=EC 2021= Finals OOC (Full Version)

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Starflame13 -> =EC 2021= Finals OOC (8/15/2021 16:21:44)

Welcome and congratulations to all who participated in the 2021 Elemental Championships! Welcome to the Grand Arena!

A huge round of applause to all of our entrants this year - we had some truly spectacular shows of both writing and collaboration! Fights were both dazzling and deadly, and hopefully fun as well! Thank you to everyone who participated. Now, without further ado, I am proud to present to you:

The 2021 EC Paragons!

Jacklin Elizabeth Smoke, created by Chewy905, as the Paragon of Fire!
Albus Gwenyth Servo, created by Dragonknight315, as the Paragon of Light!
Levanna, Mother of the Thunderstruck Plains, created by draketh99, as the Paragon of Energy!
Pietersite, the Shimmering Breeze, created by Roseleaf320, as the Paragon of Wind!
Cassius Pallu, created by Synthe_, as the Paragon of Ice!
Milo, created by Sylphe, as the Paragon of Darkness!
Crail, created by Apocalypse, as the Paragon of Water (and the Wild Card this year)!
Krehgor, created by Necro-Knight, as the Paragon of Earth!

All chosen paragons, PLEASE READ THE REST OF THIS POST IN ITS ENTIRETY. Anyone else, feel free to skip to the final paragraphs after the line break, with info as to where you can go from here! You are also welcome to continue fighting in your Paragon Arena, or write an exit post.

All of the same rules from the initial OOC thread apply. For anyone who used extensions, those are reset for this round so that everyone has either two 12 hour extensions, or one 24 hour extension. I will do my best to continue to give people 24 hour idle-out warnings, but this is the Finals. You are ultimately responsible for posting on time, so plan your posting schedule accordingly.

Once your character enters the Finals Arena, you start with a clean state. Writings from the Paragon Phase will be evaluated again only if a tie-breaker is absolutely necessary. Here is where you truly need to focus. Communicate and collaborate with each other, ask questions when needed, proofread your posts, and have a blast showing off your writing skills and abilities.

Finals are structured differently than the preliminary round. Everyone is given time to make their introduction post and preferably their second (often more action-oriented) post. At that point, the Director will make a Cut - selecting one of the Paragons to remove from the competition. Paragons will continue to be Cut every 4 days until only the final three are left - at which point a Champion will be crowned, and a boon granted. In the case a contestant idles out in that four day period, their removal will take the place of that Cut.

When a Paragon is Cut, they will have some sense or awareness that the grace of their Elemental Lord has been withdrawn, and the gate behind their Pillar will open. Once Cut, a competitor has three choices. They can Submit, recognize the will of the Arena and exit through their gate. They can Surrender, and allow an opponent to slay their character through a collaborative effort. Or they can retaliate with Spite, and make one single, final attack in the arena. If you choose this last option, your character will then be left to the mercy of those left in the arena, with no further outlet for collaboration. As such, to any competitor targeted by a Spite attack, please treat it with the appropriate severity.

The Arena will open at 11:59 pm EDT on Sunday, August 15th. The first Cut will be made just over 7 days later, at 11:59 am EDT on Monday, August 23rd. Note this is different than prior years that had cut timers occur at midnight server time. While the announcements for Cuts may not be made exactly at noon, any posts after the deadline will not be included in my decision. I STRONGLY recommend having at least two posts up by the time of the first Cut.

As with the Arena OOC threads, I will be editing in any questions about the Grand Arena here! Starting with:

What are the dimensions of the Grand Arena?
The Grand Arena is slightly larger than the Paragon arenas. From the geographic center, it is 80 feet (or 24.38 meters) to the boundary wall. The Pillars are all 60 feet (18.2 meters) away from the center, and placed at equidistant points forming a circle. Fire is at Cardinal North, and the order in which the Chosen are listed here is the order in which their respective elements are, moving clockwise around the arena.

How do our characters get transported to the Grand Arena?
Once a Combatant is removed from the Paragon Arena, you are free to perceive the transition from that point in whichever way best fits your narrative. You may have arena officials guide you to the foyers before the gates behind your respective pillar and use those to enter, or have your Elemental Patron transport you in some way, depositing you in front of your gate or next to their pillar. The Finale starts at noon, roughly half an hour after the Paragon fights end (to give spectators time to relocate). While not required, each combatant has the option of a partial or full heal/restore (as well as the restoration of any ammo/armor/weapons that were damaged in the Paragon phase), enacted however they wish to in the transition.

