RE: =Elemental Championships 2018= OOC & Tournament Signups (Full Version)

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ergotth -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2018= OOC & Tournament Signups (7/8/2018 22:07:31)

*facepalm* gah, sorry! I really misunderstood the whole thing! Should I just post again the revised bio and we leave that first one discarded?

joeyof98 -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2018= OOC & Tournament Signups (7/8/2018 22:08:14)

Hmmm, haven't been to the forums in years, come back and this is happening? Must be destiny! I think I'll support that sad, under-utilized element to help out.

Name: Cadmooz, pronounced Cadmus
Age: I literally have no idea...
Class: Chickencow ascendant
Element: water
Class: paladin/berzerker hybrid

Bio: there are three things you need to know about Chickencows. 1. Their unique biology produces hormones in such a manner that their bodies show very little in the way of sexual dimorphism, meaning that most male and female Chickencows are impossible to tell apart at a glance. 2. In a random act of genetics, a Chickencow may be born and grow with physical attributes similar to both bulls and roosters, and will be called Roosterbulls. 3. Zeuster, like most gods, can have multiple incarnations depending on how he's worshipped. His most common incarnations are as Zeuster, a neuter god of kings and the sky, and Sriracha HolyCud, a masculine god of war and fire (a warrior tribe of female Chickencows allege they serve a feminine incarnation, but whether this is true and, if it is, how Zeuster's wife feels about this remains unknown). As Sriracha is a Roosterbull, all Roosterbulls are viewed as born into his services, and are sent to be raised in his temples
Such is the case of Cadmooz, sent to the temple as soon as it was discovered what he was. Like Sriracha himself, Roosterbulls show a strong allegiance and ability to manifest elements, and so are given positions based on that element. Being ellementally aligned with water, Cadmooz's position was among the most vital in the temple., The suppression of the priest's powers. The priests would use fire to commune with their diety, the religious fervor causing them to burst into flames as a pious alter. While this posed no threat to the priest, the holy flame posed the danger of burning down the temple. Thus, Guards of the Water and Ice were needed to suppress the inferno. Such was Cadmooz's humble position, serving as both temple guard and fire extinguisher, happy and content with serving his lord until one fateful day. While enraptured by a eloquent service on the joys and absolute necessity of donating to the temple, a sudden explosion of fire caused him to jump at the ready as he had done for most of his life. Imagine his surprise when, as the smoke cleared, he saw not an enemy, but Zeuster and Sriracha HolyCud, side by side! In what must have been a monumental strain, even for a god, he/they manifested himself/themselves in two p!aces as two people, so he/they could make clear the importance of their message. He/they declared their outrage that a contest would take place, a championship held between heroes representing their Element, and he/they had not been invited, despite having created his/their own element of Bacon! And so, he/they had decided to enter one of his/their people into the tournament so that the winner would wish, nay, DEMAND Bacon be added as a faction in the tournament from then forward. He/they had asked for volunteers, and the first to shout his acceptance was none other than Cadmooz. He/they warned him that it was dangerous, and still he plead to serve. And so they accepted him, and ordered him to the temple of Zeuster, where he would be stripped of his divinity and sent to the groundworld, where the Earth tribe would provide his supplies and direct his journey. Cadmooz heard the mumbles as he left one temple for another, people were saying that Zeuster's motives were selfish, that he wanted to spread his influence and add the power of an Elemental Lord to his own. Some even mocked him for not even realizing that this tournament has been going on for years. He did not care. His life has been devoted to servitude, to Sriracha, to Zeuster. It mattered not what the god's motives were, nor that his own life was at stake. He was born to serve, and so he would serve.

AppearanceIn Chickencow form, Cadmooz is about 30 percent taller than a regular Chickencow, and far more heavily built. His fur coat is a dark red, with the plumage around his head, hind legs, and tail a dark reddish brown. He has a prominent Waddle and comb, both a rich, blood red, and his wings are bright red. His hind legs resemble an up-sized Rooster's, including a prominent and vicious spur on the heel. In ancient times, the spurs would be used In vicious battles to prove one's dominance during the mating season. Now, they are used In elegant mock-combat to settle differences and in festivals to bring communities together.
In human form, Cadmooz is a literal bull of a man (pun totally intended). He is seven and a half feet tall, with massive shoulders, a barrel chest, and a neck almost as thick. His body, like other Ascended Chickencows (henceforth known as ACs), is covered in fur, but instead of white fur with patches of black, his coat is a very dark red. His long straight hair, trim mustache and beard, and eyes are bright, glowing red, in the same manner as other AC's glow golden. On the rest of his face down to the bottom of his pectorals, shoulders, and upper back, the hair is a longer and darker brownish red and starts getting longer starting at the neck until it's a large, voluminous mane, like that of a buffalo. The feathers of his thighs and tail are the same color, and his lower-legs are scaled and clawed like a chicken's, minus the spur. That is on the wrist. The most prominent feature, however, would be his massive horns. No-one knows why, but about thirty-five to fourth percent of Roosterbull populations that can take humanoid form display massive horns, despite there being none among their natural forms. The variation in form varies as much as it does among bovine species, and Cadmooz sports a particularly impressive set. Thick as the forearm of three men and covering the area from his temple to the base of his skull, they jutt out at a 93 degree angle, going out and slightly up still about a foot and a half out, where the curve down then forward, smoothly transitioning to a slightly upward and forward untill, three feet above the head, the angle is just barely pointing backwards and inward, ending in two needle-thin points that are a few inches closer than the skull is wide. The overall appearance resembles the horns of a longhorn bull.

Equipment armor- Cadmooz wears armor identical to that of all guard at the temple of Sriracha. It's appearance very similar to that of the basic AC armor, with certain variations. He has heavy double-pauldrons, two thick bracers with a four inch plate on the back held on with five metal bands. two layers of chest-plate rest over-top of a red-tunic, and a thick metal-plated belt, bearing a five-inch wide metal buckle hooked to a plate that covered the stomach seven inches across up to just above the belly button, which holds up red pants. The grieves are each composed of nine pieces, four plates on the front, fourbands in the back, and one plate just above the knee holding connecting them to the pants. The boots are three segments that break up into nine more segments to resemble the clawed foot of a Chickencow. Other than the size and thickness of the metal plates being many times that of the typical AC , and the coloration, the other differences is that the armor is simple in design, lacking in any ornamentation whatsoever, and that the plates are solid gold. Believe it or not, gold armor, if the body can handle it, is an excellent choice, as it is so soft it acts as a natural shock absorber, is immune to corrosion, and can absorb and disperse heat-based attacks. It also is one of the best materials to enchant, though it's amendment's were stripped with Cadmooz's divinity. The source of it's heat-dispersion and echantability is also it's greatest weakness: Gold is the third best metallic conductor in the world. He also has a two-piece helm, the first piece being a skullcap and faceplate with eyeholes and the ability to suck each individual hair on his head through tiny little holes, protecting the back of his head while letting his hair through. The second, fused to the first, is a piece of metal that sits on the brow, forming a trident with squares tips. The second prong is six inches and tilts slightly forward starting at the nose, the second and third curve around the brow, over the horns, and stop over the other side and just as high as the second prong. Just before the horn, the prong branch off into twin faceguards, modeled after Spartan helms.
Elemental Sword- Another thing all temple guards have is a blade of the user's respective element, colored red and superheated (except the cryomancer's, their blades give frostbite). This, plus the gold and red uniforms does more than just represent their fealty to Sriracha. It's hard to adequately fight a cryomancer, nyctomancer, and balanced when everyone looks like a pyromancer. In Cadmooz's case, the weapon is a large kopis, with a handle that the bottom and the guard wrap halfway around the pinkie and index finger, and a blade that is five-feet long, one foot wide. The blade is bent at a thirty-five degree angle at two and a half feet on the blade side, and three feet on the dull side. The dull side reaches the point, while the blade side bends straight again after six inches and reaches the point ( look, that's the best I can explain that, if you want, look up 'kopis' or 'Spartan Kopis ' and tell me there's a better way!). It also glows red and weeps boiling red water.
Wings- he also used to have wings, similar to the Ascended Wings for the AC, but only one set, far bigger, and red. Unfortunately, tournament rules say flying is a no-go, so the wings were taken!

Abilities Super strength, speed, and durability- during the process to remove his divinity, Zeuster made a mistake, not that either he or Cadmooz would ever admit that! In adition, Zeuster stripped Cadmooz of his capacity for magic. When Zeuster offered to have someone else take his place, Cadmooz just said, "The challenge just magnifies the glory! Now, if I win, just how powerful you truly are will be shown. If I lose, I will pave the way for the next competition!". His physical strength, proportionate with his body, is massive, his speed, even with the gold armor, he can run 35 miles per hour in a straight line (slowing to 20 miles an hour for a wide turn would be pushing it, with his size and momentum, he has to slow to about 17) and leap 15 feet. His hide is very thick and tough as leather (duh), his muscles are massive and dense, and he has a natural pain-tolerance that is nothing short of extrordinary.
Religious zealotry- as history shows, martyrs, heroes, and armies have managed to pull off extrordinary feats in the name of their gods. The psychological effect of serving a higher power is an often-studied, little-understood phenomenon, but the effect are as such: inability to feel pain or fatigue, clarity of thought and purpose, a seemingly endless supply of physical energy, and the ability to keep fighting long after your body should have been dead.
Cut one of us down, two more shall take his place- in effect, members of the Sriracha temple will come, one at a time to the tournament, year after year, until one of them wins (assuming, of course, I'm still here next year...)

Alrighty, I started this post this morning! I can genuinely say I am sick of looking at this posting-box thing! Anywho, hope my character works out! Saw all the fancy,complicated abilities, and thought it might be fun to make a character without all that finesse! He deals dammage, he takes dammage, I gave him a weapon so he did SOME kind of Elemental attack, what more can I say! Well, I was actually going to add some-more backstory, about how the temple raised him and the others like Spartan soldiers (the kind from 300, not Halo...) But it's almost 10:00. I'll check tommorrow to see if I haven't gotten banned yet and how my bio did. Tootaloo!

TormentedDragon -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2018= OOC & Tournament Signups (7/8/2018 22:29:30)


Your bio is a bit difficult to read, due to the wall of text format. May I suggest taking a quick look at some of the other bios - the utility of the line break in aiding ease of reading cannot be understated.

Basically, just add the extra line between paragraphs.

I'd also recommend breaking up long sections of text, such as your Bio section, more frequently - walls of text on a computer screen tend to make letters "Swim" and make it hard for people's eyes to stay in the right place.

I personally recommend not writing your actual posts or bios in the post box on the forums, for a variety of reasons - limited view of the total text, lack of security (you lose posts if the page reloads or browser crashes), and the relative lack of ease of formatting. Google Docs is what I use, but there are plenty of word processing solutions out there that are superior to the post box.

Please note I'm not the director or staff - just a veteran with some hopefully helpful tips. If you do decide to implement them, note not to edit your existing post - just put them to use for future ones.


Starflame13 -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2018= OOC & Tournament Signups (7/9/2018 0:20:16)

6 days remain to enter the Elemental Championships! Get those bios submitted and approved!

@Starstruck and I have settled on the prior definition given for magnetic abilities - Vir the Human Electromagnet is Approved!

@ergotth - As TormentedDragon pointed out, editing posts and bios WITHOUT my express approval as Director is against the rules. Bio revisions are to be made in an entirely separate post unless told otherwise. I have already allowed one repost due to an accidental edit caused by unfamiliarity with the forums commands. This, however, was a purposeful edit that completely disregards the stated rules. Please, in the future, be sure to read the entire first post and the rules clearly, and ask questions prior to posting if necessary.

Ergotth, the character, is officially Rejected for this years Elemental Championships. You are free (and encouraged!) to enter a new character, using the tips you have learned.

To everyone: Do not edit bios, and do NOT edit posts. While some leniency can be granted in this stage, editing of a post during the Paragon or Final Arena phases will result in a Disqualification.

@joeyof98 - Welcome back to the forums! A mostly physical character is a fun challenge, but we need a bit more clarity and detail. Additionally, I'd recommend looking at TormentedDragon's advice and using a different writing program than the forums for typing up long bios and posts - and then use the "post preview" option to check for formatting before posting fully!

Firstly, you seem to have a class listed twice, and no official race listed. Please include an officially stated race in the next bio! To clarify - the Elemental Championships do not require that you select a specific class, and for those that do define their characters as such, the classes do not conform to the abilities they would have in the AEF universe. If you intend to use any of the abilities from DragonFable as Cadmooz, please list out the ones you wish to include so they can be balanced for an EC setting.

Next, the appearance (in particular, the different forms). I am using this image of a ChickenCow for size comparisons - if you have a different one to provide, please do so! In this case, a ChickenCow is already significantly large enough that if you intend to compete in ChickenCow form, Cadmooz should not be significantly bigger than the average ChickenCow (though he may still be stronger). Given this train of thought, are you intending for it to be possible for Cadmooz to shift between human and ChickenCow forms in battle? If so, there will need to be some limit on how often he can do so, or doing so will need to significantly drain his stamina.

Now, his armor - solid, pure gold is extremely heavy, and as you pointed out, very soft. While it may be good for conduction/corrosion, any significant blow to natural gold armor will severely dent, or potentially rip through, the plates. A more practical solution would be to have steel armor that is gilded with gold, OR to add the enchantments on his armor back that you said were stripped, to account for the fact that it would be light enough and durable enough to wear.

For Cadmooz's abilities, this is one spot where exact numbers are harder (and regardless, 35 mph is MUCH too fast in comparison to the actual average top speed for humans, which is around 16mph). I would recommend using more direct comparisons in this case - being twice as fast as any human is too much, but describing a character as significantly faster than an average human is fine. The same goes for strength/stamina/other physical attributes. Try to either be a bit more direct with comparisons, or give more direct examples (i.e., he was able to lift up and throw another ChickenCow might work for strength). In addition, I am assuming that these are the numbers/descriptions for the HUMAN form. If he intends to take on ChickenCow form, he should lose about as much as he gains (for example, his speed may increase while his agility decreases).

Lastly, Religious Zealotry. While this is ok for flavor description, Cadmooz is not invincible, and Zuester's influence only carries so far into an Arena where the Elemental Lords hold power. He may exhaust himself more slowly, but he should still tire and lose energy/strength throughout a longer fight.

Quite the fun character! Please post a new bio with more detail and the requested clarifications.

Lastly, Chewy905 has requested a small addition to the appearance section of Maled's bio. In order to avoid entrants editing their already-approved bios, I have edited it in for him. My changes have been underlined.

ergotth -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2018= OOC & Tournament Signups (7/9/2018 5:08:04)

I'm deeply sorry for this embarrassment I made of myself and I understand my rejection. Although you encouraged me to, I'm DEEPLY discouraged to make a new character since my beloved OC was kicked out xD It will take me a while, but I'll think about trying a new OC, this time paying more attention to the fine details.

joeyof98 -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2018= OOC & Tournament Signups (7/9/2018 9:56:57)

Wow, that was garbage, now that I'm looking with fresh eyes. You suggested putting lines between separate items in a category? I'll try that. Also, for the edit I'll note the changes in blue, 'cause, you know, water.

