015= Twilight OOC (8/31/2015 18:20:04)

Ah dammit that was today. I'm incredibly upset because I was doing a good job of staying on top of all my timing. >:|

Well good luck to starflame I'm rooting for you!

(rjuawonvuaibrf I didn't even NEED to do all my chemistry homework ahead of time why did I have to spend all weekend on it and forget about this wfanoudsfuaw)

I'd prefer for Moriar to fall off a horse and get knocked unconscious, if anyone here cares about what I want.

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2015= Twilight OOC (8/31/2015 20:00:57)

Posted! Moriar will definitely have some bruises from the fall, and possibly a broken bone or two, but he'll survive it.

Rayen/Tdub: Feel free to completely ignore Elysia's offer if you don't feel like getting caught up in an all out brawl! I barely caught that Zane had thrown that last bolt of darkness, so it may not be as tempting an offer as it was during the bluff exchange :p

Rayen -> RE: =EC 2015= Twilight OOC (9/1/2015 10:28:57)

I actually did completely miss that Zane had released a bolt of darkness at Shud. I don't know how, since I read the post a few times times to make note of details to include in my own post. I'd been of the opinion that Zane was preparing to release a bolt, but hadn't done it yet. So...bear in mind that, provided Ronin doesn't decapitate me first, my post will be changing a bit once I get permission to edit.

Apologies, Tdub, that's the second time I've messed up with your 'burst of dark energy'. I promise it's more effective than currently described!

Edit: Aaand fixed. Congrats, Tdub. The cracking sound and horrified look on Shud's face will give Zane pleasant dreams, I'm sure, but the seed of doubt will definitely haunt Shud's nightmares. Hopefully I didn't miss anything more, and that my edit works in with the rest of the post.

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