RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (Full Version)

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Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (7/27/2018 9:32:22)

@Riprose - you have a 24 hour extension.

joeyof98 -> RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (7/27/2018 10:17:11)

Hrm, I'm beginning to see fighting in an Rp against multiple opponents at once is quite difficult. Just to clarify, I'm to expect one slash attack and one thrust attack, both to the left thigh? If you don't respond, I'll do a filler post until I have clarification on the dammage done, just so I don't time out.

Caststarter -> RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (7/27/2018 10:20:58)

In my case, in the way Michalis is moving, it would be a slash to the left thigh.

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (7/27/2018 11:34:30)

I am not Kell and do not propose to answer for him, but rereading his post, I am fairly certain that Aurinko's slash is aimed at Cadmooz's right thigh.

Also, seeking clarification is probably grounds enough to ask for a brief extension if need be, Joey. Don't forget you have that option if you ask Director Starflame nicely!

E: Also also, can fully agree that fighting multiple opponents simultaneously can be one of the more difficult and stressful scenarios to deal with. You aren't alone on that, Joey.

E of the E: And somehow I missed that you'd already asked for an extension for basically that same reason, in a sense. Wow I'm blind! Go me. Being a doofus in public. Wheeeeeeeeeee~!

joeyof98 -> RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (7/27/2018 12:31:15)

Alright, gimme a moment to post, and I will be good!

....alright, now I'm mad. I was 1 sentence away from finishing my post when my headphones touched the back-button... Requesting a short extension while I spend an hour slamming my face into a wall, then redo the post....

Caststarter -> RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (7/27/2018 15:23:54)

It is kind of why people typically use Google Documents, Notepad, Microsoft Word, or anything other format to save what they have written at that point. Not to mention it really helps so you can show others to check on things or even just redo things in case for later.

joeyof98 -> RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (7/27/2018 17:48:43)


Ahem, I mean, I'm done!

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (7/27/2018 20:28:50)

@joeyof98 - yeah, whenever possible you want to write your posts in a different area than the forums, preferably one like GoogleDrive or OneNote that autosaves. Everyone's lost at least one post in that way, but it's not a lesson that needs to be learned twice!

Also, make sure you're fully taking into account the extent of injuries dealt! Since you don't include any references to dodging, blocking, or deflecting either weapon, it's a tad surprising that only "glancing and superficial" blows are the result of two rather serious sword strikes to two rather vulnerable parts of the body - cowhide may be tougher than skin, yes, but it only protects so far! If you want to work in ways In-Character to take minimal damage, that's fine, but be careful about ignoring/brushing off attacks, as that does veer close to "God-Modding" territory.

Kellehendros -> RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (7/27/2018 21:44:03)

Joey, is the kick coming from the right leg or the left? My reading is that the kick is from the left leg, but I want to verify that.

joeyof98 -> RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (7/27/2018 23:13:14)

You are correct

Dragonknight315 -> RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (7/29/2018 0:01:19)

Posted with Caststarter's approval. Autumn is activating Savior Sensation here. We both discussed the effect of the magic dampening curse and how it would impact the duo.

Huzzah for relevant backstory! More story time for later.

Kellehendros -> RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (7/29/2018 23:26:45)

Post went up. Discussed timing with Caststarter, who indicated that Waneful Beginning would conclude before the photonic burst went off. As such, the burst would come out at full power.

Aurinko was holding Leikata up and slightly above his head during the burst, which is comparable to a flashbang, though soundless. I've adjusted his position on the map relative to his ending position after the light leap that follows the burst.

As a side note, Leikata literally means cut in Finnish, which language contributes a number of names and nicknames Aurinko and his people use.

Caststarter -> RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (7/30/2018 9:34:08)

And lo and behold, I posted as well with more mist backs because.. they were oddly relevant in many aspects. Funny how that works. Discussed with the proper people like DK, Kell (in regards to timing of his photonic burst so it was at full power, of course) to prepare for some wunderbar hilarity in the future. I think... I think it will work out fine. Dahhh.

Still amused by how close the foursome are and just.. casually doing things.

Riprose123 -> RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (7/30/2018 15:13:13)

I’d like to request a 24 hour extension please

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (7/30/2018 16:08:19)

@Riprose - extension granted. That said, we are heading into the final stretch so make sure you get as many posts (at as good a quality) as possible!

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (7/30/2018 21:09:52)

Though I've talked with Kell via Discord, I felt the need to be clear as crystal about the attack. Especially since Cadmooz could play a role, and sometimes character presentation and colorful descriptions may leave questions.

This attack is a snapshot. While there are contextual clues present, it is a decidedly sloppy shot. The facet about being head height is roughly based off of Aurinko and not Cadmooz, which should be obvious by context but hey, being crystal here. I, the writer, and Lodesh-Tinphair, in character, both anticipate the most likely outcome as missing by the metaphorical mile. Should it hit, as nothing more than an annoyance - whether due to glancing or introducing an unfortunate tumble because of the flip preceding the shot or what have you. Cadmooz himself could spoil the shot as well, just by interposing himself between shooter and nominally intended target - that's wholly up to Joey's own decisions. His character does happen to be fairly massive after all.