Name: Cadmooz, pronounced Cadmus
Age: I literally have no idea...
Class: Chickencow ascendant honestly, that IS the species. He is a Chikencow that is ascended to Mootopolis, to divinity (semi-divinity? It's never really fleshed out), and beyond the physical form he was born with.
Element: water
Class: paladin/berzerker hybrid

Bio: there are three things you need to know about Chickencows. 1. Their unique biology produces hormones in such a manner that their bodies show very little in the way of sexual dimorphism, meaning that most male and female Chickencows are impossible to tell apart at a glance. 2. In a random act of genetics, a Chickencow may be born and grow with physical attributes similar to both bulls and roosters, and will be called Roosterbulls. 3. Zeuster, like most gods, can have multiple incarnations depending on how he's worshipped. His most common incarnations are as Zeuster, a neuter god of kings and the sky, and Sriracha HolyCud, a masculine god of war and fire (a warrior tribe of female Chickencows allege they serve a feminine incarnation, but whether this is true and, if it is, how Zeuster's wife feels about this remains unknown). As Sriracha is a Roosterbull, all Roosterbulls are viewed as born into his services, and are sent to be raised in his temples
Such is the case of Cadmooz, sent to the temple as soon as it was discovered what he was. Like Sriracha himself, Roosterbulls show a strong allegiance and ability to manifest elements, and so are given positions based on that element. Being ellementally aligned with water, Cadmooz's position was among the most vital in the temple., The suppression of the priest's powers. The priests would use fire to commune with their diety, the religious fervor causing them to burst into flames as a pious alter. While this posed no threat to the priest, the holy flame posed the danger of burning down the temple. Thus, Guards of the Water and Ice were needed to suppress the inferno. Such was Cadmooz's humble position, serving as both temple guard and fire extinguisher, happy and content with serving his lord until one fateful day. While enraptured by a eloquent service on the joys and absolute necessity of donating to the temple, a sudden explosion of fire caused him to jump at the ready as he had done for most of his life. Imagine his surprise when, as the smoke cleared, he saw not an enemy, but Zeuster and Sriracha HolyCud, side by side! In what must have been a monumental strain, even for a god, he/they manifested himself/themselves in two p!aces as two people, so he/they could make clear the importance of their message. He/they declared their outrage that a contest would take place, a championship held between heroes representing their Element, and he/they had not been invited, despite having created his/their own element of Bacon! And so, he/they had decided to enter one of his/their people into the tournament so that the winner would wish, nay, DEMAND Bacon be added as a faction in the tournament from then forward. He/they had asked for volunteers, and the first to shout his acceptance was none other than Cadmooz. He/they warned him that it was dangerous, and still he plead to serve. And so they accepted him, and ordered him to the temple of Zeuster, where he would be stripped of his divinity and sent to the groundworld, where the Earth tribe would provide his supplies and direct his journey. Cadmooz heard the mumbles as he left one temple for another, people were saying that Zeuster's motives were selfish, that he wanted to spread his influence and add the power of an Elemental Lord to his own. Some even mocked him for not even realizing that this tournament has been going on for years. He did not care. His life has been devoted to servitude, to Sriracha, to Zeuster. It mattered not what the god's motives were, nor that his own life was at stake. He was born to serve, and so he would serve.

AppearanceIn Chickencow form, Cadmooz is about 30 percent taller than a regular Chickencow, and far more heavily built. His fur coat is a dark red, with the plumage around his head, hind legs, and tail a dark reddish brown. He has a prominent Waddle and comb, both a rich, blood red, and his wings are bright red. His hind legs resemble an up-sized Rooster's, including a prominent and vicious spur on the heel. In ancient times, the spurs would be used In vicious battles to prove one's dominance during the mating season. Now, they are used In elegant mock-combat to settle differences and in festivals to bring communities together. This form was locked off with the loss of his divinity, howeversorry, that was supposed to be flavor text, so I stated he couldn't change form. Also, holy crap, that Chickencow is big! I was thinking of Zeuster, who I thought was smaller in his cutscenes and attacks. I based my estimate on an actual picture comparing the size of a bull and cow, though 30 percent bigger than THAT is probably still within the range of the biggest bulls.

In human form, Cadmooz is a literal bull of a man (pun totally intended). He is seven and a half feet tall, with massive shoulders, a barrel chest, and a neck almost as thick. His body, like other Ascended Chickencows (henceforth known as ACs), is covered in fur, but instead of white fur with patches of black, his coat is a very dark red. His long straight hair, trim mustache and beard, and eyes are bright, glowing red, in the same manner as other AC's glow golden. On the rest of his face down to the bottom of his pectorals, shoulders, and upper back, the hair is a longer and darker brownish red and starts getting longer starting at the neck until it's a large, voluminous mane, like that of a buffalo. The feathers of his thighs and tail are the same color, and his lower-legs are scaled and clawed like a chicken's, minus the spur. That is on the wrist. The most prominent feature, however, would be his massive horns. No-one knows why, but about thirty-five to fourth percent of Roosterbull populations that can take humanoid form display massive horns, despite there being none among their natural forms. The variation in form varies as much as it does among bovine species, and Cadmooz sports a particularly impressive set. Thick as the forearm of three men and covering the area from his temple to the base of his skull, they jutt out at a 93 degree angle, going out and slightly up still about a foot and a half out, where the curve down then forward, smoothly transitioning to a slightly upward and forward untill, three feet above the head, the angle is just barely pointing backwards and inward, ending in two needle-thin points that are a few inches closer than the skull is wide. The overall appearance resembles the horns of a longhorn bull.

Equipment armor- Cadmooz wears armor identical to that of all guard at the temple of Sriracha. It's appearance very similar to that of the basic AC armor, with certain variations. He has heavy double-pauldrons, two thick bracers with a four inch plate on the back held on with five metal bands. two layers of chest-plate rest over-top of a red-tunic, and a thick metal-plated belt, bearing a five-inch wide metal buckle hooked to a plate that covered the stomach seven inches across up to just above the belly button, which holds up red pants. The grieves are each composed of nine pieces, four plates on the front, fourbands in the back, and one plate just above the knee holding connecting them to the pants. The boots are three segments that break up into nine more segments to resemble the clawed foot of a Chickencow. Other than the size and thickness of the metal plates being many times that of the typical AC , and the coloration, the other differences is that the armor is simple in design, lacking in any ornamentation whatsoever, and that the plates are solid gold. Believe it or not, gold armor, if the body can handle it, is an excellent choice, as it is so soft it acts as a natural shock absorber, is immune to corrosion, and can absorb and disperse heat-based attacks. It also is one of the best materials to enchant and has also been enchanted with the durability of steel and a resistance to energy. He also has a two-piece helm, the first piece being a skullcap and faceplate with eyeholes and the ability to suck each individual hair on his head through tiny little holes, protecting the back of his head while letting his hair through. The second, fused to the first, is a piece of metal that sits on the brow, forming a trident with squares tips. The second prong is six inches and tilts slightly forward starting at the nose, the second and third curve around the brow, over the horns, and stop over the other side and just as high as the second prong. Just before the horn, the prong branch off into twin faceguards, modeled after Spartan helms. want be to BUFF something I put in here!? What twilight zone am I living in right now? ALright, I'll add the enchantment back. It now has the durability of steel, but is soft enough that forces that could break through six-inch steel would sink in and deform rather than break. I also gave it Energy-resistance.

Elemental Sword- Another thing all temple guards have is a blade of the user's respective element, colored red and superheated (except the cryomancer's, their blades give frostbite). This, plus the gold and red uniforms does more than just represent their fealty to Sriracha. It's hard to adequately fight a cryomancer, nyctomancer, and balanced when everyone looks like a pyromancer. In Cadmooz's case, the weapon is a large kopis, with a handle that the bottom and the guard wrap halfway around the pinkie and index finger, and a blade that is five-feet long, one foot wide. The blade is bent at a thirty-five degree angle at two and a half feet on the blade side, and three feet on the dull side. The dull side reaches the point, while the blade side bends straight again after six inches and and curves very slightly upward infill it meets the point.It also glows red and weeps boiling red water.

Wings- he also used to have wings, similar to the Ascended Wings for the AC, except it was one pair, far bigger in proportion to his body, and red. Flying is a no-go at the tournament, so they were taken.

Abilities Super strength, speed, and durability- during the process to remove his divinity, Zeuster made a mistake, not that either he or Cadmooz would ever admit that! In adition, Zeuster stripped Cadmooz of his capacity for magic. When Zeuster offered to have someone else take his place, Cadmooz just said, "The challenge just magnifies the glory! Now, if I win, just how powerful you truly are will be shown. If I lose, I will pave the way for the next competition!". His physical strength, proportionate with his body, is massive, as he can lift another Roosterbull over his head and throw them (wrestling in Mootopolis is fun!). As for his speed, even with the gold armor, he can run 27 miles per hour in a straight line and leap 15 feet. His hide is very thick and tough as leather (duh), his muscles are massive and dense, and he has a natural pain-tolerance that is nothing short of extrordinary. I based it on a bull's running speed, so I thought this, if anything, might be edited. I have changed the speed to 27 miles per hour (the top speed of any human and, probably, faster than I can make any Ten-speed go) and gave quantity to his strength using the method you suggested. I based the upper-weight on a long-horn cow, as it is smaller than that chikencow, but I'm assuming some, if not all of it's bones are hollow. That is a casual upper-limit of 2500 pounds, which is....holy crap! The maximum weight ever lifted by a single human being is 6270. Can I just raise it to three Roosterbulls, please?

Religious zealotry- as history shows, martyrs, heroes, and armies have managed to pull off extrordinary feats in the name of their gods. The psychological effect of serving a higher power is an often-studied, little-understood phenomenon, but the effect are as such: inability to feel pain or fatigue, clarity of thought and purpose, a seemingly endless supply of physical energy, and the ability to keep fighting long after your body should have been dead. As I said, it's purely psychology, not a miracle. He can definitely die!

Cut one of us down, two more shall take his place- in effect, members of the Sriracha temple will come, one at a time to the tournament, year after year, until one of them wins (assuming, of course, I'm still here next year...) I

Well, hope that's more readable. I think I just discovered how terrifying the human body is as a weapon. Let's hope I did better.

Tiphphany -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2018= OOC & Tournament Signups (7/9/2018 20:10:59)

Lán Harrow
<THE HOLLOW> or <Dé Void>
Element: Darkness
• Flowing black trench coat with glistening darkened steel armour. Adorned all over with blades and sharp angles. Glowing red left eye, right eye is grey. Hair (only visible if mask is destroyed) messy black with
tips of purple, magenta, pink, and red.
• Skin tone: Pale from being under exposed to light after all he does his best work in the dark and the shadows and has been studying black magic since the age of 7
• 17
• Enchanted long-coat (dark elemental enchantment)
• Immortality chest plate
• Steel face covering (underneath a hood enchanted with a concealment spell)
• Leggings and boots of tempered steel
• Bladed, tempered steel gauntlet on the right arm only (left arm is bare aside from a plain old glove)
• The ability to drain the souls from the living and the damned alike
• Brutal demon wings, bottom pair spanning 2 meters each, top pair spanning 3 metres each. Erupt from the back when the time is right. Saps an insane amount of energy
• Shadow stepping. Travel through shadows in the arena to avoid detection
• Shadow meld. Turns his body pliable and allows him to move freely into shadows: example sinking into the shadows and jumping up and a group of wicked spikes
• Shadow forge. Like alchemy in ‘Full Metal Alchemist’. Allows the use of shadows to create walls and weapons etc. Exhausting if over used
• Left arm tattoos: healing spells (strength ranges but the more power the more souls it drains form the storage. And thus, the more energy it uses)
• Right gauntlet runes: allows the summoning of dark creatures from the pits of the underworld. (the stronger the monster the less can be conjured. Can summon hundreds of small harmless distraction demons or ranging all the way to one gigantic colossus. The bigger they are the quicker they decay and fall apart)
• The ability to create a black hole from the shadows (NOT A PERSONALS ONLY A BUILDINGS (SO IT’S NOT TO OVERPOWERED)) for two seconds. If sucked into this black hole the victim is subject to a constant barrage and frenzy of the thoughts, dreams, fears and regrets of all 34,215 souls trapped within The Blade of Dé Šan
• DEMON STATE: ONE STEP UP FROM THE POWER OF THE FOUR WINGS. (hardens all skin and sprouts horns, allows full control of all shadows in the arena. Almost invulnerable. Only last 30 seconds before collapsing, usually fainting but can be counteracted with adrenaline injections, into only falling to the knees for another 15 seconds before regaining a small amount of power)
• The Blade of Dé Šan1.39 meter one handed long sword (right hand): (holds the weight and power of the drained souls and can be channelled into for a sharper edge)
• 1.11 meter one handed long sword: Nothing special about it just incredibly high quality
• Enchanted Chakram (2): can be thrown through shadows and out others. Incredibly sharp. Cuts through regular swords with ease. Doesn’t fair well against other enchanted blades

Backstory (I know it’s irrelevant but I want something memorable): long ago the Esoteragi, a humanoid race of death defying beings were wiped out by soldiers sent from other worlds. The Esoteragi were considered dark and sinister for their use of shadow-kinesis. However, their species would not go down without a fight. After being destroyed their tattoos that allowed them to meld the shadows would glow with a blinding, radiant light and as they looked down with their now glowing eyes their physical forms would explode outwards with the force of a star. After this the soul would be ejected into the reaches of space where it would seek out unborn children and imbed them with the now lost power. This power often remained dormant for many generations, having no reason to come out. And would be passed down to the children in hopes the sepsis would one day rekindle to its former glory. After 3 generations of unawoken Esoteragi powers the Lán clan was wiped out by neighbouring rivals. One child managed to escape the village but was quickly tracked down by the elementals of flames. Not having a natural affinity for the elements, the Lán clan was always considered an easy target by their neighbours. However, because of this they were all quite skilled swords-people in their own right, a way of hopefully fending off the elemental onslaught. As the elementals of flame caught the 7-year-old child by the name of Harrow they went for an all-out attack, their plan to finally extinguish the troublesome weaklings about to complete. That is when it happened, activated by the pure, unadulterated fear running through harrows veins his tattoos began to glow in a shade of brilliant crimson, looking over his shoulder one eye glowing a pure, rage filled red he slipped into the shadows and began quickly darting around through the darkness, snapping necks and impaling the elementals until all the remained was the leader of the vicious onslaught as the ‘child’ looked up at the man who had destroyed his family a single tear dropped from the unchanged eye. That is when it struck The Lord of the Eternal Embers, his was not the Lán Harrow that he had survived the onslaught, this was an Esoteragi soul that had lain dormant within the blood line for centuries. And it as controlling his body. As the shadows wrapped around the arm of the small boy he impaled the Lord of Flames and drained his soul. Damning the war monger to a life of eternal suffering within the sword he now held. As Lán Harrow dropped to his knees and the tattoos extinguished he could still here the voice of the Esoteragi in his head. Hārüi-Rägîñ as he was called before his demise, whispering to Lán Harrow he would teach him the legends and the powers of the shadows and the demon state. As Lán Harrow rubbed the small black horns now sprouting from his forehead he knew he would finally have revenge on the tyrants of the land. Finally have the power to avenge his fallen brethren. But before he could do that he needed to make a name for himself in the arena. At 15 he began killing constantly, shredding and draining the souls of every opponent, what a long way he had come from the defenceless, powerless 7-year-old he once was, and it was all thanks to the teachings of Hārüi-Rägîñ. Now, at 17 if he wins the Contest of Elements he will return home, the soul survivor of the puny town that was once such an easy target, and he will bend those whom think their elements make them superior, like gods, to his unforgiving, unrelenting whim. If he loses however his soul with finally rest and join his family in the afterlife and Hārüi-Rägîñ will take over his once mortal body in full. Lán Harrow does not feel pain and does not fear death. Most who face him think he is an empty suit of enchanted armour, thus earning him the title ‘The Hollow’ or as some know him ‘Dé Void’

Note: Sorry the back-story is so long, I said I wanted to make something memorable and I kind of just got wrapped up in the moment flooding all of my nonsensical, split personality fantasies into one giant mess…

Starflame13 -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2018= OOC & Tournament Signups (7/9/2018 23:52:26)

5 days remaining to submit bios for approval!

Again, I would like to encourage all participants, and rookies especially, to check out the Discord server linked in the first post to get feedback on balancing and character creation! Questions can also be posted to this thread, or PM'd to me. In addition, feel free to read through the other bios submitted for inspiration and for formatting tips! Kellehendros's Bio, for example, is a wonderful example of simple, ease-to-read formatting. Now, bios!

