Piratechaun (Full Version)

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Carandor -> Piratechaun (3/17/2018 11:30:27)


«Fully-Defensive Water/Light armour. Mastercraft; has increased blocking.»

Location: Battle at Sea
Element: Neutral
Type									 G
Level	1	20	40	60	80	100	120	135	 150
PowLvl	1 MC	20 MC	40 MC	60 MC	80 MC	100 MC	120 MC	135 MC	 153 MC

Price	66	121	559	4094	32591	262352	2114754	10118016 48410333
Sell	33	60	279	2047	16295	131176	1057377	5059008	 24205166
Melee	29	33	37	40	43	47	50	52	 55
Ranged	27	31	35	38	41	45	48	50	 53
Magic	25	29	32	35	38	42	45	47	 50
Fire	110	110	110	102	102	102	102	100	 100
Water	99	90	79	67	60	54	49	43	 40
Wind	100	93	93	90	90	90	86	82	 80
Ice	105	100	100	94	94	94	93	92	 90
Earth	100	93	93	90	90	90	86	82	 80
Energy	105	100	100	94	94	94	93	92	 90
Light	99	90	79	67	60	54	49	43	 40
Dark	110	110	110	102	102	102	102	100	 100
Hits: 3
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
1st Hit
BR%	20.6	32	44	56	68	80	92	101	 111.8
Stat%	21.32	46.4	72.8	99.2	125.6	152	178.4	198.2	 221.96
BTH	0	2	5	7	10	12	15	16	 19

2nd & 3rd Hits
BR%	41.2	64	88	112	136	160	184	202	 223.6
Stat%	42.64	92.8	145.6	198.4	251.2	304	356.8	396.4	 443.92
BTH	0	2	5	7	10	12	15	16	 19
Rate: 100% (when using either Melee or Magic weapons)

Hits: 1
Type: Ranged
Element: «As Weapon»
BR%	103	160	220	280	340	400	460	505	 559
Stat%	106.6	232	364	496	628	760	892	991	 1109.8
BTH	0	2	5	7	10	12	15	16	 19
Rate: 100% (when using a Ranged weapon)

  • You receive Armour Lean x0.8.
  • Armour gains +4.5*(LUK/VStat) to Melee, Ranged and Magic defences*, to a maximum of +6.
    Level	1	20	40	60	80	100	120	135	 150
    VStat	15	55	95	140	180	200	200	200	 200
    *You gain the luck of the Irish, granting +«» blocking!

    Sail the seas in leprechaun green! This defensive armour defends well against Light, Water, and Melee; and gains bonus blocking based off your LUK!


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res.


    Starts off as a standard armour attack:
    Level	1	20	40	60	80	100	120	135	 150
    PowLvl	1	20	40	60	80	100	120	135	 153
    BR%	103	160	220	280	340	400	460	505	 559
    Stat%	106.6	232	364	496	628	760	892	991	 1109.8
    BTH	0	2	5	7	10	12	15	16	 19
    The Melee/Magic attack is split to do one hit of 20% damage and two hits of 40% damage.

    All this has ALREADY been factored into the above numbers.


    March 27, 2017: The armour was released.
    April ??, 2017: The armour became rare.

    This is a seasonal item. After going rare it has returned in:
  • March 15, 2018

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