=EC 2017= Fountain OOC (Full Version)

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Starflame13 -> =EC 2017= Fountain OOC (7/24/2017 0:04:26)

This thread will be your OOC forum for the competitors of the Fountain Arena to discuss tactics, collaborations, plots, as well as to ask questions of your fellow combatants and to provide any additional details necessary to clarify your character or your actions.

Each of the combatants in this arena will be placed at an equidistant starting point. The order in which you are listed in the roster is the relative location you enter the arena in, with the first competitor entering in at the North of the arena and moving clockwise around the edge of the arena. Alternatively, you can view this as the competitor listed above you will be on your right and the competitor listed below you in the roster will enter in on your left. All contestants are assumed to enter roughly at the same time, regardless of posting order.

Feel free to ask me questions within this thread, via PM, or via IRC if you have any details you would like clarified. As a reminder, our new IRC channel is #RPooc , and details of how to join it can be found in the initial OOC thread. You can also use the IRC channel to collaborate with the other forumites.

The Roster
Prota Wavis, created by Caststarter!
Arde En’Foe, created by Arthur! DQ'd.
Cyril Kovac, the Red Hand, created by Ryu Viranesh!
Arthok Mesorason, the Blackblooded, created by Apocalypse!
Sir Gervase Irven, created by Necro-Knight!

In addition, I will be editing in any questions that may be useful for all combatants to read. Beginning with:

What are the dimensions of the arena?
All Paragon Phase arenas share a similar construction when it comes to the dimensions. From the geometric center it is 65 feet (19.8 meters) of terrain until reaching either a barrier wall or, such as with Spike or Sky, the lethal hazards ringing the arena. Entrance ways vary by arena in terms of design, but consist of eight equidistant points starting from cardinal North. Were one to connect the entrances with lines, you would inscribe a perfect octagon within the circle of the arena.

For Fountain arena specifically, the ceiling is 20 feet above you (6.1 meters)

But we have fewer than 8 in the arena!
While arenas are designed with a maximum occupancy of eight contestants, we'd rather let people spread out and have more arena variety than to crowd everyone into a single arena. Any locations after the last person on the roster is placed would be considered Vacant.

Do the gates out of the arena remain open?
Yes, but they remain filled with mist. If you choose to pass through the mist barrier and leave the arena, you will be forfeiting the fight.

How much does the mist distort vision? What exactly are the mirages?
You would have the same vision you normally have up to about 10-15 feet (3-4.6 meters). Minor details start to fade at that point, and someone standing at the entirely opposite side of the arena would be a blur of color. The shift in colors of the arena is random, so there is a chance they could either cause someone to stand out or camouflage them briefly. The mirages themselves are mostly shimmers, slight shifts in the colors that make it seem like something is moving or hiding, but never a fully defined image.

What are the acoustics of the arena?
Sound will carry through the mists, and echo off of the walls, floor, and ceiling. This can create a disorienting environment if there is a lot of loud noise, and it can be hard to pinpoint where a sound is actually coming from. The bells have no set pattern between them, but there's generally 4-6 chimes per minute.

How bright is the illuminating light?
The light of the arena is a bit dimmer than if you were out in the desert sun, and it gives off a distinct eerie feeling.

Apocalypse -> RE: =EC 2017= Fountain OOC (7/24/2017 2:54:33)

When you mean to post the night of but are tired and are nowhere near done. :P

Post coming tomorrow. Best of luck to everyone, and let's make it a good one.

Caststarter -> RE: =EC 2017= Fountain OOC (7/24/2017 19:19:20)

I shall take the initiative, now. Keeping it short and simple, right now. If anyone wants to talk to me, I will be in the RP chat and look at this thread oftenly. If need be, contact me on Discord Mortiana #0115

Ryu Viranesh -> RE: =EC 2017= Fountain OOC (7/25/2017 23:16:58)

Alright, then. Here we go again.

Apocalypse -> RE: =EC 2017= Fountain OOC (7/26/2017 1:47:29)

The fighters in the pit go round and round, round and round, round and round

@Arthur: Because Cyril wasn't there, Arthok is going to keep moving around the arena and towards Arde's gate. If Arthok sees him, he's going to be taking a meaty swing at him

Caststarter -> RE: =EC 2017= Fountain OOC (7/26/2017 2:32:03)

At the pace this is going, everyone, except me since I am staying FAR away from what is about to happen, is going to be coddled into one area, ignoring the entire center... which will cause quite the mess.

Maybe potshots will be helpful just to have some form of greeting.

Necro-Knight -> RE: =EC 2017= Fountain OOC (7/26/2017 13:46:21)

Not particularly? Gervase is hugging the wall as he moves, Arthok is moving away from it as he does so, and Cyril is following him. So, at the moment, we've got a decent amount of variation in our locations.

