RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (Full Version)

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Sapphire -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/6/2021 10:06:10)

I was hoping these would be sort of Server Cap clones of sorts.

Maybe the bronze is 1.5X rate
silver is 1.5X damage
gold is togglable, can choose more rate or more damage, than add 5% on top for MC or double MC if the others need to be MC.

I really regret missing out on those!!

I also wouldn't mind a misc that could simply regen SP based on damage done, maybe not too dissimilar from how most of the SP regen weapons work. Maybe add a MC bonus for more SP regen.

Or, what if you could equip first turn (if you won initiative) for the damage Tempest.

IDK something different or something good that is similar to something rare!! Don't do the same old same old.

Uskius -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/6/2021 10:19:41)


One can check the Top characters in OlymPax 2021 and compare those characters of the forumers who posted in this thread to see the differences between the two war counts.

About this, fleeing from the occasional high-gold monster was what I did my last day, and AQ's own leaderboard reflected only the monsters that I actually beat- otherwise yeah, my count would have been a few dozen higher. What I did notice causing differences between my clan win count and my total OlymPax count was that at the beginning, for a few days after the event started I wasn't actually in a clan, and beat about five waves or so to see what the monster pool was like and test things. Some people may have gone further than that, and with a good setup, it would have only taken a couple hours. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But if it's anything other than that, the team would have to look into it, yes.

The Hollow -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/6/2021 15:46:41)

Before the medals are released we have to fix an issue with the Olyp-axe that would also cause an issue with the medals. Your trophy rooms have been dusted and new trophies for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and participation have been added to the shelves!

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/6/2021 16:33:57)

@Hollow: The Rusty Cleaver was removed from the Aerodu and Igneus trophy rooms

The Hollow -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/6/2021 17:07:38)


The Hollow -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/7/2021 12:47:27)

The trophies simply look nice on your shelves! The Olympax was created to celebrate the unity of the Paxia clans in their defeat over Xov and her Truphma. The clan leaders were so impressed by the amount of fighting spirit this island still holds, it has been decided that the medals have been put in the shop for all Paxians! The medals function similarly to the Olymp-Axe as the elemental modifier changes based on your clan, and the medal color depends on which lvl tier you buy.

PD -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/7/2021 13:10:17)

Thanks Hollow!

The medals should be considered good to fill in as a niche damage booster (+25% DMG BOOST) or imbue (imbue + damage boost). Although sadly I am in Igneus so this conflicts with Fire Dragon Talon except for the fact it is in the misc slot and costs more. But for those in other clans it should be very good to fill in elements that are short in coverage.

Sapphire -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/7/2021 13:45:32)

More bugs. Getting the white checkmark on element using ancient mother's staff with the gold medal (Glacius clan)

I used the macadamia nuts macadamgeya before empowering with the medal, as well. Didnt replicate

I think once available, I'll prob switch to Geoto only because of how Ive been stacking Earth ele vuln for crazy amounts of damage.

Any chance this could effect all damage on your side of the field kind of like Waffle cone?

Shiba -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/7/2021 14:02:25)

Wait, I fought for silver but can buy gold? That's messed up lol.

SAARLANE -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/7/2021 14:53:52)

Is this april fools joke?

Everyone can get same reward?

Sapphire -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/7/2021 15:22:47)

Yeah. There are prob 24 players characters a little bit upset all of whom will get over it, and 6686696787656754 players happy!

Sorry, fixed

Uskius -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/7/2021 15:25:27)

...maybe a quick recolor for something like a Platinum Medal next week?

But besides that situation, yeah: the medal is neat. Pretty powerful and useful.

Dr Disrespect -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/7/2021 15:30:13)

This isn't even outrageous, it's just sad at this point. All that intense warring for absolutely nothing. At least provide the top players with some other form of compensation for their time and effort.

SAARLANE -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/7/2021 16:00:08)

Those medals are very good and useful, but it still makes me confused. Top warmongers (including myself), why we spent so much time for competition...if there is no real rewards.

Inferno369 -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/7/2021 16:00:22)

Oh please. I mean... aren't all top war rewards nowadays recolors anyways? I'm sure they'll add a recolor for the top players.