Can we interact with the Pillars?
The Pillars take the form of various Champions of their element from years past (with the exception of Energy, who is alternating between two recent final-three Paragons). They are solid, like the gemstone pedestals they are placed on, and currently stationary. They are unbreakable, appearing and acting as normal statues during the combat, with the exception that they will injure those who are not their Paragon who come into direct contact with them (fire would burn, energy might shock, etc.).

Once again, thank you to everyone for participating in the Elemental Championships! Even if you did not make it through to the Finals, stick around to watch and cheer on your favorites either here or in the Discord server! Additionally, you can move your characters to the Spectators Thread - where anyone can enter the stands and witness the Finals while in-character! As stated prior, Spectators is treated similar to the Yulgar’s Inn Roleplay, where characters do not need extensive (or any) bios, you can include as many people as you’d like in your conversation or simply just observe, and no fighting is allowed. It is entirely for fun (or for practice), and anyone can join in whether or not you participated in this year's ECs. Keep in mind: Any conversations or activities here DO NOT IMPACT those fighting in the final arena. It is for the spectators' enjoyment only.

In addition, I would love to hear feedback on how YOU, the players, felt this year's ECs were run! I strive to improve with each year I run these, and I need your thoughts on how best to do so. The feedback form may be filled out anonymously, and can be found here!

For anyone who would like to continue improving their own role-playing skills, I encourage you to check out either the Role Playing Academy or the Combat Training forums. Additionally, keep an eye on the Role Playing General Discussion for any future, member-led RP’s, or feel free to look into creating your own!

Lastly, I am happy to give feedback on individual performances in the Elemental Championships. People are welcome to PM me to ask for said feedback, but please be patient if it takes a while for me to respond as I will be slightly busy judging the Finals Phase.

I hope to see all of you return for our other annual RP competition, Where Powers Collide, in January, or to the Elemental Championships of 2022!

Best of luck to all of our Paragons!

Dragonknight315 -> RE: =EC 2021= Finals OOC (8/15/2021 21:23:09)

Link to the map! As a reminder, while this map has been approved by Star, it is merely a tool to help coordinate posts. Your posts should include all necessary information, and no rulings will be made on the map. Let's rock this year's arena!

draketh99 -> RE: =EC 2021= Finals OOC (8/19/2021 22:06:23)

I'd like to use my 12 hour extension please

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2021= Finals OOC (8/19/2021 22:09:50)

@draketh99 - Granted. Your new deadline is 11:59am on Friday, August 20th. You have one 12 hour extension remaining. I still strongly encourage that you have two posts live prior to the first cut on Monday, August 23rd.

Edit: Draketh also alerted me that if they got called into work early, they would be unable to both post or ask for the remainder of their extensions due to the limits on external devices/wifi, so I will be giving them their second extension. draketh99, your new deadline is 11:59pm on Friday, August 20th. You have no extensions remaining.

Apocalypse -> RE: =EC 2021= Finals OOC (8/21/2021 9:38:59)

Posted with collab from Sylphe

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2021= Finals OOC (8/23/2021 19:57:53)

The time for the first Cut has passed us by! I will start by saying this is one of the hardest first cuts I've had to do (hence why it took a few more hours than expected) - so kudos to all our Paragons this year! That said, you have a long way to go - so start ramping things up.

As for today, after much deliberation, a decision has been made. Any posts that were made after 11:59am EDT on Monday, August 23rd were not taken into consideration.

Dragonknight315 - It's been a complete pleasure to watch you build Albus as a character throughout the arenas, and he has a crystal-clear voice and impact that will remain memorable to me for a long time. I am glad he came to Bren on his search for answers, but now is the time for the journey to lead elsewhere. I look forward to seeing either the alchemist or his companion in future writings, and in seeing you again in coming events!

Details for how to handle a departing post after a Cut can be found in the first post of this thread, but you will need to choose to either Submit, Surrender, or attack in Spite. If you do not post here (or in an exit post) within the next 24 hours to make your intentions known as to which of the 3 you choose, it will be assumed that Albus has Submitted, and left the arena, so as not to impeded the flow of combat for others. If you choose to Spite, you have until when your next idle deadline would have been to post.

Flavor text has been posted in the Arena thread for people to react to as they choose to do so. The next cut will occur in 4 days, at 11:59am EDT on Friday the 27th. Time for combat to start getting more serious!

Apocalypse -> RE: =EC 2021= Finals OOC (8/24/2021 17:21:35)

Requesting a 12-hour extension

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2021= Finals OOC (8/24/2021 20:36:15)

@Apocalypse - Granted. Your new deadline is at 9:36pm EDT on Wednesday, August 25th. You have one 12 hour extension remaining.

Apocalypse -> RE: =EC 2021= Finals OOC (8/25/2021 21:35:18)

Posted with collab from Synthe and Sylphe respectively.