If it misses, it misses. If it hits, it is at the contrivance and will of my competitors. Any damage done is freely by their choices as writers in this particular instance. They have complete freedom to interpret the snapshot as they choose - up to and including calling it sloppy or introducing a spin or so forth if they wish. Could it be lethal at that height if it struck Aurinko in the right manner? (Kell brought that up in Discord PM.) Sure. Do I have any expectations of such a strike? I laughed pretty hard at the irony, because I have every expectation of anything but that. Do what you wish, my fellow competitors.

Sometimes, collaboration is just listing permissions rather than a back and forth, after all.

joeyof98 -> RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (7/31/2018 8:32:06)

Before I post, Ronin, at what point in my character's jump did yours fire? I clarified that, having been startled, Cadmooz will jump the full 15 feet on instinct. I'm not sure if matters, or course, since my head, shoulders, and chest are incredibly well armored, I 'd just like to know if it was fired before or into the jump.

For that matter, how far is the conflict from a wall right now? I'm not about to hit a wall, am I?

Also, I smell a smidgen of meta, lol. You reverse to the two of us by name in your in-character post. Not complaining just amused!

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (7/31/2018 13:32:15)

If you clarified a much greater distance with Kell, he did not share that clarification with me when I discussed my post's contents with him. I was basing my relative distance estimations/judgements based on the intent within your IC post, which has no hard number, but only really refers to being out of reach. Which doesn't take nearly as much as a 15ft leap to accomplish, which means my post makes references assuming anywhere between half that to a third of it. A gross underestimation borne of ignorance, to be sure.

That said, I would be fairly certain that you would have landed well before the shot in any case, since my understanding is that the timing involved from Kell's post inferred Cadmooz was already starting to leap back during the rift jump. Leaping back that far, which again I was not made aware of the greater distance, hmm. Checking the rough map for the rough angles involved, Cadmooz wouldn't even be in line for the shot at all without moving to re-engage Aurinko. I.e., if Cadmooz chose to stand still after the leap back, there's absolutely 0% chance the shot would ever hit Cadmooz barring a Rube Goldberg level of ricochets off of the mirrors of Cellar. And as cool as that could be in theory, that'd take awhile and the flechette would clatter to the ground by gravity well before it could make it back from the far side of the Arena in the first place.

Must keep a silly trick shot in mind for future years if I ever go with a weightless projectile character. Though I digress...

Looking again at the angles and rough positions (the map does not yet include your leap back), if you charge back in on a direct path to re-engage Aurinko, I don't think the shot has a chance of hitting you. Given the height it was fired at, I was never expecting it to even scratch Cadmooz if you did intercept it mind.

On the note of the leap back: Hey, Dragonknight? I think Cadmooz would land right behind Autumn based on the map, or rather close to it. Probably relevant for your post in progress given the, what, nearly 8 ft and 450 lb body moving behind you?

E: I don't think you'd hit the wall, no, but you'd be closer to it than prior. Pre-leap and pre-rift both Aurinko and Cadmooz were pretty much adjacent to a support pillar after all.

Dragonknight315 -> RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (7/31/2018 15:02:59)

Neighborhood Dragonknight here to the rescue. I did some calculations. If Cadmooz were to do a full 15 ft leap, and I incorporate how Autumn will move in her next post, then this would be the result. This is the current map as of the posting.

Now, as to my thoughts on the matter.

@Joey. To quote your bio Cadmooz, "As for his speed, even with the gold armor, he can run faster than most humans in a straight line and leap 15 feet." Your character can *leap* 15 feet, which implies a running start (which is perfectly reasonable given your character's strength). Am I wrong to assume this? If he could jump from a standstill from 15 feet, then his maximum would be far greater.

Your character attacks and lands stationary on the ground, however, and before he could turn around or gain enough movement to leap, Aurinko would be right on him. It would be one thing to leap backwards a short distance, but to leap the full 15ft backwards without a running start. all while dealing with Aurinko? How would you account for this?

joeyof98 -> RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (7/31/2018 15:24:12)

Mmm, indeed, good catch. I will just go with the"out of range estimate, and work from there. Thanks for the clarification.

Kind of weird to account for another's movement ability, which is recorded before I even move, in my post. Odd, to be sure!

Dragonknight315 -> RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (7/31/2018 15:33:04)

@Joey It's less that we are trying to metagame this; the reason we are asking for all this clarity is for our mental inventories because we want to be absolutely certain what you are doing so that we can respond in a fair and sportsmanlike manner. The issue we had was simply that jumping 15ft did not make logical sense and would throw off our understanding of how events would unfold.

joeyof98 -> RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (7/31/2018 15:42:40)

Oh, no, you misunderstand! I meant it was weird for ME to account for the teleportation ability that teleported to me, even when I haven't moved yet! That was all.

Also, sorry, but I have to ask for an extension. Probably onlh, like 3 hours, but yeah. Sorry!

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (7/31/2018 15:49:59)

@Joeyof98 - you have a 6 hour extension. Glad to see people were able to work things out details-wise!

Riprose123 -> RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (7/31/2018 23:21:00)

Requesting another 24 hour extension for reasons pm’d to you in discord

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2018= Cellar OOC (7/31/2018 23:41:45)

@Riprose - pushing you back a full 24 hours would offset others involved in the arena, which is something I'm not willing to risk given how close we are to the ending. Currently you have a 12 hour extension, which gives you until 10:13am the morning of Thursday the 2nd, EDT.

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