@joeyof98 - Definitely an improvement! Thank you for the clarifications, specifically in stating that Cadmooz's full ChickenCow form will not be making an appearance in the tournament. This makes things much easier to balance!

For the Gold Armor - just keep in mind that if you want it to maintain it's softness, then opponents will likely be able to dent and deform it permanently. This does not need an edit, just want to make sure you are aware!

I still have some concerns with Cadmooz's speed and strength, specifically in the fact that you are still using hard numbers to define the limits. Given how most characters do not have exact measurements for weights or top speeds, using comparisons is a better strategy. Hence why "he can throw a Roosterbull" is better than "he can throw exactly 2500 lbs". That said, let's make it a slightly smaller-than-average Roosterbull, since those are a lot bigger than we both realized! Similarly, the speed is still a bit extreme. Being JUST slower than a record speed that less than a fraction of the population can achieve, WHILE wearing very heavy gold armor, is too much. Describing Cadmooz as "significantly faster than the average human" is going to be more than enough for you to utilize his super speed, without bogging things down in numbers. If you do wish to keep such an extreme speed for straight-line running, add in a couple of limitations. Needing to come to a stop before changing directions, or having trouble slowing down so that he often misses the target he's charging at, are a couple of examples.

Lastly, Religious Zealotry. While I understand that this is psychology, it still is a bit over the top to describe a character having an endless supply of physical energy or the ability to fight after being injured so severely that he should be dead. Try to tone this back a bit more - perhaps if he pauses to think or take a break, all the exhaustion catches up to him at once? Either way, he should still have some limits.

Keep up the progress and looking forward to round 3!

@Tiphphany - Welcome to the EC's! This is a good start for a bio, and the backstory presents an intriguing character, but I'm going to need a bit more elaboration on the items and abilities.

First, give me a bit more detail on the different pieces of armor. For your cloak, exactly what entails a "dark elemental enchantment"? Enchanted gear is fine (ability to hide in shadows, magic resistance, physical protection, etc.) but let us know what the enchantment does. Similarly, what does it mean for the chest plate to be "immortal"? Does it make the wearer immortal (which may run into the Character Death Real rules), or is it just impossible to break? For the bladed gauntlet, I'm picturing something like the gauntlets in Assassin's Creed, but please let me know if this is incorrect. Everything seems ok in general, just try to add more description to the items!

Now, your Powers. You have a lot of different abilities, many of which (flight, teleportation, summoning, Black Holes, Demon State) are rather powerful on their own, and also relatively difficult to balance well. I would recommend trimming back the sheer amount of abilities - the fewer major powers he has, the stronger they can be. A good starting point for how much a character can accomplish is that they should have 1-2 abilities they are exceptionally skilled/powerful in, 2-3 abilities that they are passable at or have average strength, and at least 1 thing they are bad at/is rather weak. That said, I'm going to go through your Powers rather briefly, since I highly recommend you shrink the list and it will be easier to balance a character once we know the full extent of their abilities.

Soul Drain - how does this affect the opponent? Is it represented in a loss of stamina, or a loss of mana/magic? Fully removing someone's soul to the point where they can't function is too much.

Demon Wings - If intended for flight, these need further limitation. Check out how Apocalypse balanced his wing ability, "The Secret Chord". Examples of limitation are energy drain, concentration, and time duration.

Shadow stepping/Shadow meld - These seem similar so lumping them together. Combining them in some way may help with ability consolidation. At the least, they both need some type of limit on either the distance that can be traveled, or how often the ability can be used (drain souls/mana), or both.

Shadow Forge - It seems like the spikes from Shadow Meld fit in a bit more closely here! See if you can clarify how it works - does Lán need to be in contact with the shadow, and how long do the walls/weapons last?

Healing Spells - This is good how you have it draining souls! There should still be some maximum limit on how much can be healed in a fight - perhaps one large wound or several smaller ones?

Summoning Dark Spirits - Summons are tricky in that they can easily end up breaking the "no multiple characters" rule. See my feedback to brotherinlawin how he could balance his Spirit Summons. Specifically, several hundred is going to be far too many, and the size of a colossus will be a tad large, so try to bring the power level down on both ends!

Black Hole - While the short time duration is good, this should also have limits on how far it's reach is (ie., it should not pull in everyone in the arena). People should also be "ejected" after a short duration if they do get sucked in, though they my retain some mental trauma after the experience.

Demon State - Full control of the entire arena is too much, so try to tone back the range. The shorter the range, the longer the duration (though 30 seconds for being invulnerable is likely the absolute max I would allow, at a MUCH closer range).

Enchanted Chakram - The ability to cut through regular weapons is very strong, especially with all the other weapons/abilities at your disposal. Keeping it incredibly sharp should work, but perhaps tone it back a bit to where it can cut weaker/faulty metals.

Again, I strongly encourage that you trim back on the number of abilities, so that you are fully able to use the ones that are your favorite to work with! Looking forward to the next round!

Tiphphany -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2018= OOC & Tournament Signups (7/10/2018 3:25:05)

Lán Harrow
<THE HOLLOW> or <Dé Void>
Element: Darkness
• Flowing black trench coat with glistening darkened steel armour. Adorned all over with blades and sharp angles. Glowing red left eye, right eye is grey. Hair (only visible if mask is destroyed) messy black with tips of purple, magenta, pink, and red.
• Skin tone: Pale from being under exposed to light after all he does his best work in the dark and the shadows and has been studying black magic since the age of 7
• Age: 17
• Enchanted long-coat (dark elemental enchantment: conceals into shadow)
• Immortality chest plate (un breakable through conventional methods (swords, arrows and the rest))
• Steel face covering (underneath a hood enchanted with a concealment spell)
• Leggings and boots of tempered steel
• Bladed, tempered steel gauntlet on the right arm only (take Batman and the Assassins Creed gauntlets) (left arm is bare aside from a plain old glove)

Lán Harrow's most used abilities, most proficient
• The ability to drain the souls from the living and the damned alike (saps strength (stamina))

• Shadow-Kinesis. Turns his body pliable and allows him to move freely into shadows cast by buildings, can meld his body or reappear in other places: example sinking into the shadows and jumping up and a
group of wicked spikes.

Lán Harrow's Esoteragi, he himself is not very proficient but Hārüi-Rägîñ is quite proficient at controlling the demons and dealing with the healing fatigue. Vice versa for Lán Harrow's shadow and soul abilities (essentially entering the demons state swaps the proficiency of the abilities, Lán Harrow's abilities are Hārüi-Rägîñ weakest

• Left arm tattoos: healing spells (strength ranges but the more power the more souls it drains form the storage. And thus, the more energy it uses, Lán Harrow isn’t that proficient with these skills as he doesn’t
usually take damage in normal fights so he can only heal the equivalent of 3 broken arms before passing out, each time he heals he loses strength and his right handed long sword gets less sharp as there are
less souls being channelled into it)

• Right gauntlet runes: allows the summoning of dark creatures from the pits of the underworld. (the stronger the monster the less can be conjured. Can summon a fair amount of harmless little fluff balls (think
of like a cotton ball) or ranging all the way to one warrior the same size as Lán that will mindlessly attack anything (even Lán if there is nothing left before it decays). The bigger they are the quicker they decay
and fall apart (Example: The warrior lasts 10 seconds before fully decaying, the whole time it is in play it is falling apart) (the cotton balls can last for a maximum of 1 day depending on weather and how many
people touch them and some other factors but as said before are completely harmless even to a child)

Lán Harrows least proficient skills, in air control with the wings, and often creates shoddy
and weak things with the shadow forge.

• Brutal demon wings, bottom pair spanning 2 meters each, top pair spanning 3 metres each erupt from the back when the time is right. (Saps an insane amount of energy from Lán)

• Shadow forge. Like alchemy in ‘Full Metal Alchemist’. Allows the use of shadows he is touching to create walls and weapons etc. Exhausting if over used

TITAN ABILITY: Most sheer power

sprouts horns, allows full control of all shadows in the arena. Almost invulnerable. (Only lasts 30 seconds before collapsing, usually fainting but can be counteracted with adrenaline injections, into only falling to
the knees for another 15 seconds before regaining a small amount of power))

• The Blade of Dé Šan1.39 meter one handed long sword (right hand): (holds the weight and power of the drained souls and can be channelled into for a sharper edge)

• 1.11 meter one handed long sword: Nothing special about it just incredibly high quality

• Enchanted Chakram (2): can be thrown through shadows and out others. Incredibly sharp. Cuts through shoddy metals with ease. Doesn’t fair well against other enchanted blades. Can be sent off course easily
with spells

• 6 adrenaline injections kept on the inside of his coat. Lán uses these when he only suffers from flesh wounds so he doesn’t have to waste souls, energy and most importantly time during the battle, stabbing one
of these needles into his bare shoulder on his left arm causes him to focus and regain some strength and lessens his current pain by a substantial amount for 30 seconds to a minute depending on how bad the
wounds are

Backstory (I know it’s irrelevant but I want something memorable): long ago the Esoteragi, a humanoid race of death defying beings were wiped out by soldiers sent from other worlds. The Esoteragi were considered dark and sinister for their use of shadow-kinesis. However, their species would not go down without a fight. After being destroyed their tattoos that allowed them to meld the shadows would glow with a blinding, radiant light and as they looked down with their now glowing eyes their physical forms would explode outwards with the force of a star. After this the soul would be ejected into the reaches of space where it would seek out unborn children and imbed them with the now lost power. This power often remained dormant for many generations, having no reason to come out. And would be passed down to the children in hopes the sepsis would one day rekindle to its former glory. After 3 generations of unawoken Esoteragi powers the Lán clan was wiped out by neighbouring rivals. One child managed to escape the village but was quickly tracked down by the elementals of flames. Not having a natural affinity for the elements, the Lán clan was always considered an easy target by their neighbours. However, because of this they were all quite skilled swords-people in their own right, a way of hopefully fending off the elemental onslaught. As the elementals of flame caught the 7-year-old child by the name of Harrow they went for an all-out attack, their plan to finally extinguish the troublesome weaklings about to complete. That is when it happened, activated by the pure, unadulterated fear running through harrows veins his tattoos began to glow in a shade of brilliant crimson, looking over his shoulder one eye glowing a pure, rage filled red he slipped into the shadows and began quickly darting around through the darkness, snapping necks and impaling the elementals until all the remained was the leader of the vicious onslaught as the ‘child’ looked up at the man who had destroyed his family a single tear dropped from the unchanged eye. That is when it struck The Lord of the Eternal Embers, his was not the Lán Harrow that he had survived the onslaught, this was an Esoteragi soul that had lain dormant within the blood line for centuries. And it as controlling his body. As the shadows wrapped around the arm of the small boy he impaled the Lord of Flames and drained his soul. Damning the war monger to a life of eternal suffering within the sword he now held. As Lán Harrow dropped to his knees and the tattoos extinguished he could still here the voice of the Esoteragi in his head. Hārüi-Rägîñ as he was called before his demise, whispering to Lán Harrow he would teach him the legends and the powers of the shadows and the demon state. As Lán Harrow rubbed the small black horns now sprouting from his forehead he knew he would finally have revenge on the tyrants of the land. Finally have the power to avenge his fallen brethren. But before he could do that he needed to make a name for himself in the arena. At 15 he began killing constantly, shredding and draining the souls of every opponent, what a long way he had come from the defenceless, powerless 7-year-old he once was, and it was all thanks to the teachings of Hārüi-Rägîñ. Now, at 17 if he wins the Contest of Elements he will return home, the soul survivor of the puny town that was once such an easy target, and he will bend those whom think their elements make them superior, like gods, to his unforgiving, unrelenting whim. If he loses however his soul with finally rest and join his family in the afterlife and Hārüi-Rägîñ will take over his once mortal body in full. Lán Harrow does not feel pain and does not fear death. Most who face him think he is an empty suit of enchanted armour, thus earning him the title ‘The Hollow’ or as some know him ‘Dé Void’

Note: Sorry the back-story is so long, I said I wanted to make something memorable and I kind of just got wrapped up in the moment flooding all of my nonsensical, split personality fantasies into one giant mess…

joeyof98 -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2018= OOC & Tournament Signups (7/10/2018 20:24:07)

Name: Cadmooz, pronounced Cadmus
Age: I literally have no idea...
Class: Chickencow ascendant
Element: water
Class: paladin/berzerker hybrid

Bio: there are three things you need to know about Chickencows. 1. Their unique biology produces hormones in such a manner that their bodies show very little in the way of sexual dimorphism, meaning that most male and female Chickencows are impossible to tell apart at a glance. 2. In a random act of genetics, a Chickencow may be born and grow with physical attributes similar to both bulls and roosters, and will be called Roosterbulls. 3. Zeuster, like most gods, can have multiple incarnations depending on how he's worshipped. His most common incarnations are as Zeuster, a neuter god of kings and the sky, and Sriracha HolyCud, a masculine god of war and fire (a warrior tribe of female Chickencows allege they serve a feminine incarnation, but whether this is true and, if it is, how Zeuster's wife feels about this remains unknown). As Sriracha is a Roosterbull, all Roosterbulls are viewed as born into his services, and are sent to be raised in his temples
Such is the case of Cadmooz, sent to the temple as soon as it was discovered what he was. Like Sriracha himself, Roosterbulls show a strong allegiance and ability to manifest elements, and so are given positions based on that element. Being ellementally aligned with water, Cadmooz's position was among the most vital in the temple., The suppression of the priest's powers. The priests would use fire to commune with their diety, the religious fervor causing them to burst into flames as a pious alter. While this posed no threat to the priest, the holy flame posed the danger of burning down the temple. Thus, Guards of the Water and Ice were needed to suppress the inferno. Such was Cadmooz's humble position, serving as both temple guard and fire extinguisher, happy and content with serving his lord until one fateful day. While enraptured by a eloquent service on the joys and absolute necessity of donating to the temple, a sudden explosion of fire caused him to jump at the ready as he had done for most of his life. Imagine his surprise when, as the smoke cleared, he saw not an enemy, but Zeuster and Sriracha HolyCud, side by side! In what must have been a monumental strain, even for a god, he/they manifested himself/themselves in two p!aces as two people, so he/they could make clear the importance of their message. He/they declared their outrage that a contest would take place, a championship held between heroes representing their Element, and he/they had not been invited, despite having created his/their own element of Bacon! And so, he/they had decided to enter one of his/their people into the tournament so that the winner would wish, nay, DEMAND Bacon be added as a faction in the tournament from then forward. He/they had asked for volunteers, and the first to shout his acceptance was none other than Cadmooz. He/they warned him that it was dangerous, and still he plead to serve. And so they accepted him, and ordered him to the temple of Zeuster, where he would be stripped of his divinity and sent to the groundworld, where the Earth tribe would provide his supplies and direct his journey. Cadmooz heard the mumbles as he left one temple for another, people were saying that Zeuster's motives were selfish, that he wanted to spread his influence and add the power of an Elemental Lord to his own. Some even mocked him for not even realizing that this tournament has been going on for years. He did not care. His life has been devoted to servitude, to Sriracha, to Zeuster. It mattered not what the god's motives were, nor that his own life was at stake. He was born to serve, and so he would serve.

AppearanceIn Chickencow form, Cadmooz is about 30 percent taller than a regular Chickencow, and far more heavily built. His fur coat is a dark red, with the plumage around his head, hind legs, and tail a dark reddish brown. He has a prominent Waddle and comb, both a rich, blood red, and his wings are bright red. His hind legs resemble an up-sized Rooster's, including a prominent and vicious spur on the heel. In ancient times, the spurs would be used In vicious battles to prove one's dominance during the mating season. Now, they are used In elegant mock-combat to settle differences and in festivals to bring communities together. This form was locked off with the loss of his divinity, however.

