Options Interface (Full Version)

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Jay -> Options Interface (7/28/2019 1:02:00)

Options Interface

Access Point: Click 'Options' on the lower-middle section of the main UI, 'Esc' Keyboard Control
Requirements: None
Release Date: November 31st, 2005


  • Simple Stat Info - when selected, stats from allocated skill points and equipped items will appear as one combined value rather than separate added values on your character's main profile.
  • Keyboard Controls - when selected, use of hotkey controls in addition to point-and-click interaction is enabled.
  • Manual Pet Actions - when selected, manual pet actions are enabled.
  • Hide Damage - when selected, all values that display after hits, DoTs, and heals during battle will be hidden.
  • Show Log (Alpha) - when selected, the Game Log will appear in the top left corner; shows information on what happens in-game and in battles, including damage/healing, buffs and debuffs, in-game notifications, and more.
  • Show Enemy HP On Hover - when selected, hovering your cursor over enemies will display their HP overhead.
  • Automatic Guest UI - when selected, automatically shows all characters' information when guests are added to the party.

    Item Builds

  • Include Pet in Builds - when selected, pets will be included when saving and loading a player's builds; else, pets will not be included when saving and loading a player's builds (excluding default build).
  • Include Slotted Special - when selected, slotted specials will be included when saving and loading a player's builds; else, slotted specials will not be included when saving and loading a player's builds.

    [image]https://media.artix.com/encyc/df/tags/DA.png[/image]Game Modes

  • Doomed Mode - when selected, all foes will have significantly increased HP and damage and the player will not have any innate chance to resist an affected stun effect to themselves before Immobility Resist (excludes All Resist); it is not recommended to enable this mode unless you are up for a serious challenge.
  • Normal - the default difficulty; the player will have at least 50% chance to resist an affected stun effect to themselves before Immobility Resist (excludes All Resist) (outside of Arena at the Edge of Time)
  • Adventure Mode - when selected, all foes will have their damage halved and the player will have at least 75% chance to resist an affected stun effect to themselves before Immobility Resist (excludes All Resist); it is recommended to enable this mode if you are struggling in the story.

    *Adventure Mode is suppressed in battles you are meant to lose, Arena at the Edge of Time challenges, open world challenges such as The Depth's Maw, Aeris Minor Tournament, and Aeris Dragon Tournament.*

    Character List

  • Character List - takes you back to the character selection screen, after the following message of confirmation:


    Are you sure you want to return to character selection? Mid-quest progress will not be saved.

  • Yes
  • No

  • Teleport to Home Town

    Teleport to
  • Home Town - teleports you to your previously designated home town, set by talking to a specific NPC in the town.

    *You are not always able to teleport to your home town within certain quests or zones.*

    Flee Battle

  • Flee Battle - allows players to flee the current battle during their turn (even on pet and guest turns), after the following message of confirmation:


    Are you sure you want to flee the battle? It will count as a defeat.

  • Yes
  • No

  • *Certain classes such as DragonRider will not allow you to flee battles, even on pet and guest turns.*


  • Low, Medium, or High - allows you to toggle graphics quality in order to optimize game performance.
  • Weather Effects - when selected, weather effect graphics such as falling rain or snow that may hinder game performance are displayed during certain quests.
  • FPS counter - when selected, turns on the FPS counter on the bottom right of the UI.
  • Sheathe Weapon - when selected, weapon will not be visible outside of battle.
  • Seasonal Borders - when selected, modifications to the UI's appearance during seasonal events such as Hero's Heart Day, Mogloween, and Frostval will display.


  • Sound - when selected, all sound effects will play.
  • Music - when selected, all background music in towns and quests will play.
  • Classic SFX - when selected, all classic sound effects on elements will play; else, it will use the new sound effects on elements.

    *To the right are arrows which adjust volume for both Sound and Music up (max 300) or down (min 0) without altering your actual device's volume.*

    Official Sites

  • Homepage - opens a link to the official DragonFable homepage in a new window.
  • Character Pages - opens Character ID UI; input an ID and select 'Go!' to open the corresponding character page in a new window.
  • HeroMart - opens a link to the official Artix Entertainment HeroMart Online Store in a new window.
  • Credits

    The DragonFable Web RPG is a continually expanding project, with weekly releases and updates, thanks to the support of you, our player community.

    We hope you are having as much fun playing it as we are having making it for you!

    Battle on!

    Artix, Dove, Verlyrus, and the DragonFable team.

  • X - closes Options Interface.

    Other information
  • Options Interface has been modified during various Reimagined releases; any retired content has been archived here.
  • Options Interface received a major overhaul on July 26th, 2019; more information can be found in the July 26th, 2019 Design Notes.
  • Forums and Facebook links were removed and replaced by the Character ID UI on December 11th, 2020.
  • Game Modes were added on June 11th, 2021; more information can be found in the June 11th, 2021 Design Notes; their position was moved on October 8th, 2021.
  • Keyboard Controls were added on September 17th, 2021; more information can be found in the September 17th, 2021 Design Notes.
  • Game Log was added on October 8th, 2021; more information can be found in the October 8th, 2021 and October 15th, 2021 Design Notes.
  • Flee Battle button was added on July 29th, 2022.
  • Include Pet toggle was added on August 5th, 2022.
  • Classic SFX was added on September 15th, 2023.
  • Include Slotted Special toggle was added on November 17th, 2023.
  • The following changes were implemented on June 1st, 2024:
    • Show Enemy HP On Hover, Automatic Guest UI, and FPS counter toggles were added.
    • Option Interface was updated with various misc. fixes.
  • The following changes were implemented on February 14th, 2025:
    • All Game Modes were updated with stun effects changes to the player.
    • Flee Battle was updated to open a confirmation box on pet and guest turns.

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