RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (It Lives Once Again) (Full Version)

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Sigil -> RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (It Lives Once Again) (11/29/2015 21:23:51)

After moderate discussion on the options, it was agreed upon that editing a post after 24 hours is a no-no. Ditto on double posting. Otherwise, it'd be a three sentence add on at the bottom of my last post. Nice and simple. Though to be honest, I had no idea that it was a fixed event, the dogfire, and treated it merely as a suggestion offered my character by a person he'd just met. Luckily, it can be resolved now that Apocalypse has posted.

Now, if I were a betting man, I'd guess that the time required for a moderate-sized fire to fully consume the corpse of an infernal/outsider would provide enough travel time for the return journey. Hence, using it as a means to re-join groups in the tavern, also why it's so important that the dog hits flame.

The overwhelming smell of burning dog hair may be a deal-breaker, though. Time will tell.

Draycos777 -> RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (It Lives Once Again) (11/30/2015 13:42:12)

I'll have a post up after I get back from work today.

Bastet -> RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (It Lives Once Again) (11/30/2015 16:06:18)

I'll follow suit after Draycos has acted. Rajiri is not gonna appreciate strange smells.

Draycos777 -> RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (It Lives Once Again) (11/30/2015 16:18:10)

You and your ninja posts Bastet.

Remaint -> RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (It Lives Once Again) (11/30/2015 22:10:47)

I suppose I will post subsequent to Bastet, then.

Afina -> RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (It Lives Once Again) (12/1/2015 20:14:48)

I'll make a post in the morning and open it up to bring everyone back to together at that point.

Afina -> RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (It Lives Once Again) (12/2/2015 15:00:04)

Okay, change of plans, I will get a post up soon as I can. My nephew was kind enough to give me a head cold from hell. Soon as I can think straight I'll post.

Remaint -> RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (It Lives Once Again) (12/3/2015 23:38:42)

I'll await a post by Draycos. The convo between Keystone & Arche could be quite interesting, and would be a shame to interrupt it.

Apocalypse -> RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (It Lives Once Again) (12/5/2015 1:06:56)

Apologies for any oddities in the post - written on a phone while on a train. Cut me as much or as little slack as you see fit.

Remaint -> RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (It Lives Once Again) (12/5/2015 1:18:31)

I don't see any problems with it; it's quite simply a lovely little silly post :D

Apocalypse -> RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (It Lives Once Again) (12/7/2015 23:01:31)

Posted. And I do believe the theme of this RP "Why can't we be friends?"

Remaint -> RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (It Lives Once Again) (12/7/2015 23:24:12)

HahaHAHAH, all the misunderstandings and shenanigans is simply wonderful!


Nilburke just hoped there were not any slight yet grievous differences such as the definitions for "kill" and "kiss" being switched.

And another thing-....- produced a rapturous sound which belonged to the heavenly choir of those who had just feasted upon a might banquet that caused untold chaos within their stomachs.

"Also, your wight is broken. Have you tried killing it and reanimating it again?"

There's that blunt humour I've come to love!

Draycos777 -> RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (It Lives Once Again) (12/7/2015 23:59:56)

whelp, gg. Have fun Rajiri, Arche no longer cares what happens.

Apocalypse -> RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (It Lives Once Again) (12/8/2015 22:52:58)

I would just like to clarify that Nilburke did not burp but made raspberry noises with a his hands and mouth. I am also glad that I had the opportunity to clarify something as ridiculous as that.

Draycos777 -> RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (It Lives Once Again) (12/8/2015 23:11:40)


For those not present for the kill and subsequent immolation of the beast, sausages and gravy over wide, floppy noodles would have to suffice as their main course, backed up by the complementing sides.

Yeah, not gonna lie, some how I totally missed this part. Oh well, XD

Apocalypse -> RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (It Lives Once Again) (12/9/2015 0:02:16)

@Draycos: Woyadei (?) is currently out in a clearing. Did Arche go outside to meet him there for the coin exchange?

Also, you and that sneaky ninja-post. Oh well.

Bastet -> RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (It Lives Once Again) (12/9/2015 16:30:04)


I avoided making too many mentions of Arche in my post because I am confused as to her current location. Did she quit the tavern to see Woyadei?

On another note, good to meet you again on the green fields of roleplaying, Apocalypse. It has been a while after S.O.N.A.R.'s untimely death.

Draycos777 -> RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (It Lives Once Again) (12/9/2015 16:35:48)

Ya, It's not as though Woyadei closed the door behind him when he ran out. I'll make an edit to mention that she followed him out of the tavern after class

Sigil -> RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (It Lives Once Again) (12/9/2015 18:49:48)

Yeah, that fills in a couple answers. I'll ask Keystone not to take it personally, then. I can usually calm him down when he's like this.

Except for that one time he broke into my office and forced me to wear a bikini, like, every day for three months. To be honest, I did cry a bit and question my manhood, but I'll be damned if, at the end of the fiscal quarter, my sales hadn't tripled.

J. Keystone, ladies and gentlemen!

Draycos777 -> RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (It Lives Once Again) (12/9/2015 19:18:44)

Lol, please do then. I swear, this lot is going to end up getting Arche in trouble:P Despite what she said earlier, Arche still has a very short temper. In fact, if she didn't try to control herself as much as she does, I'm 100% sure she'd be worst than Rajiri. To be honest, her going outside was probably the best choice. Those from the morning might agree too:P

Afina -> RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (It Lives Once Again) (12/11/2015 8:16:14)

Okay, head cold or whatever the hell you want to call this, is finally clearing up. I will get a post up today come rain, shine or headache, lol

Draycos777 -> RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (It Lives Once Again) (12/11/2015 8:32:14)

There something up Remaint? You've passed your 4-day mark yesterday.

Remaint -> RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (It Lives Once Again) (12/11/2015 19:14:36)

I'll get something up in a few hours. (Thanks for the reminder)

Afina -> RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (It Lives Once Again) (12/11/2015 21:13:53)

Sorry Rem, nope, you are not immune to this. End of story.

Apocalypse -> RE: ~*Getting To Know You*~ (It Lives Once Again) (12/11/2015 22:02:40)

@Bastet: It's good to be active and to be working with you again (even if, once again, your character has a distinct advantage over mine in a straight fight).

@Afina: Any word on Krey? It's been a while and just wondering if there was an expected return date.

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