In human form, Cadmooz is a literal bull of a man (pun totally intended). He is seven and a half feet tall, with massive shoulders, a barrel chest, and a neck almost as thick. His body, like other Ascended Chickencows (henceforth known as ACs), is covered in fur, but instead of white fur with patches of black, his coat is a very dark red. His long straight hair, trim mustache and beard, and eyes are bright, glowing red, in the same manner as other AC's glow golden. On the rest of his face down to the bottom of his pectorals, shoulders, and upper back, the hair is a longer and darker brownish red and starts getting longer starting at the neck until it's a large, voluminous mane, like that of a buffalo. The feathers of his thighs and tail are the same color, and his lower-legs are scaled and clawed like a chicken's, minus the spur. That is on the wrist. The most prominent feature, however, would be his massive horns. No-one knows why, but about thirty-five to fourth percent of Roosterbull populations that can take humanoid form display massive horns, despite there being none among their natural forms. The variation in form varies as much as it does among bovine species, and Cadmooz sports a particularly impressive set. Thick as the forearm of three men and covering the area from his temple to the base of his skull, they jutt out at a 93 degree angle, going out and slightly up still about a foot and a half out, where the curve down then forward, smoothly transitioning to a slightly upward and forward untill, three feet above the head, the angle is just barely pointing backwards and inward, ending in two needle-thin points that are a few inches closer than the skull is wide. The overall appearance resembles the horns of a longhorn bull.

Equipment armor- Cadmooz wears armor identical to that of all guard at the temple of Sriracha. It's appearance very similar to that of the basic AC armor, with certain variations. He has heavy double-pauldrons, two thick bracers with a four inch plate on the back held on with five metal bands. two layers of chest-plate rest over-top of a red-tunic, and a thick metal-plated belt, bearing a five-inch wide metal buckle hooked to a plate that covered the stomach seven inches across up to just above the belly button, which holds up red pants. The grieves are each composed of nine pieces, four plates on the front, fourbands in the back, and one plate just above the knee holding connecting them to the pants. The boots are three segments that break up into nine more segments to resemble the clawed foot of a Chickencow. Other than the size and thickness of the metal plates being many times that of the typical AC , and the coloration, the other differences is that the armor is simple in design, lacking in any ornamentation whatsoever, and that the plates are solid gold. Believe it or not, gold armor, if the body can handle it, is an excellent choice, as it is so soft it acts as a natural shock absorber, is immune to corrosion, and can absorb and disperse heat-based attacks. It also is one of the best materials to enchant and has also been enchanted with the durability of steel and a resistance to energy. He also has a two-piece helm, the first piece being a skullcap and faceplate with eyeholes and the ability to suck each individual hair on his head through tiny little holes, protecting the back of his head while letting his hair through. The second, fused to the first, is a piece of metal that sits on the brow, forming a trident with squares tips. The second prong is six inches and tilts slightly forward starting at the nose, the second and third curve around the brow, over the horns, and stop over the other side and just as high as the second prong. Just before the horn, the prong branch off into twin faceguards, modeled after Spartan helms.

Elemental Sword- Another thing all temple guards have is a blade of the user's respective element, colored red and superheated (except the cryomancer's, their blades give frostbite). This, plus the gold and red uniforms does more than just represent their fealty to Sriracha. It's hard to adequately fight a cryomancer, nyctomancer, and balanced when everyone looks like a pyromancer. In Cadmooz's case, the weapon is a large kopis, with a handle that the bottom and the guard wrap halfway around the pinkie and index finger, and a blade that is five-feet long, one foot wide. The blade is bent at a thirty-five degree angle at two and a half feet on the blade side, and three feet on the dull side. The dull side reaches the point, while the blade side bends straight again after six inches and and curves very slightly upward infill it meets the point.It also glows red and weeps boiling red water.

Wings- he also used to have wings, similar to the Ascended Wings for the AC, except it was one pair, far bigger in proportion to his body, and red. Flying is a no-go at the tournament, so they were taken.

Abilities Super strength, speed, and durability- during the process to remove his divinity, Zeuster made a mistake, not that either he or Cadmooz would ever admit that! In adition, Zeuster stripped Cadmooz of his capacity for magic. When Zeuster offered to have someone else take his place, Cadmooz just said, "The challenge just magnifies the glory! Now, if I win, just how powerful you truly are will be shown. If I lose, I will pave the way for the next competition!". His physical strength, proportionate with his body, is massive, as he can lift another Roosterbull over his head and throw them (wrestling in Mootopolis is fun!). As for his speed, even with the gold armor, he can run faster than most humans in a straight line and leap 15 feet. His hide is very thick and tough as leather (duh), his muscles are massive and dense, and he has a natural pain-tolerance that is nothing short of extrordinary. there you go, I de-quantified his speed.

Religious zealotry- as history shows, martyrs, heroes, and armies have managed to pull off extrordinary feats in the name of their gods. The psychological effect of serving a higher power is an often-studied, little-understood phenomenon, but the effect are as such: inability to feel pain or fatigue, clarity of thought and purpose, and an inhuman, but definitely limited, supply of physical energy, and the ability to keep fighting after a mortal wound. the 'near limitless' was just flavor text for 'a lot'. Now it says he can run out, and that he can die.

Cut one of us down, two more shall take his place- in effect, members of the Sriracha temple will come, one at a time to the tournament, year after year, until one of them wins (assuming, of course, I'm still here next year...)

joeyof98 -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2018= OOC & Tournament Signups (7/10/2018 20:26:36)

It occurs to me, should I have put down his weight, as a lot of his attacks are basically charge attacks and are based on momentum?

Starflame13 -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2018= OOC & Tournament Signups (7/10/2018 22:19:34)

Tick Tock, writers, only four days remain!

@Tiphpahny - Firstly, thank you for slimming down the amount of abilities that Lán had, I do appreciate it! The descriptions on the armor/equipment are also much clearer now. We've still got a bit of clarification and balancing with the remaining abilities, but this is a lot easier to work with!

Just for some clarification: the majority of the time, Lán is in complete control of the body, and during demon state, Hārüi-Rägîñ is in control? As long as only one in in control at a time, this should not risk breaking the multiple characters rule, IF they don't interfere while the other is in control. For example, there can be some internal dialog between the two, but whoever is currently suppressed should not be able to see/react to the arena, or assist with casting abilities. I noticed you mentioned that Hārüi-Rägîñ and Lán have different strengths at different abilities - does this mean they can swap control at any time beyond using Demon State? If so, there should be some type of limit to how often they can swap (perhaps the more often they switch, the more energy it drains/the harder it is for either to use abilities?). If you had something else in mind, feel free to suggest it, but make sure it doesn't cross into controlling multiple characters at once!

Jumping to Demon State - is Lán/Hārüi-Rägîñ able to utilize all the other abilities while in it? If so, this needs to be toned back power-wise (or at the very least, shortened dramatically). I would recommend making it so that no other ability can be used simultaneously with Demon State, particularly as you have included shadow control in this form. Speaking of shadow control, does this mean Lán can just move the shadows wherever, or can actually have them create shapes like in Shadow Forge? If the latter, this needs a much shorter range than the entire Arena. Paragon Arenas (the first round) are 65 feet in radius - a good balancing tip is to limit abilities to affecting half the arena at maximum, with a smaller radius as the ability gets stronger. For just being able to move the shadows, a radius of 30-40 feet would be fine. For being able to shape objects out of them, something closer to 20 feet would be better.

Now, Draining Souls - is this meant as a contact ability where Lán drains their souls by touching them, or an AoE (area of effect, a spell with a set range) that drains whoever is nearby? The first is likely easier to work with, but you could make something worth as an AoE if it had a limited range/duration.

For Shadow-Kinesis, My one clarification is if when he sinks into the shadows, can he reappear in ANY shadow, or just somewhere in that same shadow? If the former, there should be some type of limit on how far he can jump between shadows.

I love how you balanced the Healing Spells on the tattoos, as well as the summons on the runes! I do want to clarify the behavior of the summons - it sounds like the full sized warrior will do nothing but mindlessly attack, is this true for the smaller ones as well? Even if the fluff balls of darkness won't accomplish much, they should still have a set task so there isn't the accidental potential of giving them too much autonomy. (Also, I find the image of a mini-swarm of darkness dust bunnies going after someone in the arena to be hilarious).

Lastly, the Demon Wings. Since you stated that Lán has poor control over his flight and that it drains an insane amount of energy, I am ok with this ability not having a hard time limit. That said, this is the one ability (regardless of how you decide to handle the others) that should for certain not be available in Demon State.

Wonderful job on the first round of edits, and looking forward to seeing where you go from here!

@joeyof98 - Cadmooz is Approved! As to the momentum thing, as long as you as the writer keep in mind to his weight (especially with gold armor) and lack of dexterity, and write his attacks/charges accordingly, exact numbers aren't needed. Just don't suddenly try to turn Cadmooz into the most flexible character in the arena!

Speaking of, thank you for being flexible with balancing the character, and I look forward to seeing him in the Arena. Good luck!

Tiphphany -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2018= OOC & Tournament Signups (7/11/2018 1:24:26)

Lán Harrow
-Redacted and changed- <THE HOLLOW> or <Dé Void> -Redacted and changed-
Element: Darkness
• Flowing black trench coat with glistening darkened steel armour. Adorned all over with blades and sharp angles. Glowing red left eye, right eye is grey. Hair (only visible if mask is destroyed) messy black with
tips of purple, magenta, pink, and red.
• Skin tone: Pale from being under exposed to light after all he does his best work in the dark and the shadows and has been studying black magic since the age of 7
• Age: 17
• Enchanted long-coat (dark elemental enchantment: conceals into shadow)
• Immortality chest plate (un breakable through conventional methods (swords, arrows and the rest))
• Steel face covering (underneath a hood enchanted with a concealment spell)
• Leggings and boots of tempered steel
• Bladed, tempered steel gauntlet on the right arm only (take Batman and the Assassins Creed gauntlets) (left arm is bare aside from a plain old glove)

Lán Harrows most used abilities, most proficient
• The ability to drain the souls from the living and the damned alike (saps strength (stamina)) (contact ability, grabs there head like ‘Mordor: Shadow of War’)
• Shadow-Kinesis. Turns his body pliable and allows him to move freely into shadows cast by buildings, can meld his body or reappear in other places: example sinking into the shadows and jumping up and a
group of wicked spikes. (only able to reappear in the shadow he slunk into, mainly used to sneak behind people if they are standing in the shadow cast by the walls of the arena. At least I think that would be
how it would work as I’m picturing the arena as a colosseum sort of deal)

• Left arm tattoos: healing spells (strength ranges but the more power the more souls it drains form the storage. And thus, the more energy it uses, Lán Harrow isn’t that proficient with these skills as he doesn’t
usually take damage in normal fights so he can only heal the equivalent of 3 broken arms before passing out, each time he heals he loses strength and his right handed long sword gets less sharp as there are
less souls being channelled into it)
• Right gauntlet runes: allows the summoning of dark creatures from the pits of the underworld. (the stronger the monster the less can be conjured. Can summon a fair amount of harmless little fluff balls (think
of like a cotton ball) or ranging all the way to one warrior the same size as Lán that will mindlessly attack anything (even Lán if there is nothing left before it decays). The bigger they are the quicker they decay
and fall apart (Example: The warrior lasts 10 seconds before fully decaying, the whole time it is in play it is falling apart) (the cotton balls can last for a maximum of 1 day depending on weather and how many
people touch them and some other factors but as said before are completely harmless even to a child) (the cotton balls act as a group and pretty much just chase people down but don’t actually know what to do
if they catch them so they sort just jump against their legs)

Lán Harrows least proficient skills, in air control with the wings, and often creates shoddy
and weak things with the shadow forge.

• Brutal demon wings, bottom pair spanning 2 meters each, top pair spanning 3 metres each erupt from the back when the time is right. (Saps an insane amount of energy from Lán) (not useable in the demon
• Shadow forge. Like alchemy in ‘Full Metal Alchemist’. Allows the use of shadows he is touching to create walls and weapons etc. Exhausting if over used

TITAN ABILITY: Most sheer power

sprouts horns, allows full control of all shadows in the arena. Almost invulnerable. (Only lasts 30 seconds before collapsing, usually fainting but can be counteracted with adrenaline injections, into only falling to
the knees for another 15 seconds before regaining a small amount of power))

Ability notes
Lán Harrow and Hārüi-Rägîñ control the body completely separately and pretty much just scream at each other to let them have control, they cannot swap at will however and Hārüi-Rägîñ only comes out during the demon state

• The Blade of Dé Šan1.39 meter one handed long sword (right hand): (holds the weight and power of the drained souls and can be channelled into for a sharper edge)
• 1.11 meter one handed long sword: Nothing special about it just incredibly high quality
• Enchanted Chakram (2): can be thrown through shadows and out others. Incredibly sharp. Cuts through shoddy metals with ease. Doesn’t fair well against other enchanted blades. Can be sent off course easily
with spells
• 6 adrenaline injections kept on the inside of his coat. Lán uses these when he only suffers from flesh wounds so he doesn’t have to waste souls, energy and most importantly time during the battle, stabbing one
of these needles into his bare shoulder on his left arm causes him to focus and regain some strength and lessens his current pain by a substantial amount for 30 seconds to a minute depending on how bad the
wounds are

Backstory (I know it’s irrelevant but I want something memorable): long ago the Esoteragi, a humanoid race of death defying beings were wiped out by soldiers sent from other worlds. The Esoteragi were considered dark and sinister for their use of shadow-kinesis. However, their species would not go down without a fight. After being destroyed their tattoos that allowed them to meld the shadows would glow with a blinding, radiant light and as they looked down with their now glowing eyes their physical forms would explode outwards with the force of a star. After this the soul would be ejected into the reaches of space where it would seek out unborn children and imbed them with the now lost power. This power often remained dormant for many generations, having no reason to come out. And would be passed down to the children in hopes the sepsis would one day rekindle to its former glory. After 3 generations of unawoken Esoteragi powers the Lán clan was wiped out by neighbouring rivals. One child managed to escape the village but was quickly tracked down by the elementals of flames. Not having a natural affinity for the elements, the Lán clan was always considered an easy target by their neighbours. However, because of this they were all quite skilled swords-people in their own right, a way of hopefully fending off the elemental onslaught. As the elementals of flame caught the 7-year-old child by the name of Harrow they went for an all-out attack, their plan to finally extinguish the troublesome weaklings about to complete. That is when it happened, activated by the pure, unadulterated fear running through harrows veins his tattoos began to glow in a shade of brilliant crimson, looking over his shoulder one eye glowing a pure, rage filled red he slipped into the shadows and began quickly darting around through the darkness, snapping necks and impaling the elementals until all the remained was the leader of the vicious onslaught as the ‘child’ looked up at the man who had destroyed his family a single tear dropped from the unchanged eye. That is when it struck The Lord of the Eternal Embers, his was not the Lán Harrow that he had survived the onslaught, this was an Esoteragi soul that had lain dormant within the blood line for centuries. And it as controlling his body. As the shadows wrapped around the arm of the small boy he impaled the Lord of Flames and drained his soul. Damning the war monger to a life of eternal suffering within the sword he now held. As Lán Harrow dropped to his knees and the tattoos extinguished he could still here the voice of the Esoteragi in his head. Hārüi-Rägîñ as he was called before his demise, whispering to Lán Harrow he would teach him the legends and the powers of the shadows and the demon state. As Lán Harrow rubbed the small black horns now sprouting from his forehead he knew he would finally have revenge on the tyrants of the land. Finally have the power to avenge his fallen brethren. But before he could do that he needed to make a name for himself in the arena. At 15 he began killing constantly, shredding and draining the souls of every opponent, what a long way he had come from the defenceless, powerless 7-year-old he once was, and it was all thanks to the teachings of Hārüi-Rägîñ. Now, at 17 if he wins the Contest of Elements he will return home, the soul survivor of the puny town that was once such an easy target, and he will bend those whom think their elements make them superior, like gods, to his unforgiving, unrelenting whim. If he loses however his soul with finally rest and join his family in the afterlife and Hārüi-Rägîñ will take over his once mortal body in full. Lán Harrow does not feel pain and does not fear death. Most who face him think he is an empty suit of enchanted armour, thus earning him the title ‘The Hollow’ or as some know him ‘Dé Void’

Note: Sorry the back-story is so long, I said I wanted to make something memorable and I kind of just got wrapped up in the moment flooding all of my nonsensical, split personality fantasies into one giant mess…

Note I changed Lán Harrow’s title to <THE SPLIT> as it better reflects the reason I decided to make this character, being based around my own experiences with split personalities and the way each side is better at a different array of things…

Tiphphany -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2018= OOC & Tournament Signups (7/11/2018 1:29:04)

Oh and i figured i hadn't put in a height or a pronunciation
Lán Harrow is pronounced Larn Harrow and is asiatic name styling so his real name is Harrow and Lán is the clan name

Hārüi-Rägîñ i have no idea how to pronounce this i was really tired and need a really weird name so i just combined different accented letters so I've been reading it as Harrin Raguin...

