=EC 2017= Forge OOC (Full Version)

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Starflame13 -> =EC 2017= Forge OOC (7/24/2017 0:03:13)

This thread will be your OOC forum for the competitors of the Forge Arena to discuss tactics, collaborations, plots, as well as to ask questions of your fellow combatants and to provide any additional details necessary to clarify your character or your actions.

Each of the combatants in this arena will be placed at an equidistant starting point. The order in which you are listed in the roster is the relative location you enter the arena in, with the first competitor entering in at the North of the arena and moving clockwise around the edge of the arena. Alternatively, you can view this as the competitor listed above you will be on your right and the competitor listed below you in the roster will enter in on your left. All contestants are assumed to enter roughly at the same time, regardless of posting order.

Feel free to ask me questions within this thread, via PM, or via IRC if you have any details you would like clarified. As a reminder, our new IRC channel is #RPooc , and details of how to join it can be found in the initial OOC thread. You can also use the IRC channel to collaborate with the other forumites.

The Roster
Anki - Block C3, created by draketh99!
Michelle Verona , created by Axicia! Idle Out
Alastasia Mayvendel, created by Dragonknight315!
Teras Rukoli, the Iron Mantis , created by Kellehendros!
Edward, created by deathlord45!
Ee-nuk Chuk va Tuktuk, created by TormentedDragon!

In addition, I will be editing in any questions that may be useful for all combatants to read. Beginning with:

What are the dimensions of the arena?
All Paragon Phase arenas share a similar construction when it comes to the dimensions. From the geometric center it is 65 feet (19.8 meters) of terrain until reaching either a barrier wall or, such as with Spike or Sky, the lethal hazards ringing the arena. Entrance ways vary by arena in terms of design, but consist of eight equidistant points starting from cardinal North. Were one to connect the entrances with lines, you would inscribe a perfect octagon within the circle of the arena.

But we have fewer than 8 in the arena!
While arenas are designed with a maximum occupancy of eight contestants, we'd rather let people spread out and have more arena variety than to crowd everyone into a single arena. Any locations after the last person on the roster is placed would be considered Vacant.

What's the deal with these pillars?
The normal pillars are 20 feet high (6.1 meters) before they pass through the smoke barrier ceiling. There are 16 of them, evenly spaced and forming a ring halfway between the outer edge and the center of the arena. Each are about 3 feet (.9 meters) in diameter. Like the walls, they shed light from the cracks of lava and are hot to the touch.

The central pillar, or "Heart" of the Forge turns to lava about 3 feet (0.9 meters) from the ground. Its flames stay within its boundaries as if it was a stone pillar, but it WILL badly burn anything that touches it and incinerate anything that tries to pass fully through it, regardless of protection.

As an aside, anything that passes up or through the smoke barrier ceiling is considered "out of bounds" and will not re-enter the arena.

Do the gates out of the arena remain open?
Yes, but they fill with a smoke barrier once you pass through. If you choose to pass through the smoke barrier, you will be forfeiting the fight.

Dragonknight315 -> RE: =EC 2017= Forge OOC (7/24/2017 0:37:26)

Good luck, guys! I'm...a bit shocked, being filled in the room with so much talent. I'm a complete amateur, but I hope I can offer something to the table.

If you need to ask anything of me, you can reach me here in the OOC, a PM, or on Discord as Dragonknight315#6292.

draketh99 -> RE: =EC 2017= Forge OOC (7/24/2017 1:36:08)

Best of luck to all! I look forward to meeting you all in the Forge! I likely won't be able to post until Tuesday evening.

If anyone needs to get a hold of me, this thread and discord are the best ways to get a hold of me! Discord ID: draketh99#3916

Axicia -> RE: =EC 2017= Forge OOC (7/24/2017 3:16:05)

I'll get something up in a bit, I promise.
Hope we'll have a good time together! Looking forward to meeting and crossing blades you all in the Forge. I check the OOC rather religiously, if you want to get a hold of me. But if you prefer a more personal communication, you can PM me here or poke me on Discord: Axicia#3300

deathlord45 -> RE: =EC 2017= Forge OOC (7/24/2017 19:47:51)

This is going to be interesting to say the least. Good luck everyone. We're gonna need it.

Discord name: Death Clock#1711

Kellehendros -> RE: =EC 2017= Forge OOC (7/24/2017 20:16:32)

Starflame, if we could get an answer to a question that came up on Discord: Could we get a general idea of where Forge is located in relation to the EC complex? The see-through ceiling (for spectators) is reminiscent of Cellar, but there is no mention of a staircase or ladder leading down to the gates allowing ingress. Is Forge underground, or is it simply a self-contained building on ground level?

Aiming to get a post up tomorrow, pending RL shenanigans. If anyone has need of me, I can be reached here, there (via PM), or everywhere (on mIRC in #rpooc as Kell/Teras, or on Discord Kell#8884).

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2017= Forge OOC (7/24/2017 20:35:49)

@Kellehendros - The floors down to Forge slope somewhat, but it's not fully underground. It's housed in a newly-formed crater in one of the rocky outcroppings on the outer edge of the arena complex.

Kellehendros -> RE: =EC 2017= Forge OOC (7/24/2017 21:28:46)

Axicia, since it seems we're going to rumble, I was hoping you could clarify something for me regarding your character. Your bio sheet seems to be missing an explanation of what the Betrayer is.

Which is to say: What does the object in question look like? You describe it as being a magical item and generally appearing white, but that doesn't tell me if it is a dagger, a handkerchief, or a hipflask. My guess, based on the fact it is not inside spoiler tags, is that this is a piece of gear visible on Michelle's person, but I don't have anything to tell me what it actually is.