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2021= Finals OOC (8/27/2021 17:09:13)

Four days passed, and we have reached the time for the second Cut! Lots of interesting battles taking place on the sands right now - and while most of those will continue, one will come to an end. Any posts that were made after 11:59am EDT on Friday, August 27th were not taken into consideration for this decision.

@Necro-Knight - it's been fun to see you branch out from your previous character styles with Krehgor, and the man definitely had quite the adventure while in the arenas! It'll be interesting to see if he's still up for going tomb-raiding after this adventure, but any such excursions will need to occur in a different story. I know you've mentioned tossing a few characters into the Spectators thread as we've gone along, so hoping to see you around there!

Details for how to handle a departing post after a Cut can be found in the first post of this thread, but you will need to choose to either Submit, Surrender, or attack in Spite. If you do not post here (or in an exit post) within the next 24 hours to make your intentions known as to which of the 3 you choose, it will be assumed that Krehgor has Submitted, and left the arena, so as not to impeded the flow of combat for others. If you choose to Spite, you have until when your next idle deadline would have been to post.

Flavor text has been posted in the Arena thread for people to react to as they choose to do so. The next cut will occur in 4 days, at 11:59am EDT on Tuesday, August 31st. Start pulling out the bigger blows!

Apocalypse -> RE: =EC 2021= Finals OOC (8/29/2021 21:34:24)

Posted with collab from Synthe and Sylphe.

roseleaf320 -> RE: =EC 2021= Finals OOC (8/30/2021 5:14:34)

Requesting a 12-hour extension, please!

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2021= Finals OOC (8/30/2021 17:30:51)

@roseleaf320 - Granted. Your new deadline is 11:04am EDT on Tuesday, August 31st. You have one 12 hour extension remaining.

Synthe_ -> RE: =EC 2021= Finals OOC (8/30/2021 18:15:41)

Requesting a 12hr extension for tonight c:

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2021= Finals OOC (8/30/2021 18:20:29)

@Synthe_ - Granted. Your new deadline is 12:02pm EDT on Tuesday, August 31st. You have one 12 hour extension remaining.

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2021= Finals OOC (8/31/2021 16:18:32)

Another round of hair-raising battles, and the time for the third Cut is now upon us! Dueling partners have shifted about quite a bit - and will continue to do so as the remaining fighters battle onwards! Yet one more will be withdrawn from their midst's as the carnage continues. Any posts that were made after 11:59am EDT on Tuesday, August 31st were not taken into consideration for this decision.

@roseleaf320 - you took on quite a challenge this year with such a light-hearted combatant! Pietersite's friendliness may have been a breath of much-needed fresh air for many within the arena this year, and your play on a combination of skill and (mis)fortune was intriguing to watch develop. With that, however, xyr adventure must continue elsewhere. I can't wait to see who you come up with for next year's ECs (and who I get to write with in this year's WPC!)

Details for how to handle a departing post after a Cut can be found in the first post of this thread, but you will need to choose to either Submit, Surrender, or attack in Spite. If you do not post here (or in an exit post) within the next 24 hours to make your intentions known as to which of the 3 you choose, it will be assumed that Pietersite has Submitted, and left the arena, so as not to impeded the flow of combat for others. If you choose to Spite, you have until when your next idle deadline would have been to post.

Flavor text has been posted in the Arena thread for people to react to as they choose to do so. The next cut will occur in 4 days, at 11:59am EDT on Tuesday, August 31st. Start pulling out the bigger blows!

Chewy905 -> RE: =EC 2021= Finals OOC (9/2/2021 10:21:24)

Requesting a 12-hour extension to get my timer pushed back a bit. Thanks!

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2021= Finals OOC (9/2/2021 19:39:17)

@Chewy905 - Granted. Your new deadline is 8:19am EDT on Friday, September 3rd. You have one 12 hour extension remaining.

Sylphe also reached out to me that they wanted to make use of a 12 hour extension, but were currently unable to access the forums. @Sylphe - Granted. Your new deadline is 7:43pm EDT on Friday, September 3rd. You have one 12 hour extension remaining.

Apocalypse -> RE: =EC 2021= Finals OOC (9/2/2021 21:33:48)

Posted with collab from Sylphe

Chewy905 -> RE: =EC 2021= Finals OOC (9/2/2021 23:46:01)

Posted with collab from Draketh

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2021= Finals OOC (9/3/2021 17:46:16)

Sylphe reached out again via PM to request their second 12 hour extension - granted. Your new deadline is 7:43am EDT on Sunday, September 4th. You have no extensions remaining.