Lán is 6"3' (same height as me)

Starflame13 -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2018= OOC & Tournament Signups (7/11/2018 9:20:21)

@Tiphphany - the bio looks very good at a skim, however, I noticed that you did not change Demon State to include some type of ability/range limitations, as well as clarification on shadow control. Please re-read my notes from the last revision on that ability, and feel free to ask for clarification if it's needed. You have my permission to edit your previous bio to balance Demon State, so hopefully I'll be able to review the entire thing by this evening.


is Lán/Hārüi-Rägîñ able to utilize all the other abilities while in it? If so, this needs to be toned back power-wise (or at the very least, shortened dramatically). I would recommend making it so that no other ability can be used simultaneously with Demon State, particularly as you have included shadow control in this form. Speaking of shadow control, does this mean Lán can just move the shadows wherever, or can actually have them create shapes like in Shadow Forge? If the latter, this needs a much shorter range than the entire Arena. Paragon Arenas (the first round) are 65 feet in radius - a good balancing tip is to limit abilities to affecting half the arena at maximum, with a smaller radius as the ability gets stronger. For just being able to move the shadows, a radius of 30-40 feet would be fine. For being able to shape objects out of them, something closer to 20 feet would be better.

Tiphphany -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2018= OOC & Tournament Signups (7/11/2018 17:42:58)

Lán Harrow
-Redacted and changed- <THE HOLLOW> or <Dé Void> -Redacted and changed-
Element: Darkness
• Flowing black trench coat with glistening darkened steel armour. Adorned all over with blades and sharp angles. Glowing red left eye, right eye is grey. Hair (only visible if mask is destroyed) messy black with
tips of purple, magenta, pink, and red.
• Skin tone: Pale from being under exposed to light after all he does his best work in the dark and the shadows and has been studying black magic since the age of 7
• Age: 17
• Enchanted long-coat (dark elemental enchantment: conceals into shadow)
• Immortality chest plate (un breakable through conventional methods (swords, arrows and the rest))
• Steel face covering (underneath a hood enchanted with a concealment spell)
• Leggings and boots of tempered steel
• Bladed, tempered steel gauntlet on the right arm only (take Batman and the Assassins Creed gauntlets) (left arm is bare aside from a plain old glove)

Lán Harrows most used abilities, most proficient
• The ability to drain the souls from the living and the damned alike (saps strength (stamina)) (contact ability, grabs there head like ‘Mordor: Shadow of War’)
• Shadow-Kinesis. Turns his body pliable and allows him to move freely into shadows cast by buildings, can meld his body or reappear in other places: example sinking into the shadows and jumping up and a
group of wicked spikes. (only able to reappear in the shadow he slunk into, mainly used to sneak behind people if they are standing in the shadow cast by the walls of the arena. At least I think that would be
how it would work as I’m picturing the arena as a colosseum sort of deal)

• Left arm tattoos: healing spells (strength ranges but the more power the more souls it drains form the storage. And thus, the more energy it uses, Lán Harrow isn’t that proficient with these skills as he doesn’t
usually take damage in normal fights so he can only heal the equivalent of 3 broken arms before passing out, each time he heals he loses strength and his right handed long sword gets less sharp as there are
less souls being channelled into it)
• Right gauntlet runes: allows the summoning of dark creatures from the pits of the underworld. (the stronger the monster the less can be conjured. Can summon a fair amount of harmless little fluff balls (think
of like a cotton ball) or ranging all the way to one warrior the same size as Lán that will mindlessly attack anything (even Lán if there is nothing left before it decays). The bigger they are the quicker they decay
and fall apart (Example: The warrior lasts 10 seconds before fully decaying, the whole time it is in play it is falling apart) (the cotton balls can last for a maximum of 1 day depending on weather and how many
people touch them and some other factors but as said before are completely harmless even to a child) (the cotton balls act as a group and pretty much just chase people down but don’t actually know what to do
if they catch them so they sort just jump against their legs)

Lán Harrows least proficient skills, in air control with the wings, and often creates shoddy
and weak things with the shadow forge.

• Brutal demon wings, bottom pair spanning 2 meters each, top pair spanning 3 metres each erupt from the back when the time is right. (Saps an insane amount of energy from Lán) (not useable in the demon
• Shadow forge. Like alchemy in ‘Full Metal Alchemist’. Allows the use of shadows he is touching to create walls and weapons etc. Exhausting if over used

TITAN ABILITY: Most sheer power

sprouts horns, allows full control of all shadows in the arena. Almost invulnerable. (Only lasts 30 seconds before collapsing))

Ability notes
Lán Harrow and Hārüi-Rägîñ control the body completely separately and pretty much just scream at each other to let them have control, they cannot swap at will however and Hārüi-Rägîñ only comes out during the demon state

• The Blade of Dé Šan1.39 meter one handed long sword (right hand): (holds the weight and power of the drained souls and can be channelled into for a sharper edge)
• 1.11 meter one handed long sword: Nothing special about it just incredibly high quality
• Enchanted Chakram (2): can be thrown through shadows and out others. Incredibly sharp. Cuts through shoddy metals with ease. Doesn’t fair well against other enchanted blades. Can be sent off course easily
with spells
• 6 adrenaline injections kept on the inside of his coat. Lán uses these when he only suffers from flesh wounds so he doesn’t have to waste souls, energy and most importantly time during the battle, stabbing one
of these needles into his bare shoulder on his left arm causes him to focus and regain some strength and lessens his current pain by a substantial amount for 30 seconds to a minute depending on how bad the
wounds are

Note: Sorry the back-story is so long, I said I wanted to make something memorable and I kind of just got wrapped up in the moment flooding all of my nonsensical, split personality fantasies into one giant mess…

Note I changed Lán Harrow’s title to <THE SPLIT> as it better reflects the reason I decided to make this character, being based around my own experiences with split personalities and the way each side is better at a different array of things…

Tiphphany -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2018= OOC & Tournament Signups (7/11/2018 17:53:36)

Lán Harrow
-Redacted and changed- <THE HOLLOW> or <Dé Void> -Redacted and changed-
Element: Darkness
• Flowing black trench coat with glistening darkened steel armour. Adorned all over with blades and sharp angles. Glowing red left eye, right eye is grey. Hair (only visible if mask is destroyed) messy black with
tips of purple, magenta, pink, and red.
• Skin tone: Pale from being under exposed to light after all he does his best work in the dark and the shadows and has been studying black magic since the age of 7
• Age: 17
• Enchanted long-coat (dark elemental enchantment: conceals into shadow)
• Immortality chest plate (un breakable through conventional methods (swords, arrows and the rest))
• Steel face covering (underneath a hood enchanted with a concealment spell)
• Leggings and boots of tempered steel
• Bladed, tempered steel gauntlet on the right arm only (take Batman and the Assassins Creed gauntlets) (left arm is bare aside from a plain old glove)

Lán Harrows most used abilities, most proficient
• The ability to drain the souls from the living and the damned alike (saps strength (stamina)) (contact ability, grabs there head like ‘Mordor: Shadow of War’)
• Shadow-Kinesis. Turns his body pliable and allows him to move freely into shadows cast by buildings, can meld his body or reappear in other places: example sinking into the shadows and jumping up and a
group of wicked spikes. (only able to reappear in the shadow he slunk into, mainly used to sneak behind people if they are standing in the shadow cast by the walls of the arena. At least I think that would be
how it would work as I’m picturing the arena as a colosseum sort of deal)

• Left arm tattoos: healing spells (strength ranges but the more power the more souls it drains form the storage. And thus, the more energy it uses, Lán Harrow isn’t that proficient with these skills as he doesn’t
usually take damage in normal fights so he can only heal the equivalent of 3 broken arms before passing out, each time he heals he loses strength and his right handed long sword gets less sharp as there are
less souls being channelled into it)
• Right gauntlet runes: allows the summoning of dark creatures from the pits of the underworld. (the stronger the monster the less can be conjured. Can summon a fair amount of harmless little fluff balls (think
of like a cotton ball) or ranging all the way to one warrior the same size as Lán that will mindlessly attack anything (even Lán if there is nothing left before it decays). The bigger they are the quicker they decay
and fall apart (Example: The warrior lasts 10 seconds before fully decaying, the whole time it is in play it is falling apart) (the cotton balls can last for a maximum of 1 day depending on weather and how many
people touch them and some other factors but as said before are completely harmless even to a child) (the cotton balls act as a group and pretty much just chase people down but don’t actually know what to do
if they catch them so they sort just jump against their legs)

Lán Harrows least proficient skills, in air control with the wings, and often creates shoddy
and weak things with the shadow forge.

• Brutal demon wings, bottom pair spanning 2 meters each, top pair spanning 3 metres each erupt from the back when the time is right. (Saps an insane amount of energy from Lán) (not useable in the demon
• Shadow forge. Like alchemy in ‘Full Metal Alchemist’. Allows the use of shadows he is touching to create walls and weapons etc. Exhausting if over used

TITAN ABILITY: Most sheer power

sprouts horns, allows full control of all shadows in the arena. Almost invulnerable. (Only lasts 30 seconds before collapsing, usually fainting but can be counteracted with adrenaline injections, into only falling to
the knees for another 15 seconds before regaining a small amount of power))

Ability notes
Lán Harrow and Hārüi-Rägîñ control the body completely separately and pretty much just scream at each other to let them have control, they cannot swap at will however and Hārüi-Rägîñ only comes out during the demon state, Hārüi-Rägîñ's use of Shadow-Kineses and Soul Drain are quite weak, he can't use them efficiently or strategically, his creation with the shadow-forge are often quite weak based and will break easily.

• The Blade of Dé Šan1.39 meter one handed long sword (right hand): (holds the weight and power of the drained souls and can be channelled into for a sharper edge)
• 1.11 meter one handed long sword: Nothing special about it just incredibly high quality
• Enchanted Chakram (2): can be thrown through shadows and out others. Incredibly sharp. Cuts through shoddy metals with ease. Doesn’t fair well against other enchanted blades. Can be sent off course easily
with spells
• 6 adrenaline injections kept on the inside of his coat. Lán uses these when he only suffers from flesh wounds so he doesn’t have to waste souls, energy and most importantly time during the battle, stabbing one
of these needles into his bare shoulder on his left arm causes him to focus and regain some strength and lessens his current pain by a substantial amount for 30 seconds to a minute depending on how bad the
wounds are

Note I changed Lán Harrow’s title to <THE SPLIT> as it better reflects the reason I decided to make this character, being based around my own experiences with split personalities and the way each side is better at a different array of things…

Note: The way i have the 'Shadow Control' which assume you mean as the plia-body aspect of shadow-kineses, was that this would be more useful depending on the time of day where the sun would make longer shadows but if the sun was over head it would be quite weak, this has now been dropped to a max range of 1/3 of the arena (i'm Australian so i work in metres not feet, not sure how long that would accutally be so...)

Tiphphany -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2018= OOC & Tournament Signups (7/11/2018 18:02:23)

Sorry, i wrote these edit's at like 3 in the morning so after i woke up i'm going through and fixing little things i see wrong, i think i got everything you wanted changed in this last one, i halved the time of 'Demon State' and severely weaken the use of other abilities during 'Demon State'

Lán Harrow
-Redacted and changed- <THE HOLLOW> or <Dé Void> -Redacted and changed-
Element: Darkness
• Flowing black trench coat with glistening darkened steel armour. Adorned all over with blades and sharp angles. Glowing red left eye, right eye is grey. Hair (only visible if mask is destroyed) messy black with
tips of purple, magenta, pink, and red.
• Skin tone: Pale from being under exposed to light after all he does his best work in the dark and the shadows and has been studying black magic since the age of 7
• Age: 17
• Enchanted long-coat (dark elemental enchantment: conceals into shadow)
• Immortality chest plate (un breakable through conventional methods (swords, arrows and the rest))
• Steel face covering (underneath a hood enchanted with a concealment spell)
• Leggings and boots of tempered steel
• Bladed, tempered steel gauntlet on the right arm only (take Batman and the Assassins Creed gauntlets) (left arm is bare aside from a plain old glove)

Lán Harrows most used abilities, most proficient
• The ability to drain the souls from the living and the damned alike (saps strength (stamina)) (contact ability, grabs there head like ‘Mordor: Shadow of War’)
• Shadow-Kinesis. Turns his body pliable and allows him to move freely into shadows cast by buildings, can meld his body or reappear in other places: example sinking into the shadows and jumping up and a
group of wicked spikes. (only able to reappear in the shadow he slunk into, mainly used to sneak behind people if they are standing in the shadow cast by the walls of the arena. At least I think that would be
how it would work as I’m picturing the arena as a colosseum sort of deal)

• Left arm tattoos: healing spells (strength ranges but the more power the more souls it drains form the storage. And thus, the more energy it uses, Lán Harrow isn’t that proficient with these skills as he doesn’t
usually take damage in normal fights so he can only heal the equivalent of 3 broken arms before passing out, each time he heals he loses strength and his right handed long sword gets less sharp as there are
less souls being channelled into it)
• Right gauntlet runes: allows the summoning of dark creatures from the pits of the underworld. (the stronger the monster the less can be conjured. Can summon a fair amount of harmless little fluff balls (think
of like a cotton ball) or ranging all the way to one warrior the same size as Lán that will mindlessly attack anything (even Lán if there is nothing left before it decays). The bigger they are the quicker they decay
and fall apart (Example: The warrior lasts 10 seconds before fully decaying, the whole time it is in play it is falling apart) (the cotton balls can last for a maximum of 1 day depending on weather and how many
people touch them and some other factors but as said before are completely harmless even to a child) (the cotton balls act as a group and pretty much just chase people down but don’t actually know what to do
if they catch them so they sort just jump against their legs)

Lán Harrows least proficient skills, in air control with the wings, and often creates shoddy
and weak things with the shadow forge.

• Brutal demon wings, bottom pair spanning 2 meters each, top pair spanning 3 metres each erupt from the back when the time is right. (Saps an insane amount of energy from Lán) (not useable in the demon
• Shadow forge. Like alchemy in ‘Full Metal Alchemist’. Allows the use of shadows he is touching to create walls and weapons etc. Exhausting if over used

TITAN ABILITY: Most sheer power

sprouts horns, allows full control of all shadows in the arena. Almost invulnerable. (Only lasts 15 seconds before collapsing))

Ability notes
Lán Harrow and Hārüi-Rägîñ control the body completely separately and pretty much just scream at each other to let them have control, they cannot swap at will however and Hārüi-Rägîñ only comes out during the demon state, Hārüi-Rägîñ's use of Shadow-Kinesis and Soul Drain are quite weak, he can't use them efficiently or strategically, his creation with the shadow-forge are often quite weak based and will break easily.