SAARLANE -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/7/2021 16:10:49)

At the beginning of the event they said top 3 gets gold, 4-10 gets silver and 11-25 gets bronze and BOOM, everyone gets gold.

Im not sad because everyone got something good, i feel bad because i spent so much time for nothing.

The Hollow -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/7/2021 16:29:56)

Yes, we will still reward players that made the top 25 for their clans with variants of the Olymp-Axe!

RobynJoanne -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/7/2021 16:31:44)

I'm actually glad that all players get to experience a top-tier item--I've always disliked making war rewards functionally different due to the inherent exclusivity issue, but it does feel like a betrayal since we were told that the medals were a reward for getting in the top 25 of each clan. Being able to just buy the top reward feels rather cheap.

That said, we were told that everyone could get a participation award, so it's not like this was out of nowhere. Perhaps, the shop medals could be replaced by iron medals. If this is because of the war wins bug and the sheer difficulty of working with war rewards for 8 clans, I would understand the current choice.

As for good news, we now have an Imbue of any element. This is great for those who missed any of the previous armor Imbues. It's also one of the only Imbues that does not cost Z-tokens or GGBs. That elemental damage booster is potentially very useful for future wars in which one's setup is mono-elemental. This is an absolutely fantastic item in every regard.

Ninja'd by TheHollow. Ignore everything in the first two paragraphs. I would have much preferred a reskin of the medals instead since I don't imagine myself using Olymp-Axe, but this is a bit of a relief.

PD -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/7/2021 16:52:10)

^^ I imagine as I said earlier, that Olymp-axe is going to be used more by new players/low levels. Currently there's a shortage of Melee, Non-MC Quest, Non-Premium Water/Ice weapons so this will certainly fill in that niche although it will require you to be in Glacia or Nautica. Katars of X do exist but accessible damage boosting weapons at the earlier parts of the game are very rare and good. On one of my lower leveled alts Olymp-axe is my water weapon over Katar of Water.

Although Hollow, I would like to know if this event is going to be around permanently. Please let it be so!

Macho Man -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/7/2021 17:31:20)

I will wait for the compensation for the Top 3/10/25 to say anything about the gold medals being given to everyone.

Congratz to UPP for the event though! I can't wait to see what comes next in your story!

Cupquake -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/7/2021 20:37:03)

I think I will never participate in another war again having wasted so much time on this one, just for the medal to be given to everyone. The variant of the Olymp-Axe is at least something, but this change to the medals was done last minute and with no communication. I feel so stupid for having wasted so many hours warring.

Korriban Gaming -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/7/2021 21:10:00)

@Hollow WHAAATTT?! Are you kidding me?! I'm all for not making powerful items exclusive and I strongly believe powerful items shouldn't be exclusive to those who have lots of time and money. But at least don't promise it as such at the start of the war only to change your mind after everyone wasted all that time?! Not even a recolor for non-participants? Heck at least bother to recolor it? Giving someone who spent over 100 hours on the war the exact same reward as someone who spent no time at all? Why do you hate warmongers that much?

PD -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/7/2021 22:53:53)

So the Olympax sub finally came out, and it looks like it gets the +15% Damage boost I mentioned earlier, along with a +5% from the MC, totaling to 20%. That would put it up there with the Blood/Zerker Blades in terms of damage. Except the difference being here that you pay SP for damage instead of your HP. Depending on how you value things, an SP cost would be better than an HP cost. Certainly at the lower levels, this is usually the case that HP is far more important and thus spending SP is the more favorable option. Although it does conflict with the Dragonlord Weapons, if you wanted a bloodblade-like weapon in Dark/Wind, or just don't feel like spending a Rare GGB on an element that does currently have a Blood/Zerker blade, this would fulfill that niche. The fact that you can combo this with the olympax medal makes it all the more sweeter so you can save slots on damage boosts because of that synergy.

Dr Disrespect -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/7/2021 23:39:04)

Along with the re-colored axe, separate titles for 1st to 3rd, 4th to 10th and 11th to 25th would be great. Basically titles in the place of the gold, silver and bronze medals.

Keeper of the Owls -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/8/2021 15:11:06)

So we wasted all that time warring for absolutely nothing? Great.

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