RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (Full Version)

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black knight 1234567 -> RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (1/3/2016 16:36:50)

I'm hoping this arc ends with the whole town realizing Kits is a vampire or whatever and accepting her even with that knowledge in mind so Sorlan has an excuse not to hunt her down.

Remaint -> RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (1/3/2016 16:56:48)

And if it doesn't end happily, I hope Sorlan returns a dose of humiliation back to Kitsondra~

Master K -> RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (1/3/2016 17:53:57)

@Remaint: Yes, the stone faced saint arc is going to be continuing after things calm down. Then, Sister Morana the Stone Faced Saint will make her appearance in Blackwater, and one by one everyone else shall arrive too...

Gingkage -> RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (1/3/2016 17:58:11)

Sorry. Was planning on posting but then saw that you were about to post, Dray and went 'Well, if they're posting soon, maybe I should hold off.' I have a family activity (going bowling! :D) that I'm leaving for soon-ish, but no work tomorrow. I can try to get something out before Tuesday if you don't mind the delay.

Draycos777 -> RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (1/3/2016 19:03:39)

It's fine, not trying to rush you or anything. Just wanted to know what was up.\


And if it doesn't end happily, I hope Sorlan returns a dose of humiliation back to Kitsondra~

Hoh? Looks like we've got some trouble makers here:P

Vanir -> RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (1/3/2016 19:36:07)

If Kitsondra's status is revealed there will be some trouble. Corvus has problems with vampires as well as werewolves. He has taken an oath to destroy all abominations of the night and will try to kill Kitsondra if he learns what she is.

Remaint -> RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (1/3/2016 19:42:28)

Wow, that's one lost compromise. If that happens, Folliwen would try to reason with Corvus, even if it leads to failure. Ultimately, Folliwen would side with Sorlan and Corvus, given her own status as a slayer and that she currently owes nothing to Kitsondra.

I'm thinking of introducing an arc after(or during) the Stone Faced Saint where an undead refugee attempts to hide in Blackwater, but a potent slayer is after him.

black knight 1234567 -> RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (1/3/2016 19:57:09)

Yeah if Corvus turns on Kits there is a good chance Sorlan will follow along for the kill.

I wish Legendarium was still using his hunter. Could have had some kind of ''hunter war'' with the magus clamping down on any hunters out of their jurisdiction.
...Although, they are also a part of my character so it could still work. Hmm....

Remaint -> RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (1/3/2016 20:03:49)

I do very much miss 'Legendarium's Heinrich von Hjaalreich. That bit of German simply seasons this roleplay so well! I want to introduce some bits of French through Folliwen, but I have near-zero familiarity with the language and only some idea on their historical military culture.

The hunter war idea sounds damned chaotic; an easily dramatic and lovely idea!

black knight 1234567 -> RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (1/3/2016 20:16:02)

Sorlan is also southern [which is basically German in this RP] but I know nothing of the language and would hate to butcher it in Google translate.

I'm thinking of the Magus invasion as an end game of sorts. What I had in mind would be.
This arc finishes -----> Folliwen takes an interest in Sorlan ----> Sorlan teaches her the ways of a hunter in exchange for a new hunting partner -----> they prosper as a team -----> ''Fangs and Claws'', a new inn is established in Blackwater by Sorlan and co. It functions as a save haven for hunters and as its own organization that takes on contracts ----> Magus gets wind of this -----> Magus outright occupies Blackwater -----> WAR.

Remaint -> RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (1/3/2016 20:21:06)

Certainly sounds like a good idea; would be fun if we could all sort-of combine our plots~

Say once Folli and Sorlan has an establishment, the undead refugee(who is known by Folli) comes and is hunted by the mysterious slayer, who so happens to operate with the Magus. The mysterious slayer may either kill the refugee, or is driven off depending on roleplayer action, but eventually looses word to the Magus that Sorlan's operating too independently.

black knight 1234567 -> RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (1/3/2016 20:23:11)

Of course i'd need to run it by Dracyos first but for the most part everyone gets involved at the last 2 stages. Before hand it'll be a self contained plot about the hunters building a presence in Blackwater.

Corvus can jump in too, of course. And tbh anyone who has an adequate mercenary character can sort of work, just not the big jobs.