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2021= Finals OOC (9/4/2021 12:04:37)

The intensity of the battle grows with each cut, and so does the difficulty of my decision! We're entering into the territory of desperation now - so it's time to start pulling out all the stops. Now, to the decision - any posts that were made after 11:59am EDT on Saturday, September 4th were not taken into consideration here.

@Apocalypse - you continue to impress me by creating characters with such intricate and intriguing mindscapes! The duality of Crail and C.R.A.I.L in a single character pushed at several boundaries and remained an impressive tug-of-war throughout your writing - there were times I was rooting for both the internal struggle within and the external struggle without. That said, the time of Vartai and Logika in the arena has come to a close for this year. I really look forward to seeing where you go next!

Details for how to handle a departing post after a Cut can be found in the first post of this thread, but you will need to choose to either Submit, Surrender, or attack in Spite. If you do not post here (or in an exit post) within the next 24 hours to make your intentions known as to which of the 3 you choose, it will be assumed that Crail has Submitted, and left the arena, so as not to impeded the flow of combat for others. If you choose to Spite, you have until when your next idle deadline would have been to post.

Flavor text has been posted in the Arena thread for people to react to as they choose to do so. The next cut will occur in 4 days, at 11:59am EDT on Wednesday, September 8th. The final cut before a champion is revealed, as we are almost to our final three. Don't let up now!

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2021= Finals OOC (9/8/2021 16:10:18)

Hats off to all of our remaining writers - this was not an easy decision! That said, only three can make it on to our final round - so the last Cut has been made. Any posts that were made after 11:59am EDT on Wednesday, September 8th were not considered in this decision.

@Synthe_, this was an amazing showing for you this year, and Cassius had some of the most creative application of abilities that I've seen! I truly enjoyed watching you shine in writing and in collaboration, and I'm sad not to get to see his story through to its conclusion. Should he return to his homeland, I would love to see more about the world you built up around him. See you this time next year!

Details for how to handle a departing post after a Cut can be found in the first post of this thread, but you will need to choose to either Submit, Surrender, or attack in Spite. If you do not post here (or in an exit post) within the next 24 hours to make your intentions known as to which of the 3 you choose, it will be assumed that Cassius has Submitted, and left the arena, so as not to impeded the flow of combat for others. If you choose to Spite, you have until when your next idle deadline would have been to post.

Flavor text has been posted in the Arena thread for people to react to as they choose to do so.

Sylphe, draketh99, and Chewy905 - congratulations on making the final 3! At this point, you are safe from idling out: but now is not the time to relax, as you all have much to defeat in order to win the Champion's Crown! The Arena will lock in just over 4 days, at 11:59pm EDT on Sunday the 12th. As this is right before the start of the week, please allow at least a day or two for deliberations before a Champion is revealed - given people's habit for last-minute posts and the skill level of our finalists, I will have a lot of re-reading to do.

You all have great talents. You all have areas to improve in. Fight well, writers! You better impress.

Chewy905 -> RE: =EC 2021= Finals OOC (9/12/2021 18:50:06)

Posted with collab from Draketh and Sylphe

Starflame13 -> RE: =EC 2021= Finals OOC (9/13/2021 19:39:55)

We have reached the conclusion of the Finals! A huge congratulation to our Final Three, where all three are either dead or need immediate medical attention upon the rendering of the final decision. May those who still stand stay alive long enough for the healers to reach them.I am truly impressed with the carnage, the contest, and the collaboration the three of you brought to the Elemental Championships, and I give you all a round of applause.

That said, a decision has been made, and a Champion is ready to be declared:

Please offer your congratulations to draketh99, the 2021 Elemental Champion!!!

The thread is now unlocked for draketh99, and by extension the final 3 (and others still delaying), to make their finale and exit posts! I have no flavor text for the actual granting of the boon, but that of the announcement will be posted in the Arena thread. draketh99, please run the concept for the boon with me prior to posting, to ensure it's something the Lords would be willing to grant.

Once again, a huge congratulations and thank you to our Champion, our Final Three, all eight Paragons, and each and every combatant this year! All of you contributed into making this tournament an amazing experience, and I truly enjoyed being your Director!

As a reminder, please fill out the feedback form on how the EC's were run this year! It will be open for about another week.

If you enjoyed the format of the EC's and want more practice in that style, go check out the Combat Training forums! If you'd like more general practice, check our our Role Playing Academy. For those who would like something more story-driven, look into which RP's are recruiting in the OOC section. You can either join another RP that is welcoming new characters, or create and host your own!

Thank you once more to all who competed, and I sincerely hope to see most of you around the RP forums, and all of you returning for next years Elemental Championships!

And, be sure to stick around to join in with Where Powers Collide this coming January, this year ran by Chewy905!

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