Axicia -> RE: =EC 2017= Forge OOC (7/24/2017 21:57:07)

Ah, yes. Betrayer is the hibiscus decoration on her head mentioned in her appearance tab, Kellehendros

TormentedDragon -> RE: =EC 2017= Forge OOC (7/24/2017 21:59:59)

So is it always on fire? Or is it only sometimes on fire?

Axicia -> RE: =EC 2017= Forge OOC (7/24/2017 22:35:47)

Yes, though when not in use it only "burns" with magical flames of several colors, more like a pretty decoration. Only when it is in use (See: Spirit Flare) does it emit actual, harmful fire.

Dragonknight315 -> RE: =EC 2017= Forge OOC (7/24/2017 23:22:05)

Earlier today, I worked on making a map for the Forge. Visuals always help, and it should put things into scale.


The pillars are not equidistant from each other, but blame that on my shoddy paint skills. Everything else is roughly to scale.

But yeah, first post made. This is going to be tough...

Kellehendros -> RE: =EC 2017= Forge OOC (7/25/2017 20:28:59)

Let's get down the business.

*Cues the Disney tunes.*

Dragonknight315 -> RE: =EC 2017= Forge OOC (7/26/2017 1:37:27)

Axicia, since I am going to be moving near you, any clarifications you need on Alastasia?

Axicia -> RE: =EC 2017= Forge OOC (7/26/2017 5:02:54)

Dragonknight315, none for now, rather...

Kellehendros and Dragonknight315, since if I brawl both of you it would be 2vs1, what do you say? Are you okay with this engagement or should we wait for the others? If I recall correctly, one character hasn't made their intro post yet.

Dragonknight315 -> RE: =EC 2017= Forge OOC (7/26/2017 12:42:46)

Personally, I'm fine with starting the engagement Axcia. How I move mostly depends on your post.

And yes Deathlord has not made his first post/entry for Edward. If he does try to engage, he might attack Kell from behind, making this quite the brawl. It would be interesting how it turns out....

Deathlord, are you okay with us moving on?

Kellehendros -> RE: =EC 2017= Forge OOC (7/26/2017 18:44:23)

I'm game if you are, Axicia.

TormentedDragon -> RE: =EC 2017= Forge OOC (7/28/2017 17:51:43)


Anki is not ignored - she is being stealthy and Ee-nuk did not see her due to general visibility issues. Meksuit provides lots of vision barriers. Also loud.

Edward also didn't get noticed for similar reasons though he seems to be less purposefully stealthy.

Is probably obvious but assuming is bad so:
Bug-man = Teras
Red-hair = Michelle
Paleface = Alastasia

Ee-nuk approaches from general central area.

Edit: additional clarification - as indicated in first post, "taunt" transmits Ee-nuk's voice through the speakers. That button makes his words eminently audible. Shouldn't need clarification, but again assuming leads to problems.

Dragonknight315 -> RE: =EC 2017= Forge OOC (7/28/2017 23:15:20)

Whew. So, I made my post. I was waiting for Axicia to post, but that didn't happen.

Alastasia can't see Ee-Nuk but can hear where the sound is coming from. Thus, she assumes the sound comes from the same place.
From Draketh's post, I don't think Alastasia would be able to see Anki. He stealthy as it is, and the pillars should be in the way of her sight. Can't say the same for Edward.

Lunara is a friend of her's back home in Allevia. The two become close in the last two years after she defeated the water spirit. She's a talented hunter and former assassin. If I get the chance, I'll elaborate more on her (and another important character) later.

A lot of actions are going on. I tried my best to condense it all with what time I had.

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2017= Forge OOC (7/29/2017 0:52:33)

Axicia! You have not posted since your last post on 07/24/2017, at 9:15pm. Your deadline for making your next post has passed. You are hereby disqualified due to Rule #3: Idle out. Your character is now at the mercy of the other combatants.

Again, if you know ahead of time that you will miss a deadline or be out of town, please let me know as soon as possible. I can't guarantee we can work with every situation, but prior knowledge is helpful.

Dragonknight315 -> RE: =EC 2017= Forge OOC (7/30/2017 2:28:11)

Death, can you give a rough idea as to how much force Edward's bow can give when fully notched? I know it's slim, but how slim? Also, are the tips of the arrows thin and long or more broad and wide?

EDIT: On that note, how is his quiver on his back? Is it supported by several straps, or is it somehow attached to the back of a belt?

draketh99 -> RE: =EC 2017= Forge OOC (7/31/2017 1:20:41)

I would like to request a 24 hour extension for my next post, as I'm going to be flying across the country. I'm hoping not to need it, but should anything go wrong with flight plans or jet lag take hold, I'd like that buffer, please.

Thank you!

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2017= Forge OOC (7/31/2017 11:45:41)

@draketh99 - Hopefully the flights will go well, but you have the extension if it's necessary.

If anyone working/collaborating with draketh needs a half-day or full-day extension because of a potentially later post on his end, please let me know.

deathlord45 -> RE: =EC 2017= Forge OOC (7/31/2017 20:17:19)

Dragonknight, What do you mean by slim? It's an average sized bow. The arrows are thin and long; the quiver is on his back through several straps around lower abdomen

TormentedDragon -> RE: =EC 2017= Forge OOC (8/1/2017 1:56:05)

Anki is no longer ignored!

Anki and Alastasia are both pale-faces. Fortunately, Anki has white hair while Alastasia has blonde hair.

Of course they're also dressed differently but gob only cares about clothes sometimes.

Feel free for asking clarification questions here or on Discord.

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