Character advice (with a twist) (Full Version)

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Caecus -> Character advice (with a twist) (6/3/2020 20:10:21)

Hello all! I'm hoping to get some creative feedback on my main. (All the stuff in storage is there to share with other characters but can also be used for him so feel free to include it in suggestions!) He's heavily roleplay based so there's some tight restrictions as to his inventory. That said I'd really appreciate any feedback, new ideas, or critiques of the choices made. Certainly he'll never be optimal but I'm always looking for ways he might improve or add something cool that fits with his theme!

Caecus' Constraints:

He must use all the bloodmage armors. His disease synergizes with the volatile blood magics lending great power at great cost. Plus, what's the point in a custom armor if you don't use it religiously[;)].
He doesn't attack with weapons or defend with heavy armor. He's a spell caster through and through so he relies on spells, tomes, and channeling arcane effects from magical relics for both his personal damage output and to aid in his protection.
He specializes in conjuration and invocations. Thus he leans heavily into inflicting debilitating effects by conjuring his familiars (pets/guests) or again tapping into relics he's acquired through his adventures.

Thanks in advance for any thoughts! I know there are a ton of creative/strategic players out there so I look forward to anything you can dream up :)

Primate Murder -> RE: Character advice (with a twist) (6/4/2020 1:25:12)

I tend to focus more on power gaming than role-play, but I'll try to see what I can do to help.


Your Prime Chaos Orb means that you don't need a nuke for every element - and that allows you to focus on maxing out the ones you do. It might be a good idea to make use of spell-boosting weaponry like Bloodblades/Bloodzerker Blades, Arcane Cutlasses or Sila's Staff.

Spectral Chains are a qc ice damage spell, which has great synergy with your Blade of Frostval Past.


For a professional conjurer, you seem to lack guests. While poelala is the strongest option, there are a few options that lend themselves well to roleplaying without sacrificing too much power:

- Grakma inflicts a fire element EleVuln, making your spells deal +50% damage. You also get to summon a literal demon from Heck, so win-win!

- Sugar Gobbler inflicts petrification, which has exceptional synergy with any wind spells, Fu Dog pet (petrifies and gives petrification potency) and Bard of War.

- Blood Rose guest, to go along with your Blood Rose pet. Has great synergy with Hydromancer's nuke. Alternatively, Mogdin is the strongest paralysis pet in the game, so if you pair it with Mutant Egg and Frostgale's Remorse's stun potency (and one of the BoWs, if you want to go for overkill), you can stun-lock the monster for the entire battle.

- Either Grimlord or Dread Fiend would work well with your Model 294, while having great role-playing potential.

Caecus -> RE: Character advice (with a twist) (6/5/2020 19:06:38)

Much obliged! I love the recommendations and appreciate the input. You actually hit on the two things I most want to work on with the character!

For weapons I keep thinking of ditching one of my current weapons for a spellbooster like Sila's staff or the adventurer doll. It's just been tricky to decide whether to drop the status ward of energy or the frostval blade. They've both come in clutch many times (either preventing the statuses I can't skip like blind, entangled, etc or partnering with my gauntlet of power and cryomancer to obliterate something). I'm trying to convince myself that the damage boost from a spellbooster makes more sense but it's been a struggle XD

This issue I'm having with guests is finding the spell slots to fit them in haha. Classic beastmage problem I suppose. Since I want to focus on magical empowerment and conjuration I end up having to choose between the various boosting spells and most guests. That said, I've been enjoying leaving the beastmaster side mostly to my pets and the two guests I do have (my lovely vampire bats and poelala). My absolute dream scenario is a return of (or another armor like) the golem summoner robes but till then I feel kind of stuck. I considered using the solar flare staff for another guest but that just exacerbates the weapon issue.

Since you said you focus on the power gaming aspect, is there anything egregious that I'm missing from a power standpoint? My other characters all have their own themes so I think I've got a good grasp of the optimization aspect of the game but I suppose it never hurts to ask :)

Primate Murder -> RE: Character advice (with a twist) (6/6/2020 1:13:24)

Nothing particularly egregious stands out, though I can find a few nitpicks, if you want.

- Why 150 Luck? It's not enough to guarantee first turn against 250 Luck mobs (even with Whispering Raiment and Ambush potion), and 105 Luck would be enough against 0-Luck mobs.

