RE: =AQW= Feature and Functionality Suggestions (Full Version)

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Drakkonok -> RE: =AQW= Feature and Functionality Suggestions (5/19/2022 1:52:00)

Build Saves

I'd like to be see a way to save weapons/classes/armor/etc. to specific builds, much like in DragonFable. I know this isn't something everyone would want to see implemented but, it has always annoyed me that I had to take a minute to swap weapons/classes/armor/etc. if I want to change up my play style. I'd love to see a save system that allows players to set and save specific builds/cosmetics and allow a quick and easy way to swap between them.

parepochist -> RE: =AQW= Feature and Functionality Suggestions (6/18/2022 16:39:03)

Emote Revamp: Swordplay
The current /swordplay emote has characters using a rapier in their off-hand. Instead, I suggest mirroring the main-hand weapon, and shading it out (leaving main-hand unarmed).

Jiminez Burial -> RE: =AQW= Feature and Functionality Suggestions (7/15/2022 8:37:55)

Change the 'go down' button in the Bank screen to only ever scroll down a single page worth of items.
Or allow us to filter the bank by 'sword', 'dagger', 'polearm', 'axe' etc

I'm at the stage where the only way to go through all my weapons is to search 'a', 'ab', 'ac', 'ad', etc etc.
I know this is a really 'privileged' problem, but it sucks so much. I'm probably just going to sell the stuff I'll most likely never use and move the clutter over to the 'buy back' page.

Lew_Lew -> RE: =AQW= Feature and Functionality Suggestions (8/10/2022 22:00:45)

I would like to see a change to how reputation is gained so that the grind for new classes isn't as unbearable. I think by either increases the amount of rep gained through quests and rep or decrease the amount needed to rank up. Seeing how you would have to do over 600 quests in order to get to rank ten for a faction is a bit absurd and kills any motivation to keep playing because we're stuck doing the same quests over and over. There should be a balance with how much rep is gained so that you still have to work a bit for the class but get a feeling of satisfaction instead of dread being washed away because its "finally over".

Crimson King -> RE: =AQW= Feature and Functionality Suggestions (8/25/2022 17:47:16)

Sheath/hide weapon similar to the one in DragonFable, legends only;

Merge /cry and /cry2 emotes and make /stem emote last indefinitely;

More emotes for legends. Some suggestions: gangam style dance, praying, kneeling in defeat, levitating, blowing kiss, sitting on the floor;

Letting the player set an emote to play when it goes afk would be fun I think (if possible).


ACE_O454 -> RE: =AQW= Feature and Functionality Suggestions (9/7/2022 19:56:48)


I would like to suggest a quality of life improvement for the Merge Shops. It gets really tedious to merge items one-by-one when you are exchanging items. My idea is to improve a slider bar so we can choose how many items we would like to merge (and obviously meet the quota of said merge). Just like deleting items but instead, providing the player with the amount they want to input just like the following picture:

ACE_O454 -> RE: =AQW= Feature and Functionality Suggestions (9/7/2022 20:13:32)

Reform the Bank System

So, how many items are there in AdventureQuest Worlds? More than 10,000 items, this game boasts a lot of them but the problem is in the inventory and bank system. Sure, we have this exorbitant amount of items but where do we get to store them? I understand that nobody will be able to get them all but with the continuous development of the game, more stuff is developed and implemented into the game and the space remains the same. I suggest the bank system to increase the storage size to that of at least 2000 items so we can store our favorite cosmetics without having the arduous decision of deleting one of them because we ran out of inventory space.

The current inventory does not need to change if deemed necessary, but I would really like to improve the storage space the bank currently has. This might sound crazy but for the biggest hoarders out there it would be an improvement to it, please consider it.