Just gotta wait for our last competitor to enter with us, now.

Arthur -> RE: =EC 2017= Fountain OOC (7/26/2017 15:40:40)

I am half-way through my post and shall have it up tomorrow. Sorry for the wait.

EDIT: Shots fired, so to speak. :)

Apocalypse -> RE: =EC 2017= Fountain OOC (7/28/2017 0:21:22)

@Castarter: For clarification sake, does the sound of thunder originate from where the arrows land, or does it just sound far away?

Caststarter -> RE: =EC 2017= Fountain OOC (7/28/2017 0:23:03)

From where the arrows land.

Apocalypse -> RE: =EC 2017= Fountain OOC (7/29/2017 1:32:49)

Hey, y'all, so a couple things.

1.) Will be out of town with limited connections. So contacting me will be a bit difficult until Tuesday. (I'll do my best, though)
2.) For posting purposes: If no one engages in combat with Arthok for a moment or two (talking to him doesn't count as combat), he will break one foot out of the ice and bring it along with his sword down on it to shatter it in a small radius around him. For all the good that may or may not do.
3.) Ryu already has permission for some collaboration. So he's good.

Have a fun couple days, and I look forward to the great posts when I get back!

Necro-Knight -> RE: =EC 2017= Fountain OOC (7/29/2017 21:18:46)

To clarify, the ice isn't particularly enough to freeze someone to the floor, it's meant as a hazard, to slip and fall on, given how wet the entire arena already is. :P

Ryu Viranesh -> RE: =EC 2017= Fountain OOC (7/29/2017 22:50:16)

As Apoc already enumerated, he gave me express permission to perform the action which bookends my most recent post. Which will, of course, be paid back in kind come his next post on Tuesday. :P

Caststarter -> RE: =EC 2017= Fountain OOC (7/30/2017 1:55:58)

Umm, Necro, the floor actually is completely dry.


Curtains of fine mist divided the room, crisscrossing and zig-zagging until they formed almost a maze of incandescence, their myriad of colors caught by the mirror-bright ceiling and refracted into a thousand tiny prisms all about the area. Pictures and images seemed to half form before being whisked away by the constant, delicate spray that constantly twirled and hovered in the air, though the floor was perfectly dry and, rather than damping those entering, merely left a cool, unnatural feeling where it fell on them. Unless something was directly in front of you, it was nigh impossible to make out finer details between the half-truths and lies that the mists allowed to be seen through them.

Granted, slipping is still an issue but it certainly is not wet.

Arthur -> RE: =EC 2017= Fountain OOC (7/30/2017 12:22:33)

I must say, this mist makes for some interesting combat posts, especially the ones where you evade and re-position yourselves. Posted.

Caststarter -> RE: =EC 2017= Fountain OOC (7/30/2017 20:03:24)

Hey, Arthur? Mind clarifying something for me please?


Within seconds, Arde tried to get up and get back in his element, his eyes now shifting from the orc, to whatever the ice wielder to his right was to the lightning archer who he assumed was still positioned behind him. He had to move lest he fall prey to all three elements. However, what discomforted him was the fleeting sight of a fourth figure approaching the orc from behind, slowly but steadily. He didn't wait to see the end of it, the orc would have his eyes set only on what was nearest to him, this damned darkling.

Grabbing his bow, Arde stood up, his feet shaking a bit as they managed to hold on the ice and then he jumped forward away from the orc and his assailant and into the mist. His landing on the ice helped him gain momentum as he slided all the way into the wall where he believed the lightning archer was formerly positioned, his eyes flitting from left to right.

Positioning himself with his back towards the wall, he wore his bow on his back and then proceeded to unstrap his sword along with its scabbard. He then pulled out his sword wielding it in his left hand while he wielded the black scabbard in his right. He then moved his left hand behind his back to avoid light reflecting off of the naked blade.

Does this mean Arde went northwest or did he approach Prota in a literal sense. Sliding away from Arthok and Cyril looked kind of vague in terms of direction. Especially so since the walls could also mean the water itself and not the actual stone structure.

At that, how was he able to slide to the wall? Isn't the ice just spread out 5 yards? That is just 15 feet. If I assume the scenario you are thinking, it shouldn't even be possible to slide that far in the first place.

And yet another... where did that arrow Prota aimed at Arde's leg go? The arrow described that had landed on the ground could've been the one in Arthok's vicinity. He can assumed either the one actually aimed at him was aimed at him or the another. I can't just guess this stuff at this point.

Arthur -> RE: =EC 2017= Fountain OOC (7/31/2017 12:22:25)

Edited my post to fix the accidental bunnying carried out on Arthok's sword move. I re-read it and found it to be moving from hip to shoulder and not vice versa. Also factored in the follow-up pommel strike which I hope was aimed downward. Sorry for the mishap.