Draycos777 -> RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (1/3/2016 20:28:40)

The only problem with that, BK, is that TJ already established the Hallows as a prominent gathering place for hunters and travelers of the Darkward. I doubt you and remi would get much work trying to make a new inn unless you tried to do something like Luke did, expect with the road, but you'd ended up with the same result, but, there'd probably be more melee than magic knocking at your doors.

Remaint -> RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (1/3/2016 20:33:07)

Admittingly, it's also somewhat odd for Sorlan and Folli to open an Inn. They don't seem to be the financial, non-wandering types.

black knight 1234567 -> RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (1/4/2016 5:54:09)

Sorlan is a very economic person, he's all about that clink. Establishing the Inn means he'd take a cut out of every contract along with the stuff he personally does which would be heaven lol.

But, I did forget about Darkwald already being a meeting/congregation place for slayers and wanderers alike. I had in mind this being the first time the area had such a strong Hunter presence, so I think it'd be best to scrap the Inn idea and replace it with what Remaint has in mind with the undead refugee.

Remaint -> RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (1/4/2016 10:46:00)

Ah, that makes sense. I could see Sorlan doing that.

The basic layout for my plot is Refugee arrives in Hallows Inn, he sees another person who looks exactly like his Slayer in pursuit. He preemptively attacks that person but she survives. (This is the window where massive miscommunication may begin) Then the actual Slayer arrives and heavily damages them both. Folliwen, knowing the Refugee, attempts to dissuade the Slayer. It doesn't work, and the Slayer, knowing Folliwen, blackmails her into unwillingly assisting the Slayer. The Slayer and Folli force the refugee and his ally to retreat. Something misfortunate will happen and from then on the defeat of the Slayer or Refugee will rest in roleplayer hands. Depending on how the story progresses, another major ally of the Refugee may show up with a small army to defeat the Slayer, or a major ally of the Slayer will arrive to defeat the Refugee & co.

That being said, I'm excited for Master K's arc; holy-church things always has this bit of creepiness that I enjoy!

Master K -> RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (1/4/2016 14:25:45)

I started playing Bloodborne and realized how much Marcelline's arc unintentionally resembled Bloodborne;

There's an importance of blood, a Church organization, and there's hunters...
It fits all too well, and I might not stop referencing it.

black knight 1234567 -> RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (1/4/2016 14:52:01)


I'd have no problem reenacting a Bloodborne story with Hallows characters haha

Master K -> RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (1/4/2016 14:57:33)

The blood of covenant runs deep...

This might be a fun arc. I wonder who's gonna get caught up in it...

Remaint -> RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (1/4/2016 15:52:20)

Well, I have not played nor watched Bloodborne, so whatever related to that would be a new experience to me :D I have seen some of the art however, and I easily see Heinrich as a fitting character associated with that.

Vanir -> RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (1/4/2016 16:05:31)

I don't know Bloodborne, but the screenshots I just looked up remind me of the 2014 Thief reboot. Except Thief doesn't have big scary monsters.

Corvus needs to make allies, so he'll be helping out in your plots before I start mine.

black knight 1234567 -> RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (1/4/2016 16:28:11)

Its a action RPG that takes place in a Victorian London sort of setting. It starts off as simple enough classic monster hunter fantasy with werewolves and the like but then it goes...places, to say the least.

Remaint -> RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (1/4/2016 16:40:11)

Bloodborne has the best looking monsters I have seen in awhile, easily on par(or super par) with Silent Hill, Dead Space, Dark Souls, Resident Evil, Evil Within and so forth. Truly horrific and above most of what rpgs typically offer.

When opponents aren't frightening(creepy, scary), it takes away from the rp aspect due to the significantly less feeling of threat. Large bears, wolves and elephants will scare the bleeding rot from you, but they don't offer the same stomach-churning sensation as something with exposed bones, flayed skin and visible interior organs. The Shriekers in our Hallows' Inn fulfill my need for terror, but Kitsondra one-shots them :|

Master K -> RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (1/4/2016 20:23:36)

I'll try to introduce some mind-screwing stuff when my arc comes around.
I have some fun plans for its conclusion...

Gingkage -> RE: The Hallows Inn OCC -ReBorn- (accepting) (1/4/2016 20:54:21)

I wouldn't call it very good quality, but I did manage to get something written. Again, sorry for the delay.

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