Cyrenius -> RE: =AQW= Feature and Functionality Suggestions (9/29/2022 22:08:01)

Arsenal (stores up to 8 weapons and 12 armors / classes for easy access, does not count against inventory or bank)

Tonics and Elixirs persist through death and logout like boosts

Resource changes

Diamonds of Nulgath should stack to 100,000
Unidentified 13’s should stack to 1,000
Emblems of Gravelyn should stack to 500
500k Au Vouchers should stack to 2,000
Each metal from “Minecrafting” and “Hardcore Metals” should stack to 100
Legion Tokens should stack to 1 million

Epic Quest Line
To be picked up at Cysero’s Forge

Quest 1

Level 100
Legion Revenant (Rank 10)
Lord of Order (Rank 10)
Archpaladin (Rank 10) – Sacred Magic Eden (not AC shortcut)
Lightcaster (Rank 10)
Stonecrusher (Rank 10) – Merge (not AC shortcut)
Infinity Titan (Rank 10)
Frostval Barbarian (Rank 10) – Unleash the Frostval Barbarian (not AC shortcut)
Chaos Avenger (Rank 10)
Dragon of Time (Rank 10)
Max rep in all factions
All Cysero’s forge enhancements completed

Doom Heart
2,000 500k Au Vouchers
7,500 Void Aura
1,000 Tainted Gems
1,000 Dark Crystal Shards
100 Bloodgems of Nulgath
100 Totems of Nulgath
300 Gemstones of Nulgath

+20% innate Haste and +25% both innate magic and physical damage

Quest 2:

Hollowborn Sword of Doom
Necrotic Blade of the Underworld
Dual Exalted Apotheosis
Sin of the Abyss
Hollowborn Shadow of Fate
Sanctified Light of Destiny
Ultimate Blinding Light of Destiny
Obsidian Light of Destiny
Polished Blinding Light of Destiny
Cyber Void Light of Destiny
Ascended Light of Destiny
Void Light of Destiny
Blinding Light of Destiny
Legion Dragon Blade of Nulgath
Dragon Blade of Nulgath
Dragon Blade
Dark Dragon Slayer's Halberd
Empowered Blade of Chaos
Empowered Chaos Avenger's Greatsword
Infernal Flame Khopesh
Dual Darkon's Debris 2
Prince Darkon's Poleaxe

Doom Heart
2,000 500k Au Vouchers
1 Unidentified Gemstone of Nulgath
500 Emblems of Nulgath
500 Emblems of Dage
500 Emblems of Gravelyn
300 Diamond Badges of Nulgath
300 Diamond Tokens of Dage
300 Diamond Tokens of Gravelyn
300 Fire Avatar’s Favor
180 Ultra Tyndarius Insignias

Quest 3

Empowered Bonfire Altar
Empowered Forge Spawn
Archfiend Doomlord
Infernal Flame Pyromancer
Empowered Darkon’s Debris 1
Classic Hollowborn Paladin
Bright Knight

Doom Heart
2,000 500k Au Vouchers
1 million Legion Tokens
100,000 Diamonds of Nulgath
65 Champion Drakath Insignia
65 King Drago Insignias
65 Dage the Evil Insignia
65 Nulgath Insignia

Empowered Exalted Apotheosis (weapon, 75% to all monsters)
Dragon Scythe of Elementals (weapon, 100% to human, undead, dragon, chaos, and elemental monsters)
Empowered Infernal Flame Pyromancer (armor, 50% to all monsters, EXP, Au, Rep, and Class)

Quest 4

Doomfire Warrior
Jade Dragon Mage
Doomknight Shadowmage
Connected Doom Knight from Dragonfable
Connected X-guardian from AQ Classic

Doom Heart
7 Unidentified 35’s
300 Doom Fragments
65 Darkon Insignias

Ultimate Exalted Apotheosis (weapon, 85% to all monsters)
Ultimate Dragon Scythe of Elementals (weapon, 120% to human, undead, dragon, chaos, and elemental monsters)
Ultimate Infernal Flame Pyromancer (armor, 65% to all monsters, EXP, Au, Rep, and Class)

theyanderee -> RE: =AQW= Feature and Functionality Suggestions (10/1/2022 2:19:23)

Separate the accept and decline button from custom drops UI because they are too close to each other. I do not play the launcher on full screen mode I only play it on mini screen mode to reduce lag so they are even more close and tiny on mini screen mode. And also increase the max stack of malignant essence and empower essence for void aura its frustrating to hop rooms to rooms. Thanks

Cyrenius -> RE: =AQW= Feature and Functionality Suggestions (11/15/2022 15:54:16)

I suggest the following for the Void Auras and the new Necrotic Blade of Doom. This would probably benefit other players more than me unless other rewards involving void auras are added to the game, as I need fewer than 300 for the new Necrotic Blade of Doom and I possess everything else that requires void auras.

