RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (Full Version)

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SAARLANE -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/3/2021 16:16:47)

Aerodu and Geoto have difficult times. Both clans compete for the first position and in both clans four players compete for the top three rankings.

joac1144 -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/4/2021 0:52:35)

Looking forward to the end of this war.

Wondering what the miscs will do.

SAARLANE -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/4/2021 8:52:33)

hopefully those misc items are very good, otherwise it was just waste of time and money.

Sapphire -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/4/2021 9:28:52)

What money was used to participate?

SAARLANE -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/4/2021 9:34:57)

I bought z-token packages to reset gold cap, but not needed at all if i think about it. So it was my mistake.

I have a dream, that one day players can create their own clans instead of 8 elemental clans.
Like you can build "guild house" to your estate and create a clan, add a name and invite other players.

Keeper of the Owls -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/5/2021 14:02:42)

I feel bad for Geoto. One player is sabotaging their leaderboards with 9 alt accounts to prevent other players from having a fair chance at silver medals.

SAARLANE -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/5/2021 14:35:54)

I call Geoto "One men army"

Korriban Gaming -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/5/2021 14:54:04)

Don't be salty because someone else is willing to spend more time playing the game than you. Naturally the top rewards should go to those who spent the most time/money right?

Sapphire -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/5/2021 15:02:24)

Time's Up!

PD -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/5/2021 15:07:01)

Is the war over now? Should be…

Cupquake -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/5/2021 15:15:03)

It seems like the war hasn't been stopped. People are still gaining kills.

SAARLANE -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/5/2021 15:30:07)

When it ends?

Keeper of the Owls -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/5/2021 15:53:47)

Kills are no longer being counted, but you can still fight waves of mobs. [sm=darkzard.gif]

SIGMUND -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/5/2021 16:02:38)

The end of the Olympax was exactly 2 weeks after it started.

Roughly 8pm Thursday in the UK, GMT summer time, and the equivalent times around the World.
9pm or 10pm Thursday in Western Europe.

Roughly 3pm Thursday in New York or EST.
12:00 noon Thursday in San Francisco or PST.

4am Friday in Japan.
5am Friday in AEST Melbourne, Sydney etc.
3am Friday in AWST Perth.

Deaf of Destiny -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/5/2021 16:10:27)

This Axe is officially Wind weapon, not match your clan. please fix this.

.*. .*. .*. -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/5/2021 17:48:51)

Congrats to Geoto!

This was a fun event to participate in.
There has been some incredible devotion from some players.

I hope paxia clans will be included in future wars with the same split of rewards between each clan, it gives a bigger incentive to participate.

@Deaf of Destiny
The rewards are out already?

Shiba -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/5/2021 19:37:06)

I hope some people get un-disqualified.

RobynJoanne -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/5/2021 19:43:22)

@Korriban Gaming
It would be nice if the reskinned version of items could permanently be in an in-game shop only available to those who earned them. It would be like the Ballyhoo shop for the Desert Raider set. That way, we won't have to worry about accidentally selling something this exclusive, and people wouldn't feel the need to monopolize spots with multiple characters.

PD -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/5/2021 19:46:50)

Played through the end, it's finally over!

@Stardot: Yes it is, we can get the reward now!


Weapon seems interesting enough. Pay 59SP to do extra damage (About 15%?), can adapt to Melee/Ranged/Magic. Currently bugged to do only wind though, hope they fix that soon.

Anyways There's a lot of foreboding this event is making. It seems this is not the last of the Paxian Ordeals we will have...

Also just a quick question: Is this event going to be permanently accessible? I hope so. This weapon would fill a nice niche for some equipment gaps that exist in the game currently.

Uskius -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/5/2021 20:06:59)

The axe will end up being a fairly nifty utility weapon once Negatus is around again. <_<; But this wasn't actually the weapon I had been expecting to show up at the end of the war. I initially thought "Oh, a weapon. That's a nice change of pace for a participation trophy type of item."

Then I remembered the post I had made suggesting a certain rare weapon I'm in possession of being available for other players, and realized this would be a rare opportunity for that to actually happen. ^_^; But the Olymp Axe is more competitive in today's game, though. Maybe another time.

As far as spending time on the game goes, this was another of the last few wars I'll do full time. With the "Truphma" coming back it was special for me, and I would've been all in from the beginning if I could. My apologies to Lyra for sniping third on the last day while they were away. [&:]

Korriban Gaming -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/5/2021 22:23:27)

@RobynJoanne I second the idea of having a shop in-game allowing the winners to buy back the reward should they accidentally sell it. I think it wasn't so much that that particular player wanted to monopolize the reward spots to get multiples of it but more of clan pride and competitive spirit to bring his clan up to 1st. Congrats to Geoto btw! Aerodu has been holding a lead for majority of the war and I think he just didn't like birds that much :P

I also hope the staff sees our enthusiasm for the war and not have our intentions mistaken for something malicious. People are just naturally more hyped for competitive wars like these, even more so if you throw clan pride into the mix. Being a debbie downer about it would only kill off the morale and competitive spirit about such events

Sapphire -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/5/2021 23:30:28)

Me no see axe ;-(

Legendary Ash -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/6/2021 0:14:49)

There is a discrepancy between OlymPax 2021 and Clan specific war counts for characters that defeat all war mobs and less so for those that flee from certain ones as at least one unknown mob in the monster pool is not being recorded for the latter war counter, this produces inaccuracies for the OlymPax Clan totals as the war counts that show up within them are the Clan specific ones and not the OlymPax 2021, therefore despite the war having been finished the Clan rankings are not confirmed yet.

One can check the Top characters in OlymPax 2021 and compare those characters of the forumers who posted in this thread to see the differences between the two war counts.

PD -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/6/2021 0:43:41)

Hopefully, the staff is able to track the kills from the war that occurred after the deadline passed, and use it to correctly calculate the amount of kills someone got.

Still excited for the miscs though! Maybe the staff can in the meantime give us a teaser about what they'll be able to do?

Sunfyre232 -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/6/2021 8:12:25)

@earth breather: Hey follow follower of the dark fold! I agree! It stings a little we were last lol, but repping for Nocturu feels as amazing as it did when I was 13.

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