Endless Invasion, The (Full Version)

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Occavatra -> Endless Invasion, The (5/4/2018 23:50:01)

The Endless Invasion

Location: Arena at the Edge of Time -> Dreamspace Challenges -> The Endless Invasion Togpocalypse!
Requirements: None
Release Date: May 4th, 2018

Objective: Togs, togs everywhere.
Objective completed: N/A*

Experience rewarded: Scaled
Gold rewarded: Scaled

(X)* Tog Invader(s) - Boss



Access to Invasion Reward and Togslayer Reward.


Other information
  • *This quest contains an almost infinite number of Tog Invaders; more information can be found in the May 4th, 2018 Design Notes.
  • After every victory, you will be given the option to 'Take a Break' or 'Continue' onto the next Tog Invader; selecting 'Take a Break' will save Floor Level progress, but any unclaimed rewards will be lost.
  • After every 5 victories, you will be given an additional option to 'Claim Reward'; selecting 'Claim Reward' will open up a shop containing a single Defender's Medal for 10 Gold.
    • After reaching Floor Level 1000, you will be given the option to 'Claim Reward' after every victory.
  • After completing Floor Level 1000, you will be given an additional option to claim the 'Dreamer's Reward'; selecting 'Dreamer's Reward' will open up a shop containing the Dreaming Togslayer Armor for 0 Dragon Coins. (Pop-up: A special reward awaits you. Do not leave without it., Seriously, don't leave without claiming it!, A special reward awaits you.)
    • This item was previously unavailable at any other point during the Endless Invasion; it is now available at any point after Floor Level 1000, but inaccessible if you already own it.
  • Losing to a Tog Invader at any point during the Endless Invasion will not reset any progress, but you will have to repeat the failed Floor Level again.
  • Clicking on 'Reset Invasion level to 0 20,000 gold' on the "Challenges!" board will reset all progress back to Floor Level 0, at the cost of 20,000 Gold.

    Thanks to BluuHorseOfficial, Jay, and TFS for other information and corrections.

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