#1. Have another new daily quest for both members and free players alike that possess the Necrotic Sword of Doom in their inventory. Have it give 200 Void Auras. Have it involve the slaying of Nightmare Carnax seven times from Dark Carnax.

#2. Have a new member-only repeatable quest for players that possess the Hollowborn Doom Knight, Hollowborn Sword of Doom, and Hollowborn Sepulchure’s Helm in their inventory. Have it give 25 Void Auras upon turn-in. Have it involve the slaying of Ultra Sepulchure once from Sepulchure Battle.

#3. Make the Necrotic Blade of Doom upgradeable! Add the following upgrades:
Empowered Necrotic Blade of Doom (AC tagged)
+60% to all monsters
Requires: 7,500 Void Aura, 180 Ultra Avatar Tyndarius Insignias, 65 Champion Drakath Insignias, 65 Ultra King Drago Insignias, 65 Dage the Evil Insignias, 65 Ultra Nulgath Insignias, 65 Ultra Darkon Insignias,
Ultimate Necrotic Blade of Doom (AC tagged, Member / Legend only)
+65% to all monsters
Requirements: Completion of A Dark Knight Returns, Completion of The Post Summoning, Completion of Lumina Elementi
Requires: 7,500 Void Aura, 300 Doom Fragment

mutzy88 -> RE: =AQW= Feature and Functionality Suggestions (11/20/2022 1:45:59)

This is just a random thought after seeing monsters with Stars,

I was thinking if once we hit level 100 we could "Ascend" to 1-Star Level 1 and have to farm all the way back to level 100 to Ascend to 2-Star and onwards to whatever cap you'd make.

I was thinking Ascending could give extra features/unlocks for the effort and time required to grind Star Ranks.

For Example;
100m gold cap increased to 150 or 200m,
Extra Damage,
Damage Taken Reduced from lower level monsters (not including bosses),
Extra inventory slots,
More HP.
Increased EXP required to level up to 1-Star Level 100, 2-Star Level 100, etc

and maybe Star required zones if possible, maybe Star Quests, classes (a stretch), Armor's and storylines.

I think this would be interesting.

GreyhoundzAqw -> RE: =AQW= Feature and Functionality Suggestions (12/27/2022 19:46:23)

About the recent talks of trading in AQW or AQW unity.

IMO an Auction House system would work wonders for AQW tbh more than player to player trading. Farm some cool end game weaps, collect rare drops or quest items with the option to sell it for lots of Gold or AC would be a very solid part of the game for multiple reasons:

1. It will keep the grind running and will be ALOT more rewarding for hardcore players who are farming gears just to afk at yulgar as an endgame goal.

2. less scam risk than player to player trading and less the hassle for selling.

3. It will give more value to the dead gold currency

4. The game will become less stagnant and will have another endgame option.

6. It will give more value to rare items instead of it just being a trophy in ur inventory. got a rare weapon? but u don't like it anymore? Why not sell it for a higher price or for ACs..

7. With more rare and hard to get items being sold at the auction, players will atleast have a more "worth it" reasons to buy ACs and thats a win-win for AE and the players.


1. Classes won't be allowed to sell or else everyone would just go straight to the auction for cheaper prices, that would be unfair for people who bought it at 2k acs)

2. Items that are bought from shops cant be auctioned at a higher price than the original price that it was bought.

3. Auction Fees will be implemented, depending on the item price and currency.. if you auction an item for ACs you will pay the auction fee with ACs too.

4. There will be a limit on how many items you can auction

5. Every weekend will be the grand exchange.. Ex: if you auction an item on monday it will automatically be sold to the highest bidder after the grand exchange even if ur offline unless the player couldnt wait for the grand ex and just immediately sell it to the current bidder.

