AliceShiki -> Mighty Laundromash (10/5/2019 19:10:59)
Mighty Laundromash «Earth or Water spell. Costs SP. Has 2 versions, one that is Water Element and another that is Earth Element. Attempts to reduce your opponent's defenses. Mastercraft; smaller damage penalty to pay for the effect.» Location: The Laundergeist! Element: Earth or Water, see note. Type G
Level 5 15 35 55 75 95 115 135 150
PowLvl 5 MC 15 MC 35 MC 55 MC 75 MC 95 MC 115 MC 135 MC 153 MC
Price 35 47 178 1226 9682 77859 627513 5059007 24205166
Sell 17 23 89 613 4841 38929 313756 2529503 12102583
SPCost 30 45 80 120 166 217 273 335 392 Hits: 4 Type: Ranged Element: Earth or Water, see note. Damage 2-6 3-10 7-20 11-33 16-47 22-64 28-83 35-104 41-124
Stat% 30.8 46 76.5 107.1 137.6 168.1 198.6 229.2 256.6
1 3 8 13 18 23 28 33 38 NOTE: This spell has 2 different versions that are sold in the same shop, they are the following:- Earth version
- Water version
EFFECT If at least one hit of the spell connects, it attempts to inflict Defence Loss* (-8.93 MRM for [element of the spell]. Duration: [hits connected] turns) on the monster. The enemy can resist** with a save at +0 bonus.Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl Major: YourDEX vs MonsterDEX Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK *Your foe is weighed down by the haunted clothes, lowering their defences! **Your foe deftly removes the haunted clothes before they get weighed down. DESCRIPTION Every now and then, your butler still has... moments. At least now it's only your foes getting bogged down by disturbingly well-packed laundry. [img]local://upfiles/506984/4E4A30A2529342E6AE100505127E8149.jpg[/img] Numbers thanks to Kamui and In Media Res. Analysis Starts off as a standard spell: Level 5 15 35 55 75 95 115 135 150
PowLvl 5 15 35 55 75 95 115 135 153
Damage 8-25 15-43 30-88 48-142 69-205 93-277 120-358 150-448 179-537
Stat% 133 199 331 463 595 727 859 991 1109.8
BTH 1 3 8 13 18 23 28 33 38 Deals -7.5% damage to pay for the effect. With four equally powerful hits, each hit deals *1/4 damage. All this has ALREADY been factored into the above numbers. Updates October 5, 2019: The spell was released.