- You have only 150 Dex, but a lot of equipment based around blocking (Big Dic, Shield of Agony's Blood, Imanok Edoc, Cephalopod, Space Gauntlet).

- Arms of the Dragonguard work under the assumption that you maxed out your Luck. At 150, they're rather underpowered, with only 60% the efficiency.

As I said, nitpicks.

Caecus -> RE: Character advice (with a twist) (6/9/2020 1:08:45)

Again I really appreciate the questions and help!

Since stats moved to 250 I haven't really crunched the numbers to optimize other than wanting max INT. Everything is where it is because it's been "good enough". Where things are right now, with boosting spells I find I land my status effects well and when I pump up my blocking I haven't been hit yet so it feels alright. That's all anecdotal though so if there's a more optimal spread I'm all ears!

If thought I could get away with 250 in Int/Cha/Luk I'd go that route for sure. I want to maximize my spellcasting and successful rolls for my items and familiar status effects and that seems like the best build for it. My concern is that my accuracy would plummet with no Dex, especially for my familiars. I can make up for it with arcane amplification and the new years spell but afaik that wouldn't help shore up the pets/guests accuracy and thus I'd miss out on a lot of their effects anyway. Going Int/Dex/Cha makes me think I'd miss out on a lot of my effects as well due to weaker rolls for everything.

I actually am not too worried about blocking, that's honestly my quaternary defense for when stuns, elemental shields, and mana/chi shields have all failed. Good to have in the back for those monsters with freedom or those who need to land a hit to inflict something nasty but not my main defensive strategy by any means. If the Int/Cha/Luk build works and the only actual downside is reduced blocking, that's a tradeoff I'd be more than willing to make, Caecus is blind after all [:D]

Primate Murder -> RE: Character advice (with a twist) (6/9/2020 1:59:14)

Regarding Luck:

Minor: (MinorInflictStat - MinorResistStat)/10, minimum -10, maximum +10

In other words, against 250 Luck monsters, having 150 Luck gives the same effect as having 0 Luck; and against 0 Luck monsters, 150 Luck gives the same benefits as 100 luck.

That said, a 0 Dex build is also viable, if a little harder. Una Poce + Moonwalker's Grace bring the accuracy of your beasts to acceptable levels. There are also a few items that might help out:

- Your Gauntlet of Time has a second qc skill which attempts to lowers monster's Defences (so increases accuracy of all attacks, including pets and guests).

- Several pets, like Fujin and Morningstar, attempt to inflict DefLoss.

- Scarab Shell shield has a toggle to lower monster blocking without any saves.

- Goggernaut Helm misc in your storage gives +10 bth to every attack on the field, including your pets and guests.

Caecus -> RE: Character advice (with a twist) (6/9/2020 11:14:56)

I thought the old limits on status rolls (-20/+20 for major and -10/+10 maximum for minor) had been removed somewhat recently? That informs a lot of my decision making.

I took that change to mean that having 150 Luk was strictly better than 0 Luk even against mobs with 250+ Luk (initiative notwithstanding as it was never capped anyway). Ex. against a 250 Luk monster, 150 player luck would mean taking -10 to a status roll vs a full -25 penalty from having no Luk at all. Essentially removing the caps on either end removes some of those those numerical thresholds that we used to use and smoothes the curve somewhat so, from a saving roll perspective, there's always value in putting points into a stat (until the infliction rate itself hits either 0% or 100% obviously).

The massive upside being that since we can boost above the old caps something like arcane amp or poca de gracia can really aid in the infliction. I ran some numbers assuming the monster had no Charisma and it seems like at 355 (250 base Cha plus 105 from poca) you'd get an amazing +71 to your roll ([355-0]/5)! That's way better than the old +20 max. In fact, assuming an equal power level and equal Luk with the monster, that +71 would be enough to literally guarantee any charisma based roll, even those that start with the monster getting an intrinsic +20 bonus to save.

Did I mess up the math or read incorrectly? Calcs are certainly not my forte haha

Primate Murder -> RE: Character advice (with a twist) (6/10/2020 0:44:20)

The absolute cap was lifted (so stats over 200 counted) and save modifier cap was removed (so modifiers from different sources can add up to over 20), but IIRC the stat-based cap is still in place.

That said, I can't actually find a forum post regarding the issue, so it was probably something metioned on Discord. It might be a good idea to get a second opinion on this.

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