GreyhoundzAqw -> RE: =AQW= Feature and Functionality Suggestions (12/27/2022 20:46:28)

1. Increase enhancement costs! (gold currency is losing value, increase it to atleast hundred thousands so players will take it a bit more seriously hopefully)
2. Add fixed levels on items (End game items like NSOD, Nulgath and legion etc obviously should be at lvls 80-100)
3. Enhancing a lvl 1 default sword to lvl 50 shouldnt skip the cost of levels 2-49 (The bigger the gap of the weapon lvl to your enhancement lvl, the bigger the cost. in that way the players will atleast be more motivated to farm, collect or buy higher level weapons to save them lots of enhancement costs.
4. Item level should only go up when enhanced not down

gervinaruto -> RE: =AQW= Feature and Functionality Suggestions (1/30/2023 20:01:36)

QOL changes

I am not sure if this was already suggested but it would be a big help if there would be an auto attack/auto battle feature. The grind takes too much time now and the players who grew up with AQWorlds already have jobs now and don't have much time to grind for end game items. I am sure many players would play the game the way it is meant to be during weekly releases and events. It's just that grinding and farming has become somewhat unbearable and takes too much time. Auto attack/auto battle would be a huge help in a way that we can login into the game and do auto battle, leave it there to farm and we can still do things we need to do. Thanks in advance.

notclarkyyy -> RE: =AQW= Feature and Functionality Suggestions (2/3/2023 5:50:38)

How about a free gender swap during pride month?

ergotth -> RE: =AQW= Feature and Functionality Suggestions (2/4/2023 21:26:50)

So, I don't see any quest or story suggestion in this htread and recent Design Notes literally said we could use the forums for such, so... Make a thread?
Regardless, I wanna drop a fun idea for an April's Fools release:
Battleon being turned into an old-fashioned, 1920s cartoon, rubberhose and all, with characters maybe simply redesigned with those cartoony eyes and white gloves, most of battleon with a sepia tone (because I heard the Black and White was a bit hard on the eyes) and the soundtrack made into piano ragtime :D

Bedelia Bridget Blaz -> RE: =AQW= Feature and Functionality Suggestions (2/15/2023 20:37:35)

This is an idea I had last night. No clue if anyone is interested, but thought I'd share anyway.

So a lot of people ioda chests, because chests give you the most bang for your buck - you get a lot of sets for 1 ioda.
But...I don't want most chests. Only a few appeal to me, and usually I'm interested in like a helm or cape, just one of two items from the chest - rarely is there a set in a chest that interests me.
Most rare sets I want tend to have been in the old featured gear shops - so in order to get any of the sets I want, I'd have to spend hundreds of dollars for enough iodas to get each piece individually. I just don't have that kind of money. So I spend less money on this game for iodas because I'd need more iodas than I can afford for what I want.

So I was thinking what if there was sort of a pseudo-chest mechanic for old rare featured gear sets? What I'm thinking of is something like this. Say there's a special shop in manage account or wherever is appropriate. And this shop rotates monthly. So it's February now, and in this shop you can access every old February featured gear shop from years past. However you can't just buy anything from it you want. Instead you have to spend one ioda and say twice the cost of ACs that the set originally cost - and yes, you have to buy the whole set. One ioda and twice the original cost in ACs for only 1 full set from the shop, and you have to wait for the month the set originally appeared to get it. It's still more expensive than ioda'ing a chest because of the ioda and AC cost, and you get less, but this way people can still ioda their favorite sets they missed out on, because a lot just aren't going to spend 6+ iodas to own just one set.

I don't know if it's a good idea or workable or not, but I just wanted to share it.

Reestra -> RE: =AQW= Feature and Functionality Suggestions (2/16/2023 7:50:37)

Enhancements need a rework, again. Excluding awe and forge enhancements, only wizard and lucky enhancements are truly viable for almost every class. My suggestions is not to nerf luck, this has already been done in the past and in vain, instead all other stats should be buffed, again.
A simple solution would be that each stat should do what they already do but better (?), more is the word I'm looking for I guess. For example, strength should provide more attack power and a higher critical chance for melee classes by itself.
Another I've thought of would be that:
- strength does a % more dmg to all monsters,
- intellect improves mana regeneration,
- endurance reduces a % of dmg taken being a more significant value specially for tanks,
- dexterity improves haste,
- lastly the wisdom hit chance and critical chance should also be applied to melee classes as to balance caster classes (which are objectively better).
Tbh, anything that will make the player use any of the other enhancements as anything but a gimmick, or just add luck to all the enhancements that don't have it.

