=MtAK= Starplay Roleflame (Full Version)

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Starflame13 -> =MtAK= Starplay Roleflame (6/12/2017 20:20:43)

Hello, everyone!

I am Starflame13 (or Starflame, Star, Starry, Flamestar, and probably a handful of other nicknames I've forgotten), and I'm joining the crew here in the RP forums! Here's the thread where you get to know me a bit better before you decide to challenge me to a duel :P

First, a few ground rules:
1) As always, all =AE= Comprehensive Forum Rules apply.
2) Please limit yourselves to 10 questions a post, two posts per page (yes, two, I'm being nice. But no double posting!).
3) I reserve the right to answer (or not answer) questions how I see fit.
4) Please try to avoid repeating questions!

Since this is the RP forums, I'll give a quick summary of a few of my characters (most still in process) if people are curious about them:
Starflame - Gryffin Warrior. A part-gryffin woman with the ability to shift between a winged humanoid form and a full-size gryffin. She has some specialized magics thanks to being part gryffin, but most of her focus is in martial skills.
Elysia Stormbringer- last EC's Energy Paragon. A mounted, glaive-wielding, lightning-throwing woman of the plains.
Adena of the Dawn - my Vartai (dragon/human hybrid) originally for the RPA. A melee and survival focused girl struggling to control her growing fire magic.

Other than that, let's have fun and get this started! I will be answering questions in this lovely color here!

Gingkage -> RE: Starplay Roleflame (6/12/2017 20:22:07)

Hi, Star!
Hey Ging!

No questions from me, just wanted to welcome you to this neck of the forums. You'll do great.
Thank you! Looking forward to working with you ^^

Starstruck -> RE: Starplay Roleflame (6/12/2017 21:53:39)

Ohmygosh another Star! ☆ I remember you from last year's EC, it was a pleasure to RP with you and I'm so upset that I got DQd before we could finish our storyline (that time limit was brutal, I had a 4 hour window to see and respond to the post >_>).
Hey there Starstruck! Yeah, the ECs were intense but it was a blast to get to participate.

I have a few questions for you!

Do you prefer to be a DM or a player?
I've only recently begun to test out DMing, so not sure yet! I like being a player the most when they get some say in the story, though.

Do you ever draw your characters?
Only rough sketches.

Would you ever participate in a no-magic RP?
I don't know! Magic adds another level of creativity and complexity,
so if you could find something else that made it just as interesting, I'd probably consider it!

What's your favorite thing about RPing?
Telling the story. I've done a bunch of D&D and it's really fun when you get to build and influence the world.

Once you answer these questions I'll know if I want to duel you or not [&:]
Let me know the verdict!

Kellehendros -> RE: Starplay Roleflame (6/14/2017 19:13:26)

Congrats, Starflame.
Thanks, Kell!

Micha says hello.
Elysia returns the greetings.

I look forward to a chance to work with you again.

golden1231 -> RE: Starplay Roleflame (6/25/2017 20:18:14)

Star! *snugs* ^-^
Golden!! *snugs back*
No questions from me, just a (belated) congrats on your new board!
Thank you very much :D

Starflame13 -> RE: Starplay Roleflame (7/9/2017 19:29:59)

Just to update people, I will be leaving this up for 2 more weeks, until the end of the Elemental Championship Tournament sign up period! So you have till then to pester me with questions :P

Speaking of the EC's, go check them out here and sign up!

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: Starplay Roleflame (7/10/2017 15:01:39)

Are. You. Prepared?

Nope. Let's do it anyways!

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: Starplay Roleflame (7/14/2017 14:27:17)

*A cloaked figure rises from the shadows.*
*offers the figure a cupcake*

Greetings Starflame13.
Heya Dwelling!

What is thy favourite Dragonfable monster and why?
Hm.. Probably Gananana, because I'd just started playing Legend of Zelda and I was so excited to get the reference.

What is thy favourite Dragonfable villain and why?
Gary. Poor guy was honestly trying his best!

Does thou ever venture into the L&L and if thou does art thou familiar with my legacy?
I haven't very often, so I'm afraid I am not, sorry!

Would thou care to comment on Keihäs Törsätä?
Comment: I have no clue how to pronounce that name.
Edit: NOW I remember who your character was! I really loved how you incorporated flying, actually, as that's a really hard thing to balance well, and otherwise was a really good well-rounded character with an interesting bio behind it!

Congratulations and may thou persevere in thy newfound duties.
Thank you very much!

*Bows while succumbing into the shadows.*
*Tosses another cupcake after the figure*

Starflame13 -> RE: Starplay Roleflame (8/10/2017 11:51:06)

Alright, this has been up and silent long enough. Locked!

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