• The Blade of Dé Šan1.39 meter one handed long sword (right hand): (holds the weight and power of the drained souls and can be channelled into for a sharper edge)
• 1.11 meter one handed long sword: Nothing special about it just incredibly high quality
• Enchanted Chakram (2): can be thrown through shadows and out others. Incredibly sharp. Cuts through shoddy metals with ease. Doesn’t fair well against other enchanted blades. Can be sent off course easily
with spells
• 6 adrenaline injections kept on the inside of his coat. Lán uses these when he only suffers from flesh wounds so he doesn’t have to waste souls, energy and most importantly time during the battle, stabbing one
of these needles into his bare shoulder on his left arm causes him to focus and regain some strength and lessens his current pain by a substantial amount for 30 seconds to a minute depending on how bad the
wounds are

Note I changed Lán Harrow’s title to <THE SPLIT> as it better reflects the reason I decided to make this character, being based around my own experiences with split personalities and the way each side is better at a different array of things…

Note: The way I have the 'Shadow Control' which assume you mean as the plia-body aspect of shadow-kinesis, was that this would be more useful depending on the time of day where the sun would make longer shadows but if the sun was over head it would be quite weak, this has now been dropped to a max range of 1/3 of the arena (I’m Australian so i work in metres not feet, not sure how long that would actually be so...)

Note: Because of the hardened state of the ‘Demon State’ Hārüi-Rägîñ cannot utilised the movement aspects of ‘Shadow Kinesis’

Starflame13 -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2018= OOC & Tournament Signups (7/11/2018 21:01:38)

Just over 3 days remaining! I'm expecting a fair amount of last-minute bios, so the sooner you get them in, the better!

@Tiphphany - Looks like we had a few posts there, woah! I'm basing my decisions off of the most recent bio posted at 18:02:23 according to the forums.

That said, the multiple posts did pay off! I like how you balanced the duration and power-level of Demon State. I'll try to give measurements in both units! A 65ft radius arena is just under 20m, so controlling a third of that would give you a radius of about 40 feet, or 12.2 meters. Let's round this down to 10 meters range (so, all the shadows within 10 meters of Lán) just for ease of conversions, and the ability should be good! That said, using "slightly less than 1/3rd of the arena" works fine for writing in posts.

Beyond that, I think you balanced everything well, so Approved! Looking forward to what you accomplish in the arena! Just so you are aware, the Paragon Arenas are all different - some are outside, some inside, so the amount of shadows to work with will vary by arena. The Final Arena is the more traditional gladiator-style layout, though!

Tiphphany -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2018= OOC & Tournament Signups (7/11/2018 21:56:45)


Arthur -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2018= OOC & Tournament Signups (7/12/2018 14:54:30)

Aryan Erenish
Gender: Male
Element: Wind.

He is of the Dhampir race of demi-vampiric beings who unlike their purer cousins can walk in the sunlight and fend off their bloodlust for the most part. The trade-off however is that they are nowhere near as strong or naturally capable as pure-blooded vampires. They are, however, still resistant to a stake being put through the heart and furthermore survive only on blood vomiting out anything else that they ingest.

Appearance & Clothing

Aryan stands at an average 5 feet 11 inches of height with a lean build, only slight muscle adorning his frame. Weighing in at around 80 kilos, he doesn’t exactly cast the most imposing shadow.
A pale, gaunt face with yellow eyes akin to that of an eagle’s gives away his racial origins to those who’ve studied or hunted Dhampirs while to others, he’s just inhuman. Other features such as his ears and his nose mostly resemble that of a normal person since creatures of this sub-race have borrowed traits from both ends of the spectrum. He further likes to keep his wavy hair in a messy, unkempt way where it covers most of his forehead, the auburn tone contrasting with the paleness of his face. Of what little is seen of Aryan’s chest, it seems to be the start of what would’ve been a truly horrendous gash that originates near his left collarbone and works its way diagonally down his front ending god knows where.
It would be worth noting Aryan does not have ridiculously long fingernails and they are certainly not black. Thickly veined and somewhat bony is how one would describe this man’s hands as being.


Not the most fashionable of people, this Dhampir dresses awkwardly. To clarify things, all of what he wears are gifts that he received from well-wishers on his countless birthdays. It is considered a sign of love and goodwill amongst people of this race when items like brightly coloured home-made clothing are gifted to people.

To begin with, Aryan wears nothing on his head, surprisingly, and upon being questioned, reasons by saying that it hinders with his work. A white cotton scarf with golden stitches along the edges is comfortably wrapped around his neck, its hem neatly double tucked to prevent it from flowing unnecessarily. It should be pointed out that the scarf is riddled with crimson blotches throughout, most of which have dried and soaked spoiling the otherwise beautiful presentation. A loosely tucked navy-blue shirt is what he wears to cover his torso, no vests whatsoever.

The collars are of a clerical coat style and it’s only buttoned halfway up.

The knee length short pants that he wears are where it starts to get ridiculous. Their off-white colour is the only redeeming factor where it seems to coordinate with the other clothes, else it gives off a really silly image of an otherwise dreaded creature of the night. His height doesn’t help either.

Underneath his pants, he puts on a pair of black skin-tight warmers to keep his muscles warm when moving at high speeds or when exercising his explosive strength. The bottom of these warmers, however seems to have been torn off leaving his calf muscles exposed.
The lack of footwear is not astonishing if one considers the rest, though Aryan does carry a pair of padded slip-on shoes with him in case things get too formal or unbearable.

Aryan’s voice has a cold, smooth texture to it making it seem like he is always mocking the people he is talking to. He also doesn’t talk too fast.

Aryan was born to Rei and Eana. Rei was a soldier in the Imperial army who’d been fighting a 200-year long war between humans and Vampires. Eana used to work at the local lord’s fields watching the potato crops and harvesting them when the season called for it. They weren’t poor but they weren’t getting by in the world the way one would want to.
Rei would often be gone for months at end suddenly appearing with battle scars only to be treated by Aryan’s mother when she would return home in a hurry having been warned by her village neighbours. Having rested for a week, Rei would suddenly get up and disappear once again without a word. Eana would cry quietly in her sleep and the very next day, life would go on.
Little Aryan was too young to understand the happenings of the world so all he would do was join the village children as they played in the fields on the outskirts. They would play through the morning and be dragged home by their mothers in the evening for fear that the mountainside might be teeming with wild animals and creatures of the night. Aryan, being the rebel of a child that he was would instead venture deeper into the dark forest with his wooden slingshot and a bag full of stones, trying to imitate his great father. His mom would end up worried sick searching for him at the edge of the fields not venturing into the trees out of fear. The child would eventually come back, all muddied up and with torn clothes only to be scolded by his mother, loved him as she did.

News travelled slow in isolated mountain villages like these and it wasn’t until one morning that the villagers got news from an imperial messenger that the war against vampires had been lost and the regions being held by men were overrun. The call was for them to abandon the village and escape deeper into the human territories near the Empire’s stronghold where they might be safer behind walls. But, like it was mentioned, news here was slow and Aryan’s life changed that very night.
The soldiers had just returned from war having suffered a terrible loss. These were survivors, the last of a powerful army. However, something had changed. Their eyes seemed dead, like life itself had left them. They shuffled through the village in large numbers, some going home, others wandering aimlessly. They passed through Aryan’s village, some villagers leaving with them hoping for safety as they made their way back to the capital.
Eana quickly finished her packing and was just about to leave when Rei crashed through the door and dropped to the floor. Eana rushed to her side even as Aryan ran to check on him. He was barely breathing and his equipment was missing. His armour had been ripped off in several places and his what little was visible of his flesh was torn and bloodied. He was struggling to speak. Aryan moved in closer to him.

“They’re all… dead.” he whispered.

It started as a low chatter that could be heard outside before a sudden scream tore through signalling the start. The soldiers had started to collapse and those that already had were shaking violently as if experiencing seizures. Then they all fell silent before they again stood up.
The massacre began almost immediately as the now-turned ghouls pounced upon the nearest human to feed on them, all their reasoning and human connections instantly vanishing. Screams rang out across the night as people scattered into the forests in their bid to escape the predators. Sadly, for them, ghouls could see better in the darkness than humans.

Those who died came back to feed on those who didn’t.

Aryan ran back in and Eana barred the door trying to keep away the screams and the ghouls.

“It will be fine, little Aryan,” she hugged the boy close, shaking as he was. “They won’t get in here.”

Unknown to both of them, Rei had managed to lift himself up off the floor, his eyes red with blood and his mouth hanging half open. In his state, the ghoul-Rei pounced upon Eana killing her before she could utter a cry. Having finished with her, he now turned upon Aryan who was cowering in the corner of the house, his face wet with tears. The screams outside had died down as well, probably due to all the villagers being dead.
Rei prepared to pounce on Aryan, blood dripping from his mouth.

“Help!” Aryan screamed with one last effort. “Help me!”

Within moments, the ghoul was upon the boy taking a bite out of his neck. Aryan could feel the life leaving him as the ghoul prepared for another assault. Before he could however, the door was blown to bits by what seemed like a rogue storm erupting outside. This caused the ghoul to turn and face the door.

A huge white wolf padded in followed by a large man dressed in heavy brown clothing. His face was covered by his collars, only his eyes visible. The wolf growled. The man half raised his arm in front of the wolf causing it to look at him questioningly.

Feeling threatened, the ghoul stood up off the dying boy and turned to face the stranger. In a flash, it jumped at the wall to the left before bouncing off straight at the stranger who pulled out a blunderbuss from within his cloak and aiming it at the airborne ghoul blasted him with the full force of what seemed to be an immensely powerful gust of wind. The ghoul was blasted to pieces along with the top corner of the house behind the ghoul. Sunlight now poured into the destroyed house.

The stranger walked towards the boy with heavy steps crouching in front of him.

“Please… don’t… kill… me...” he pleaded with his dying breath.
“You’ll turn, boy.” The man sighed.


The man looked at Aryan for a while before he pulled out a long-bladed silver dagger from within his folds and casting a single glance at the kid’s teary eyes, plunged the dagger deep into the boy’s heart, killing him.

Aryan woke up with a gasp and breathed heavily and deeply grabbing at his throat which felt like it was burning from the inside. He was still in the dilapidated house except it was night once again.

“What… is… happening,” he gasped for air as he writhed on the floor. “Ma...!”

A shadow walked over to him as he struggled to recognise a face.
“Sorry kid,” he spoke, something about his voice familiar. “I had to.”

‘I used to be human once, before calamity struck. My dad became a ghoul and well… mom died too. I was saved by this old man who lives out in the woods. Lived. Sorry. He’s gone for quite some time now.
See the thing is, he didn’t just save me… he changed me. He killed me so I didn’t turn into a ghoul and then he fed me vampire blood. Boom. Bam. Whoosh.
I came back. Now the funny thing is, it didn’t quite have the same effect as being bitten by a vampire which I am not too happy about seeing as vampires are the stuff of legend. No, I turned into a halfling of sorts, a Dhampir. There’s very few of us in this world and we are somewhat different from vampires. For one, we can roam in the sunlight without fear of getting burnt, and we don’t need blood quite as often. Also, we age, if a bit slower.
I have heightened reflexes, so that means I can avoid an arrow, maybe even catch it if I concentrated. Hehe. I am also faster than a normal human and a wee bit stronger. Nothing on the level of vampires of course. They are way stronger.

Anyways, I got a bit side-tracked here. The old man-he was called Marcus or Marc for short-was an ascetic of sorts. He stayed in the woods farther away from vampire territory and closer to the capital. He had this wooden hut with all kinds of things from weird ingredients to ancient weaponry the likes of which I’ve never seen before.
He also had this white wolf, Cain who used to go with him everywhere.

However, what made this man so special was the fact that he was a Wind user and he was incredible at it. He used to wear this strange beaded bracer on his left forearm that helped him control the element. Cain used to be able to use wind as well but he lost his power many years back.
He trained me for so many years in the art of hunting, tracking, and attuning myself to the element, Wind. He used to say that only one in every fifty thousand is a talented Wind user who can do it without the need for Wind gems, the transparent beads he wore on his forearm. I wasn’t one of the great ones so I took a lot of time just getting through the basics of Windling as he called it.
Before he died, he made me wear the bracer and it burnt so badly I wanted to cut my arm off but within seconds, it settled down and stayed on my hand comfortably. He died a day after that saying that he was satisfied. That was a year ago.
I know all of what he knew, maybe not as well as he did but I added my own spin to it to suit my style of things. I have decided that I need to settle things with the Vampires and for that matter, I will be participating in the Elemental Championships taking place in Bren.’

Skills and Abilities

Enhanced Strength: Aryan is slightly stronger than an average human meaning he can cause slight crack marks in a rock if he punches it. He is also strong enough to lift a tree trunk off of him just so he could quickly crawl out from under it. He can lift slightly more than his body weight. He cannot lift big boulders or rip apart trees to use as clubs. That’s too much even for an average vampire in this world.

Enhanced Durability: In order to support his strength and to prevent his knuckles from shattering every time he punches something hard, Aryan has slightly higher durability than humans. Arrows will still pierce him and heavy objects thrown at him will bruise or stun him depending on the distance. What his durability lets him do is block punches in a brawl without breaking his bones every time a punch is landed. Blunt attacks to his body and vitals won’t have an immediate effect but will surely start to show in a matter of minutes if not treated. Every attack has a lessened or delayed effect if hit.

Agility: His turning gave him above average agility meaning he can dodge arrows shot at him from more than 20 feet. If he focuses a bit more, he can even grab their tail end as they are whooshing past but not in the heat of battle. Grabbing weaponry that is thrown at him mid-air is something he can do but only at a distance and if he manages to face the target in the nick of time. He can also grab your shoulder mid fight and haul himself over your head to land behind you. Using the walls to a certain extent to carry out attack moves is something natural to him. No wall-runs though. He is not a trapeze artist, he cannot slip between your legs (mid battle) and he can definitely not crawl all over your body like a lizard.

Heightened senses: Aryan has superior eyesight in darker areas meaning his eyes adjust faster and to a greater extent to a normal human’s. He still can’t see in the complete absence of light (for example if someone has a power of this sort). A slightly more developed hearing lets him focus on certain parts of an area to clearly listen. While he is focusing, he cannot be moving for a good 7-10 seconds. An increased sense of smell is natural but sudden strong smells like specific gases or heavy smoke can render his nose numb and unusable for a while.
His skin is extremely sensitive to anything from the lightest of drafts to the strongest of hurricanes. He claims to be able to feel a storm brewing about 2-3 miles away. This enhanced response to wind lets him immediately figure out the source if he’s in an apparently closed environment.

Hunter Training: Aryan has lived most of his life in the jungle training with Marcus in a variety of hunting techniques such as tracking, stalking, baiting and trapping. He has an understanding of animal behaviour and could to some extent predict their movement patterns and extrapolate to lay traps. He has never hunted humans though so his understanding of human behaviour in this context is limited.

Competent Swordsman: Aryan has been trained in the art of swordsmanship by Marcus who himself was quite skilled although at a later point in his life, he had switched to using daggers more as a sword seemed impractical in closed caves and spaces which he frequented in his hunting trips.
Aryan knows enough about swordsmanship to be able to hold himself in a duel against a single opponent. Multiple opponents would require him to revert to more severe strategies.


Aryan carries a few things to help him in different situations.

