Twigmas Bombs (Full Version)

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Peachii -> Twigmas Bombs (12/20/2015 4:32:23)

[image][/image]Twigmas Bombs

Location: Ice Cream Invasion -> Bombing Run
Level/Quest/Items required: Dragon Amulet
Release Date: December 18th, 2015

Objective: Take to the skies to firebomb the advancing waves of sweets!
Objective completed: Excellent work! You melted quite a few down!

Scaled Yes/No: No
Experience rewarded: (Monster killed * 2)
Gold rewarded: 8



Fish head


  • This quest is similar to Fires Over Oaklore.
  • You must drop the bombs on the monsters and see how many you can take out. There are 4 waves in total that you have to complete.


    Minimum enemies required / Total enemies
    Wave 1: 16 out of 30
    Wave 2: 18 out of 28
    Wave 3: 19 out of 25
    Wave 4: 21 out of 25

    1. You will be able to drop a single firebomb on each wave of monsters. Just position your dragon where you would like the firebomb to drop and click.

    2. The firebomb will explode causing any monsters in its circular blast radius to blow up as well. If any monster touches a blast circle it will explode.

    3. Try to create chain reaction to blow up as many monsters as possible!

    4. Each wave will have a minimum number of monsters that need to be destroyed. If you can blow up that number of monsters or more you can continue on to the next wave!

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