Discord Chat Client Tutorial for RPers (Full Version)

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Starflame13 -> Discord Chat Client Tutorial for RPers (6/25/2018 19:10:17)

Hello, everyone! As technology grows and evolves, so to must our methods of communication! In the past, the RP forums has maintained a channel on the IRC Chat Client. Now, we have moved to a new chat client called Discord, which allows for multiple people to enter a single chatroom and engage in real-time discussion.

The RP staff and I highly recommend you utilize this system to speed up communication with both your fellow RPers and with us! Here’s how to do so:

Step 1: Acquire Discord
Discord can be accessed through any browser. It can also be downloaded as a desktop app for OSX and windows, and downloaded as a mobile app for iOS and Android devices. Any of the above can be accessed at the Discord App Website.

Step 2: Join the AEF RP Server

Discord handles server invitations through links. The invite link to the AEF RP server can be found here.

When you first join, you will only have access to the Welcome channel, which displays server rules. One of the AEF RP staff will grant you permissions to join the other channels, in order to chat with the other members. Upon joining, please either use the server settings or type the “/nick” command into the chat window to set your Server Nickname to your AEF name.

I hope this has been helpful, and I look forward to seeing you in our AEF RP Discord server!

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