Wynde is Aryan’s sword, well, it’s actually Marcus’ sword but he gave it to Aryan before he left. It is a full-tang sword that resembles a katana but is actually shorter and can be used even with one hand. The blade of the sword seems to shift colours from a pastel sea blue to steel grey. On the hilt, Marcus had embedded three of the six beads all of which were originally in his Link Bracer. The other three are worn by Aryan on his arm. He wears Wynde at his side wrapped in a yellow cloth tied in place by one red string. Only the hilt and the beads are visible.
Wind Beads are the beads that made up all of the Link Bracer. There were originally 14 but most of them were lost by Marcus during his journey after the events at the Hunter’s Guild. Only 6 remain now. The purpose of these Beads is to continuously store the essence of Wind inside them so that it can be used directly in one go without the user having to generate wind. Each of these beads has only a limited potential and the user cannot partially use the energy contained in a bead. Following this process, the Bead begins its task of filling up once again. The user can even set a Bead to an ability which would drain off of the bead’s power over a period of time. One also cannot use more than one bead at a time or use beads in rapid succession. There is a cooldown period of around 12-15 seconds. Beads take a couple of minutes to fill up.

Other items
A small pouch filled with sand used to create distractions and combined with Aryan’s wind power, even more of a hindrance. Upto 7 uses only.
A small pouch filled with chilli powder which has immense potential both as a distraction and as a weapon if used with the right wind ability. Upto 5 uses only.

Elemental Abilities

Aryan’s wind abilities are largely based on generation, channeling and amplification. He cannot instantly cast his abilities unless he’s tapping into his Wind Beads. Even the weakest of his abilities takes around 6 seconds to “create”.

Shield is when Aryan draws on the ability of a bead to generate a protective curtain of wind around him. The curtain’s durability could be increased or decreased and would result in drawing more power from the bead and ending sooner. Shield can be extended to a range of 1 meter from Aryan and would again draw greater power from the bead. At its weakest, Shield is pretty useless except it warns Aryan of anything that trespasses into the curtain like a stray attack or a fist from the back. At its strongest, however, Shield can deflect arrows fired at Aryan from any distance but point blank. It can even slow down close-range attacks but not enough that Aryan can just stand and take it.

Shield is more of a warning than an actual shield. Attacks can pass through it albeit at a decreased rate or at a diverted angle (in case of light projectile like arrows). The limit of shield is anywhere between 7 to 12 seconds.
Shield looks like a shimmering translucent waterfall.

Gale is when Aryan waves his wrists in a pattern as to generate and collect wind which he then unleashes at reasonable speeds either all around him or concentrated in one direction. The strength of Gale is proportional to how much wind has been generated by Aryan for how long. At its weakest, it takes just a second and the effect is a pleasant breeze to the face. At its strongest, it takes around 6-7 seconds and can lift a man off his feet throwing him back. The ability lasts only an instant and can be started again without a cooldown period. The beads cannot be used to perform this.

Wind Bomb is when Aryan summons the power of a bead and all at once can generate upto 3 small packets of wind (no less, no more) which burst when someone comes in contact with them. He can charge these with chilli powder or sand and create shrapnel wind bombs of sorts. However, the bombs being transparent show their contents quite clearly making it seem like they are hovering in the air.

These bombs can be placed anywhere in a space but must not be more than 3 feet away from each other. They cannot be thrown or stuck to a target.
Drawing power from the beads means they can instantly be created. Once released however, they can be dispelled but the energy won’t return to the bead. If the bead runs out of power, they too will dispel.

Cut is when Aryan uses the beads on Wynde to unleash devastating blades of hot wind with every slash. The closer the target is to the sword’s blade, the more the damage he will suffer. If he is farther than 10 feet, all he’ll get is a gust of hot wind to the face. Wynde can release the Bead’s power in three successive strikes. The pain if struck at close range (2-4 feet) is akin to being struck with the actual sword’s blade and will draw blood from a normal human.

Solid state is an ability where Aryan accumulates a single packet of energy to a point on either his palm, fist, knees, elbows, forehead or ankles for upto 2 seconds where he unleashes an intense flurry of hand-to-hand moves further strengthened by these wind packets. It takes a good 6-7 seconds to charge during which half of Aryan’s focus has to be on preparing the wind packet while the other half is on moving and fending off attackers haphazardly. This packet results in a minor explosion upon impact and immediately relocates to a different body part but not the same one. As a result, Aryan can perform a progressive 9 move combo where each attack has to connect within 2 seconds so he can finish the move. Once the move has finished, Aryan is unable to use his wind abilities or his beads for upto 3 minutes relying solely on his own skills. If even one of his attack fails to connect with anything in 2 seconds of the previous attack, the ability ends and Aryan enters the earlier mentioned cooldown period. He cannot use the body parts that he has already used since this attack started.

This ability also puts immense stress on his joints since it in a way overrides his natural durability. He cannot use Solid state again without meditating for atleast a day.

How strong is the Solid state?
Aryan can cause fractures every time his hits connect, but not breakage unless he strikes the same part multiple times. He can knock the wind out of an opponent if he strikes their vitals. He can even cause a large crack in stone if he hits it atleast twice being able to completely shatter it within 6 moves.

draketh99 -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2018= OOC & Tournament Signups (7/12/2018 15:25:15)

Name: Pride
Age: 37 at time of death.
Race: Human wraith
Element: Ice

“Along the journey of self actualization, one will always come by the crossroads of pride and confidence. Confidence becomes a light with which you can guide others. It becomes a fire with which you may use to keep those close to you warm. Pride, on the other hand, is a parasite. Pride will drain you of all light, life and warmth, leaving you cold. Leaving you cold as the grave.” -Unknown


Tall, regal, and slender. When appearances are everything, one such as Pride keeps himself well-kempt and well groomed. Snow white hair, bangs brushed and parted just over his left eye in the front, pulled tight into a neat ponytail in the back. His sharp and slender facial structure bore resemblance to the fair folk. Sharp eyes, a slender jawline, and ears ending in a point all bore signs of a body not entirely his own. A white, twin-tailed suit-coat covered a teal waistcoat and black undershirt, all of which seeming to flow down his form without ripple or fold. Along his forearms, white glistening gauntlets ended in spiked fingertips, bearing a resemblance to claws. A cloak draped over his shoulders, glistening crystals of ice shaped like bird’s feathers draping down its entirety.

Those who weren’t unsettled by a demeanor as sharp as his features noticed features far more off putting than simply his expression. Pale white eyes that could have once been considered blue glistened in sharp contrast to the dull gray that had taken hold outside of the iris. His skin was pale. Upon close inspection it became near impossible to determine what was still skin and what was still ice. Small crystals of ice, layer upon layer, so carefully crafted and chiseled to fill in the empty puzzle pieces of what would have originally been a home to the living. These pieces crafted so carefully that before approaching, one would assume him only to be pale and perhaps even glisten in the sunlight. Close inspection, however, revealed a sharp and jagged puzzle of ice and frozen flesh.

His gait was smooth and patient, refusing to break a steady and evenly paced stride, even as the beating sun left a small river of fog rolling off of him, frosting the very ground he walked upon.


Warmth sapping:

In life, Pride’s outlook and decisions ended up draining all the warmth from his life. In death, Pride now drains the warmth from everything around him. This exhibits itself in his ability to drain heat from objects leaving them at extremely low temperatures. In order to successfully drain heat from an object, he must be able to gesture to it with his hands, it must be within three arms length, and it must be within line of sight. This ability cannot directly affect living creatures.

Pride has learned to use this ability to condense and freeze water vapor in the air into solid objects. In cases where there isn’t enough moisture in the air to freeze, Pride can cool the gasses around him into dry ice, though he is limited to two arms reach in order to sustain temperatures that low. The differences between the two types become apparent as ice he creates with water vapor can be either perfectly clear or even as reflective as a mirror, while frozen gasses create an opaque white ice. The frozen gasses will also consistently give off a layer of fog as one would expect from dry ice.

Creating complex objects, whether with water vapor or dry ice, is a mentally taxing endeavor. While in combat and limited by time, Pride is only able to create objects for which he has devoted a formula to memory, of these, he has a limited number. In addition, Pride is only able to maintain concentration on keeping three objects frozen at a time. Objects that Pride ceases to concentrate on will begin to rapidly melt. Regular ice will melt to a pool of water in the range of half a minute to a minute, dry ice will disperse into a cloud of fog after ten seconds. Pride is unable to concentrate on objects that have left his typical range.

Frozen Object Formulae:

    Javelin: A six and a half foot long javelin with a helix spiral form. The javelin narrows to a single point at the front, widening out and spiraling into a double helix at the back end. Pride can throw these with great accuracy to nearly 40 feet, and with questionable accuracy up to 80 feet.

    Wall: A wall of ice five feet high, three feet wide, and two inches thick. The wall must be adhered to a nearly flat surface to stay vertical. If the wall is created with water vapor, Pride can choose whether the wall is perfectly clear or whether it is reflective as a mirror.

    Coating: Pride can coat a six foot square area, such as a wall or floor, with ice to attempt to impede movement. Ice made from water vapor will be incredibly slick. Ice made from frozen gasses will both be incredibly cold, as this ice must be kept well below the freezing temperature of the gasses used, and will also adhere to objects touching it, should the object be something that would naturally adhere to something that cold.

    Spikes: Pride is able to extend spikes from an area that is already coated in ice. Eight spikes, each three feet long, will extend out from the coated area in a four foot square. Pride must be concentrating on both the coating and the spikes in order to use this ability.

A Frozen Revenant:
Pride remains tethered to the physical world by means of possessing a body and taking root inside of it. Much to Pride’s disgust, bodies don’t take well to his possession, and begin to degrade rather quickly, freezing and shattering, unable to function in conditions cold enough to freeze the air around him solid. Having learned this, Pride’s current body, after possession, was carefully reconstructed. His tendons, soft tissue, and other inflexible bits were frozen and replaced with a patchwork and puzzle consisting of miniscule shards of ice.

    A Body Frozen: His body, now consisting more of ice than flesh, will respond differently towards different types of trauma. A cut from a sword is liable to be stopped early, due to the solid crystal shards that make up his skin being much harder than flesh. At the same time, his body is far more brittle than the living, with bludgeoning and blunt force trauma being far more likely to cause damage and shatter the shell of ice he’s built for himself. Due to his body now being more ice than flesh, Pride is particularly susceptible to significant sources of heat.

    Body of a Holy Warrior: Pride has claimed his current body from a paladin that had tried to exorcise him, having taken a liking to the their athletic build and relatively clean aesthetic. Taking in this body, Pride was able to keep the same strength and quickness of reflexes of his host, which is comparable to an average athlete. Not particularly stronger, faster, nor the greatest of heroes, yet fit and trained and able to fight if need be. Pride was not able to maintain any of the knowledge and trainings of his host, however, and bears no knowledge or training in swordplay, hand-to-hand combat, or the casting of spells. This in mind, Pride has taken the time he has to learn javelin throwing and taking what time he could to masquerade as his host in the holy order, learning to make himself resistant to holy magics. Because of this, it is near impossible to exorcise Pride without first physically destroying his body.

    Frozen touch: In order to prevent any degradation of his form, even in much warmer climates, Pride keeps his own body very incredibly cold, keeping the lowest temperatures he is able to obtain reserved for his own body. With this in mind, touching him with bare flesh, or without sufficient insulation is liable to suffer injury ranging from a frozen burn to flesh shattering, depending on whether the exposure of the touch was limited to a quick moment, or several seconds.


Scaled Cloak: Likely due to his vanity, Pride carries no equipment that he cannot make, save for his cloak. The ice crystal feathers that line the fabric lie in a scale pattern, providing a limited source of defense. A crystal may stop an arrowhead or prevent it from piercing his person as deeply, though shattering in the process. The interlocking pattern of the cloak bears nine crystals in total that could provide any form of defense.

Starflame13 -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2018= OOC & Tournament Signups (7/12/2018 21:59:41)

Two days and counting! All initial bios MUST be in by 11:59pm EDT on Saturday the 14th. Any posted bios at that point will have 24 hours to get Approved.

@Arthur - Welcome back! Let's take a look at Aryan.

Aryan has a LOT going for him as a character. He has enhanced physical capabilities, heightened senses, swordplay (which is much stronger as a trait once you considered the increased speed/strength), multiple powerful magical abilities, and magical items that increase the power/variety of those abilities. Consider toning down on his variety so that you have the chance to fully show off the character - for example, if you want to focus more on the physical aspect of fighting, maybe take away a couple magical abilities. If you want to focus on the magic, tone back on the physical talents.

As to being a Dhampir - I'm interpreting the demi-vampiric as being half vampire and half other. What exactly is this other half? If it's human, a stake through the heart will most definitely kill a human. The unique thing about vampires is that they can ONLY be killed by a stake through the heart, so I'm not sure why being half-vampire would make Aryan invulnerable to that type of attack. Can you clarify if he will take damage like a human would (excluding the lessened effects from the enhanced durability), or if he instead possesses any of the regenerative abilities found in vampires for attacks in general?

Onto abilities! The majority of the enhanced capabilities are ok, if a bit clunky in the sheer amount of examples provided. Specifically, while the Agility is not overpowered by itself, an attack such as "He can also grab your shoulder mid fight and haul himself over your head to land behind you" borders on bunnying. Be aware of that, and take care to work with opponents so as to avoid assuming their character's actions. For the heightened senses, in particular hearing, I'm not sure how the time component is meant to fit in. It would make more sense that it requires him to be still DURING the focus, and then he looses focus upon movement, rather than setting a duration for him to stay still before/after.

For the Wind Beads - you divided these into 3 for the sword and three for a bracelet of some sort. Can the sword beads only be used for the Cut ability, while the beads on his arm can only be used for Shield/Wind bomb? Or is there crossover? Also, can they be shattered/broken with enough force? Since the beads are limited to specific abilities, I am ok with the slow recharge, but note that given the cooldown and the limit between uses, this still shouldn't give Aryan that many more additional casts.

For the elemental abilities themselves - the timing choices for them seem odd, since they will make it harder to keep track of what is going on when given the sheer amount of them, but they're workable for the most part. You do initially state that even the weakest abilities take 6 seconds to create, and then in Gale, you state that at its weakest, it only takes a second to create. Please clarify what timing is needed! In fact, exact timing may not even be necessary here, if you would rather go with the approach of "it gets stronger the longer wind is generated, but caps out at this for its maximum power."

Now, Wind Bomb - do these "packets" hover in the air when they are placed, or do they need to be placed on some sort of surface? Additionally, do they require a packet to have any impact, or do they also have a slight knock-back effect by themselves (as the name seems to imply). This is actually the one time where you have NOT used timing where it may be necessary - you state that it drains power from the beads to keep them in place, but NOT how long such a power drain will take. Another potential option, if you want to stay away from timing, is that they could dispel/burst when the beads powering them move a certain distance away, since I'm assuming the beads will travel with Aryan rather than staying with the wind bombs.

Lastly, Solid State. What exactly do you mean by "packed of energy"? Is this wind that Aryan has generated over time, wind released from the beads like in wind bomb, or something else? Additionally, is this an ability that requires beads, or can it be used with both beads/natural gathering of the wind? For the ability itself, a TIMED 9-move combo is going to be intensely difficult to pull off, even without the collaboration necessary to avoid bunnying, as it will likely be too long to happen in a single post, but you don't want to chain all 9 happening across several posts. Another potential way of handling this would be to remove the time constraint between attacks, and simply give Aryan a set number (5-10, depending on the strength of the blows) before the ability expires. Note that armor WILL be a factor for some opponents, so assuming an automate fracture is likely untrue for everyone.

Feel free to ask others for suggestions to move away from such short timing limits and for general balancing, and looking forward to seeing the adjusted bio!

@draketh99 - Glad to see that you made it back this year! Pride is well balanced and well created, Approved! Be careful to collaborate with opponents, particularly for the Frozen Touch ability, in order to avoid accidental bunnying.