CBM_05 -> RE: =AQW= Feature and Functionality Suggestions (2/17/2023 16:29:14)

A suggestion for expanding the world:

Maybe after the war there could be a story for great explorations opening up new continents on the map and areas to explore via the map/transportation/walking like it's a great help the we can type the location to join for farming but for immersive gameplay wish we could walk to the place where we wanna go providing environment, using lolosia's pirate ships or having a gryphon take us to places to make the world more alive because right now the world feels so boring with no new content on the map you can also put the event places on the map like the beaches the coral beach for the summer event hub so we could have a beach that we can walk up to

I just wanna see the world feels more alive and connected

Also the rift where it is located on the map you can show it to the necessary map for the story must be shown to the map so players won't get lost and can stumble or walk in to it

Nero kun -> RE: =AQW= Feature and Functionality Suggestions (3/4/2023 14:49:32)

Hi there!

i have a suggestion about the guild panel,
can you put the time and date when the members last seen online? so the guild leader will know who's the inactive and active members.


Nero kun -> RE: =AQW= Feature and Functionality Suggestions (3/4/2023 14:52:43)


i have a suggestion about the 1million Acs BADGE in book of lore, can you create a 1M badge on the character charpage too? it would be a real flex if you do that, and also can you add a Akatsuki armor too that would be awesome! i think that would inspire other to achieve that!


YAMI NO OUJA -> RE: =AQW= Feature and Functionality Suggestions (3/11/2023 3:36:25)

shown items/outfits should be seen by the other players also in PvP ! As now in PvP they see the actual items we USE

Naga mert -> RE: =AQW= Feature and Functionality Suggestions (3/20/2023 18:13:12)

Hi, I have a suggestion about the Hollowborn doomknight quest. Nsod and Sdka hard-to-obtain items so I think The Dark Knight Rises quest reward and requirement must change. I think The Dark Knight Rises Quest should only earn Hollowborn Blade of Doom.A new quest must be added after this quest.The requirements for this quest may be the same as for the previous quest (Sdka,Sepulchure Original Helm and Hollowborn Blod) and i think you don't need anything to complete this quest (maybe something easy, like a doomheart).In this case, nsod owners and sdka owners will be rewarded separately.

Crimson King -> RE: =AQW= Feature and Functionality Suggestions (3/26/2023 9:30:20)

Class skills are part of the game UI but some of them don't fit very well and makes the game feel like a mess. Taking Legion Doomknight and Lightcaster for example, in another game they would work very well but in aqw it feels out of place, more evidently when you swap to classes that have "symbolic" styled icons instead of "descriptive" styled icons (this is not a critic to the artists, I want to be clear).

My suggestion is: Remake some classes icons while respecting the classic art style of the game and keeping >special full art< only to a bunch of special classes, like chronos, DoT, LR, VHL, LoO etc.

HunterEX -> RE: =AQW= Feature and Functionality Suggestions (4/11/2023 11:11:24)

The Festive Paragon Dracolich Rider pet is Psuedo-Rare tagged and obtainable through either Buyback or IoDA.

The pet itself has two incredible quests named "Keep Winter here!" and "Dage Loves Winter!".

Each quest provides 50 Legion Tokens upon turning in the quest. Is there any possibility we can stack the temporary drop items from these quests, similar to the Bright Paragon pet, so that the players who have the pet can farm it faster and more efficiently?

Also, if possible, can the Festive Paragon Dracolich Rider's quests also be included in the Legion Token quest boosts?

With this method, people who don't have the Festive Paragon pet, they'll have a chance to acquire the pet by having an IoDA.

In the long run, though, this will lead to more players purchasing ACs packages, especially the 40k ACs one.

I'm grateful for the time you've put into this, and thanks for your consideration. :)

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