The sound of thunder rang out, the source dangerously close to Arde causing him to flinch forward and then, immediately turn to the supposed source where another arrow was lodged on the ground some distance away from the darkling, aimed at him, surely.

The emboldened text refers to the arrow aimed at his leg and not the one aimed at the ground in front of Arthok which Arde didn't notice.


At that, how was he able to slide to the wall? Isn't the ice just spread out 5 yards? That is just 15 feet. If I assume the scenario you are thinking, it shouldn't even be possible to slide that far in the first place.



Does this mean Arde went northwest or did he approach Prota in a literal sense. Sliding away from Arthok and Cyril looked kind of vague in terms of direction. Especially so since the walls could also mean the water itself and not the actual stone structure.

When I use "walls" in my writing, I do mean the actual stone wall rather than the mist walls which I refer to just as "the mist". Also, Arde was approaching where he last saw Prota's form disappear, so it's an approach to engage in combat.

Guys, I would also really appreciate it if you could notify me via PM of your intent to engage in long-term combat so we're not limited to just one off hit and runs and can actually carry out a series of posts to be posted altogether at the end. It would make writing so much more fun. :D

Caststarter -> RE: =EC 2017= Fountain OOC (7/31/2017 14:36:43)

Just a couple notes on this. Lightning strikes about every half second and one out of every four will be aimed directly at the person. Since Arthok and Cryil are literally close together, intervals would be every quarter second.

For Necro, your character is not actually in the field yet but be aware that if you approach, you will step inside the area and be suspect to the attack as well. Something to keep in mind when I checked placements.

And Arthur, Arde should be in that area as well thanks to the arrow put at the Prota's entrance. Arde will have to move around at this his own risk.

Necro-Knight -> RE: =EC 2017= Fountain OOC (7/31/2017 15:02:12)

Alright, thanks for the heads up! Another note I'm going to make a note here, since my Queen's Nails are arcing INTO your lightning storm ( I posted right after you did, so I'll talk to Star about editing my post to account for everything later! ), they shouldn't be affected too heavily since ice is a poor conductor, unless the bolts are simply powerful enough to shatter them on contact, and if so, I think that'd need to be identified. ^^

Caststarter -> RE: =EC 2017= Fountain OOC (7/31/2017 15:06:35)

The bolts shouldn't really be targeted those since they are objects and the bolts instead aims at people directly. But if a stray bolt were to be hit, all it should do is waver it from its path.

Also, as Apoc pointed out to me. The storm around Arthok and Cryil should actually be every half second. I was a dolt myself this time. Make that every two aimed directly at you two.

Arthur -> RE: =EC 2017= Fountain OOC (7/31/2017 15:31:59)

This is a tricky situation and I'll probably be reading through everyone's posts on this before I make a move again.

Apocalypse -> RE: =EC 2017= Fountain OOC (7/31/2017 17:07:19)

@Castarter and @Necro: Could I get an official verdict if the lightning from the storm would shatter the ice spears if they collided? For explosive reasons

Caststarter -> RE: =EC 2017= Fountain OOC (7/31/2017 17:36:14)

To elaborate further then... if there was direct one to one collision. Boom. Bam done. It's pure ice versus lightning that is pure plasma. It should be able to go "poof". If the spear were to, however, pass through a bolt during the split second it is there instead of head on collision, what I would imagine would imagine is that part of it would melt but the rest of the projectile would be fine. Just should become, as I said earlier, unstable.

Necro can put other details about that if he wants.

Necro-Knight -> RE: =EC 2017= Fountain OOC (7/31/2017 22:11:02)

If the bolts hit the ice lances, they'll most likely shatter and splinter from the sudden difference in temperature, so they go from ice spears, to ice shrapnel. :P Not a HUGE improvement, but still a minor change!

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2017= Fountain OOC (8/1/2017 0:41:08)

We have encountered a slight problem.

Arthur, your attention please!

As per the rules from the initial OOC thread:


4. Do not edit your posts once you have submitted them.
As with bios, you may only edit your posts with the express permission of myself. Editing of bios or of posts without foreknowledge creates suspicion of foul play. Double-check your post before you submit it, and live with any errors you might have once it is submitted.

You edited your post on 7/31/2017 at 12:18:23, WITHOUT my permission. I am aware that I sent you a PM to alert you of the issues in your post, but I requested that you be more careful in your FUTURE posts and made no mention of editing your post, nor did you later ask and receive permission to make an edit. In addition, in editing your post to avoid the initial instance of bunnying that I drew to your attention, you also included a second instance by causing Arthok's strike to smash into the ground. I'm sorry, but combining this with the clear violation of the EC rules, I am disqualifying Arde from the competition. Your character is now at the mercy of the other combatants.

I look forward to seeing you hone your skills in other forum RPs that may crop up through the year, and seeing you return with just as interesting a character in the next ECs!

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