For your scaled cloak, we clarified via PM that it provided defense against physical forms of attacks, but acts more like brittle armor, rather than perfectly deflecting 9 separate blows. We also clarified that Wall's flat surface refers to the floor beneath it, and that it must be created in contact with the floor. Let me know if I misunderstood anything!

Now, I know a few people have been curious about which arenas will be used this year! Official arenas will be revealed at some point on Sunday, after the deadlines for new bios have closed. That said, each arena this year was inspired by a different Video Game song or a sound track that I found, so I have decided to tease you all by providing the soundtracks for the four potential arenas that may be seen this year.

Mystery Arena One
Mystery Arena Two
Mystery Arena Three
Mystery Arena Four

Let me know your guesses!

Rayen -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2018= OOC & Tournament Signups (7/13/2018 13:15:06)

Name: His Great Audaciousness, Dalavar, The Mage Slayer!

Age: Old….ish? Probably old. In most lights.

Height: Precisely 6 feet.

Element: Water.

Standing with perfect posture, a muscular chest welling in supreme confidence with his every intake of breath, Dalavar strides towards his destination, where’r that may be. Shoulder-lengthed auburn hair, streaked heavily with grey, outlines a sharp nose, slender jaw, and two piercing eyes of a colour difficult for most to comprehend (those who are privileged enough to gaze at length into the haughty orbs all confidently proclaim that the colour is not yellow, nor likely orange). A thin, elegant moustache forms a gentle silver wave beneath his nose.
Oddly (or, more likely than not, “expectedly” by this stage), His Great Audaciousnesses face is periodically obscured by a myriad of fine, colourful bubbles originating from what appears to be an ordinary, dark timbered pipe.
His attire is simple, questionably functional, but undeniably unique. The entirety of his form is enshrouded by a garish, mismatched tapestry of multicoloured gossamer material that seems to float and flutter in the air around him as he moves. Beneath, shimmering copper, a fine silk sleeveless shirt and matching rose pants loosely provide sufficient covering to present modestly in public.
High-pitched pings echo out from beneath his left hand, as a fine cane carved from a dark timber clacks its tungsten foot against the ground. A garish smattering of oddly coloured precious stones glimmer sporadically across the dense cylindrical surface, and at its head rests a clear crystal ball, of the same colour as the indescribable man’s eyes.
Dalavar’s bizarre, predominantly archaic use of words makes it nigh impossible to guess at his place of origin, education, nor even, were one so inclined, his home Plane.
Indeed greatly audacious and most deserved of his title, Dalavar, The Mage Slayer! seeks with full conviction the satisfaction of fame, fortune, and foes falling at his feet.

Dalavar is not human. Everything about him screams this fact, but so seamlessly, confidently, and calmly does he interact with the human race (and those similar) that the resultant juxtaposed confusion evoked within an onlooker quickly inspires them to dismiss the detail of his race as unimportant. However, his foreign heritage affords him some unexpected advantages.
- If he doesn’t move for 15 seconds Dalavar becomes functionally invisible to an onlooker. Not that he cannot be seen, he remains perfectly visible to the naked eye, more…the mind comfortably overlooks the likelihood of his existence, so unaccountably out of place is he.
- Conversely, if Dalavar moves continuously for 15 seconds he emits a brilliant silvery grey light, which illuminates all spaces within several feet and brings peace, reassurance, and calm to those with whom he is on friendly terms.
- The Mage Slayer does not need to breathe. He just does so because, for some odd reason, he believes it not only polite to breathe, but excessively fashionable.
Most unique of all, Dalavar can see magic, like light and colour to others. The colour of each elemental magic is unique, though he can’t observe the intention of the magic, only its presence and elemental ties. Additionally, though he’d never admit such (possibly because he’s not aware of the concept), he is entirely colourblind, viewing the non-magical world in shades of black and white.

Equipment and Skills:
Armed only with a bone pipe, and an unique walking cane, Dalavar might not seem an immediate threat. Nor, in fact, a serious contender at all. However, neither item are without their quirks.
Pipe of the Eternal: Provides the user with great comfort and satisfaction. While functioning, the user experiences only the barest inconveniences from environmental extremes (hot and cold weather). Their sensation of pain is attenuated dramatically, and - at least in Dalavar’s case (though nobody’s seen him without his pipe for many a year, so it may just be his natural disposition) - they take upon themselves an overall jovial mood. Rather than smoking any kind of dirty substance through the pipe and puffing out smoke, the user feeds into it their own magical life force, which causes a small cloud of bubbles to shoot out the other end. With focus, the bubble cloud can instead be expelled at a larger size, up to a seven-foot wide bubble which pops after only a few moments…with one exception: if a creature possessed of strong innate magic resides within the bubble, the bubble may draw sustenance from them, existing indefinitely or until they manage to break free.
Cane of Temerity: Somehow magically tied to the pipe - whether through Dalavar himself, or their origin, nobody could say - the cane, named Temerity, affords precise control over the formation and structure of each magical bubble expelled depending on the specific way His Great Audaciousness wields the slender rod.
While resting in his Left Hand, all bubbles are used defensively. If the head of the cane rests in his hand, each bubble forms a solid barrier, with the strength and consistency of tough glass. However, if Dalavar closes one eye while grasping the foot of his cane, each bubble completely nullifies any moderately powerful elemental magic it comes in contact with.
On the other hand (literally), all bubbles become completely solid balls of water while Temerity lies clasped in Dalavar’s right hand - if by the head, bubbles are compact, dense, and fast moving, such that an orb of equivalent size to a shot put would possess equivalent mass, though cause less damage as the bubble splashes in contact with its target; if by the foot, all bubbles explode, splattering scalding water in a 5ft radius of each orb of water.
If the cane does not rest in either hand of The Mage Slayer, all bubbles are completely permeable, passing through objects without inhibition.

His Great Audaciousness is a humble man…or as humble as a preening peacock, at the very least. Anyone deserving of praise soon finds themselves outshone by superfluous tales of far greater feats in far more exotic places. One may find this behaviour stifling, even a little hurtful, but such is Dalavar’s charisma that all in his presence feel fulfilled, edified, and proud to exist in the same realm as such wondrous undergoings.
Though it occurs uncommonly, one of Dalavar’s pet hates is the common notion that rain falls from the sky, rather than rises from the world as he claims. Any who mention “rainfall” in his presence soon find themselves on the receiving end of an argument so bafflingly illogical they’re typically rendered silent, or in rare cases, utterly mad.
On the other hand, one thing is known to silence the great orator. A tea, brewed with at least some moderate care, with fresh water, captures his attention more closely than anything known to magic.

Nobody knows much about Dalavar, and what they do is hidden behind such hyperbolical, erroneous nonsense that it might as well be discarded. From all the tales he tells, Dalavar’s history extends before Time itself. Were one to believe the stream of heavily embellished words that pour unendingly through his characteristic cloud of pearly bubbles, one would not only believe that he had been present at every great event in history, but also that he’d played an active roll in shaping their outcomes.
If one truth was to be gleaned from the fog of exaggeration and self-importance, it would be from a favourite story, reserved only for the most captive and adoring of audiences. It paints an image of a different, ancient world, covered in shallow water, calm beaches, and a sky filled with twisting threads of the most beautiful magic. But its beauty was marred at the time by the great war in which it was embroiled, between a people as beautiful as stars, and a human man who wielded magic nearly powerful enough to extinguish every one of them. The story never proceeds far, however, as their storyteller's eyes cloud with silvery tears, and shortly afterward his audience seems to forget he's there and carry on with their everyday lives as though they'd never been touched by as extraordinarily bizarre a man as His Great Audaciousness, Dalavar, The Mage Slayer.

Kooroo -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2018= OOC & Tournament Signups (7/13/2018 14:28:49)

Well, it got there in the end. With a lot of backspacing and help, but eh, at least it got there.

Once again, a shoutout to my Editor, and all who helped. I should be paying you, but the Compliments to USD exchange rate would bankrupt me. So you'll have to settle for pixel words.

Name: Elias Iivonen

Gender: Male

Element: Wind

Age: 25

Race: Human

Height: 167cm

Weight: 65 kilos

Appearance: Elias is a young man with fair skin, who appears to be more around the age of 18 than his supposed 25. In the modern world, he would have no chance of entering a casino without some ID.

He has light brown hair that falls short of his collar, with an unruly fringe that is constantly threatening his golden eyes. His boyish face is usually stuck in a stern, serious expression; a contrast to his calm demeanor.

Elias typically wears a set of weathered, dusty black leather armor over a black tunic and dark brown pants. A pair of scratched goggles hang from around his neck, and a pair of black leather boots cover his feet.

”Does anyone ever joke about you looking like your mother dressed you?”
“No. Even though it’s partially true.”

Forceful Blade:
A straight, double-edged sword with a wedge-shaped tip that generates a loud humming sound once drawn. It once belonged to one of his parents, though he has no idea which.

The silver blade measures a solid 60 centimeters in length, and is unusually wide and thick. A black, rubber-coated grip extends below its barely-existent crossguard, and a double-finger trigger sits halfway between the grip and handguard. Despite its weighty appearance, the sword is not especially heavy.

The sword’s cutting edge is magically generated. While its blade opens up flesh at the slightest, even accidental touch, the magical is not particularly effective against plate or chain armors, except when swung with sufficient force. The sword can also break glass at the slightest of taps, and holding it close to glassware can shatter it.

When thrusted, the blade releases a two-foot long penetrating burst of air after a split second delay. The burst is capable of punching through shields, plate armor, magical barriers, flesh; nearly anything that is in the way, though stronger and tougher obstacles will affect how far and deep it penetrates.
A fair bit of motion and force is required to generate the full burst, however; at least two feet of arm movement. Any less, and the burst released is considerably shorter and less deadly, but still penetrating.

”What did you say your parents were?”
“... Carpenters.”

Another weapon that used to belong to one of his parents. Essentially, a silver, metal flintlock, though with a white gem instead of a flint.

The gun fires baseball-sized bursts of air that easily can send a person sprawling on a direct hit. The bursts lose strength and form the further they travel, but grow in size and still retain enough force to slightly stagger a lightly armored person at the max range of around 40 feet. Past that range, they might mess up your hair.
Shots at closer ranges might result in bruising, winding, concussion and at worst, broken bones.

The gun has enough charge to hold four shots, and reloads itself after 20 seconds, but only does so when properly holstered. It has substantial recoil, meaning that sequential accurate shots are out of the question, though Elias’ marksmanship could honestly be considered average at best. If you had to grade him, he might get a B+ on a good day. This comes from both a lack of experience and a lack of practice with the Handcannon, as ranged combat is not his forte. Regardless of how fast one were to try and fire, the gun’s maximum fire rate is one round a second.

"And so, your carpenter parents mysteriously disappeared, leaving behind their children with the house, the dog, and an arsenal of magical weaponry?"
"No, the house was on fire when you found us, remember?"
"So they're even worse parents than I thought. And you still want to find them?"

Worn Leather Armor:
The worn, black leather armor that Elias wears is yet another thing that once belonged to his parents, most likely his father. As a full set, the armor comprises of a breastplate, forearm and shin braces, knee guards, belt and boots. While each piece appears to be slightly large when held against his body, the various pieces fit him to a tee.

Aside from its suspected resizing capabilities, the armor has no standout magical properties that Elias has managed to identify. Its various leather sections are nicked and scratched, having saved him from numerous glancing blows in the past. The boots have steel caps, and the soles appear to be especially grippy to an almost magical extent. The braces are ribbed with metal plates, allowing the wearer to use their forearms and shins to block strikes from bladed weapons as a last resort. Obviously, this depends a lot on the type of weapon, its sharpness and the force behind the attack.
He’s also unable to get any of the pouches to open, as the clasps refuse to budge.

Unknown to Elias, the armor did originally have magical protection. With proper maintenance and care, the armor would have kept all of its enchantments, which were guaranteed to last several lifetimes with ‘proper use of the care kit and servicing’. At full strength, the enchantments would have warded off and reduced the damage from weak magical attacks, such as basic energy bolts, fireballs, and the rest.
Unfortunately, Elias never found found the care kit with the rest of his parents’ tools and equipment. As such, the armor has nearly lost all of its magical protection, though not quite all of it. A minuscule amount remains, enough to perhaps dampen the heat from a fireball by a couple of degrees, or take the kick out of some static.

Elias suspects that the armor had gloves at one point, but the gloves couldn't be found on the family homestead.

”Is there anything at all that you didn’t get from your parents?
“... Uh, the goggles?… Shirt… Pants...”
“Undergarments? Please say undergarments.”

Magical Skills and Abilities:
Wind Shunting/Sensing:
Elias has the ability to push, pull and feel through the air around him. Pushing or pulling is performed with motion through his arms and legs. It requires little to no focus at its most basic level, but more concentration is required depending on how much air he wants to move and how far away the air is. More movement = more air displaced. Shunting using an arm also requires the hand to be mostly empty, or at least not holding on to a sizeable object.

The most common and basic method of using this power is punches and kicks; fast movements are necessary for the air to be moved with sufficient force to distract or injure. The air is pushed in small, blunt-force bursts in front of Elias hands or feet, whenever he punches, thrusts, kicks, etc. For example, a single shunt used with a punch would effectively result in being punched twice in rapid succession; once by the wind, and a second time by Elias’ first.
Another way he commonly uses shunting is to give add some extra range on his strikes; about a foot, at best.

Generally, pushing the air is much easier than pulling the air, as pulling requires him to ‘grip’ the air before he can attempt to move it. Shunting a larger quantity of air requires more movement. And shunting air that’s further away from him takes a bit more time, as it takes Elias slightly longer to focus on the area if it's further away from him.
Elias can only currently shunt within 15 feet of himself, and cannot shunt air that he is incapable of reaching. If you locked him in an airtight glass container, he would be able to shunt the air inside the container around, but wouldn't be able to influence the air outside it. The same goes for the exact opposite.
A last thing to note is that the more air that Elias tries to shunt, the less dense the air will be when moved.

The second part of the ability is effectively an air-based radar. By feeling the air around him, Elias can get a vague idea of what is moving around him. Vague is probably the best way of putting it, as he's only adept at detecting fast or large objects, such as a tennis ball being served or a drunkard in a bar charging him. As a result, he's learnt to not to rely too much on it, but it's still fairly useful for detecting undue surprises. Like his shunting, the range for his radar is about 15 feet.

Blazing Tempest:
Elias’ main strengths are in his agility and combat aptitude. Unbeknownst to him, however, they’re a result of a passive, magical effect.

At a full out sprint he would be able to match a professional (and successful) human athlete, though not outmatch. His stamina would probably be below an athlete though; Elias’ is quite fit, but he doesn’t hit the track every day.
His balance, coordination and reaction times are almost unmatchable by any human or humanoid without magical aids, which makes it very hard to land a direct hit on him, though not all the various knicks, scratches and gouges were in his armor before he found it.

Elias’ combat aptitude is less about him having incredible skill in sword play and unarmed combat, and more as a result of the aforementioned agility. His fighting style is less about outskilling his opponents, and more about blindsiding them with his insane speed. In reality, an experienced judge would probably consider his form with basic weaponry and CQC skills effective, but unorthodox and inefficient. If you were to analyze a recording of him in combat, you would notice that his rapid parries, blocks, punches, etc. are all a result of reflexes and coordination, and not exactly an expert display of technique or skill. This is probably what prevents him from just beating every non-magical duelist outright, and gives the exceptionally skilled ones a decent chance at beating him.

As stated above, all of this comes from a passive magical effect. This only applies in combat, though, when he’s aware of danger or anticipating combat, and doesn’t apply during his every day life. It would explain why he’s a bit clumsy in day to day life, and prone to jump scares from his companions. The ability does kick in relatively quickly once he's threatened, however, but deactivates just as quickly once he thinks he's safe.

"I'm sure you'll become a great carpenter yourself one day. Your parents raised a fine young man."
"Thanks, Daford. Exactly what I wanted to hear."

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