AliceShiki -> RE: Weapons - Read the first post! (9/25/2018 11:19:58)
I hope it's alright to post this here, uhn... It's basically a compilation of all the updates on the blade of awe and its counterparts' specials... I didn't find them anywhere in the info subs, and it's really hard to find it by searching through General, so... quote:
So, summary of how the stuff works now. Still 10% proc rate, PWD is now a 10% chance of happening (1% total) and is basically considered the MC for the weapon. Guardian Dragon is a 30% chance of happening (3% total) and numbers got tweaked, but IMR worked on that, so I dunno them off the top of my head. The other 4, Mana Vamp, Health Vamp, Spiral Carve, and Awe Blast, each have a 15% rate, or 1.5% chance total for each. It also checks in that order, it rolls first for Mana Vamp, but Mana Vamp's been tweaked. However, you also will not even get Mana Vamp unless you're missing enough MP to benefit. So if you're full on MP, you never get Mana Vamp. It checks for (PlayerMaxMP - PlayerMP), if that # is not >= the MP cost of a spell equal to your level, Mana Vamp doesn't proc. Health Vamp just checks if you're <= 75% HP, otherwise it won't proc. Spiral Carve is now auto-hit, but deals *0.85 damage. Awe Blast is a standard special. If either of the Vamps get removed from the pool, their proc rates get divvied up equally between Spiral/Blast. So if you're full on HP/MP, your proc rates are 10% PWD, 30% GD, and then 30% each for Spiral Carve or Awe Blast. quote:
Guardian Dragon Formula: [17 + (PowLvl - MonsterLvl)/2]% of the monster's max HP this is to a minimum of 1 expected Melee attack. by "an expected Melee attack" I mean, numPlayerBase = (5.25 + 0.5625*PowLvl + 0.00375*PowLvl*PowLvl) / 2; numPlayerRand = (5.25 + 0.5625*PowLvl + 0.00375*PowLvl*PowLvl); intExpectedSTR* = 2.1462*PowLvl + 10.399 intExpectedLUK* = 0.7123*PowLvl - 19.111 (if PowLvl < 90) or 5*PowLvl - 400 numPlayerStat = (200 + 13.2*PowLvl)/200 * (intExpectedSTR/8 + intExpectedLUK*3/80); <-- Changed! numPlayerAvgDamage = numPlayerBase +numPlayerRand/2 + numPlayerStat/2; Base = numPlayerAvgDamage*LEAN Rand = numPlayerAvgDamage*(1-LEAN)*2 Stat = 0% *Min 10; max 200; rounded to the nearest 5 *Min 0; max 200; rounded to the nearest 5 I think this was all, hope it's alright to repost this here! ^^)/ *hopes I didn't just miss the place it was posted in* Thanks to Afterlifex for posting all this in General! Edit: New update on the Awe weapons by IMR: quote:
Everyone loved the Awe weapon update, right? Well I've been working on some extra things that didn't make it the original weeks. I just finished adding a new Special, Soul Vampire. It does exactly what you think it does. I'm actually adding it as a bugfix, because I accidentally rolled some code with Werepyre, and I needed to fix it ASAP. Hooray? The other thing I'm still working on is a way to select your Awe special. If you really really like that new Soul Vampire, then you'll be able to make your Awe weapon ONLY do Soul Vampire when it procs. Yes, you'll be able to get PWD too, but it'll come with a lower proc rate so that it's not TOO broken. I should have this ready by November, assuming that Werepyre takes a reasonable amount of time to code *crosses fingers* This is a special that deals damage to the opponent and heals your SP. No information was given in the proc rate or anything like it.