RE: =AQW= Feature and Functionality Suggestions (Full Version)

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Warnen Friends -> RE: =AQW= Feature and Functionality Suggestions (7/18/2024 21:02:00)

I would like to have the Ability of having Factual Existance in this Game and by using an advanced Kill Ratio Feature that tells how Real and Good the Players is in this Game, making an way to be found on this World as an Actual Player|

I'm making an New Account because I do not Bot and want to Experience this like I was Good at Playing this|
Making this Ratio is Possible by adding in an Damage Detection System that Saves Damage and what you did into an System that matches with doing actual Quests, the Damage is then Detected by Player Status and actual Skill is met by the Default Miximums while you were in an Spot and Players can Edit it's Definitions on why they exist, however this changes how the Game Responds to them|

So after they completed Descriptions of why they did that, this shows that they are Real Players and gains Strength and Intellect for the Player, not their Class and you can be Specific in areas of making an Legend and Defining the Legend that you are the Strongest and Wises with many that has the same Skill as you in being an Legendary Fighter that can Counter another Legendary Fighter in your History and this Happens like before with an Enemy with as much Strength as the Last and make an Rule that they failed to Follow to ever beat you such as your Weakness against an Certain Kind and when it's so Complex that it isn't found in your Game's Definitions then the Game seeks and sees your Definition as Correct when they are the defined as Closer to the Word Intelligenletestice which is what I am and it's to Know at an Extent and never References that are used to mean expressively what is not seen as Physical Fact for Physics 1, Nativeness 1, Conditions 1, Accelessisses Possabilities for Neisseissis Pronounced 4, Emotions 1, Thinking 2, Beliefs 3, Representation 1, Factualistest 5|

This makes so that Players that do not Bot get Reputation Easily because is Impossible to use Compressed Strain to gain Rank 10 without using your Fighting Spirit which I have before to gain an High Level but however this is Impossible because of the Walking Required and this is faster when they use Shortcuts from this Feature like using an Select amount used to Complete the Quests and Finish the Quest not by Replay but Redoing as shown and the same thing will happen and the more you use that, the Stronger that will get and levels up and you can name that selected amount of Legends to Name that as an One LEGEND and this Legend shall be used in an Percentage of your Combat and when not then that One was used for an Specific Reason making your Legend vast, combinding those Legends will make the One Legend told to be seen as Legendary| However the Limitations are depending on the Number and Custom Words are stated as Fact everytime when the System Detects them and Places them with an area of Words, but however this shouldn't be how this is Possible by using an Description which is why this Game trusts an Player with an System called the Description System which is Seperate to making an Description from an Premade One by making an Custom Text area that Contains Recognition for Legend and Items so when using an account this changes the Numbers and Letters you Get|

Default Warrior Text Box to Edit (You may not gain an Item by Reentering the Data unless all the Data was Stored and your Remember how to Recreate this History)


Your Character is Unmoving and is Located no where and why would they want to Copy the Tutorial, which makes this Unique and Impossible for Bots to Copy|
The Legend you are is Unequal to the Ones of the Same Level and you cannot be Defeated and you are Detected in an Legendary Status as the One who is Legendary when anyone's Legend detects the Ones on the Map unless Ignored making their Text Box Detect the ID status created when an box is different and the Default Warrior's W121111121355|

Bodomer -> RE: =AQW= Feature and Functionality Suggestions (8/1/2024 20:33:03)

Why not make all "gun" type weapons fire bullets like the rifle type?
I bought this ( link) and my character hits it like a sword.

Crimec0od3r -> RE: =AQW= Feature and Functionality Suggestions (8/13/2024 4:41:56)

Make Guild Wars :D Guild Member VS Guild Member, And Make Farm Outlaw like you can kill each other while farm :D. BORED FARM Please MAKE THIS :D HEHEHEHEHE Thank you artix

Nyrella -> RE: =AQW= Feature and Functionality Suggestions (9/5/2024 17:34:20)

My suggestion is simple, make member only items free to store in the bank .(like ac tagged items that don't take up bank storage)
That way more people will want/keep them and this could possibly lead to an increase of purchases of membership.

Nyrella -> RE: =AQW= Feature and Functionality Suggestions (11/1/2024 15:27:09)

I would like to suggest a player reward system that rewards players for helping others with a quest/boss kill.

So the basis behind the shop would be a new player suggestion shop but make everything be unable to be IODA(Legendary Item Rarity).
Players can submit requests for help with a quest/boss kill and upon accepting and completing another player's request, you are granted currency exchangeable only in the suggestion shop like Yoshino's shop for example.

Limit the distribution to harder bosses/quests to encourage people to do solo content still and not abuse the system.
This would motivate players who perhaps have nothing to do and encourage them to help others with content they have not finished.
This would also encourage newer players to not be as confused with late-end game as there would be a quest hub/ interface stating what the later game quests/bosses are and help guide them to the requirements to unlock and submit a request for help.

To summarise,
A new suggestion shop for all players and the currency to spend in it is obtained exclusively through helping others.

Dastan2 -> RE: =AQW= Feature and Functionality Suggestions (11/16/2024 20:34:31)

Sorry if this isn't the right place to ask this, but could we please get another method of obtaining the Dark Key and Dark Box? Perhaps a farming quest or something?

I ask this because so far the only way to get them is through unlocking Treasure Chests, which isn't really ideal because we need both the key and the box to get the Void Lodestone, which allows us to accept the Acheron Forge enhancement quest. Not only does this make it insanely hard to unlock the Forge quest in the first place (especially as more and more items are added as Treasure Chest prizes, because this only heightens our chances of receiving something else), but it also essentially makes Acheron locked behind a paywall for some reason. I looked up how other users had gotten on with this and I'd seen several people say they'd had to spend over 40k ACs just to get both items, which seems really extreme.

Edit: I just realised the Dark Key and Dark Box are also requirements for two of the items you need for the Acheron quest. Please let us get these some other way!

Thank you for your consideration!

monny_ae -> RE: =AQW= Feature and Functionality Suggestions (11/24/2024 21:43:34)

Target list with vital order filter, alphabetical and level, ascending and descending. Makes it easier to select monsters with the selection area blocked.

Freikugel -> RE: =AQW= Feature and Functionality Suggestions (12/17/2024 12:11:16)

Can you make Guardian of Virtue AC tagged so we don't lose it if we make dual Guardian of Virtues?

Darkwielder -> RE: =AQW= Feature and Functionality Suggestions (1/29/2025 14:08:36)

Add an autocomplete/suggestion functionality when using the /join command in the text box that will suggest names of maps that match the already filled in text above the text bar and allow you to click and fill in the rest without having to manually type in the full name of the map.

Darkwielder -> RE: =AQW= Feature and Functionality Suggestions (1/29/2025 14:21:56)

Also add a map history button of recently joined maps and allow for a forward and back button that would allow you to cycle through them. Maybe add a favorites tab as well.

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